APEX LEARNING Independent Study Program Ms. Meade, teacher Foothill High School Kern High School District STUDENT ORIENTATION August 19, 2014 Ms. Maureen Meade, APEX teacher maureen_meade@khsd.k12.ca.us DAY 1 • 1. D-7 Computer CLASSROOM PROCEDURES • 2. D-7 Computer CLASSROOM RULES 3. APEX LEARNING POLICIES :CODE OF CONDUCT • 4. WATCH GUIDED TOUR ON YOUR COMPUTER : “READY, SET, GO !” (3 minutes and 25 seconds) • 5. WATCH GUIDED TOUR : “My Dashboard for Students “ (0:59 seconds) • 6. WATCH GUIDED TOUR: “Working with COURSES for Students” ( 5 minutes and 9 seconds) TOPIC – MENU ( Left side of screen) LOOK FOR “STUDENT” click on LOOK FOR VIDEO• WATCH THE VIDEO READY SET GO ! • This video is available for you to watch anytime you need help on APEX. READY, SET, GO! (3:25) Watch the VIDEO … • My Dashboard ( 0:59) • This video is available anytime you need help on APEX WATCH THE VIDEO ….. WORKING WITH COURSES FOR STUDENTS (5:09) Turn in your APEX LEARNING contract signed by a parent/guardian to the APEX teacher ALL APEX contracts are provided by the school counselors. If you do not have an APEX contract, then you will need to obtain your contract from your counselor as soon as possible Email your counselor with your request. STUDENTS ARE ONLY enrolled in an APEX course when a contract is provided to the APEX teacher. Foothill High School INDEPENDENT STUDY PROGRAM 2014-15 APEX SIGNATURE PAGE I have read the online APEX CODE OF CONDUCT and understand all APEX LEARNING rules. I,_______________________ ,agree to adhere to “APEX CODE OF CONDUCT “ and all D-7 classroom rules in the 2013-14 FHS Independent Study Program. Please provide required signatures below: Student Signature: Parent Signature: _________________ _________________ DATE ____________ DATE______________ • • • Teacher: M .Meade 08/19/14 FOOTHILL HIGH SCHOOL INDEPENDENT STUDY PROGRAM 2013-14 STUDENT SIGNATURE PAGE FILED IN STUDENT APEX RECORD STUDENT COMPUTER # __________________ STUDENT UID #_________________________ The teacher will explain: PROCEDURES for: 1. classroom computer use 2. APEX LEARNING USE: 24/7 3. Tardy TO CLASS-sign in 4. Classroom rules -follow 5. Testing in classroom only – red squared tests at end of each APEX unit 6. Completing an APEX coursecompletion letter 7. Change an APEX courses with updated APEX CONTRACT from your counselor. LOG ON to : www.apexvs.com Sign in with username and password which can be changed by student whenever needed • FOOTHILL HIGH SCHOOL 2014-15 APEX LEARNING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES for Independent Study Department CLASSROOM • Ms. Maureen Meade, M.A. • maureen_meade@khsd.k12. ca.us • 661.3664491 EXT 73517 EXPECTATIONS for STUDENT APEX LEARNING COURSEWORK • Complete you coursework by scheduled due dates • Due dates are computed into your grade to date % • Due Dates are computed into your overall course completion % . • Last day for APEX course completion is December 20, 2012. ALL coursework to be graded must be turned in by December 16th. • Grades at posted at the end of every SEMESTER. No quarter grades are provided. How Do STUDENTS SUBMIT WRITTEN APEX LEARNING WORK? • Print out your practice lesson. • Complete your own work • Submit to teacher by turning into the clear plastic box. • Your practice lesson grade will posted by the teacher and returned for test study use. • All assignments in each unit are required as they are all computed toward your final APEX course grade. STUDENT SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR APEX LEARNING : COMMUNICATION • Email the teacher from your FHS account • Counselors will serve as the coach for every student and have access to your work and current grade to date. • Both counselors and parents can bothreceive weekly Monday morning APEX LEARNING PROGRESS REPORTS for their student. MOTIVATION • Students can print out APEX PROGRESS REPORTS at any time to check their course completion % and activity points earned. • Students can work at their own pace and APEX is available online 24/7. • All work is completely independently at school or at home; exceptions are UNIT & FINAL EXAM TESTS. STUDENT ACCEPTABLE USE AGREEMENT HOW TO LOG ON TO : www.apexvs.com SHOW STUDENTS HOW TO FIND THE ACCEPTABLE USE AGREEMENT. • ALL students will print out and read . • After reading, all students will sign and provide to teacher in order to receive an APEX log in name and temporary password. HOW TO SIGN INTO APEX AND CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD LOG –in screen • Go to www.apexvs.com • Type your username • Type your temporary password. • Change your temporary PASSWORD TO A NEW PASSWORD ( APPPROPRIATE ONE) THAT YOU CAN EASILY REMEMBER. Password • You can change your password by resetting it at anytime. • If unable to reset, please inform the teacher so that she can reset for you in a timely fashion. • Do not give your password out to any other student. You are required to perform your own coursework. STUDENT APEX TOUR http://www.brainshark.com/apexlearning/stud entdashboard APEX COURSE COMPLETION LETTERS Course completion letters are provided to the student’s school counselor and to the Registrar’s office once an APEX course is completed with 70% course completion. Each course has a 5 credit value. Parent may request a completion letter from the teacher or school counselor once the final course grade has been posted in the Registrar’s Office.