Department of Juvenile Justice DJJ Wellness Program October 9, 2013 PURPOSE To provide background and legal requirements for determination for continued implementation of the DJJ Wellness Program, as required by participation in the School Lunch Program To develop wellness programming for the health benefit of DJJ youth, in order to reduce obesity, improve nutrition and increase physical activity. BACKGROUND LEGISLATION • In 2004, Congress passed the Child Nutrition and Women Infants and Children (WIC) Reauthorization Act (Sec. 204 of P.L. 108-205). This act required by law that all local education agencies participating in the National School Lunch Program create local wellness policies. The legislation places the responsibility of developing a wellness policy at the local level. USDA Federal funds can be withheld unless the department maintains compliance. • In 2010, Congress passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (Sec. 204 of P.L. 111-296) and added new provisions for local wellness policies related to development, implementation, dissemination, evaluation, and publicly reporting on progress of local wellness policies. PROGRAM NEED • Obesity rates have increased nationally and especially in Georgia. According to CDC, childhood obesity has tripled in the past 30 years and more than 1/3 of children and adolescents were overweight or obese in 2008. DJJ youth reflect the same national trends in obesity. • Healthy lifestyle habits, including healthy eating and physical activity , can lower the risk of becoming obese and developing related diseases. Increasing numbers of DJJ youth are being diagnosed with chronic diseases such as Hypertension and Diabetes that are related to being overweight or obese. REQUIREMENTS • At a minimum, a local facility school wellness program must – Include goals for nutrition promotion and education, physical activity, and other school-based activities that promote student wellness – Include nutrition guidelines to promote student health and reduce childhood obesity for all foods available in each school district – Permit parents, students, representatives of the school food authority, teachers of physical education, school health professionals, the school board, school administrators, and the general public to participate in the development, implementation, and review and update of the local wellness program REQUIREMENTS, CON’T • At a minimum, a local facility school wellness program must – Inform and update the public (including parents, students, and others in the community) about the content and implementation of the facility local wellness program – Be measured periodically by DOE on the extent to which are in compliance with the local facility wellness program, the extent to which the agency’s local wellness program compares to other model schools wellness policies, and the progress made in attaining the goals of the facility wellness program, and make this assessment available to the public DESIRED OUTCOME • Wellness policy for DJJ is developed and implemented in order to promote a reduction in childhood obesity and improve the health of students under the care of DJJ. • DJJ Wellness Program once implemented will be in compliance with all USDA local School Wellness Policy requirements. • DJJ youth will improve their nutritional intake and knowledge and increase their physical activity through improved menus and recreational programming and youth wellness health education. POTENTIAL IMPACT OF DOE REVIEW • DOE’s review measures compliance with performance standards and a failed review means – Denial of new monies that became available in 2012 • An additional 6 cents per meal is available if all performance standards are met – More, in-depth follow up review is required IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS • Central office Wellness Committee established • Lunch menus revised to reflect new school lunch dietary requirements • Health Curriculum developed and presented by DJJ education staff during administration of afterschool snack • One hour of physical activity required of youth daily and documented • DJJ Policy written and submitted for approval IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS • Hold local facility teleconference on October 22 to update critical staff on pending DOE audits relating to Wellness Program • Identify members of local facility Wellness Committee to include 7 members (teacher, nurse, kitchen employee, security, parent, and community volunteer) • Identify Wellness Ambassador among local facility Wellness Committee • Develop local facility Wellness Plan WELLNESS PLAN COMPONENTS • Local facility Wellness Committee established to meet quarterly • Determine facility components of Wellness Plan to include one of each and submit to OHS: – Annual wellness event such as heath fair, immunization drive, youth wellness survey, healthy recipe cook off, youth physical fitness challenge, etc. – Long Term wellness initiative such as: reducing youth sports related injuries, incorporation of wellness activities into PBIS, youth gardens, youth weight reduction program