Title III, Part A 2010-2011 No Child Left Behind Technical Assistance

The 2010-2011 No Child Left Behind
Florida Education:
The Next
Assistance Forum
Title III,
Lori Rodriguez
March 13, 2008
Bureau of Student Achievement through Language Acquisition
Version 1.0
Florida Department of Education
Dr. Eric J. Smith,
• Purpose
• Funding
• Programs
• Assessment and Accountability
• Parental Involvement
• The purpose of Title III is to help ensure that English language
learners (ELLs) attain English language proficiency and
acquire the knowledge and skills needed to meet the State’s
academic achievement standards.
• State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies
(LEAs)/districts, and schools are accountable for increasing
the English proficiency and core academic content knowledge
of ELLs.
Title III funds must:
• Support activities that meet the intent and purposes of
Title III, i.e., improve the teaching and learning of ELLs so they
can learn English and acquire the knowledge and skills needed
to meet the State’s academic achievement standards.
• Be consistent with Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Circular A-87, which requires that activities funded by
Title III be necessary and reasonable to the program’s success
and not prohibited by State or local laws, regulations, or
• Not be used to acquire real property.
Programmatic Requirements
Districts must use Title III funds for two required
• High-quality language instruction educational
programs; and
• Sustained professional development activities to
teachers of ELLs and other educational personnel
supporting the education of ELLs.
Districts must utilize Title III immigrant children and youth grant funds for
specific activities to serve this population, as outlined in section 3115(e).
Types of Title III Programs
• Implementing school-wide programs to upgrade language
instruction educational programs and academic content
instruction for ELLs.
• High-quality language instruction educational programs for
ELLs and professional development for personnel; and
• Services for immigrant children and youth.
The instructional strategies supported
by Title III funds used to serve ELLs
must be based on scientifically based
Program Specific Ideas and
Activities with Title III
•Training for Pre-K teachers
• Development or purchase of non-verbal or other
language academic testing;
• Additional bilingual psychologists/screeners to
correctly place (or not place) ELLs in ESE
and/or gifted
• Bilingual program materials (English acquisition
• Supplemental beyond initial para for 15 ELLs who speak
the same language
• Need to keep a time and effort log on activities if being
paid out of grant
• Districts should monitor para school responsibilities to
ensure that ELLs are being served
• Develop a formula to determine what schools need
supplemental paras to justify Title III funding
• Assist with extended day tutoring and supplemental
translation duties after school hours
Parent Activities
• Family literacy program (teacher/para stipends to teach
course, materials, computers, headsets)
• Develop outreach center for ELL parents – (furniture,
materials, supplies, district stipends to oversee center, para
stipends to offer academic activities for children whose
parents are attending meetings or literacy classes
• Provide guest speakers (info on job applications, health issues,
available community services)
• Provide take-home materials and supplies
• Advertise programs; create flyers for schools, public places,
advertise through public service announcements (TV, radio),
newspapers and local magazines
Parent Outreach
Parent Liaisons
• Liaisons should be able to communicate with
target population.
• Time and effort log required.
• Informs parent of school and district activities
including testing, schedules, enrollment
requirements; provide community and school
resources, etc.
Newcomer Programs
Programs designed to assist ELLs with limited or no
Title III could support:
• Supplemental teachers/aides to keep teacher-student
ratio down
• Take home supplies and materials
• Supplemental instructional materials
• Supplemental professional development
• Acculturation activities (family involvement)
• Civics-based field trips with supplemental
Title III & ELLs in Private Schools
To ensure timely and meaningful consultation, the district
must consult with private school officials on such issues as:
How the ELLs’ needs will be identified.
What services will be offered.
How, where, and by whom the services will be provided.
How the services will be assessed and how the result of the
assessment will be used to improve services.
• Size and scope of services, & funds available for services.
• How and when the LEA will make decisions about the
delivery of services.
(Section 9501)
Private Schools
• In the private school section of the application there
are several boxes to upload private school
communication. The first box is required, but more
may be loaded as applicable.
• Districts should maintain as much private school
communication as possible.
Teacher Qualifications
• A district must have qualified teachers in every
classroom. There is no provision in the law for districts
to place unqualified individuals in a teaching position.
• All students, including students served by Title III must
be taught by highly qualified teachers in core academic
• All teachers in any language instruction educational
program for ELLs must be fluent in English and any other
language used for instruction, including having written
and oral communication skills.
Professional Development
• Florida districts may not use Title III funds to
provide professional development, leading toward
ESOL endorsement/certification for ELLS. This
would be in conflict with the LULAC Consent
Decree and considered supplanting.
