Educational Leaders for the 21st Century

Roxbury Public Schools
Curriculum & Instruction Supervisors:
Educational Leaders for the 21st Century
What matters most?
Our students and their achievement!
Research shows that school leaders have a significant positive impact on
student achievement by…
Raising expectations and academic rigor for all students.
Increasing student engagement through better instruction
and added support services.
Providing focused, sustained professional development.
Managing the organization to support student learning.
Building relationships with parents, employers, and the community.
Guiding reform through assessment and data analysis.
(Hoachlander et al., 2001)
Responsibilities of a Supervisor
Supervisors provide our schools with the subject matter and specialized program
expertise that pushes our students to be among the best prepared in the nation
for life after high school.
Supporting staff in the development of subject area curriculum.
Supervising, observing, and mentoring teaching staff.
Leading the on-going evaluation, alignment, and revision of curriculum
in accordance with state and federal standards.
Facilitating vertical and horizontal articulation to ensure continuity
of instruction.
Ensuring adherence to and assisting in the development of
best practice standards.
Analyzing and monitoring academic outcomes and designing
initiatives to assure student achievement.
Responding to the needs of individual students, parents, and teachers.
Screening, interviewing, and recommending hiring of staff.
Adapted from:
Understanding New Jersey Schools: A Resource Guide for Every New Jersey Citizen.
New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association, 2007
Responsibilities of a Supervisor
Building district-wide and department level budgets and responsibly
managing allocated funds.
Developing and implementing programs within the confines of
budgetary constraints.
Providing community with information related to subject areas
of expertise.
Communicating effectively with all stakeholders: students, parents,
community, staff, and administrators.
Creating, leading, administrating, and managing professional
development opportunities.
Researching and developing effective instructional techniques, turnkeying strategies to staff, and providing model lessons for individual
Contributing towards a positive district, school, and classroom
Adapted from:
Understanding New Jersey Schools: A Resource Guide for Every New Jersey Citizen.
New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association, 2007
How are these responsibilities reflected in the
culture of the Roxbury Public Schools…
Domain 1:
Domain 2:
Planning and Preparation
The Classroom Environment
Demonstrating Knowledge of Content
Creating an Environment of Respect
and Pedagogy
and Rapport
Demonstrating Knowledge
Students for Teaching
Establishing a Culture for Learning
Setting Instructional Outcomes
Managing Classroom Procedures
Second Edition
Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
Managing Student Behavior
Designing Coherent Instruction
Organizing Physical Space
Designing Student Assessments
Domain 3:
Communicating With Students
Using Questioning and Discussion
Engaging Students in Learning
Using Assessment in Instruction
Demonstrating Flexibility and
Domain 4:
Professional Responsibilities
Reflecting on Teaching
Maintaining Accurate Records
Communicating with Families
Participating in a Professional Community
Growing and Developing Professionally
Showing Professionalism
The Framework for Teaching: Charlotte Danielson
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
1a: Content and Pedagogy
• Develop program approach, train staff, and oversee implementation of the
following current initiatives:
• Balanced Literacy,
• inclusive of: Comprehension Model of Instruction, Guided Reading,
Literature Circles, & Socratic Circles
• Curriculum Mapping,
• Computational Fluency,
• Algebra 1 EOC Preparation,
• HSPA Saturday Program,
• John Collins Approach to Writing,
• Reverse Inclusion,
• Understanding by Design Curriculum Writing
• Screen resumes, conduct interviews, make hiring recommendations (7-12);
assist in hiring process (PreK-6).
1b: Knowledge of Students
• Develop teacher competencies in identifying student learning styles and
modifying instructional approaches.
• Increase awareness of “who we teach” by developing and sharing methods
via New Teacher Training program and other professional development
• Support students, parents, and staff and their individual needs.
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
1c: Instructional Outcomes
• Continue to professionally develop and hold staff accountable for
differentiated instruction.
• Develop action plans that respond to State mandates.
• Review and pilot new instructional materials.
• Facilitate the work of the Instructional Council, as a Professional Learning
1d: Resources
• Develop educationally sound budgets which facilitate and maintain
curricular programs.
• Negotiate and establish a rapport with vendors to ensure responsible and
efficient use of school funds.
• Create and implement programs within the confines of budgetary
• Participate in grant writing, as a means to supplement local funds.
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
1e: Coherent Instruction
Facilitate PreK-12 Curriculum Mapping process.
Explore curriculum mapping software.
Ensure alignment of curriculum to NJCCCS in the mandated timeframes provided
and in turn, revise curriculum plan.
Coordinate curriculum development:
• Focus areas for 2009-2010:
• Math (K, 6, Algebra 1)
• Science (Biology)
• Social Studies (5 – 8)
• Language Arts (6-8)
• Media (PreK-12)
• Technology (5-8)
Train staff in the use of and implement the State’s recommended curriculum design
model: Understanding by Design.
Collect and monitor teacher lesson plans.
1f: Student Assessments
Administrate standardized and State assessment, inclusive of: NJPASS, Algebra 1
EOC, Algebra 2 EOC, and Biology EOC.
Manage and administer AHSA program.
Work collaboratively with staff to design, administer, evaluate, and analyze
benchmark assessments.
Provide a forum for frequent discussion based on assessment data.
Support teachers and administrators in interpretation and use of assessments.
Pilot State initiatives.
Domain 2: Classroom Environment
2a: An Environment of Respect
• Train and support staff in the establishment of classroom environments that
are conducive to learning.
• Support an environment of respect between students, parents,
and teachers.
2b: A Culture for Learning
• Foster a positive culture for learning with students, parents, and staff.
• Facilitate faculty meetings and department meetings with a targeted
professional development focus.
• Coordinate and encourage cross-district classroom visitations
and dialogue.
• Participate in the research and design of the district’s use
of instructional time.
• Proactively train staff in the use of strategies to engage learners
in a variety of instructional settings.
Domain 2: Classroom Environment
2c: Classroom Procedures
• Train and support teachers in the development of clear expectations
and procedures for their classrooms.
• Collaboratively develop Basic Skills programming and approaches
for before, during, and after school support programs.
2d: Managing Student Behavior
• Support staff in the development of classroom management systems and
work with individual teachers to address challenging student behavior.
• Provide coverage for absent building principals and / or assistant principals.
2e: Organizing Physical Space
• Work individually with teachers to maximize facility space, as well as design
classroom plans that support the developmental nature of students and the
teachers need to manage the environment.
Domain 3: Instruction
3a: Communicating with Students
• Administer Fountas and Pinnell Assessment based upon teacher
and student need.
• Model effective communication techniques.
• Conduct model lessons in the classrooms.
3b: Questioning/Discussion Techniques
• Design and provide training for teachers that focuses on ways to
engage students in higher level analytical thinking (such as Socratic
Circles, Literature Circles, application of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)
3c: Engaging Students in Learning
• Monitor student engagement during teacher observations and
provide insight into how to foster purposeful, on-task behavior.
• Support staff in the elementary computational fluency initiative.
• Facilitate K-5 LAL Rigby Pilot & Grade 7 Science Pilot.
• Provide training for all staff and extended individualized instruction to
develop classroom management systems that can be utilized during
small group instruction.
Domain 3: Instruction
3d: Assessment in Instruction
• Manage or assist with administration of State testing, as well as NJ PASS.
• Utilize data from State and local assessments to inform decisions as related
to curriculum, instruction, and professional development.
• Keep abreast and become knowledgeable of State mandated assessments.
Work collaboratively with staff to design benchmark assessments and utilize
data to inform instruction.
• Train staff in the use of and the methods for interpreting data culled through
the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessments.
• Coordinate Alternative High School Assessment (AHSA).
• Continue to provide differentiated instruction & assessment training.
• Participate in dialogue exploring the development of an electronic portfolio.
3e: Flexibility and Responsiveness
• Assist with the design of and serve as key participants in action plans:
• AYP status,
• Program design (Universal HSPA Prep - Reverse inclusion),
• NJASK writing cluster scores, and
• Computational fluency.
• Respond to student needs through tiered interventions.
• Utilize staff’s responses to various Zoomerang surveys to determine
areas of need and in turn, areas of action.
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
4a: Reflecting on Teaching
• Coordinate curriculum mapping process.
• Evaluate curricula.
• Promote and facilitate study groups.
• Arrange for intra-district articulation amongst staff.
• Develop action plans for teachers in need of assistance.
4b: Maintaining Accurate Records
• Gather longitudinal data from State and local benchmark assessments.
• Monitor students’ progress utilizing Genesis and portfolios.
4c: Communicating with Families
• Conduct parent education seminars and district level orientations.
• Resolve placement issues.
• Address parent questions and concerns.
• Collaboratively revised K-4 report cards, so as to provide a standards’
based view of student progress.
• Maintain the Curriculum and Instruction page of the website.
• Develop and distribute parent information regarding instructional practices,
expectations, and suggestions for how to extend the learning at home.
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
4d: Professional Community
• Assist in the long-range planning of district professional
development programs.
• Establish focus, coordinate, and lead in-service workshops
(pull-out, staff development days).
• Maintain membership in a variety of local and State supervisory
associations, so as to remain current with research and best-practices.
4e: Developing Professionally
• Support the Domains of Teaching initiative.
• Attend professional development opportunities that will further enable
the development and execution of district initiatives.
