WELCOME Tom Shafranski, CAA WIAA Assistant Director WSGA HOTLINE TELEPHONE NUMBER 1. 2. 3. WIAA--(715) 344-8580 Contact: Tom Shafranski (UNTIL 4:00 P.M.) WSGA--(414) 443-3560 Rob Jansen (WSGA Executive Director) 414-3080752 cell Coaches—Please do not shy away from seeking assistance when needed. Tell players “I don’t know” if you are not certain of a ruling. MAILED MATERIALS USGA--The Rules of Golf 2012-15 (This is a 4 year book) WIAA 2012-13 Senior High Handbook WIAA 2013-14 Senior High Handbook WIAA 2012-13 Spring Season Regulations WIAA 2013-14 Fall Season Regulations Check with your Athletic Director if you have yet to receive any of these materials EXTRA RULE BOOKS Additional copies of the USGA The Rules of Golf 2012-15 are available for purchase through the WIAA office. Please call 715-344-8580. MATERIALS on WIAA website Tournament Forms & Information. Instructions for Regional & Sectional on-line scoring will be emailed to Athletic Directors of the host schools. Wisconsin Adaptations to USGA Rules Pace of Play Improvement WIAA SPORT MEETING INFORMATION WIAA Tournament Entries Information On-Line Entries Please be very accurate with your meet scores. Boys entries due by noon on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 Girls entries due by noon on Wednesday, September 25, 2013. SUMMER CONTACT PROVISIONS Organizational meetings may be conducted outside the season provided no instruction or practice is included and the meeting(s) has been approved by school administration Unrestricted coach contact days are during the summertime period (when normal school is not in session CONCLUDING BY JULY 31) Restricted coaching contact beyond the five unrestricted days is permitted to continue throughout the summertime (when school is not in session) in the sports of baseball, cross country, golf, gymnastics, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, track & field and wrestling. Coaches may not have contact outside of the WIAA season during the school year. SUMMER CONTACT (cont.) Cannot mandate athletes participate in non-school competition, or determine who may or may not participate in non-school activity. Cannot require involvement in out-ofseason activities as part of the requirements for making a school team, earning a school letter award, etc. LAWS PROHIBIT HAZING AND HARASSMENT A “forced” activity means any activity that is a condition of initiation into an organization, regardless of a student’s willingness to participate in the activity. AMATEUR STATUS Students may receive trophies, medals ribbons, event t-shirts, game balls, or other items of no intrinsic/utilitarian value. Students may NOT receive such merchandise items as jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts, equipment, balls, watches, rings, billfolds, coupons, gift certificates, etc. regardless of their value. Found in WIAA Senior High School Handbook. Entering tournaments with prizes Any high school golfer entering a tournament that gives out prizes must indicate on the entry application that they and members of their group will NOT accept prizes for golfing in that tournament. EMERGENCY SAFETY PROCEDURES and THE “PLAN” Medical Policies Emergency First-Aid Checklist Each school program should have a policy that identifies: If anyone goes down, here is what to do... It is not enough to say “we have a plan” or that is just written down, be sure to practice the plan. Please review the regulations that provide for safe & healthful facilities for competitors and spectators as outlined in state statutes 254.11 to 254.178 and be familiar with school emergency evacuation procedures. LIGHTNING SOURCE: National Weather Service Employ the "30-30 Rule" to know when to seek a safer location. The "30-30 Rule" states that when you see lightning, count the time until you hear thunder. If this time is 30 seconds or less, go immediately to a safer place. If you can't see the lightning, just hearing the thunder means lightning is likely within striking range. After the storm has apparently dissipated or moved on, wait 30 minutes or more after hearing the last thunder before leaving the safer location. Additional information is available at (www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov) LIGHTNING Lesson to be learned - If you are caught out on the course or water ... distance yourself from anything metal OR graphite. Photo: Golf Cart struck by lightning while the golfer stood nearby under a tree. SEASONAL REMINDERS 1. 2. 