ASBA/AAEA Joint Conference 2013 (Condensed) Legislative Session ACTS Dr. Richard Abernathy, AAEA Executive Director Dr. Tony Prothro, ASBA Assistant Executive Director May 14, 2013 Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Disclaimer • This presentation is not comprehensive of all ACTS of the 2013 legislative session • There are many more ACTS not covered that will have requirements and effects on school districts • Please refer to the website addresses at the end of the presentation for a link to ACTS affecting education from the 2013 session Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 234 – Amends Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship • Beginning 2013-2014 • Four-Year Institutions: • • • • Freshman - $2,000 Sophomore - $3,000 Junior - $4,000 Senior - $5,000 • Two-Year Institutions - $2,000 • Emergency Clause Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 444 – Veteran Preference • School district shall provide a veterans preference in interviewing and hiring if: – Indicates on application that he/she is veteran, disabled veteran, or surviving spouse of veteran who is unmarried at the time of hiring – Is a citizen and resident of this state – Meets substantially equal qualifications of other applicants Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 517 – Health Insurance • January 1, 2014 district rate will go from $131 to $150 per employee participating in the program • Shall increase annually by the same percentage the foundation amount is increased • Side note - State contributes $390 per budgeted position for state employees Act 1443 would have helped fund school employee health insurance (Not Funded), but this session did not solve dramatic increases facing school employees Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 559 – Requirements for Meeting of Board of Directors • Meeting called when petitioned to do so in writing by 50 qualified electors after verified • Contains printed names and address of each qualified elector • State purpose of meeting Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 559, continued • At least five days prior to board meeting, superintendent shall notify board president of all written requests to be placed on agenda along with a recommendation concerning each request • Shall not place item on agenda if prejudices the board concerning student or personnel matters or conflicts with district policy Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 576 – Require a Period of Silence • Public school shall observe a one (1) minute period of silence at the beginning of the day • Student may reflect, pray, or engage in a silent activity • Teacher or school employee in charge of classroom shall ensure that all students remain silent and do not interfere with or distract another student during the period of silence Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 601 – Districts of Innovation • Allows schools to obtain from the Commissioner necessary exceptions from laws, rules, and local policies to improve the educational performance of students • Establish a School Council of Innovation made up of parents, student, employees, etc. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 601, continued • School council of innovation creates plan and eligible employees vote on plan • Must have 60% approval • Plan is approved by local board • Plan is sent to Commissioner for approval • Plan is approved for four (4) years Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 601, continued • Plan will address goals and targets which may include: – Reducing achievement gap – Increasing student participation in curriculum – Expanding students' college and career readiness – Exploring innovative teaching and learning – Transforming a school's culture Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 601, continued • Instructional time may include: – on-site instruction – distance or virtual learning – work-based learning on nontraditional school days or hours Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 696 – Rating System for Schools • Effective 2014-2015 • Schools and School Districts will be rated on an A-F grading system • Dept of Ed will determine future criteria for rating Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 969 – Professional Development • Amends professional development laws to place certain required PD on rotating schedule • Eliminates Lottery Training • ADE shall establish the curriculum for the rotating PD requirements • 2 hours total but may have additional hours if needed • Technology may be required by ADE and integrated Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 969, continued • 2013-2014 - Mandated Reporter • 2014-2015 - Parental Involvement • 2015-2016 - Teen Suicide Awareness and Prevention • 2016-2017 - Arkansas History • Required to have this training prior to becoming licensed • Not the responsibility of the district Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 969, continued • Before receiving a building level administrator's licenses the person must complete the teacher evaluation program • May complete the assessment before/after obtaining initial building level administrator's license Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1016 – CPR Instruction • Beginning 2014-2015 • Students in grades 9-12 shall be trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation before student graduates • Not a certification program • Shall follow standards established by the American Heart Association • Including instruction and use of automated external defibrillators Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1039 – Disclosure of Employment Information • Authorizes school districts, officers, agents, and employees to disclose employment information with or without the written consent of a current or former employee, including: – – – – – Last written performance evaluation Drug/alcohol test results Violence, harassment in the workplace Reasons for separation Eligibility for rehire Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1081 – Repeals High-Stakes Testing • Replaces high-stakes end-of-course assessments for Algebra I and English II with the next-generation assessments • Remedial activities and instruction shall not be in lieu of English, mathematics, science, history, or other courses required for graduation • Sets the stage for implementing common core state standards assessments Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1120 – Board Review of Salary Increases • Applies when an employee receives a salary increase of 5% or more for substantially the same job function • Board shall review and approve by written resolution an increase for a school employee • Resolution shall include reasons for salary increase • Special Audit review and compliance requirements Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1227 – School Choice • Districts shall participate unless file an exemption with ADE for enforceable desegregation order • Board shall adopt resolution with standards for acceptance which: – may include capacity of a program, class, grade level, or school building. – shall include priority will be given for siblings – shall not include applicant's academic, athletic, English prof. or previous discipline Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1227, continued • School superintendent shall cause public announcement over broadcast media and either print media or the Internet • Parent submit application to nonresident district with copy to resident district • Form approved by ADE • Postmarked no later than June 1 Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1227, continued • District notifies parent by August 1 if student : – Rejected - reason for rejection – Accepted - deadline when student shall enroll or acceptance is null; renewal procedures • 3% of a district's ADM maximum limit for choice less transfers • Siblings shall only count as 1 for the 3% calculation Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1227, continued • ADE shall report by June 1 to each district the net