• Turnkey new understandings.
4f: Professionalism
• Monitor State initiatives: 21st Century Skills, American Diploma Project,
Common Core Standards Project, End of Course Assessments, NAEP,
NJCCCS Revisions, Preschool Expansion Project,
Understanding by Design.
• Participate in district leadership team.
Supervisory Snapshot
Collectively, the four supervisors engage in a variety of tasks
that help to guide the direction of the district and
support the development of teachers.
The following is a snapshot of some of their tasks
September 2009 – April 2010:
• 121 Formal Observations
• 79
Informal Observations to Support Initiative Implementation
• 64
Summative Evaluations
• 102 Faculty / Department Meetings Facilitated
• 90
In-District Trainings Conducted
• 15
What the supervisors mean to…
Parents, Their Children,
Educators, and
Fellow Administrators.
Parents and Their Children
“We would like to thank you for the time you took to evaluate our son. Your analysis, opinion, and
feedback was very helpful in determining the appropriate direction for him.”
“Thank you for the time and energy you spent with me to help me get the best
(subject) education.”
”Thank you for supporting our son in his struggle with (subject). Without your support
he would not have graduated.”
“I wanted to thank you for mediating the situation between (my son) and (his teacher).”
“Thank you very much for helping me.”
“You're the best, (supervisor). Thanks so much for getting back to me so soon.”
“I'm so glad that you're willing to work with us and offer alternatives. That's really all we're looking
for here. I guess it's the true spirit of differentiated instruction, right?”
“Thanks, once again, for your time! “
“I think the work you are doing is very valuable, and I am happy to assist you in any way that I
can. I certainly learn a lot every time I come, so I know the teachers who come for "actual“
training are really getting the best!”
“Thank you so much for your thorough reply to my questions! I feel that I now have a very good
understanding about what to expect in (grade). I really appreciate it that you took the time to give
me such a detailed explanation.”
“Thank you for sharing all the wonderful information about (subject) at our meeting.”
“Your passion certainly is contagious!”
“Your enthusiasm is a breath of fresh air and it motivates me to become
a better teacher.”
“It was a very helpful meeting today. I see the gaps more clearly in what I am doing-or
not doing. It is definitely helpful to have that kind of feedback now rather than in May
or June when it will be too late to change it. Thanks so much!”
“We all really enjoyed your workshop and appreciate all the time and effort you put into
helping us get prepared to use these skills in our classrooms.”
“I wanted to let you know how very helpful I found yesterday's training. I was able to
find, just as you said, things that I will be using in my classroom today and the rest of
the week.“
“It is a pleasure to work with someone who is so positive and supportive. I appreciate
all the time and energy you have put into helping me to become a better teacher.”
“I just wanted to let you know how much I have truly enjoyed working with each of you
this year. I have felt tremendously supported by you, and have dearly appreciated
your input, resources and the occasional opportunity to vent. I feel so fortunate to
work on a team that values our children above all else. Thanks for being here!”
“You clarified a lot of aspects pertaining to the assessments that we will be
administering in the near future. I definitely feel more at ease and relaxed about this
assessment process.”
“Thank you so much for coming in today! I really appreciate all the help you are
giving me. I enjoy seeing new ideas and want to absorb all I can! The children also
really enjoy your lessons!”
“Thank you so much for the lesson this morning. You did a fantastic job with the
students and I know they picked up a lot. I know I sure did. I cannot wait to
implement your ideas.”
“It has been a wonderful experience learning from you. I absolutely admire your
“You are one of the most professional educators that I have ever worked with. You
can be trusted to turn a difficult situation into a positive experience for both students
and parents.”
“You helped me see what differentiation really means. You are a teacher for
“I can always count on you to help me work through a problem by helping me to see
the many available alternatives.”
Fellow Administrators
“One of the highest compliments an educator can receive from another educator
is that they would want to have that person educate their own children. You are
certainly the one I would choose for my children.”
“We are fortunate to have an ongoing learner, such as yourself, who teaches
educators in a respectful and realistic manner.”
“You received a VERY nice compliment from one of my parents today – a parent
for whom I have tremendous respect. She actually wishes that she were like
“I think you listen so well to teachers and respond in a helpful manner. Your
workshops are thought-provoking and encourage sharing.”
Domain 2: Classroom Environment
21st Century Learning Standards
Assessment and Grading
Benchmark Assessments
Curriculum Mapping
Differentiated Instruction
Digitizing District (Genesis)
Essential Elements of Teaching
(New Teachers)
Professional Learning Communities
Professional Resources
Technology Integration
Understanding by Design
Domain 3: Instruction
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
Pathways to Achieve Goals
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
Educational Leaders for the 21st Century