3. Athletes must have a physical. All foreign students must have a physical conducted in the United States prior to participating in practice of competition. Pay attention to Heat, Humidity and Hydration. Criminal charges have been brought against Kentucky High School coach for heat related death of athlete…..a first. Sickle Cell Trait has not been talked about much in recent years. It has recently been identified as contributing to the death of a student-athlete. Coaches who work with African American students should be aware, observant and informed. SPORTSMANSHIP EMPHASIS Thanks for your cooperation. With your help, we can maintain interscholastic athletics as an extension of the classroom where lifelong lessons and benefits are taught and learned. Golf has long been a leader in Sportsmanship issues. As players make their own calls and maintain the integrity of the sport golf, please work with your players and encourage etiquette that maintains a high level of dignity for your high school and community. USGA 2012-2015 Changes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Eight Rule Changes 17 New Decisions 22 Revised Decisions Three Re-Numbered Decisions Links proved on WIAA School Center SEASON REGULATION REVIEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Putter anchoring USGA Groove Rule 15 meets allowed as long as one is on a Saturday. Coaching Rule Review Use of electronic measuring devices Players responsibility to inform committee of a rules breach. Group scoring 40-second shot clock Moving from green to next tee Putter Anchoring 1. 2. 3. 4. Continues to be allowed. USGA reviewing this regulation. Stay tuned to anchoring rulings during the years ahead—likely to become illegal in 2016. Notice will be provided to WIAA schools if a ruling change occurs. USGA Groove Rule Earliest this rule will be effective for WIAA High School meets----2025 Does not apply in WIAA Meets Only club not allowed--DiamondFaced Wedges. 15 meets allowed during regular season Fifteen (15) meets allowed during the regular season so long as one or more meet(s) are on a Saturday. Golfers are allowed to use an electronic measuring device (EMD) during competition. Exceptions include no use of communication devices (i.e. Cellphones, smartphones, iPads, etc.). A golfer would be allowed to share the information with fellow golfers. COACHING RULE REVIEW The designated coach may give rule options to their own players anytime, and rule options to other competitors ONLY when asked by that competitor. The designated coach is not allowed on the greens or in the bunkers. The person acting as the coach must be under contract with the school as a golf coach. Players may accept verbal and hand signal advice from their school’s designated coach only. Notes, tees, and other items left behind by teammates and/or coaches are prohibited. Coaches cannot align players while the player is at address nor delay Pace of Play in any way. Penalty for violation of the coaching rule is two strokes on first offense and disqualification of player on second offense by same player. Use of Electronic Measuring Devices 1. 2. 3. 4. Allowed by Players No EMD’s with other functions allowed (slope, temperature, humidity, wind direction, etc.) No communication devices (i.e. cell phones, smart phones, iPods) Opposing players can request to use EMD and must be provided. 33-7/9 Competitor Who Knows Player Has Breached Rules Does Not Inform Player of Committee in Timely Manner The responsibility for knowing the Rules lies with all players. In stroke play, the player and his marker have an explicit responsibility for the correctness of the player’s scorecard. There may, however, be exceptional individual cases where, in order to protect the interest of every other player in the competition, it would be reasonable to expect a fellowcompetitor or another competitor to bring to light player’s breach of the Rules by notifying the player, his marker or the Committee. In such exceptional circumstances, it would be appropriate for the Committee to impose a penalty of disqualification under Rule 33-7 on a fellow-competitor or another competitor if it becomes apparent that he has failed to advise the player, his marker of the Committee of a Rules breach with the clear intention of allowing that player to return an incorrect score. Group Scoring All in group maintain score of all the others. Scorecards are exchanged. • • • • WIAA scorecards sent to each school hosting a WIAA tournament series meet. USGA/WIAA scoring used. Hole Scoring • • • • • Each player identifies and marks the score of ALL the other players in their group for each hole. Announce your score after completing each hole. Record score for each player on scorecard at the tee area of the next hole. Players can tee off on the next hole, before completing the scorecard, however, make sure any and all scoring issues for the previous hole have been resolved. Markers sign the scorecard of the player they were marking. WIAA Rule 40-Second Shot Limit • • • • • Needed to address slow play by an individual player. * Tee Shots * Fairway Shots * Lost Balls * Green Situations Tournament Directors Provide Pace of Play information to coaches and players. Be out on the course watching players or have marshal(s) assisting. Players/groups should focus on staying in position (one shot back) of the group in front of them. When informed of a slow player, go and watch player. Use watch or