Accommodations, Modifications, Co

Modifications, Co-Teaching,
IDEA, Progress Monitoring
 (3) Specially designed instruction means adapting,
as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child
under this part, the content, methodology, or
delivery of instruction—(i) To address the unique
needs of the child that result from the child’s
disability; and(ii) To ensure access of the child to
the general curriculum, so that the child can meet
the educational standards within the jurisdiction of
the public agency that apply to all children.
Difference between an IEP & 504
 The Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is a plan
or program developed to ensure that a child who has
a disability identified under the law and is attending
an elementary or secondary educational institution
receives specialized instruction and related services.
 The 504 Plan is a plan developed to ensure that a
child who has a disability identified under the law
and is attending an elementary or secondary
educational institution receives accommodations
that will ensure their academic success and access to
the learning environment.
IEP vs. 504
 Not all students who have disabilities require specialized
instruction. For students with disabilities who do require specialized
instruction, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
controls the procedural requirements, and an IEP is developed.
 The IDEA process is more involved than that of Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act and requires documentation of measurable
growth. For students with disabilities who do not require specialized
instruction but need the assurance that they will receive equal
access to public education and services, a document is created to
outline their specific accessibility requirements. Students with 504
Plans do not require specialized instruction, but, like the IEP, a 504
Plan should be updated annually to ensure that the student is
receiving the most effective accommodations for his/her specific
 Just because a child has a disability or impairment does not mean that
he/she automatically qualifies for special education services under the
IDEA. A child with a disability who does not need special education
services will not qualify for special education and related services under the
IDEA. He or she may however receive protections under Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act.
 Eligibility for protections under Section 504 depends on the child in
question having a physical or mental impairment which must substantially
limit at least one major life activity. Major life activities include walking,
seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, writing, performing
math calculations, working, caring for oneself, and performing manual
 The question that must be addressed by the school's special education team
is whether the child has an "impairment" that "substantially limits one or
more major life activities. Section 504 requires an evaluation that draws
information from a variety of sources. Section 504 does not require a
meeting before a change in placement.
Section 504 Accommodation Plan
 Under Section 504, the child with a disability may
receive accommodations and modifications that are
not available to children who are not disabled. These
accommodations and modifications are also
available under IDEA
 Tests taken in a separate location with time limits
waived or extended.
 Giving the child frequent breaks out of the classroom
to release tics in a less embarrassing environment.
504 Accommodations Continued
 The use of a word processor due to fine motor, visual
motor deficits
 Tests/reports given orally
 Shortened assignments
 Standardized tests answers written directly in the
test booklet and transferred onto answer sheet by
teacher or assistant.
 Class notes provided rather than having the student
copy from the chalkboard or overhead.
504 Accommodations Continued
 Allowing the child to leave the classroom 2 to 3
minutes early to avoid crowded hallways.
 Preferential seating in the classroom
 Provision of a daily assignment sheet to be filled out
by the student and verified by the teacher for
accuracy. The parent could then check to make sure
that all the work is accomplished. This would assist
with homework prioritizing and management.
Frequently Asked Questions & Scenarios
 Let's suppose that your special needs child is severely
visually impaired. Under Section 504, your child
cannot be discriminated against because of the
disability. Your child must be provided with access to
an education, to and through the schoolhouse door.
Modifications may need to be made to the building
itself and other accommodations may need to be
made for your child. Preferential seating, enlarged
print texts, workbooks, tests, etc. would be
reasonable accommodations.
Frequently Asked Questions & Scenarios
 Section 504 defines a free appropriate public
education as "the provision of regular or special
education and related aids and services that . . . are
designed to meet individual educational needs of
persons with disabilities as adequately as the needs
of persons without disabilities are met and . . . are
based upon adherence to specified procedures."
Frequently Asked Questions & Scenarios
 Now let's suppose that your visually impaired child also
has Tourette Syndrome, ADHD and a Non Verbal
Learning Disability that adversely affects the child's
ability to learn. Under the IDEA, if your child has a
disability that adversely affects educational performance,
your child is entitled to an education that is designed to
meet the child's unique needs and from which your child
receives educational benefit.
 Section 504 does not guarantee that your visually
impaired child will receive an education from which your
child receives educational benefit. Your Section 504 child
has access to the same free appropriate public education
that is available to children who are not disabled
 Usually a modification means a change in
what is being taught to or expected from the
student. Making an assignment easier so the
student is not doing the same level of work
as other students is an example of a
 If the IEP team decides that a child needs a
particular modification or accommodation, this
information must be included in the IEP. Supports
are also available for those who work with the child,
to help them help that child be successful. Supports
for school staff must also be written into the IEP..
 Some of these supports might include: attending a
conference or training related to the child’s needs,
getting help from another staff member or
administrative person, having an aide in the
classroom, or getting special equipment or teaching
Supplementary Aids & Services
 One of the most powerful types of supports available
to children with disabilities are the other kinds of
supports or services (other than special education
and related services) that a child needs to be
educated with nondisabled children to the maximum
extent appropriate.