maximum school choice transfers for the current year • Parents may appeal district decision to State Board Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1278 – Educational Trust Fund • Amends the Educational Excellence Trust Fund law to include: – incremental pay increases for experience and advanced hours or degrees within the definition of "salary increase" Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1280 – Digital Learning • 2013-14 - Each district in the pilot program shall offer at least one digital learning class • 2014-15 - Entering 9th grade students must have at least one digital learning class to graduate Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1280, continued • Beginning in the 14-15 year, all school districts shall provide at least one digital course to their students as either a primary or supplementary method of instruction • All digital learning courses shall be made available in a blended learning, online-based, or other technology-based format tailored to meet the needs of each participating student Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1294 -- Dyslexia • Required screening and intervention • Shall screen students in grade K-2 using Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) • If DIBELS screens indicates a student has markers for dyslexia then student is referred to Response to Intervention (RTI) • If RTI committee concurs, student shall be evaluated for dyslexia Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1294, continued • If dyslexia evaluation confirms, student shall be provided therapeutic services • Therapeutic services may be provided by tutor who is highly qualified and trained interventionist • List instructional approaches • ADE shall hire a dyslexia specialist by 2015 • ADE shall ensure at least 1 staff member at each co-op is trained as a dyslexia specialist • ADE to provide required professional awareness for teachers Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1329 – Student Discipline • ADE shall report to SBE and to all school districts: – Disciplinary rate for each discipline measure for each racial subgroup – Rate of disciplinary disparity for each discipline measure – List of discipline-related strategies, alternatives, and resources – Identification of districts that make progress reducing disciplinary rate and rate of disciplinary disparity • By July 1 of each year beginning in 2014 Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1467 – School Funding Amounts • Foundation Funding – 2013-2014 -- $6,393 increase of $126 – 2014-2015 -- $6,521 increase of $128 Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1467, continued • Categoricals • ALE – 2013-2014 -- $4,305 -- Increase of $77 – 2014-2015 -- $4,383 -- Increase of $78 • ELL – 2013-2014 -- $311 -- Increase of $6 – 2014-2015 -- $317 -- Increase of $6 Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1469 – Homeschool Participation • Home-schooled student may participate in their resident district’s: – athletic program – fine arts program – special interest club • Notify principal within the first 11 days of the fall or spring semester and before signups, tryouts, etc. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1469, continued • Principal shall permit if: – If notified before signup, tryout, etc. of desire to participate – Informs principal that student has demonstrated academic eligibility by obtaining: minimum score of thirtieth (30th) percentile on SAT 10 or other normreference test • Required to be at school not more than 1 period. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Act 1480 – Social Media • Prohibits employer from requiring or requesting a current or prospective employee from disclosing his/her username or password for social media account or provide access to content of his/her social media account Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Bills That Did Not Become Acts 2013 Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association HB 1418 • The "Highway Robbery" bill • Would have diverted over $2B in General Revenue over the next 10 years to the state, counties, and cities for highway construction and maintenance • AAEA/ASBA opposed the deference of revenue currently slated for education, children in need programs, other pre-determined allocation of current and future general revenue Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association HB 1897 • Would have created vouchers for children to attend private schools • AAEA/ASBA opposed the use of public money to fund private schools without accountability Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association HB 2260 • Would have established voucher program for students with special needs to attend private and non-resident public schools • Definition of "special needs" was very broad and not in line with IDEA regulations • AAEA/ASBA opposed the use of public funds to pay for private education without accountability Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association SB 740 • Would have provided an income tax credit for contributions to non-profit scholarship-funding organizations to provide "scholarships" (vouchers) to economically disadvantaged students. • AAEA/ASBA opposed the use of public funds for private education without regulations and accountability Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association SB 1084 • Would have limited use of Construction Management as a method of construction for public schools. • AAEA/ASBA supports districts having the option to use whatever method they deem appropriate for a particular project Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association HB 1590 • Would have eliminated the PRAXIS for teacher licensure and required the State to use the Massachusetts Test for Educational Licensure. • AAEA/ASBA opposed this legislative mandate to do business with one particular company. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association HB 1357 • Bill in initial form would have moved school board candidate election and millage election to Presidential Primary or General Election • In final form would have changed millage elections to Presidential Primary, September, or General Election • AAEA/ASBA opposed the moving of the traditional elections due to longer ballots, additional school cost for elections and voter confusion, intermingling political candidates with school board candidates, and board candidate cost for running for office Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association SB 587 • Would have changed school candidate election to general election • Did not affect millage elections • AAEA/ASBA opposed this legislation for similar reasons as HB1357 • In addition, school board members are unpaid volunteers and should be considered on a different ballot issue and date of voting separate from paid candidates for office Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association HB 2120 • Would have instituted a recall of one or more board members by a petition of voters and board recall vote • AAEA/ASBA opposed this legislation due to board members having to make unpopular choices (expulsions, terminations, financial considerations, etc..) and should not endure the threat of a recall vote Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association HB 2170 • Would have eliminated all school boards in the State of Arkansas • AAEA/ASBA opposed this legislation due to the fact that the absence of school boards would eliminate local control and representation crucial to democracy Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Additional Information • This power point presentation is available on our websites at or • The full slate of educational ACTS (some not covered today) is also available on our websites. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Arkansas School Boards Association Questions Dr. Richard Abernathy AAEA Executive Director 501-372-1691 Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Dr. Tony Prothro ASBA Asst. Executive Director 501-372-1415 Arkansas School Boards Association