• Professional development for classroom teachers,
administrators, and others who work with ELLs
must go above and beyond Florida’s requirements for
• The District may select one or more instructional
models of instruction - consistent with the
requirements of State law - to be used in assisting
ELLs to attain English proficiency and meet State
content and student academic achievement
• The language instruction curriculum used must be
tied to scientifically based research on teaching ELLs
and must have demonstrated effectiveness.
• No particular program of instruction is prescribed or
recommended. (Section 3113(b)(6))
States must annually assess all LEP students for
English language proficiency.
• All Title III-served ELLs must be assessed
annually in each of the language domains of
speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
• AMAO 1: Progress toward English language acquisition as
measured by CELLA . Percent of K-12 students making gains
(moving up a proficiency level(s) of proficient) in each of the
CELLA three domains: Listening/Speaking, Reading and
• AMAO 2: English language acquisition proficiency as
measured by CELLA. Percent of each grade cluster (K-2),
(3-5), (6-8) and (9-12) who score proficient in all three of the
CELLA domains.
• AMAO 3: Proficiency in Math and Reading as measured by
District Accountability and AMAOs
• Notify parents every year that AMAOs are not met within 30
days of district notification of failure to meet AMAOs; i.e., first
day of school. (Section 3302) district
• Two consecutive years - develop an improvement plan
• Four consecutive years - modify the district curriculum,
program, and method of instruction, OR make a
determination as to whether the district should continue to
receive Title III funds, AND require the district to replace
educational personnel relevant to the failure to meet AMAOs.
(Section 3122(b))
The Law
Title III, Sec. 3122(b) (2) “If a State
educational agency determines, based on the
annual measurable achievement objectives
described in subsection (a), that an eligible
entity has failed to make progress toward
meeting such objectives for 2 consecutive
years, the agency shall require the entity to
develop an improvement plan that will ensure
that the entity meets such objectives. The
improvement plan shall specifically address
the factors that prevented the entity from
achieving such objectives.”
Parental Involvement
Districts must implement effective outreach to parents of ELLs
to inform them of how they can be involved in their children’s
education and how they can assist their children to learn English
and meet State content and academic achievement standards.
Examples of parental involvement activities:
• Assisting parents of ELLs to help improve their child’s
• Provide literacy training to parents of ELLs;
• Parent outreach to parents of ELLs.
Title III Supplement, not Supplant
• Title III funds must be used to supplement the
level of Federal, State, and local funds that, in
the absence of Title III funds, would have been
expended for programs for ELLs and
immigrant children and youth.
[Section 3115(g) of ESEA]
As used in Title III, what do the terms "
supplement" and " supplant" mean?
• The statute, in section 3115, requires that funds
available under a sub-grant be used " to supplement
the level of Federal, State, and local public funds that,
in the absence of such availability, would have been
expended for programs for limited English proficient
children and immigrant children and youth and in no
case to supplant such Federal, State, and local public
funds." In this section, " supplement" means " an
addition," and " supplant" means " to take the place
The First Test:
Is the activity required by
The Department assumes
supplanting exists if –
• The district uses Title III
funds to provide services
that the district is required
to make available under
State or local laws, or other
Federal laws.
The Second Test :
Prior Year
The Department assumes
supplanting exists if –
• A District uses Title III
funds to provide services
that it provided in the prior
year with State, local, or
other Federal funds.
• This assumption may be
• All Title III expenditures must lead to
increasing the English language proficiency
and the academic achievement of ELLs. NCLB
Section 3213 provides guidance on specific
allowable activities which includes, but not
limited to extended day tutoring, teacher
training and parent involvement activities
All Title III expenditures must be necessary to
obtain the desired goals outlined in the grant
applications. A detailed Needs Assessment and
Activity Narrative should include how the
purchase or activity will accomplish ELL goals
and objectives. “Necessity” is also subjective,
but the appearance of how federal money is
spent is of the utmost importance.
All Title III expenditures must be reasonable in
cost and purpose to the average individual.
Grant applications must include a detailed
Needs Assessment and Budget Narrative to
justify reasonableness of questionable
expenditures. Although “reasonableness” is
subjective, the appearance of how federal
money is spent is of the utmost importance.
All Title III expenditures must be used for
specific programs, activities and services that
will benefit ELLs, exclusively. Although
collaboration with other federal, state and local
programs are encouraged, Title III expenditures
must be a monetary resource with a particular
Sample Budget Page Excerpt – DOE 101
Account Title and Description
Salary for
summer school
Salaries Salary for summer school for 6
ESOL teachers to strengthen ELLs'
reading skills. Program ends June 30
Salaries Supplemental bilingual
paraprofessional at 1 middle school to
assist in ELL classroom. This position is
above and beyond the 15 or more
Textbooks Supplemental bilingual
textbooks for ELLs for use in regular
500 Language Learning licenses to provide
ELL students with supplementary
instruction in vocabulary, listening, and
Travel for
Travel The district will provide
opportunities for ESOL endorsed teachers
and administrators to attend supplements
trainings or conferences, such as FABES or
Indirect cost at
Indirect cost at 2% to be used
Budget page – DOE 101
• Activity: a short sentence or phrase about the line
• Function: four digit code
• Object: three digit code
• Title and description: a detailed description of the
line item
• FTE: Appropriate FTE count
Remember: the budget page is designed to enable an auditor to immediately
see what the district is doing without reading the grant.
