5 Wells TSA - Redwell Schools


The 5 Wells

Teaching Schools Alliance


1. The National College

2. Teaching Schools

3. The Big 6

NCTL - Aim

• NCTL will support the development and implementation of a 0-18 self-improving schoolled system so that by September

2016 there will have been an irrevocable shift from the centre to schools

The Secretary of State’s Vision

“At the heart of this Government’s vision for education is a determination to give school leaders more power and control. Not just to drive improvement in their own schools - but to drive improvement across our whole education system.

This policy is driven, like all our education policy, by our guiding moral purpose – the need to raise attainment for all children and close the gap between the richest and poorest.”

The big picture

Key policy drivers: autonomy, collaboration, freedom, diversity, self-improvement, accountability – an increasingly schoolled system

• The challenges: building capacity, confidence and trust – structure & governance

The goal: that elements of a devolved system are held in balance so that …


Autonomy doesn’t become isolation


Diversity doesn’t act as a barrier to collaboration


Accountability doesn’t become regulation

Working with, not doing to….

Win-win for all is essential

Need to take the time to build trust

Not about empirebuilding and needs to be seen as such

Who can be a Teaching School?

Designation is open to…

• any phase of school: nursery, primary, middle, secondary, 6th form/college, special or pupil referral unit / short stay school

• any type of school including independent, academy, federated, faith school, free school, studio school, university technical college (UTC) grammar school or school leading a chain

• smaller schools , such as smaller special or primary schools, as the model enables more than one school to share the designated role of leading a teaching schools alliance

Who can be a Teaching School?

Designation criteria … a high bar …

• A clear track-record of successful collaboration with other schools

• Ofsted outstanding for overall effectiveness, teaching and learning and leadership and management

• Consistently high levels of pupil performance or continued improvement

• An outstanding head teacher with at least three years headship experience, and outstanding senior and middle leaders with capacity to support others.

Role of Teaching Schools

As well as offering training and support for their alliance themselves, Teaching Schools will identify and co-ordinate expertise from their alliance, using the best leaders and teachers to:


lead the development of a school-led ITT system


lead peer-to-peer professional and leadership development


identify and develop leadership potential


provide support for other schools


designate and broker Specialist Leaders of

Education (SLEs)

6. engage in research and development

Professional continuum

ITT / Schools Direct CPD Succession planning

Teacher training Leadership Development Talent Management


Initial Teacher Training (ITT)

 Many Teaching Schools already involved

 Opportunity to build on teaching hospital model

 ITT a core business in TS

 Fully accredited – SCITTs

 Strategic leadership across alliance

 Quality of ITT has potential to attract schools to join alliances

 TS Council has developed principles/features of a mature ITT system

 School Direct

 Graduate Career Progression

“… over the next five to ten years we expect that, rather than Government managing much of the ITT system centrally, schools should increasingly take on this responsibility.”

Training our next generation of outstanding teachers:

An improvement strategy for discussion (June 2011)

School to school support

• Comes in many forms

• Combination of NLE, LLE, SLE,

NLG and other support as required

• Schools benefiting include those in

Special Measures, Serious

Weaknesses, “coasting” and those lacking in leadership capacity/specific expertise

• Operates on a continuum – from relatively light touch to federation, trust, chain, academy sponsorship arrangements – as appropriate

• Funded through various sources/contracts inc LA, DfE, school

• Focus always on impact


 Working with range of partners to improve practice and outcomes for pupils in schools which may request support or be required to be part of a support package

 Often a bespoke and practitioner-led response to local need

 Challenge of working with other providers

 Government recognition of important role of senior/middle leaders play in school improvement

 Teaching schools responsible for designation, brokerage and quality assurance of SLE

 Attractive leadership development opportunities

 Challenge of ‘culture change’ with TS ‘charging’ for SLEs

Specialist Leaders of Education (SLE)

 Relatively new designation acknowledging the important role of middle and senior leaders in supporting their peers

 Excellent professionals in leadership positions below the headteacher, with the capacity, capability and commitment to work beyond their own school

