Division of Physical Education and Health Literacy M-DCPS SBAB Annex – Suite 316 Mail Code# 9607 Telephone # 995-1237 Fax # 995-1506 HEALTH LITERACY Dr. Jayne Greenberg, District Director Ms. Jacquelyn White, District Supervisor Mr. Louis Lazo, Curriculum Support Specialist PROGRAM MISSION • To deliver current, accurate, and consistent information to local schools on health curriculum, teaching strategies, and prevention/intervention methods that have been proven effective in reducing risk behaviors among children and youth. Program Goals • The overall goal of Health Literacy is to promote healthy behaviors in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. • Health Literacy consists of instruction that develops understanding of the physical, mental, emotional, social, and psychological phases of human relations as they are affected by male and female relationships. • Health Literacy includes more than the anatomical and reproductive information; it emphasizes attitude development and guidance. National Health Education Standards • • • • Students will comprehend health promotion and disease prevention concepts. Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid health information on appropriate health products and services. Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks. Students will analyze the impact of culture, media, technology and other factors on health. • • • Students will demonstrate the ability to use effective interpersonal communication skills which enhance health. Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting and decision making skills which enhance health. Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health. Next Generation Sunshine State Standards • A. Health Literacy • 1. The student comprehends concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention. • 2. The student knows how to access valid health information and healthpromoting products and services. Next Generation Sunshine State Standards • B. Responsible Health Behavior • 1. The student knows health-enhancing behaviors and how to reduce health risks. • 2. The student analyzes the influence of culture, media, technology, and other factors on health. • 3. The student knows how to use effective interpersonal communication skills that enhance health. Next Generation Sunshine State Standards • C. Advocate and Promote Healthy Living • 1. The student knows how to use goal-setting and decision-making skills that enhance health. • 2. The student knows how to advocate for personal, family, and community health. Program Overview Grades K-5 Health Education Curriculum • • • • • Family, Friends, and Self Nutrition and Other Needs Our Body Living Safely Achieving Wellness FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND SELF • List skills necessary to be a responsible family member and friend • • • • • Discuss how each person is special Grade-1 Discuss honesty and respect for self and others Grade-2 Participate in activities that will help improve self-esteem Grade 3 Explain the influence of peer pressure on behavior Grade-4 Survey class to identify feelings that people have in common Grade-5 Kindergarten Nutrition and Other Needs • • • • • Identify nutritionally desirable foods Kindergarten Classify foods and the group to which they belong Grade-1 Discuss the foods groups, the myplate.gov resources, and indicate the number of daily servings for each Grades-2 List ways the family influence food choices and physical activities Grade-3 Discuss how many servings per day will provide needed nutrients Grades 4-5 Our Body • • • • • • Discuss the functions of each of the major body parts Kindergarten Identify methods for keeping germs from spreading (e.g. Hygiene) Grade K-5 Describe the transmission of disease causing organisms Grade K-5 Explain how each person’s body grows at its own rate Grade-2 Explain how the pituitary gland helps control growth and development Grades 4-5 Define puberty and discuss how hormonal changes occur Grade-5 Living Safely • • • • • Describe roles of community helpers (e.g., doctors, dentist, fire fighters, police officers). Kindergarten Recognize what to do when approached by strangers. Grade-1 Good touching/bad touching (i.e., sexual abuse). Grades K-5 Identify the effects of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs. Grades 2-5 Discuss why abstinence is the safest behavior for risk of HIV infection Grade-5 Achieving Wellness • • • • Discuss the importance of health professionals K-5 Name common health problems and list some preventive strategies (e.g., lice, impetigo, etc.). Grade-2 Identify individual health habits, both positive and negative. Grade-3 Realize that decisions about personal behavior may be healthy or unhealthy (e.g. obeying gun safety rules, traffic laws, fire safety rules Grade 4-5 Elementary Health Education Grades K-5 Health Curriculum Aligned with Florida NGSSS Faux Paw Internet Safety Nutrition Component Substance Abuse Prevention Body Hygiene Growing Up Issues Disease Prevention Basic HIV/AIDS Bullying Basic Anatomy and Physiology Internet Keep Safe Coalition Internet Safety Program The Problem Almost all children are online—and online at an