Supplementary Aids & Services
 Some examples of these additional services and supports,
called supplementary aids and services in IDEA,
are: adapted equipment—such as a special seat
or a cut-out cup for drinking; assistive
technology—such as a word processor, special
software, or a communication system; training
for staff, student, and/or parents;peer tutors;a
one-on-one aide;adapted materials—such as
books on tape, large print, or highlighted notes;
andcollaboration/consultation among staff,
parents, and/or other professionals.
Examples in the Field
 Supports to address environmental needs (e.g.,
preferential seating; planned seating on the bus, in
the classroom, at lunch, in the auditorium, and in
other locations; altered physical room
 Levels of staff support needed (e.g., consultation,
stop-in support, classroom companion, one-on-one
assistance; type of personnel support: behavior
specialist, health care assistant, instructional
support assistant);
Examples in the field
 Planning time for collaboration needed by staff;
 Child’s specialized equipment needs (e.g.,
wheelchair, computer, software, voice synthesizer,
augmentative communication device,
utensils/cups/plates, restroom equipment);
 Pacing of instruction needed (e.g., breaks, more
time, home set of materials);
 Presentation of subject matter needed (e.g., taped
lectures, sign language, primary language, paired
reading and writing);
Examples in the field
 Materials needed (e.g., scanned tests and notes into
computer, shared note-taking, large print or
Braille, assistive technology);
 Assignment modification needed (e.g., shorter
assignments, taped lessons, instructions broken
down into steps, allow student to record or type
 Self-management and/or follow-through needed
(e.g., calendars, teach study skills)
Examples in the Field
 Self-management and/or follow-through needed
(e.g., calendars, teach study skills)
 Testing adaptations needed (e.g., read test to child,
modify format, extend time);
 Social interaction support needed (e.g., provide
Circle of Friends, use cooperative learning groups,
teach social skills);
 Training needed for personnel.
 An accommodation is a change that helps a
student overcome or work around the
disability. Allowing a student who has
trouble writing to give his answers orally is
an example of an accommodation. This
student is still expected to know the same
material and answer the same questions as
fully as the other students, but he doesn’t
have to write his answers to show that he
knows the information.
Include: Practical Guide for Classroom Teachers
 Identify Classroom environmental, curricular, and instructional
 Note student strengths and needs
 Check for potential areas of student success
 Look for potential problem areas
 Use information gathered to brainstorm instructional adaptations
 Decide which adaptations to implement
 Evaluate student progress
The Essential Nine (Instructional Strategies)
1.) Identify similarities and differences
2.) Summarizing and taking notes
3.) Reinforcing effort and providing recognition
4.) Homework and practice
5.) Nonlinguistic representations
6.) Cooperative learning
7.) Setting objectives and providing feedback
8.) Generating and testing hypotheses
9.) Cues, questions, and advance organizers
Instruction & Lesson Design
 Introduction
 Presentation (I do)
 Practice (We do)
 Application (You do)
 Assessment
 Reflection
Tips for Teaching Strategies
 Only one or two strategies should be introduced at a
 Students can learn through instruction/modeling
approach of more directed instructional experiences
 All modeling, practice, and application of the
strategies should be as interactive and collaborative
as possible
 Gradually, the teacher should scaffold instruction by
reducing the teacher modeling and increasing the
student modeling and use of the strategy
Tips for Teaching
 Practice and application of the strategies should take
place within the context of real reading and writing
 Students should be encouraged to use the strategy in
other curricular areas
Who is Responsible?
 Who is responsible for carrying out the 504 and IEP
accommodations and modifications for students in
my classroom? (a) If it is an accommodation (an
adaptation that does not change the standard of the
assignment i.e. extra time, preferential seating, note
taker etc.), you as the classroom teacher, are
responsible for carrying out the accommodations.
Who is Responsible?
 (b) If a student has a modification (fundamentally
changes the standard of the assignment i.e. reduced
reading, partial completion of assignments) or is
receiving modified curriculum in your class, the
special education advocate teacher is responsible for
making sure the student has the appropriate
 How do I grade a student in my class that has
modifications to the curriculum? Is it fair that
he/she receives the same grade that another student
receives who met the standards at a “higher” level?
 The law supports that “fair” is when students receive
what they need. If a student needs modifications as a
result of their disability, they are written into the
IEP. By law we must follow the IEP. Students that do
receive modified curriculum receive credit for the
class, but under comments indicate the grade was
 Students that receive modified grades that earn an
80% or higher may receive a letter grade
 If the student is a pass/fail they may receive a letter
grade of B- and up
 If lower than a B- a student should receive a p for
pass of if they failed
 If a student receives all of the accommodations and
modifications and they still fail the team needs to
meet to indicate if the modifications and
accommodations were appropriate
 In the event that a student with a disability is failing
it is important to document the strategies,
interventions, collaboration time (between the
general teacher and regular education teacher)
 Progress Monitoring data collection should be
completed daily by the special education teacher
and/or instructional assistant in the general
education classroom
Co-Teaching Defined
 Co-teaching has been defined in a number of ways.
