1 PARCC Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Field Test – Spring 2014 Office of Achievement and Accountability February 11, 12, 13 BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Goals 2 By the end of this training, STCs will understand… how to develop a schedule for their school that meets the PARCC requirements. how to ensure that students receive the proper accommodations and accessibility features. how to prepare their staff for the field test administration. what to do with materials before, during, and after the test. important dates and required follow up training (for online schools). BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Agenda 3 Field Test Overview Scheduling for PARCC Field Test Administration Accommodations and Accessibility Features Preparing Staff for the Field Test Administration Managing Materials (Paper and Computer) Important Dates Questions and Answers BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 4 Field Test Overview BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PARCC Field Testing in City Schools 5 PARCC used national data to create a sample selection, in Baltimore: 395 classrooms were selected across the district At 46 schools, students will be field testing on paper At 138 schools, students will field test online During this training look for these icons to separate information for paper testing or online testing: All field testing schools (paper and online) Online field testing schools only Paper field testing schools only BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS What is being field tested? 6 PARCC assessments being field tested in Spring 2014: PARCC ELA 3-8 PARCC English 9 PARCC English 11 PARCC English 10 PARCC Math 3-8 PARCC Geometry PARCC Algebra II PARCC Algebra I • The field tested classroom(s) were assigned: • • • a component (Performance Based Assessment, End of Year Assessment, or Both) a subject (ELA or Math) a mode (online or paper) BALTIMORE CITY • No scores will be reported • Field testing is mandatory PUBLIC SCHOOLS Who is field testing? 7 Selections for schools are available on Principal’s Dashboard. Principals should be able to access and download the list for your school. We can also work with STCs to obtain a copy of the selection if needed. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Field Testing and MSA Testing 8 If a class takes the PBA and EOY of the field test in a subject, that class will not have to take the MSA in that subject. They will take the MSA in the other subject. If a student’s classroom… field tests the PBA and EOY of ELA Exempt MSA Reading MSA Math field tests the PBA and EOY of Math MSA Reading Exempt MSA Math does not participate in the whole field test MSA Reading MSA Math MSA Science for 5th and 8th graders will continue regardless of field testing BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PARCC Field Testing Windows 9 March 24 – April 11, 2014 May 5 – June 6, 2014 BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 10 Scheduling for PARCC Field Test Administration BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PARCC Field Testing Windows 11 Schools can test at any time during the Field Test testing windows. All students within the same grade and subject within a school must test on the same day (Paper TCM, page 3). - Example: All 7th graders who are field testing math must take Session 1 on the same day. Schools with multiple classrooms testing in the same grade must be scheduled as close together as possible (Computer TCM, page 4). - Example: There are not enough computers to test all 7th graders on Session 1 on the same day. So one group of 7th graders will have to take Session 1 the next day. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Scheduling Field Test Sessions 12 Session: PARCC is comprised of test sessions. The number of test sessions for each component is consistent across grade levels and subjects. The only difference is the length of sessions: PARCC Component # of ELA Sessions # of Math Sessions Performance Based Assessment (PBA) 3 2 End of Year Assessment (EOY) 2 2 Total Full Form (PBA & EOY) 5 4 BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Scheduling Field Test Sessions 13 • Test sessions must be administered in order with no exceptions. • Test sessions do not need to be administered on consecutive days. • Two sessions (maximum) may be scheduled on the same day for a specific test group but must take into consideration the Total Time for both sessions. • Total Time = Session Time + Additional Time • Each test session must be completed on the same day that it started. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Scheduling Field Test Sessions 14 Recommendation: schedule early in the window in case of any issues and to allow for make-ups. Set a test schedule and submit through E-forms. Schools testing online might need extra support scheduling based on the ratio of students to computers. This will be covered in online training next week. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Scheduling Make-Up Sessions 15 Sessions need to be administered in order. Make-up testing sessions may be scheduled for any day after the initial administration date as long as it falls within testing window. Make sure there is enough time remaining in the test window when scheduling make up sessions for the student to complete the whole component. Test sessions must be administered in order. The same test security and administration protocols for regular administration sessions apply to make-up test sessions. NOTE: Students who become ill or have to leave for other reasons during testing should attempt to finish a test they started on a scheduled make-up date. Test administrators must note the exact place in test where the student stopped. Students are not allowed to return to any previous session or change any previously completed item(s). BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Field Test Administration Time 16 Total Field Test Administration Time is defined as Session Time PLUS Additional Time Allowed. Additional Time Allowed is around 50% of Session Time. All students are eligible for additional time if they need it. Example: 7th grade math Session 1 Session Time 50 min Additional Time Allowed 25 min Total Field Test Administration Time 75 min Test sessions must be scheduled based on the Total Field Test Administration Time. TCM, Pages 6-8 BALTIMORE CITY TCM, Pages 5-7 PUBLIC SCHOOLS Providing Additional Time 17 Session Time: All students must sit for this whole time. If a student finished early, s/he must sit quietly until the Session Time is over. Students are asked if they need Additional Time. If no one needs additional time, the session is over. BALTIMORE CITY If one or more students needs additional time, collect all materials from finished students. Dismiss the students who do not need additional time. Resume testing for remaining students. Students who remain for the additional time will be dismissed when the last student is finished. Students are entitled to the whole additional time if needed. PUBLIC SCHOOLS PARCC Student and Staff Surveys 18 Provided by PARCC: Students and Test Administrators will complete a survey to gather feedback about the experience of taking and administering PARCC assessments. Schedule an extra 15 minutes for student surveys: After the last session of the PBA After the last session of the EOY Surveys will be located for students: In the consumable test book (grade 3) or answer document (grades 4-11) At the end of the last session of the computer based test (CBT) BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Providing Breaks 19 Breaks between Test Sessions: Should occur between test sessions. Students can use the restroom, get up to stretch, and/or get a drink. Breaks during a Test Session*: Restroom breaks may be provided at the discretion of the Test Administrator Test Administrator can allow a classroom to take one break of up to three minutes during a session. There should not be conversations among students, and students are not permitted to use electronic devices, play games, or engage in activities that may violate the validity of the test. *Different from MSA and HSA where breaks during a sessions are not allowed. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Providing Breaks 20 If a student takes a break during a test session: Collect Test Booklet and Answer Document Recommended that visual block be applied to students’ computer screens The STC has the authority to determine if any student requires frequent breaks regardless of that student’s status as a student with a disability or an English Learner. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 21 Accommodations and Accessibility Features BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Accommodations and Accessibility Features 22 Features for all students Accessibility features (for all students) *Identified in advance* Accommodations BALTIMORE CITY Online testing allows for accessibility features that are not necessarily available on paper and pencil. Some features are only available in select grades/ content for the field test. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Features for All Students 23 • • • • • • • Magnification devices Audio amplification Spell checker Answer masking Highlighting tool Line reader tool Writing tools (e.g., bold, underline, copy/paste, etc.) BALTIMORE CITY Blank/Scratch Paper • Redirect Student to Test • Headphones or Noise Buffers • General Administration Directions Read Aloud, Repeated, and Clarified • PUBLIC SCHOOLS Features for All Students 24 Students also do not need to have an IEP/504/ELL plan for: Small Group/Individual Testing Frequent Breaks Time of Day Separate or Alternate Location Specified Area or Seating Adaptive or Specialized Equipment or Furniture Section 3.1.6 and Appendix F BALTIMORE CITY Section 3.1.6 and Appendix G PUBLIC SCHOOLS Accessibility Features for All Students 25 Accessibility Feature Availability on Field Testing Answer Masking EOY Only ELA: 3, 5, 8, 11 Math: 4, 7, Algebra I and Geometry Answer masking tool Student uses template, place