 Outstanding in a particular area , for example: a subject specialism; inclusion; ITT mentoring; performance management; behaviour; school business management

 Have the track-record and skills to work in this way

 Designated and brokered by teaching schools , but may be from any school

Specialist Leaders of Education

• Outstanding themselves, not their school

• Range of roles

• Skill

• Track record

• Capacity

Research and development (R&D)

Research and development network

• Enabling Teaching School alliances to engage in research and development activities, both working with their individual HEI partners and working in regional and national networks

• Providing opportunities for training, sharing expertise and wider dissemination of ‘what works’

 Teaching Schools network offers key means for alliances to collaborate and learn from each other

 Way of creating new knowledge and evidence of effective practice

 Many funded opportunities for TS to develop their expertise through working with other schools/university partners


Governance of Teaching School Alliances:

 Range of governance arrangements – layered

 Involving key strategic partners in governance

Leadership of TS Alliance involves:

 Clear vision

 Strategy for developing people

 Restructuring TS to allow strategic development and sustainability

 Enhancing effective teaching and learning through TS remit

 Building, developing partnerships within/beyond TS alliance – social capital

 School Governance/Teaching School Accountability

What makes great leadership?

 Optimistic, enthusiastic and curious – belief in people

 Commitment to social justice, equity and excellence

 Respect and empathy for others

 Resilient – tireless energy

 Persistent – in pursuit of excellence, putting pupils first

 Drive and determination – ambitious

 Courage, conviction and integrity

 Vigilant and visible – ‘only the best will do’

 Humility plus professional will (fierce resolve)

Ofsted Outstanding Schools series 2009/10; Capturing Leadership Premium, McKinsey 2010

Glatter 2009; Future of Leadership, National College 2008 .

Toward a self improving school system


Great use of data – ‘the best bits’


Collective responsibility for the issues – the brutal facts


A mechanism for moving ‘the best bits’ to where they are most needed


Engagement in research and access to research


A culture shift – from ‘my’ to ‘our’


Joint accountability – peer scrutiny and review; a willingness to be transparent


From ‘ sharing good practice’ to ‘ joint practice development’


Professional generosity, reciprocity and collective moral purpose


• Maturity, time and expertise, structures and accountability

• Core purpose of education establishments – a distraction?

• Inclusive and reciprocal – in a very diverse system?

• Supported to deliver not stretched to fail?

• Motivation - collective moral purpose?

• A tale of two systems?

Strength in alliance, partnerships and collaboration

The 5 Wells

Teaching Schools Alliance

The 5 Wells TSA Partners

Redwell Primary School (RPS)

Rowan Gate Primary School (RGPS)

Ruskin Infant School (RIS)

All Saints Primary School (ASPS)

Croyland Primary School (CPS)

Weavers Academy (WA)

University of Northampton (UoN)

Wellingborough Education Partnership (WEP)

The 5 Wells Action Plan

Initial Teacher Training/School Direct

Success criteria

Increase percentage of good or outstanding candidates recruited & retained across 5 Wells TSA


All NQTs joining alliance are good or outstanding

Train future teachers through School Direct programme

KPI (use number from list at end of template, where appropriate)

Action steps

Work with UoN to develop programmes;

Develop in hand with UoN the Recruitment Strategy of

Schools Direct / BA Hons / PGCE student placements

Continue to support UoN in the development of the Schools

Direct programme

Support with Quality Assurance of Schools Direct

Programme, including mentor training & student observations

Increase marketing of Schools Direct across all partners / other outlets. Offer to include unique selling point that 5 Wells can offer


Target: The number of initial trainees trained within teaching school alliances* increases year on year (in total and for each teaching school cohort).

(From July 2014 when data becomes available) The early employment rates for trainees trained in teaching school alliances.

By whom By when

UoN / LD

UoN / LD

UoN / LD

UoN / LD /


Dec 2014

July 2015

July 2015

Dec 2014

How measured

Increase Schools Direct from 2 placements offered across alliance to 4 in year 2

Increase student enrolments across partnership from 345 to


Impact of changes to training programme evident in 2015/2016 programme

Increased figures of students achieving higher grades at end of course ???

