The Dangers of Violent Video Games

By: Stephanie Fintz, Cindy Wu, Brandon Ngai, and
Ryan Tu 8G – ID3
The Solution: Video Games
 The following statements that could come from a child
have a common solution:
 I’m bored and I need something to do.
 I’m stressed out and I need some way to relax.
 I don’t want to necessarily do my work right away.
 I want to have some entertainment.
 I need to waste some time.
 When a child may feel these ways and more, a common
thing it may turn to are video games, a source of various
types of entertainment.
What’s The Big Deal About
Video Games?
 Many kids have these types of games, which is basically
virtual entertainment with various kinds available from
racing to adventure and such.
 Some kinds of games are suited by age and as a result,
these games are rated based on content and the age
appropriate group for what is in store for the player.
 Some games however, may not be ranked correctly in the
case of violent video games which is a concern since it
exposes many to trouble.
What’s Wrong With Violent
Video Games?
 Violent video games contain many kinds of scenes that
should not be exposed to children whose minds are still
 These games encourage violence toward others, no matter
who they are in terms of species from animals to humans.
 These kinds of games tend to raise adrenaline which lead
to stimulus addiction which may lead to a decline in
Do Violent Video Games Get
 Violent video games can become problematic
for a person’s mind cause a player to have
a more aggressive mindset.
 Besides the images it possesses, it’s a
way to practice being violent in several
 This also leads to some problems
indirectly such as obesity and low
performance in school.
So Why Are Violent Video
Games So Bad?
 Violent skills are required and used by the player in
order to achieve success.
 With repeated actions of this violence, people
practice these horrible acts and eventually learn to
cause harm efficiently.
 There are no rules to prohibit killing in most cases
which give the player many opportunities to harm.
 With a person wanting to kill more and more,
aggressive behavior tends to increase in a person.
Does It Get Worse?
 People may get addicted to these games which
lead to a person practicing this violence more and
 Recent violent video games tend to have realistic
graphics giving the player an experience in what
seems like real life.
 Overall, a person is desensitized to violence when
playing which is not a good thing especially since
children who are usually playing these games are
developing and are incorporating this to their
What’s The Big Deal About
 A child may become more aggressive in reality
since they practice this in their games.
 A child may have trouble during confrontations
with educators and peers since in video games,
they teach themselves to be violent.
 A person may have trouble distinguishing what is
right or wrong after constant exposure to this
violence since what is approved in these games
tend to be frowned upon in reality.
So Has “Desensitization”
Led To Something Bad?
 Despite a child’s belief that these games are
nothing, they really do lead to a change in a
person’s mind.
 This desensitization is also able to lead to changes
in everyday life by having trouble with focusing in
school and leads to aggressive behavior within
ones self and with others.
 Desensitization has actually even led to something
bad such as crimes and murders.
Columbine Incident
 In 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, students of a high school
in Colorado, attacked several people at their school.
Thirteen people were shot and killed and twenty-three were
wounded. Afterward, the two turned the guns on themselves.
The reason? There are many who say that it was the bloody, firstperson shooter games that influenced them to do it.
When the case was investigated, it was found that Eric had
rigged his already violent video games and made them his own
customized shooting game, where the second player couldn't
fight back against the first player.
More than a year after he had been playing these personalized
games of violence, Eric and Dylan seemed to have brought this
scenario very much to life.
Are some violent video games
direct links to murder?
 A video game called "Manhunt" was taken off the shelves
after a fourteen year old boy was murdered by a seventeen
year old who had played the game.
 "Manhunt" was said to be what influenced the seventeen
year old to kill the fourteen year old, because apparently
the game was essentially "a video instruction on how to
murder somebody" as claimed by the victim's father.
So What Was In Common?
 Both games were heavily based on violent ideas.
 All three teens were accused of murder under the
influence of violent video gaming.
 These violent video games show the effects of severe
desensitization to the point where crimes and deaths
 The games were violent enough to the point where the
players were able to learn how to apply their skills in
this virtual simulation into real life.
Some Things Parents Can Do
 Talk to your children about violent video games.
 Instead of violent video games, give your children
educational, interactive games that are not violent and
Work to help outlaw the sale of violent video games to
children in your community.
Discuss values and concerns with other parents.
Teach your children how to make responsible choices.
Understand the risks of allowing your child to be exposed
to violence in violent video games.
Understand ESRB
 EC means Early Childhood. These games are
appropriate for ages 3 and older.
E means Everyone. These games are recommended for
ages 6 and older.
E10+ stands for Everyone 10 and older.
T rated games are for Teens, 13 years and older.
The M means Mature and are for ages 17 and older.
AO stands for Adults Only. These games are meant for
people ages 18 and older.
RP, or Rating Pending means the game is waiting for a
final rating.
Some Helpful Organizations
 MAVAV (Mothers Against Videogame Addiction and Violence) warns parents of the
dangers of video games.
 CBS’s 60 minutes warns people of the consequences of violent video games, such as
Grand Theft Auto when reporting about Devin Moore who killed several people after
playing this game that involved killing and stealing.
 Organizations such as GRB (Game Rating Board), VRC (Videogame Rating Council),
RSAC (Recreational Software Advisory Council ), and ESRB (Entertaining Software
Rating Board) give games ratings so that consumers can buy appropriate games.
Summary of What Can Be Done
 Parents can help children avoid desensitization by
talking to their children and encouraging other types
of games such as educational ones.
 Understanding ESBR ratings can help a parent
understand the kind of game they are buying for their
children and understand what games are appropriate
for them to play.
 There are also organizations and television shows
promoting more restrictions on violent video games
which could be supported to have legislation on the
sale of video games which could protect a child from
potential harm.
 Violent video games are a bad influence since while
children believe that they are being “entertained”,
they are exposing themselves to violence that can
seem realistic in some situations.
 Supporting organizations seeking to control how these
games are sold will help with supporting this point.
 Parents to understand what they are letting their
children see and practice so no tragedies occur.
 Violent video games are a problem for a child’s
developing mind since it exposes them to violence so it
would be wise to not promote violent video games.
Some Links
 Read “The Issue”
 This provides examples of the kind of violence in the
Some Videos
 Talks about several topics concerning video games.
 Summarizes a study done about the impact on the brain.