earlier age than ever before. Internet predators and other online dangers are a constant threat to children. Today’s parents did not grow up with the Internet: our generation is the first to teach Internet safety. Faux Paw is the new partner of McGruff the Crime Dog . TM ® SM SM SM “Take a BYTE out of Internet Crime!” The McGruff™ image and “Take a Bite Out of Crime™” are trademarks of the National Crime Prevention Council. The Faux Paw Program TM 4. Teacher Supplements: Worksheets and Coloring Pages Howdy kids! I’m your friend, Cursor. Remember, the Internet is like a big city with great places to go, but you have to be careful. That’s why we have three rules for Internet safety: SM Keep. Don’t meet. Tell. 1. Keep your personal information protected. Never give your name, address, phone number, the name of your school, or a picture of yourself to anyone online. 2. Don’t meet in person anyone you’ve met on the Net. 3. Tell a parent, teacher, or trusted adult if you feel uncomfortable about anything you see on the Internet. . . . So long friends. SM Program Overview • Grades 6-8 Health Education Curriculum Human Growth and Development Component Presented Thru Science and Physical Education Classes Life Science Science & Technology Comprehensive Health/Health Literacy Comprehensive Health/Responsible Health Behaviors The Interaction of Society & the Environment Advocacy & Promotion of Healthy Living Middle School HGD • • • • • • • • Male and Female Reproductive Systems Puberty Self-Esteem Sexually Transmitted Infections HIV/AIDS Substance Abuse Nutrition Dating HGD Curriculum • The M-DCPS school board has mandated the teaching of HGD in Grades 5,6,7,8,and 10 since 1979. • House Bill 1739 was passed in June 1990 which mandated the teaching of human sexuality for Grades K-12. • Florida Statute 233.0672: “Comprehensive Health Education is required instruction” HGD Resource Teachers • Each school is to have at least one primary and secondary HGD resource teacher who has participated in the annual HGD Teacher Training Workshop. • Each teacher who will be presenting the HGD curriculum must be trained by the school HGD resource teacher. HGD Parent Letter • Parents shall be notified by a form letter (school letterhead) when the HGD program will be taught and shall have the right to request the principal, in writing, to excuse their child from all or part of the instruction. An appropriate alternative educational assignment will be given. Parent Letters Senior High School Health Integrated with Personal Fitness Grades 9 or 10 Health (State-Mandated integrated with Physical Education) Communication, Coping & Interpersonal Skills Responsible Decision Making and Planning Wellness Promotion Positive Emotional Development Substance Use, Misuse, and Abuse Consumer Knowledge and Community Resources Personal Money Management Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) First Aid Sexually Transmitted Infections/HIV/AIDS Human Sexuality Program Overview Senior High School • Delivered through state-mandated (Florida Statute 232.246) Health/Physical Education, a one semester, 1.0 credit course offered in Grades 9 or 10. • Additional 6 middle and senior high school health elective courses are also available to students. Annual Health Education Workshops Elementary Health Curriculum Workshop Middle School Health Curriculum Workshop High School Health Curriculum Workshop CPR Instructor Training CPR Instructor Renewal Training Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Training Health Issues Workshops Community Resources Planned Parenthood of Greater Miami Area Health Education Center MDCPS Adolescent Outreach Project Larkin Community Hospital Family Counseling Services MDCPS Department of Food & Nutrition Metro Dade Department of Health Metro Dade Department of Human Services City of Miami Fire Rescue WLRN Project U-Turn American Heart Association American Red Cross Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Miami Childrens Hospital JMH Florida Poison Control Center Amigos For Kids Miami-Dade County Health Department Program Material Packets • • • • • • • • • Grades K-5 Health Education Curriculum Grades K-5 Health Teacher Handbook Grades K-5 FCAT Health Supplement Grades 6-8 Human Growth & Development (HGD) Curriculum Grades 6-8 HGD Teacher Handbook Grades 6-8 FCAT Health Supplement Grade 10 Health/Physical Education Curriculum Grade 10 Teacher Handbook Grade 10 FCAT Health Supplement Program Materials • Materials Review Committeeapproved educational brochures & pamphlets • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) instructor manuals • CPR course supplies upon request Speakers Bureau • Only speakers approved by our program are allowed to conduct school-site visits to speak to MDCPS classroom students. • Letters of speakers approval is provided to schools. • Curriculum support specialists are also available to speak to classroom students and to conduct staff professional development sessions upon request. Educational Outreach • Health Literacy also participates in school health fairs and career days! • Curriculum Support Specialists also are invited by the M-DCPS Parents & Teachers Association to discuss important health-related issues. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) CPR Community Training Center • M-DCPS Health Education Program is an approved Community Training Center (CTC) for the American Heart Association (AHA) • The CTC currently has over 100 trained and certified CPR instructors! • CPR is taught to all secondary school students through Health/Physical Education classes • Basic Life Support (BLS) training (CPR/AED Heartsaver) available to non-instructional school staff personnel every 2 years Automated External Defibrillators • The critical importance and use of the automated external defibrillator (AED) is an integral component of the CPR HeartSaver course. • New AHA Guidelines encourage the early implementation of an AED during CPR. • Health Literacy teaches the basic steps of AED throughout CPR classes to teachers and students. Q&A We welcome your questions. HUMAN GROWTH BREAKOUT SESSION SCENARIO 1 A SIXTH GRADE STUDENT APPROACHES YOU IN SCHOOL AND STATES, “I THINK I AM PREGNANT”. WHAT APPROACH SHOULD YOU TAKE IN HANDLING THIS SITUATION? RATIONALE: First and foremost, ask the student, “Why do you believe you are pregnant”? Based on the response, refer student to the counselor. SCENARIO 2 A THIRD GRADE STUDENT APPROACHES YOU WITH A DISTINCT BODY ODOR. WHAT RECOMMENDATIONS WOULD YOU PROVIDE TO THE STUDENT AT THIS TIME? RATIONALE: Refer situation to the child’s classroom teacher, and recommend that the teacher present a classroom session on body hygiene. Make sure that the teacher generalizes the situation instead of pointing fingers. Another option is to provide the class with the proper information yourself in the event the teacher does not. SCENARIO 3 TEACHERS ARE CONSTANTLY REQUESTING WAYS TO IMPLEMENT HEALTH RELATED ACTIVITES IN THEIR SCHOOLS. WHAT IDEAS CAN YOU GIVE THEM? RATIONALE: Career days, health fairs, invite district approved community organizations for classroom presentations, plays/skits, etc. SCENARIO 4 YOU ARE WALKING DOWN THE HALLWAYS AND YOU HEAR A GROUP OF ELEMENTARY GRADE STUDENTS TALKING ABOUT VARIOUS WEBSITES, AND ALSO PEOPLE WHO THEY CHAT WITH OVER THE INTERNET. WHAT RECOMMENDATIONS WOULD YOU PROVIDE TO THE STUDENTS IN REGARDS TO INTERNET SAFETY? RATIONALE: You would explain three important steps to the students. “Keep, Don’t Meet, and Tell”. First, keep you personal information to your self. Never give information such as your address, the school you attend, or and information that is accessible to predators. Second, never meet anyone you encounter via the internet. Third, tell a parent, teacher or trusted adult if you feel uncomfortable about anything you see on the computer. SCENARIO 5 A TENTH GRADE STUDENT CONFIDES THAT HE IS STRESSED OVER FCAT EXAM PREPARATION. HOW CAN YOU BUILD THE STUDENTS CONFIDENCE TO REDUCE TEST ANXIETY? RATIONALE: You would make three recommendations which includes: Be positive, focus on you strengths, eat right, exercise regularly, and get the sleep you need. Relax, (try some deep breathing before or during the test if you start to feel tense). SCENARIO 6 A PARENT CONTACTS YOU AND STATES, “I DON’T WANT MY CHILD TO TAKE HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION”. DOES THE CHILD HAVE TO? RATIONALE: No, according to Florida Statutes, a parent has the right to excuse his/her child from the HGD Curriculum via written statement. It is mandatory that the school provides an alternative assignment related to the topics of discussion excluding sensitive issues. SCENARIO 7 A STUDENT APPROACHES YOU AND STATES THAT EVERDAY AFTER SCHOOL HE IS GETTING PUSHED AROUND BY ANOTHER STUDENT. THE STUDENT STATES THAT JUST YESTERDAY THE STUDENT, THE STUDENT PUSHED HIM INTO A MUD PUDDLE. THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR WEEKS, AND HE HASN’T TOLD ANYONE ABOUT IT. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO. RATIONALE: Schedule a meeting with both students and the counselor. Parents should be notified, as well as an administrator. Have a discussion about a safe environment in the school setting. SCENARIO 8 WHAT NUTRIONAL/PHYSICAL ACITIVIE STRATEGIES OR TIPS, WOULD YOU PROVIDE AN OVERWEIGHT MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT WHO IS SOLICITING INFORMATION? RATIONALE: Choose exercise you enjoy, ask friends and family to get active with, keep a healthy diet, cut the junk food, and regular physical activity (30 to 60 minutes a day), example: walking, bike riding or SCENARIO 9 A 7TH GRADE STUDENT STATES, “I HAVE MY PERIOD”. SHE ALSO ASKS YOU FOR A SANITARY NAPKIN. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? RATIONALE: Explain to the student about the menstrual cycle, and let her know that it is a process that occurs approximately every 28 days, and that she should always be prepared. Refer her to the school clinic if available, counselor, or main office. SCENARIO 10 A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ASKS YOU FOR A CONDOM. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? RATIONALE: M-DCPS School Board policy states that no condom distributions in schools.* * Community school based clinics are the only schools allowed to distribute condoms to certain students.