Increased number of applicants for 5 Wells TSA from 6 to 20

Apply to be lead school with increased placements across Primary /

Special & Secondary phases for academic year 2015/2016

Work with LA, Diocese & network of TS’s to share developments of programmes & link our offer to Leads of all schools in

Northamptonshire & beyond

AA / Admin


All Heads / AA


July 2014

July 2015

Designation as lead school for Schools Direct students

Evidence of work from all named

CPD / Leadership Development

Success criteria

Existing staff move into promotional opportunities within the 5 Wells


KPI (use number from list at end of template, where appropriate)


Quality of T&L improved across 5 Wells TSA

Data for partner schools improved

Ofsted grades for Leadership & Teaching & Learning increased

Quality of leadership

The percentage of schools within teaching school alliances that improve their Ofsted grades for quality of leadership and management between inspections, compared with a comparator group of schools not involved with teaching schools.**

Target: Double the rate of improvement.

Quality of Teaching

The percentage of schools within teaching school alliances that improve their Ofsted grades for quality of teaching, compared with a comparator group of schools not involved with teaching schools.**

Target: Double the rate of improvement

Action steps

Identify the Leadership & CPD needs of the 5 Wells TSA including

 local, National & individual schools priorities;

Audit skills of leaders

Work together as strategic partners to do peer reviews

Identified staff to complete OTP

Identified staff to complete OTP facilitator training

Deliver NPQML programmes

Partnership working with WEP

Developing effective partnership working with WEP

Liaise with WEP MB about possible models of working

Increase CPD offers

WEP – continue & extend network meetings / offer Governor training / NQT Induction

Accredit the NQT Programme

5 Wells TSA to offer targeted provision for all range of school

Leaders, focus in Year 1 on Senior & Middle Leaders

Commissioned services of 5 Wells TSA for LA

Work with UoN to investigate opportunities for Masters links with 5 Wells for career pathways

Establish procedures for Quality Assurance for training

Expand system leaders team across 5 Wells TSA;

AA / LC train as Ofsted Inspectors to support Quality

Assurance processes

Talent spot to introduce roles of SLE’s

Consider LLE role being reintroduced

Increase NLE / NLG roles

Pupil Attainment

The percentage improvement made in key stage results by schools within teaching school alliances, compared with a comparator group of schools not involved with teaching schools (for each of Key Stage

2 and Key Stage 4).

Target: Double the rate of improvement.

By whom By when How measured

HE / All HTs


JHF / HE / All



HE / All HTs

Sept 2014

Dec 2014

July 2014

July 2014

July 2015

July 2015

Dec 2014

April 2015

July 2015

July 2015

April 2015

Dec 2014

July 2015

Oct 2014

Dec 2014

July 2015

Complete audit of skills in 5 Wells TSA

Complete peer reviews within 5 Wells TSA

6 Staff to complete OTP

2 Staff to complete OTP Facilitator training

NPQML programme completed through 5 Wells TSA

Clarity of working partnerships

Agreed model of working between WEP & 5 Wells TSA

Clear plan in place for future membership of 5 Wells TSA /


Schools Leaders including Head Teachers, Deputies, Middle

Leaders – increase leadership capacity measured by LA /


Increase promotional opportunities from 11 to 19

25 NQTs to complete accredited training

Increase engagement with supported accredited CPD for number of teachers / leaders - April 2013-April 2014=32 to

April 2014- April 2015 = 40

Increase delivered CPD days = April 2013-April 2014= 54 to

April 2014- April 2015 = 75

CPD links with Masters

Establish system for measuring impact to deliver training that

 is at least Good

Leaders in 5 Wells to train as Ofsted Inspectors

Increase numbers of system leaders

Type Current Target


NLE 1 2

NLG 1 Consolidate


LLE 0 2

SLE 0 4

Succession Planning and Talent Management

Success criteria

Fewer vacancies & easy to recruit to 5 Wells TSA

Effective contribution to the LA / DfE needs


% of staff starting in post at graded Good or better increased

Increased % of effective system leaders

KPI (use number from list at end of template, where appropriate)

