Functional Behavioral Assessment PP - POAC-NoVA

The Functional
Behavioral Assessment
“Have you ever heard….”
• “Larissa, you skipped 2 school days, so
we’re going to suspend you for 2 more.”
• “Trent, I’m taking your book away because
you obviously aren’t ready to learn.”
• “You want my attention?! You have it!
Let’s take a walk down to the office and
talk with the principal.”
Manifestation vs. Cause
Traditionally schools have used various kinds
of negative consequences (e.g., verbal
reprimand, timeout, suspension, etc.) to
reduce or eliminate problem behaviors.
Experience shows that “reactive approaches”
for dealing with inappropriate behaviors,
such a punishment, do not help teachers or
the student achieve more acceptable
A Better Approach
…looking beyond the
…uncovering its underlying
What is an FBA?
• An FBA is the process of determining the cause
(or function) of behavior before developing an
intervention or strategies to correct and/or
eliminate the inappropriate behavior.
• The intervention must be based on a hypothesis or
statement about factors that contribute to the
occurrence and maintenance of the problem
• An FBA serves as the basis for developing a
proactive and comprehensive Behavior
Intervention Plan or BIP.
“Children are not born bad or
with bad behavior – they learn it!”
• We know that children who exhibit unacceptable and/or
inappropriate behavior have learned this behavior from
someone and/or somewhere, and display the behavior for a
specific reason.
• The task of a child’s team is to figure out WHY they are
displaying the behavior and how we can assist the child in
changing the inappropriate behavior to more acceptable and
appropriate behavior.
• An FBA is a strategic tool that can be utilized to assess the
possible causes of the behavior, and to assist in deriving
strategies to replace and/or eliminate the inappropriate
Basic Concepts
• An FBA is a problem-solving process
• An FBA uses varied techniques and
strategies to identify the purposes (or
function) of specific behavior
• An FBA is a tool to select strategies,
interventions and supports to address
problem behavior
Key Point
A child will change his or her
behavior only when it is clear that a
different response will accomplish
the same things more effectively and
The Logic of an FBA
1. All behavior serves a purpose or a number
of purposes:
a. To get something desirable (e.g.,
attention, desired events or activities)
b. To escape or avoid demands or some
other undesired events/activities
c. Because of sensory consequences
(relieves pain, feels good, etc.)
The Logic of an FBA
2. All Behavior Occurs with a Context:
a. In certain settings (e.g., cafeteria)
b. Under certain conditions (e.g., only
when there is a substitute
c. During different types of
activities (e.g., art)
Why Do an FBA?
• Looks beyond the behavior to focus on
identifying biological, social, affective,
and environmental factors that initiate,
sustain, or end the behavior in question.
• Although children’s behaviors may look
alike and/or sound alike, the causes or
functions are very different.
Fundamental Rule:
Seek Replacement Behaviors
You should not propose to reduce a
problem behavior without also
identifying alternative, desired
behaviors that the person should
perform instead of the problem
Who Conducts an FBA?
• An FBA is a total team effort including
parents, teachers, paraprofessionals and
anybody involved with the student in his
or her educational environment (including
recess, the cafeteria, the bus, etc.)
• In conducting an FBA, the support of
local level administration and
collaboration among staff and other
service professionals are essential.
When is an FBA required?
– when a “Manifestation Determination
Review” (MDR) finds a child’s behavior
was a “manifestation of the child’s
disability.” An MDR is required “within
10 school days of any decision to change
the placement of a child with a disability
because of a violation of a code of
student conduct.”
When is an FBA required?
that “in the event that the child’s
behavior impedes the child’s learning or
that of others,” the IEP team “shall
consider either developing goals and
services specific to the child’s
behavioral needs or conducting an FBA.”
An FBA is also recommended for a
student with a disability who is subject
to long-term removal (more than 10
consecutive school days).
Right to an IEE
Under IDEA parents have a right
to an “independent educational
evaluation” (IEE) at public
expense if they disagree with
the evaluation conducted by the
school. In Virginia, this includes
FBAs if the FBA included new
testing and was not merely a
review of existing data.
6 Steps of an FBA
1. Identify the Problem
2. Collect Data using Multiple
3. Analyze the Data
4. Make Determinations &
5. Develop & Implement a Behavior
Implement Plan
6. Evaluate Progress & Follow-up as
Step 1: Identify the Problem
Pinpoint the behavior causing learning or discipline
problems, and define that behavior in concrete
terms that are easy to communicate and simple to
measure and record
• Identify and define the behavior in a broad sense
“Mark uses inappropriate language at
• Identify and define the behavior in specific terms
“During outside play and/or free time
with classmates, Mark uses
inappropriate language.”
Skill Deficits
Performance Deficits
Skill Deficits
The students does
not know how to
perform the
desired skill.
Performance Deficits
The student knows
the desired skill
but is unable to
perform the skill on
a consistent basis.
Is the problem behavior linked
to a skill deficit?
• Is there evidence to suggest that the
student does not know how to perform the
skill and therefore cannot?
• Does the student understand the
behavioral expectations for the situation?
Does the student have the skill?