Some individuals consider any arrangement with two
adults assigned to a classroom to be co-teaching,
even when one of the individuals is a
paraprofessional or parent volunteer. A more
accurate and useful definition of co-teaching
includes these elements:
 Co-teaching is a service delivery option.
Co-teaching exists as a means for providing the
specialized instruction to which students with
disabilities are entitled while ensuring access to
general curriculum in the least restrictive
environment with the provision of supplementary
aids and services.
• Two or more professionals with equivalent
licensure and employment status are the
participants in co-teaching.
 Co-teaching is based on parity. When paraprofessionals
or other adults assist in classrooms, the contribution is
valuable, but it is appropriately considered support
rather than co-teaching.
 Co-teachers share instructional responsibility and
accountability for a single group of students for whom
they both have ownership.
Both educators contribute to instruction as part of coteaching. Perhaps the most significant reconceptualization critical for co-teaching is the notion of
a two-teacher classroom rather than a one-teacher
classroom with “help” available from the other teacher.
 Co-teaching occurs primarily in a shared classroom or
Although instructional reasons sometimes exist for physically
separating students and teachers, co-teaching usually
involves multiple activities occurring in one place.
• Co-teachers’ specific level of participation may vary based on
their skills and the instructional needs of the student group.
Especially in middle and high school when special educators
are co-teaching in subjects in which they have had limited
professional preparation, their skill and comfort for
contributing to initial instruction may take time to develop.
In such situations, care must be taken to by co-teachers to
outline roles and responsibilities so that both professionals
do have meaningful roles capitalizing on their strengths.
Six Approaches to Co-Teaching
1. One Teach, One Observe. One of the advantages in
co-teaching is that more detailed observation of
students engaged in the learning process can occur.
With this approach, for example, co-teachers can
decide in advance what types of specific
observational information to gather during
instruction and can agree on a system for gathering
the data. Afterward, the teachers should analyze the
information together.
Six Approaches to Co-Teaching
2. One Teach, One Assist. In a second approach to coteaching, one person would keep primary
responsibility for teaching while the other
professional circulated through the room providing
unobtrusive assistance to students as needed.
Six Approaches to Co-Teaching
3. Parallel Teaching. On occasion, student learning
would be greatly facilitated if they just had more
supervision by the teacher or more opportunity to
respond. In parallel teaching, the teachers are both
covering the same information, but they divide the
class into two groups and teach simultaneously
Six Approaches to Co-Teaching
4. Station Teaching. In this co-teaching approach,
teachers divide content and students. Each teacher
then teaches the content to one group and
subsequently repeats the instruction for the other
group. If appropriate, a third station could give
students an opportunity to work independently.
Six Approaches to Co-Teaching
5. Alternative Teaching: In most class groups,
occasions arise in which several students need
specialized attention. In alternative teaching, one
teacher takes responsibility for the large group while
the other works with a smaller group.
Six Approaches to Co-Teaching
6. Team Teaching: In team teaching, both teachers are
delivering the same instruction at the same time.
Some teachers refer to this as having one brain in
two bodies. Others call it tag team teaching. Most coteachers consider this approach the most complex
but satisfying way to co-teach, but the approach that
is most dependent on teachers' styles.
Planning Guide for Inclusive Schooling & CoTeaching
 Phase 1: Curriculum Outline
 General education teacher prepares an outline of
upcoming curriculum: topics, key concepts,
activities, projects. It is best if the teacher makes a
copy of this for the other professional.
Planning Guide for Inclusive Schooling & CoTeaching
 Phase 2: Instructional Delivery
 General education teacher prepares an outline of
upcoming curriculum: topics, key concepts,
activities, projects. It is best if the teacher makes a
copy of this for the other professional.
The general education teacher and special educator
jointly decide how to arrange teachers and students
to accomplish the curriculum priorities. Both
teachers take active instructional roles.
Planning Guide for Inclusive Schooling & CoTeaching
 Phase 3: Individualizing
 Based on shared planning, the special educator
makes accommodations for students with special
needs. This might include preparing alternative
materials, adapting materials, or creating
supplemental materials.
Promoting Active Student Participation
Options for
 Debate
 Write a letter
 Make a speech
 Construct a timeline
 Write an essay
 Create a chart or graph
 Write a magazine
 Conduct an interview
 Create a riddle
 Create a crossword
 Design an exhibit
 Design a greeting card
 Create an ad
Promoting Active Student Participation
Options for
Design a brochure
Make a clay sculpture
Create a slogan
Act out a scene
Perform a skit
Invent a code
Design a computer
 Keep a journal
 Write a song
 Design a puzzle
 Tell a story
 Write a story
 Write a newspaper
 Make an audiotape
 Re-write the ending
 Make a diagram
Promoting Active Student Participation
Options for
 Develop a theory
 Play “Charades”
 Take pictures-digital
 Make a videotape
 Design a movie poster
 Design a checklist
 Write an editorial
 Draw a caricature
Teacher supports
Available in Room 1212
Workshop Materials
 Solo (read and write
 Progress Monitoring
out-loud) computer
 Writing with symbols
 Adapted literature
 Adapted curriculum
 Co-Teaching Data
 Sample Survey about
 Instructional Strategies
for students with
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