Action steps

Develop Aspirant Leaders dependent on Audit of School priorities,

LA needs, NA needs, DfE priorities, NCTL priorities;

Create a 5 Wells framework for identifying Aspirant Leaders

Create a personalised learning journey

Use talent spotting for Aspirant Leaders provide

 opportunities for preparation for system leadership

Develop understanding of wider picture of National context

By whom

AB / All HTs

By when

Sept 2014

Oct 2015

Dec 2014

July 2015

How measured

An effective framework is in place

Completed personalised learning journey

Internal / across 5 Wells promotion opportunities for 2013 –

2014 = 2 posts 2014-2015 = 8 posts across 5 Wells TSA

Secondment opportunities available within & beyond 5 Wells


Identify students in secondary school who are looking for careers in education, specifically as teachers


Work with LA, Diocese & network of TS’s to share opportunities for future succession priorities & link our offer to Leads of all schools in Northamptonshire & beyond

AB / All HTs

April 2015

Students entering teacher training increased

July 2015

Evidence of work from all named

School to School Support

Success criteria

Impact on Leadership & Teaching & Learning, standards & closing the gap


Increase Ofsted / LA grading of schools working with 5 Wells TSA

Raise data of schools in 5 Wells TSA & those being supported by it

KPI (use number from list at end of template, where appropriate) Quality of leadership

The percentage of schools within teaching school alliances that improve their Ofsted grades for quality of leadership and management between inspections, compared with a comparator group of schools not involved with teaching schools.**

Target: Double the rate of improvement.

Action steps

Commission services of 5 Wells leaders to support targeted schools depending on Audit of School priorities, LA needs, NA needs, DfE

 priorities, NCTL priorities;

Complete peer reviews

QA principles coming from these experiences

Establish recording & reporting systems

Identify gaps in expertise / capacity, use this to inform plans

Identify gaps & skill development of system leaders

Develop bespoke / targeted programmes of support which can be commissioned

Use LA info to commission work to work with schools not yet


5 Wells supporting LA needs for school improvement as identified by local need, National need & DfE

Audit the skills available across the 5 Wells TSA & produce a brochure of available support to use for brokerage of support

Develop the skills of the 5 Wells TSA

Develop capacity & build on existing practice

Establish core offer / provision for all schools

Pupil Attainment

The percentage improvement made in key stage results by schools within teaching school alliances, compared with a comparator group of schools not involved with teaching schools (for each of Key Stage

2 and Key Stage 4).

Target: Double the rate of improvement.

By whom By when How measured

AA / All HTs

AA / Admin

AA / All HTs

Dec 2014

Dec 2014

Sept 2014

Dec 2014

Dec 2014

July 2015

July 2015

July 2015

Sept 2014

Dec 2014

July 2015

Securing & consolidation of Outstanding schools

Moving Good schools to Outstanding

Schools not yet good moving into Good category from LA /


Evaluation from schools showing impact on leaders / narrowing of gaps in expertise

Number of schools supported increased from 7 in last 3 years to 6 in 2014-2015

NLG to support 5 CofG in schools across county strengthening Governance

Targeted support for schools not yet Good with clear impact on records of T&L

6 new schools accessed / booked the 5 Wells TSA support brokered through the website / advertising

Complete peer reviews across the 6 5 Wells TSA school partners including either;

5 Wells Full Reviews – RIS / Weavers / CPS

5 Wells Mini Reviews – RPS / RGPS / All Saints

Work with LA, Diocese & network of TS’s to link our offer to Leads of all schools in Northamptonshire & beyond AA / All HTs July 2015

Evidence of work from all named

Specialist Leaders of Education

Success criteria

Designate SLE’s successfully

Develop effective system leadership


Increased % of effective system leaders

KPI (use number from list at end of template, where appropriate)

Action steps

Provide opportunities for preparation for system leadership depending on Audit of School priorities, LA needs, NA needs, DfE

 priorities, NCTL priorities;

 Use talent spotting for SLE’s

Aspirant SLE’s to be coached by SLE’s

Establish Quality Assurance & reporting mechanisms for SLE work

Increase SLE provision;

Apply for 4 SLE posts linked to audit of need

Deploy SLE’s effectively to support schools not yet good

Deploy SLE’s effectively to support schools from Good to


The number of SLEs designated and trained.