• Sometimes it may be that the student can
perform a skill, but, for some reason, does
not use it consistently (e.g., in particular
• Is it possible that the student is uncertain
about the appropriateness of the behavior
(e.g., it is appropriate to clap loudly and
yell during sporting events, yet these
behaviors are often inappropriate when
playing academic games in the classroom)?
Addressing Skill and
Performance Deficits
• Recognize the physical signs that the student
displays when becoming angry.
• Use relaxation skills
• Apply problem solving skills
• Practice communication skills
• Modify curricular and/or environment
• Utilize support staff:
– School counselor
– School psychologist
– Behavioral Intervention Specialist
Step 2: Collect Data Using
Multiple Assessments
The utilization of direct and
indirect assessments provides
the data essential for
formulating a hypothesis for
the behavior.
Indirect Assessment
• This type of assessment relies heavily on
interviews with teachers and other adults who
have direct contact with the student.
• Indirect assessments may also include interviews
with the child as well.
• It is very useful to compare the interviews of the
adults who have direct contact with the child and
the child him/herself, in order to gain perspective
on those things that may be similar in nature.
Indirect Assessment:
Important Interview Questions
• In what settings do you observe the
• Are there any settings where the behavior
does not occur?
• Who is present when the behavior occurs?
• What activities or interactions take place
just prior to the behavior?
• What usually happens immediately after
the behavior?
Direct Assessments – The
ABCs of Behavior
A direct assessment consists of observing
the problem behavior and describing the
conditions that surround the behavior.
Antecedent – what occurs right before
the problem behavior occurs
Behavior – what the behavior is
Consequence – what occurs right after
the behavior occurs
Caesar has dyed his hair three colors & is
teased several times by his friends before class.
When he enters the class, his teacher stares at
his hair. Caesar immediately says “What are
you staring at?” His teacher immediately sends
Escape adult &
him to in-school detention.
Setting event
Caesar is
teased several
times in class
about his
His teacher
stares at his
hair in class
Caesar asks
his teacher
what she’s
staring at
His teacher
sends him to
As Victor is walking, other kids look at him
& say “What’s up?” He looks back and
says: “Who’re you lookin’ at?!”; “You want
some of this?!”& shakes his fist. Kids
shake their heads & call him “weirdo.”
Access peer attention
What function?
Setting event
Victor walks
by his peers
Other kids
look at him
and say,
“What’s up!”
“Who’re you
lookin’ at?”
“You want
Some of this?
Kids shake
heads &
call him
When Sara misses her 12:30 pm medication
& teachers present multiple task demands,
she makes negative self-statements & writes
profane language on her assignments.
Teaching staff typically send her to the office
with a discipline referral for being
difficult tasks
What function?
Setting event
Misses 12:30 pm
task demands
Sara makes
negative selfstatements &
writes profane
Teacher sends
Sara to
office for being
Step 3: Data Analysis
Consider and examine what you have learned
about the behavior and its context.
• Compare & Analyze
• Identify Patterns
• Revise Assessment Plan if Necessary
Step 4: Establish & Test
the Hypothesis
• Establish a hypotheses regarding the function
of the behavior. The hypothesis statement is a
concise summary of information collected during
the assessment phase and represents the “best
guess” regarding the reason(s) for the behavior.
• Test the hypotheses. Systematically manipulate
certain variable to determine whether the
team’s assumptions regarding the likely function
of the behavior are correct.
Step 5: Develop and
Implement the BIP
• The IEP team will develop a BIP to address
the behavior, using the information gathered
and summarized in the hypothesis of the FBA.
• The BIP may include strategies to:
– Manipulate the antecedents and/or
consequences of the behavior
– Teach more acceptable replacement
behaviors that serve the same function as
the inappropriate behavior
– Implement changes in curriculum and
instructional strategies
– Modify the physical environment.
• BIPs must be monitored and data collected
and recorded on a regular basis.
• Decisions must be made by the team as to
what is working and what is not working.
• For those strategies that are not working,
the team must modify and/or change the plan
to try something else.
Step 6: Evaluate Progress &
• Evaluate the faithfulness with which the plan
was implemented
• Evaluate the changes in student behavior
• Modify the plan if needed
• Continue plan if warranted and develop phase
out program as appropriate
6 Steps of an FBA
1. Identify the Problem
2. Collect Data using Multiple
3. Analyze the Data
4. Make Determinations &
5. Develop & Implement a Behavior
Implement Plan
6. Evaluate Progress & Follow-up as
An FBA is a tool used to make decisions
about why behaviors are occurring.
Understanding the function of behavior is
necessary in order to develop an
appropriate BIP and utilize those plans on a
consistent basis over a reasonable amount
of time to ensure its effectiveness.
• Functional Behavioral Assessments, Behavioral Intervention
Plans, and Positive Intervention and Supports: An Essential
Part of Effective Schoolwide Discipline in Virginia, VDOE,
2nd ed. 2005-2006
– Appendix A - Additional Information/References
• Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy (VOPA):
Information About Functional Behavioral Assessments
• Suspending Disbelief: Moving Beyond Punishment to Promote
Effective Interventions for Children with Mental or
Emotional Disorders. (May 2003)
• FAPE: An IEP Team's Introduction to Functional Behavioral
Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans (2nd edition)
• Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for
Children with Disabilities in Virginia