communication device to monitor 40 second time limit. Assess warning first if violation occurs; one-stroke penalty for each additional violation. Out of Position First Group: At any time during the round, the group is behind the prescribed schedule as found on Pace of Play time chart. Maximum of 2:15/9 holes -- 4:30/18 holes All Other Groups: a. Taking more than the allotted time to play and… b. Reaches the tee of a par -3 hole and proceeding group has cleared the next tee. Reaches the tee of a par -4 hole and the putting green is clear. Reaches the tee of a par -5 hole when the proceeding group is on the putting green. ****Both a. and b. must apply for a group to be out of position. Tee Shots Once course in front of player is open: Clock begins once First Player puts their tee in the ground or ball is placed on teeing area (when tee is not used) Second player needs to be ready following tee shot of first player. Continues for other players in group when they put their tee in the ground. Players encouraged to hustle to their fairway shots (maintain group time par) and remain one shot behind group in front. Fairway Shots Ready golf encouraged (order based on who’s ready, not who’s away). Players are not allowed to walk to green to view pin position. Need to allow first to play a chance to check distance, wind and club selection. About 20 seconds following bag being put down or push cart coming to a stop. First player’s timing begins once bag is put down or cart comes to a stop – 20 seconds, then 40 seconds for total of one minute. Other players need to be preparing for their shot. Timing for other players (40 seconds) begins after ball is hit. Lost Ball Situation Five (5) minute search period allowed. Player who has lost ball should begin search immediately. Other players should play their shot(s) then assist in search. Players are not allowed to walk to green and view pin position. Green Situations Once all players are on the green: Players are to lift, clean and replace ball, fix ball marks, remove loose impediments on green and line of putt. Clock begins when first player to putt removes ball mark after replacing their ball. No continuous realigning of ball. Once ball is returned to original spot, marker is to be removed. Next player’s clock begins once ball is removed from cup or previous player marks their ball. Putt out short putts (2-3) whenever possible. Moving to Next Hole – Two to the Flag Goal: Reduce standing around on course and keep groups moving. We will be using this at the WIAA State Meet. Practice this pace of play strategy at all your regular season meets. Link for Review http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgSkGWZoS5w&feature=youtu.be Moving to Next Hole – Two to the Flag First player to putt out moves directly to the next hole to tee off as soon as he/she is able to do so. • Second player to putt out manages the flagstick and serves as witness for scoring of other player(s). • Other players immediately proceed to next hole after putting out. • Second player places flagstick in the cup and proceeds to the next hole after the last player in the group has holed out. Group Scoring… • Scores are shared at the next hole’s tee box. • Keys to Good Pace 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Stay focused on and keep up with group ahead. Proceed directly to your ball. Anticipate and think ahead—use travel/walking time. Move quickly from shot to shot. Don’t stand around. Limit socializing – don’t let a conversation hold up play. Be prepared – Be Ready. The Golf Coaches Association of Wisconsin is an organization designed to help build Wisconsin's reputation for developing quality junior players by promoting golf in your school and community. Some of the benefits of joining the GCAW are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Receive issues of the "Coach Approach". This is the newsletter written by high school coaches for high school coaches. Opportunities to improve coaching abilities at the Spring & Summer Clinics Receive a Twenty-five Year Coaching Plaque. Nominate players for Playing All-State Teams (Boy's and Girl's) Nominate players for Academic All-State Teams (Boy's and Girl's) Hole-in-one awards to high school golfers who make them during competition. Ability to nominate former coaches for the Hall-of-Fame. Ability to nominate for the "PGA /Friend of Golf" award. Ability to nominate for the "Friend of High School Golf" award. A strong voice in the affairs of high school golf with other state golf coaches and the W.I.A.A. Play in the Association's annual Coaches Summer Tournament. Please visit the web site @ www.golfcoacheswi.org for more information. Please join the Golf Coaches Association of Wisconsin. It is your professional responsibility! Questions after reviewing presentation? Call Tom Shafranski at the WIAA Office 715-344-8580 -or- via email tshafranski@wiaawi.org From all of us at the WIAA office, have a great 201314 school year!