Target: The number of SLEs designated and trained is in line with targets agreed with the DfE.

Overall effectiveness of schools

The percentage of schools within teaching school alliances that improve their overall judgement between Ofsted inspections, compared with a comparator group of schools not involved with teaching schools.**

Target: Double the rate of improvement.

By whom

AB / VG / All


AB / VG / All


Work with LA, Diocese & network of TS’s to link our offer to Leads of all schools in Northamptonshire & beyond AB / VG / All


By when

Oct 2014

July 2015

Oct 2014

Oct 2014

July 2015

July 2015

July 2015

How measured

Increase number of SLE’s in 5 Wells from 0 to 4

Newly established SLE’s to support an aspirant SLE

SLE support impacted on school being supported evidence in feedback

Reporting SLE deployment

SLE’s deployed for the minimum of 10 days in first year

SLE’s supporting schools to move forward in LA / Ofsted categories

Evidence of work from all named

Research and Development

Success criteria

Research & Development successful fulfils needs of 5 Wells TSA /

LA / DfE / NCTL priorities


R&D impacting on practice & improving data of schools in 5 Wells TSA

KPI (use number from list at end of template, where appropriate)

Action steps

Identify Action Research project needs across the 5 Wells TSA depending on Audit of School priorities, LA needs, NA needs, DfE priorities, NCTL priorities;

Audit priorities

Prioritising needs

Recruiting colleagues to be involved in ARPs

Complete ARPs

Pupil Attainment

The percentage improvement made in key stage results by schools within teaching school alliances, compared with a comparator group of schools not involved with teaching schools (for each of Key Stage

2 and Key Stage 4).

Target: Double the rate of improvement.

By whom By when How measured

LC / All HTs /


Sept 2014

Sept 2014

Dec 2014

July 2015

Complete audit

Evaluate & prioritise & identify ARPs

Implement ARP’s across 5 Wells TSA increase from 8 in

2013-2014 to 13 in 2014-2015

Develop training programmes with UoN to develop research skills of students

Share expertise of running ARP’s

Support development of system leaders in sharing expertise of ARP’s

Publish findings of ARP’s & offer relevant training linked

Identify ways that R&D will link into S2S support plans

Work with LA, Diocese & network of TS’s to share outcomes of

ARP’s & link our offer to Leads of all schools in Northamptonshire & beyond

LC / UoN

LC / All HTs

LC / All HTs

July 2015

July 2015

July 2015

Dec 2014

July 2015

Training opportunities delivered to UoN partners

Support other schools middle leaders to run Action Research

Publish for strategic partners & local WEP partners

Record & report impact R&D has on other schools

Evidence of work from all named


Success criteria

Establish effective challenge & support from 5 Wells TSA Strategic



5 Wells TSA becomes established by end of Year 1 & able to extend partnership numbers for Year 2

KPI (use number from list at end of template, where appropriate) Number of schools in teaching school alliances

The number of schools involved with a teaching school alliance.

Target: The number of schools involved within teaching school alliances increases year on year (in total and for each teaching school cohort).

Action steps

Develop role of Strategic Board

Partners to be named on an area of responsibility

Key aspects led by system leaders



Identify what can be offered by 5 Wells TSA

Identify core provision

Identify optional provision

Establish scale of charges

Rates for staff

Rates for programmes eg, Peer Reviews

By whom





By when

April 2014

June 2014

How measured

Across year;

All areas linked to named lead partner

Reporting mechanisms in place for leads to report termly ( 6x a year)

Sept 2014

Dec 2014

July 2014

Increased take up of core provision

3 Identified schools for optional provision

Income generated

Work with LA, Diocese & network of TS’s to link our offer to Leads of all schools in Northamptonshire & beyond Strategic


July 2015

Evidence of work from all named

“ A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished.”

Desmond Tutu