Important Dates
• RFA approved and was sent out to districts
through the paperless system.
• The Title III on-line grant application is live!
• District completion will expedite DOE completion.
• July 1, 2010 – Grant year begins
• September 30, 2010 – last day to draw down up to
25% of grant funds after an application has been
submitted to DOE.
After this date, grant funds will be unavailable until the grant is approved.
2% Administrative Costs
Is there a cap on the amount of Title III funds that can be used
for the administration of the ELL program?
“Yes” A District may use no more than
2 percent (2%) of the grant for administrative
costs and indirect costs (Title III, Section 3115[b]).
Program administrative costs include such
items as:
> salaries of project personnel,
> clerical support, and
> other costs directly incurred in the administration of
the program
The USDE’s Indirect Cost Determinations, Guidance for State
and Local Government Agencies (Blue Book) states that any
"statutory or regulatory limitation applies to the combined
claims for indirect costs and direct administration costs.“
Example: As part of the 2% administrative costs allowed, a
district may allocate a Title III coordinator to implement and
oversee the district’s ESOL program.
How is the 2% administrative cost calculated for budget purposes?
• Take the amount available to earn indirect costs and subtract
excluded costs (capital outlay—600 object codes). This is the net
amount available for both indirect and direct costs.
• Divide the net amount by the applicable approved indirect cost
rate plus 100% which will give the direct cost.
• Subtract the direct cost amount from the net amount available to
get the indirect cost amount for the budget.
• Project Amount, $545,000.00
• Less: excluded cost (600 object codes) $1,445.00
• Net amount for direct and indirect cost = $543,555.00
• Divide net amount by 1.02 (combined percentage of
100 percent plus the applicable indirect cost rate
percentage) $543,555.00 / 1.02 = $532,897.00
• Subtract this amount from the net amount
• Equals the administrative cost dollar amount, which
is $10,658.00
Immigrant Children and Youth
NCLB Title III, Part B
Title III Grant Reviewers
• Ginger Alberto: Alachua, Bay, Brevard, Broward, Charlotte,
Citrus, Clay, Collier, Dade, De Soto, Duval, Escambia, Flagler,
Hamilton, Seminole, Walton
• Mark Drennan: Glades, Leon, Levy, Manatee, Marion, Martin,
Monroe, Okaloosa, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach,
Polk, Putnam, St. Johns, Sarasota, Volusia
• Pat Faircloth: Gadsden, Hardee, Hendry, Hernando,
Highlands, Hillsborough, Indian River, Lake, Lee, Nassau,
Pasco, Pinellas, St. Lucie, Santa Rosa, Sumter, Suwannee
• To assist districts that experience significant
increases in their student population due to
• Allow districts to enhance educational
opportunities for immigrant and youth.
Note: May or may not be an ELL student.
Q & A for
Immigrant Children and Youth
Question: May children born overseas to U.S. military personnel be
considered “immigrant” for the purposes of the Title III immigrant children
and youth program authorized in section 3114(d) of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act (ESEA)?
Answer: Yes, these children may be counted by an LEA as “immigrant” and
included in the count of immigrant students utilized for funding purposes for
the Title III immigrant children and youth program. The term “immigrant
children and youth” as defined in section 3301(6) of ESEA, means individuals
who• are aged 3 through 21;
• were not born in any State, Puerto Rico or the District of Columbia, and
• have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more States for
more than 3 full academic years.
Immigrant Children & Youth
Examples of Activities
Family literacy, parent outreach, and training activities
Personnel support - specifically trained, or being trained
Tutorials, mentoring, and academic or career counseling
Basic instruction services, including costs of providing
additional classroom supplies, transportation, etc.
Programs of introduction of immigrant children and youth
to the educational system
Civics education & acculturation activities
Programs coordinated with community-based organizations,
institutions of higher education, private sector entities
Identification and acquisition of curricular materials,
educational software, and technologies specifically for
Immigrant Children and Youth
Application Requirements
Keep track of students (cannot exceed 3 years in the district).
Send mid and end of year report.
No carryover funds (no cost extensions)
Immigrant student counts using the current definition will
be applicable to 2010-11 funding cycle
Applications are to be submitted using Forms
Project Application Single (DOE 100 A) & Budget
Narrative Form (DOE 101). Currently, the online
application is not available.
Florida Education: The Next
March 13, 2008
Version 1.0