marker, or other masking device Background/ Font Color PBA and EOY ELA: 3, 5, 8, 11 Math: 4, 7, Algebra I and Geometry Select color contrast for font and background Not applicable Text-t0-Speech for Math PBA and EOY Math Only: 4, 7, Algebra I Only available on Grades 4, 7, and Algebra I Read Aloud (Human Reader) Math PBA and EOY All Grades BALTIMORE CITY Any student can have a human reader for math PUBLIC SCHOOLS Accommodations 26 Testing accommodations are meant to remove barriers that may exist due to a student’s learning style or disability. Students should have had experience using an accommodation in the classroom (during routine instruction and/or test taking) prior to using it on a PARCC test. Present MSA/HSA policies regarding proctors and accommodators remains in effect for the PARCC field tests. Test accommodations must be listed in or recommended by the student’s IEP or 504 Plan (or ELL Plan). BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Available Accommodations for Students with a 504 or IEP plan 27 Accessibility Feature Availability on Field Test Text-to-Speech for ELA PBA and EOY ELA: Grades 5, 8, 11 Human Reader for ELA PBA and EOY ELA: All Grades Calculation Device PBA and EOY Math All Grades Extended Time PBA and EOY ELA and Math: All Grades Scribing for ELA PBA and EOY ELA: All Grades BALTIMORE CITY Only available in 5, 8, 11 If a student has verbatim reading and text-to-speech isn’t available On screen or equivalent hand-held Hand-held Time beyond the “additional allowable time” TCM pp. 64-68 PUBLIC SCHOOLS TCM pp. 74-77 Available Accommodations for Students who are English Language Learners 28 ACCOMMODATION CONTENT AREA Extended Time All Content Areas General Administration Directions Clarified in Student’s Native Language All Content Areas General Administration Directions Read Aloud and Repeated as Needed in Student’s Native Language All Content Areas Scribing or Speech-to-Text (Responses dictated in English) Word to Word Dictionary (English/Native Language) BALTIMORE CITY Mathematics Only All Content Areas PUBLIC SCHOOLS Extended Time Accommodation 29 • For students with an IEP, 504, or ELL Plan -- extended time accommodations will be given once the Total Administration Time has expired. • Please note: PARCC’s Total Field Test Administration Time is equivalent to time-and-a-half so some students who traditionally receive time-and-a-half may not need extended time for the PARCC field test. • Extended Time students may need to test in a separate setting (refer to Appendix E in the PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual for guidance). BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PARCC Calculator Policy 30 Category Grade 3-5 Grade 6 Grade 7 through High School Students No calculators without a allowed calculator accommodation Calculators allowed only on calculator part of testing sessions; no calculators allowed on non-calculator parts of testing session. Students with a Calculators calculator allowed under accommodation accommodations only, with the exception of fluency items at the end of a testing session. Calculators allowed Calculators allowed on on calculator part of calculator part of testing sessions; testing sessions; calculators allowed on calculators allowed on non-calculator parts non-calculator parts of of testing session, testing session. except on fluency items at the end of testing session. PUBLIC SCHOOLS BALTIMORE CITY Calculators allowed only on calculator part of testing sessions; no calculator allowed on non-calculator parts of testing session. Qualifying Students for Accommodations 31 Students qualifications for certain accommodations may be different than what they receive for MSA/HSA or classroom assessments. IEP and SST/504 Chairs are responsible for notifying parents of any changes for a student’s eligibility for accommodations under PARCC. IEP and SST/504 chairs and ESOL coordinators will complete a documentation form and turn it into the STC. The STC will ensure that these accommodations are documented for the student in Pearson Access. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Providing Accommodations or Accessibility Features 32 If a student in your school will be receiving a human reader or a scribe, the staff member who will serve as the Test Administrator for those sessions, must be trained. School Test Coordinators should train these staff members according to the PARCC guidelines: pp. 61 - 68 BALTIMORE CITY pp. 71 - 77 PUBLIC SCHOOLS Documenting Accessibility Features 33 If a student does not have an IEP, 504 plan, or ELL accommodations, the test administrator/classroom teacher will determine the accessibility features that a student should receive. This should happen prior to testing so that scheduling and arrangements are made with the accessibility features and accommodations in mind. Online STCs will also need to “turn on” these features. This will be covered in next week’s training. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 34 Preparing Staff for the Field Test Administration BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Roles and Responsibilities 35 Local Accountability Coordinator (LAC) Assessment staff in the Office of Achievement and Accountability School Test Coordinator (STC) Test Administrator For MSA and HSA these people are known as Test Examiners Proctor Technology Coordinator BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Roles and Responsibilities 36 School Test Coordinator Serve as school’s primary contact person for Field Test Coordinate all PARCC Field Test-related activities Prepare test administrators to administer the PARCC tests according with Test Administrator Manual Ensure that all appropriate staff members are trained and complete all necessary tasks Receive, inventory, distribute test materials Develop the administration schedule and make-up sessions Observe and monitor test administration and report any testing irregularities Ensure the security of test materials and compliance with test administration procedures BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Roles and Responsibilities 37 School Test Coordinator Before Testing During Testing • Establishes the testing schedule • Develops and implements test security plan • Develops and implements training, logistics plans • Receives, inventories, distributes materials • Trains Test Administrators, Proctors, and scribes/human readers • Ensures standard test environments • Monitors test administration • Supports Test Administrators by answering questions • Ensures security of test materials between testing sessions • Schedules and supervises make-up testing • Maintains master list of students and their required accommodations BALTIMORE CITY After Testing • Collects and inventories all test materials from test administrators after each session • Destroy or recycle test materials as required • Return materials via UPS for paper testing • Submit materials to Pearson for online testing PUBLIC SCHOOLS Qualifications for Test Administrators 38 The following persons may administer the Field Test: Teachers, including those with provisional certificates Administrators who hold certificates Long-term substitutes with certificates Other school staff who hold certificates * Remember: For HSA and MSA this person is called the Test Examiner BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Roles and Responsibilities 39 Test Administrator Before Testing During Testing After Testing • Meets with the Test Coordinator • Reads Test Administrator Manual • Meets with educational team to determine student accommodations as needed • Prepares testing environment for students • Prepares students for testing with Practice Test • Obtains and prepares materials needed for testing • Reads scripts as written • Distributes test materials to students • Keeps accurate time for each test session • Maintains security of test materials • Ensures accommodations are provided • Supervises students at all times during testing • Notifies Test Coordinator of testing irregularities • Ensures student accommodations are documented • Returns test materials to the Test Coordinator • Ensures “School Security Checklist” is completed and returned to the Test Coordinator • Completes Test Administrator Survey BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Roles and Responsibilities 40 Proctor • Monitor the testing session under supervision of the test administrator. • Refrain from testing activities except when a Test Administrator is present in the room. • May be a student intern. Student intern may not serve as an test administrator. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Preparing Staff for Field Testing 41 Develop a training plan to train all Test Administrators and Proctors In addition to utilizing this presentation, PARCC has training modules available that expand on a variety of topics: www.parcc.pearson.com/tms After training, ensure Test Administrators and Proctors sign the Security Agreement (see Appendix A of both manuals) Ensure Test Administrators and Proctors also sign the Maryland Test Administration and Certification of Training Form and NonDisclosure Agreement Develop a Test Administration Logistics Plan Section 3.1.5, p. 18 BALTIMORE CITY Section 3.1.5, p.20 PUBLIC SCHOOLS Preparing Students for Field Testing 42 Meet with students and convey a professional attitude towards field testing (Section 3.1.14) Provide students with an opportunity to experience sample PARCC items: www.parcconline.org/samples Students will practice through an infrastructure trial covered in next week’s training. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Other Involved Staff or Persons 43 Online schools might have a Technology Coordinator Maryland Policies for Observation Visits: In addition, to MSDE monitors, PARCC, Inc. may conduct observation visits. If a PARCC , Inc. representative is coming to Maryland to observe, the representative must contact MSDE in order to obtain a letter of introduction from the Maryland State Superintendent of Schools. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 44 Managing Materials BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Prohibited Materials 45 Prohibited During All Sessions All cellular phones (including camera phones and smartphones) Other non-test related personal electronic equipment Any electronic equipment capable of performing computations (other than approved calculator devices for calculator parts) Instructional aids related to the content being assessed Reference books Please review prohibited items in the Test Coordinator Manual: Section 2.10 p. 15-17 BALTIMORE CITY Section 2.10 p.13-15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS Paper Field Testing: Test Booklets 46 Before Testing Grade 3 PARCC field tests Grades 4 through 11 PARCC field tests • PBA and EOY, in both ELA and Mathematics will be administered using consumable test books (like MSA). • PBA and EOY, in both ELA and Mathematics will be administered using separate test books and answer documents (like HSA). • Student names must be written on the test books. • Each student must receive a test book and answer document with matching form numbers. • Student names must be written on the test books. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student Demographic Page 47 Before Testing The demographic page for grade 3 will be on the front of the test book. The demographic page for grades 4-11 will be on the Answer Document. See Paper TCM pages 27-28. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Materials Shipped to Schools 48 Before Testing TCMs will be shipped, late February/early March. Mathematics reference sheets will be shrinkwrapped in groups of 10. Rulers and protractors will be provided in packs of 10. TAMs will be shipped to schools, 1 per 20 students, and will be available electronically. Large Print Test Books will be wrapped with a standard test book of the same form and answer document. A 5% overage of printed materials will be sent to school. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Acquiring Additional Materials 49 Before Testing Following training, you will receive an email about logging into Pearson Access If you already use this platform – PARCC has a different login from our Maryland assessments Log-in by going to www.pearsonaccess.com and selecting PARCC. Sign-in on the home page. Under “Test Setup” go to “Order Additional Materials and Tracking” Here you are able to see the status of your materials and order more if necessary BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Inventory Paper Materials 50 Before Testing No ScanTracks for PARCC Use Appendix C (Paper TCM): School Security Checklist to sign materials in and out between the STC and Test Administrator BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Materials to be Returned 51 Scorable materials: Used grade 3 Test Booklets Used Answer Documents (grades 4-hihgschool) Transcribed grade 3 Test Booklets Transcribed Answer Documents (grades 4 – high school) Nonscorable materials Unused grade 3 Test Booklets Used and unused Test Booklets (grades 4-high school) Large Print Test Booklets Unused Answer Documents (grades 4- high school) BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS After Testing Materials to be Destroyed 52 After Testing The following materials can be shredded at your school: Scratch paper written on by students during testing Mathematics Reference Sheets written on by students during testing Printed Student Authorization Tickets Printed Seal Codes BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Materials to be Recycled 53 After Testing Test Administration Manuals Do not recycle until after EOY if administering both PBA and EOY components. Blank or unused scratch paper Mathematics Reference Sheets Vendor-supplied rulers and protractors BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Missing or Damaged Materials 54 After Testing • • • Appendix D (Paper TCM)to document missing, damaged, or contaminated materials. Fax to Pearson. Damaged materials (e.g., torn, wrinkled, water spilled) return to Pearson with nonscorables. Materials contaminated with bodily fluids: ALL-Shred 4831 Winchester Blvd. Frederick, MD 21703 Phone: (301) 874-1480 BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Packing Materials 55 After Testing • Materials for each grade level and subject must then be banded separately (e.g., used grade 3 Test Booklets banded together, used grade 4 Answer Documents banded together). • You may use more than one paper band per grade level and document type, if necessary. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS School ID Form 56 BALTIMORE CITY After Testing • Include School ID form for each grade level and subject. • Can include multiple grades/subjects in a box, each with separate School ID form. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Applying Shipping Box Labels 57 Scorable: Nonscorable: Red for PBA; Purple for PBA; Green for EOY Yellow for EOY After Testing Do not mix scorables and non-scorables in the same box. BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Scheduling Pickup 58 After Testing Pickup must occur no later than one week after you complete testing. Schedule at least 24 hours in advance. For PBA pickups: Must be scheduled by 4/17 Note: because of spring break, we recommend scheduling pickup by 4/10 so that pickup can occur before spring break. For EOY pickups: Must be scheduled by 6/12 Call UPS at: 800-823-7459 BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 59 PARCC Test Security Procedures and Protocols BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PARRC Secure Materials 60 Pencil/ Paper Testing Test Booklets Answer Documents Mathematics reference sheets - written on Scratch paper – written on BALTIMORE CITY Computer Based Testing Test content delivered online to computers Student Authorization Tickets Seal Codes Mathematics Reference Sheets - written on Scratch paper – written on PUBLIC SCHOOLS PARCC Secure Materials 61 STC must establish a documented chain-of- custody plan Document the distribution and return of test materials to Test Administrators. Document the shredding or recycling of secure materials: Authorization Tickets Seal Codes Mathematics Reference Sheet (written on) Scratch paper (written on) BALTIMORE CITY The chain-of- custody of test materials must be document before, during, and after the test administration. Logs must be maintained for 6 years. PUBLIC SCHOOLS PARCC Secure Materials 62 No one may have access to the test materials before the day of testing. Visitors, parents, school board members, researchers, reporters, non-testing school staff other than test administrators are prohibited from entering the testing rooms. Staff from central office or MSDE may observe testing at your school. BALTIMORE CITY Collection of test materials must be within 15 minutes after testing is completed. Distribution and collection of materials must be logged. Materials must be returned after each testing session. Distribution of test materials can be no more than 15 minutes prior to the time of test administration. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Materials to Archive 63 Maintain for six years: All staff involved in the PARCC field test will need to sign two documents: Maryland’s Test Administration and Certification of Training and Non-Disclosure Form PARCC Security Agreement BALTIMORE CITY All signed security agreements Records of distribution and collection of materials Names of students in the test group, name of test administrators, proctors, security barcodes assigned to each student, list of accommodations provided Copies of testing irregularities, security breach forms Form for missing, damaged, contaminated materials PUBLIC SCHOOLS PARCC : School Security Checklist 64 STC should use this form to establish a chain of custody for PARCC test booklets Section p. 41 BALTIMORE CITY Section p. 47 PUBLIC SCHOOLS 65 Important Dates BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Important Dates 66 2014 Dates ePat Sample Items/Item Tool Tutorial Available Test Materials Delivered to Schools PBA EOY January 22 2nd – 3rd Weeks in March 3rd – 4th Weeks in April PearsonAccess Open for Additional Orders March 19 - April 30, 2014 April 21 – June 4, 2014 Return Materials (Return Labels, School ID forms, Paper Bands, extra boxes, Test Coordinator Manuals, etc.) May 1 – May 9, 2014 June 5 – June 13, 2014 Return of Completed Test Books BALTIMORE CITY No later than one week after end of testing window PUBLIC SCHOOLS Follow Up Training for Online PARCC Schools 67 The PARCC STC and alternate must attend a follow up session ONLY if their school is field testing online: At this training we will cover: Setting up and managing online test sessions Preparing your students for the online platform Preparing for and running the mandatory infrastructure trial AM Session: 8:30-11:30 Tuesday, February 18 Thursday, February 20 Friday, February 21 PM Session: 12:30-3:30 Network 13 Networks 11, 12, 14, and 15 Networks 5, 6, and 10 Networks 2 and 3 Networks 1 and 8 Networks 4, 7, and 9 BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Next Steps 68 Train your Test Administrators and Proctors Work with your Administrator to plan a testing schedule that works for your building Submit that testing schedule using E-Forms Provide students the opportunity to interact with PARCC questions Call or email if you have any questions! BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Appendices 69 BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Sample Authorization Ticket 70 Student Authorization Tickets must be in a secure location when they are not being used for testing BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Sample Seal Code 71 Seal Codes must be in a secure location when they are not being used for testing BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS MSDE Training Certification Form 72 All staff participating in MSA test administration are required to sign Training Certification Form BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PARCC Security Agreement 73 All staff participating in PARCC test administration are required to sign PARCC Security Agreement BALTIMORE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS