SY 2012-2013 ORIENTATION BRIEF SENIOR MARINE INSTRUCTOR (SMI) Tyrone Hall Chief Warrant Officer-3 U.S.M.C. (Ret) 662-393-5273 ext 1051 MARINE INSTRUCTOR Master Sergeant Kenneth Hicks U.S.M.C. (Ret) 662-393-5273 ext 1052 CADET COMMANDER C/MAJOR Sierra Hissong LE-4 Senior CADET Executive Officer C/Captain Jonathan Uksas LE-4 Senior What is JROTC? JROTC is a U. S. Marine Corps sponsored character and leadership development course focused on developing self-confidence, discipline, citizenship, leadership skills, and a sense of responsibility within the individual Cadet. What is JROTC is NOT? The course is not a military recruitment program. Cadets who attend have no obligation to enter military service. Neither is it a "boot camp" to send uncontrollable, disrespectful, or apathetic youth. The student must elect to participate in this program. HORN LAKE MCJROTC UNIT STRUCTURE Military Company Sized Unit (120-150 cadets) 4 Platoons (average 35 cadets per platoon) 3 Squads per platoon (average 13 cadets to squad) Cadet Staff (average 10 cadets) 3 CLASSES PER DAY CURRENT STRENGTH 152 CADETS “A COMPANY SIZE JROTC UNIT” ENROLLMENT SY 2012-2013 144 students enrolled at present; with a cap of 150 Every new applicant screened by instructors GRADUATE REPORT SY 2011-2012 Military (Enlisted) Army – 4 Navy – 1 Air Force – 2 Marines – 1 Nat’l Guard - 0 PERCENTAGES SY 2011-2012 JROTC GRADUATES Cadet Requirements Cadets will be required to wear a military uniform at least once a week for the entire school day. Typically, this will be every Wednesday ALL DAY Cadet Requirements Teachers who have JROTC Cadets in their classes are encouraged to inform the JROTC Instructors if a cadet is NOT in uniform. This will help us help them learn responsibility! Cadet Requirements All cadets will be required to maintain minimum acceptable grooming standards in everyday dress as well as in uniform. Male Cadets will be required to shave, maintain a "military" style haircut, and will NOT be allowed to wear earrings. GROOMING Hair of male cadets will be tapered in the back with sideburns no longer than the orifice of the ear, neatly trimmed. Hair will not fall over the ears or eyebrows and the hair on top will not interfere with normal wear of the military cover. Male cadets will always be clean-shaven except that a moustache may be worn if neatly trimmed. Hair of female cadets when in uniform will be pinned and arranged so that it will not fall below the collar of the uniform being worn. Hair will not be worn in such a way that the uniform cover cannot be worn properly. This is a NO-NO Cadets! No - No Cadet Requirements The most important requirement of the Cadet is a cooperative attitude and willingness to attempt new experiences. Cadets who refuse to make an effort or are disobedient will be dropped from the program. Who is eligible to participate? Any student in grades 9 through 12 who is enrolled at Horn Lake High School. All candidates must be physically qualified to participate in the rigorous physical training aspects of the program. What is the cost to attend? There is no cost to enroll in the program. Cadets will be issued a number of uniforms which will be their responsibility to maintain and must be returned at the end of the academic year. Articles which are lost or damaged beyond normal wear and tear will be replaced at the Cadet's expense. What are the benefits of participating? This is an elective class which meets the graduation requirement for physical education. Cadets are also provided an opportunity to assist in their community through Program sponsored "civic service" activities. What are the benefits of participating? JROTC provides regular feedback on how well the Cadet is doing in the form of promotions and military type awards. What are the benefits of participating? Additionally, many students indicate that the friendships they make while a Cadet are some of the most steadfast associations they have while in high school. What are the benefits of participating? Finally, while this is not a military recruitment program, some Cadets choose to serve our nation in a branch of the armed forces. Those Cadets completing just two years of Junior ROTC can enter the service at a higher rank and pay. Classes and Activities JROTC instructs a variety of classes and activities many of which are not normally available to the typical high school student but only to Cadets. They include the following: Levels LE = Leadership Education LE-1 = 1st year Cadets LE-2 = 2nd year LE-3 = 3rd year LE-4 = 4th year 1 Credit per school year Military Close Order Drill OUR TEAMS -COLOR GUARD (2 Teams) -CLOSE ORDER DRILL (Armed/Unarmed Regulation) (Armed/Unarmed Exhibition) - Air Riflery Typically 2 teams of 5 -Orienteering (5 males, 5 females) Color Guard HOMECOMING WE TEACH THE IMPORTANCE OF MAKING GOOD GRADES! Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Testing ACT / SAT Testing WE FOCUS ON COLLEGE, BUT PROVIDE CADETS WITH RECRUITING TALKS AND COUNSELING FOR ENLISTMENT IN THE MILITARY AFTER GRADUATION. Classroom Procedures Don’t be late! At the beginning of class, stand by your desk at attention until ordered to “seat” by the Class Leader Raise your hand when you have a question, DO NOT interrupt the Instructor’s conversation Be prepared for class, ie; pencils, pens, paper, etc. Use the “head” prior to class! Classroom Procedures, cont: At the end of class, upon the bell, come to attention and wait for the Class Leader to order “Dismissed”, then you may go to your next class. When the class is outdoors, wear your “cover” and participate in the activity. Use appropriate courtesies such as “Sir” and “Ma’am”, “Please” and “Thank You” Do what you are told by Instructors and members of the Cadet Staff. Take the “initiative” and do the “right thing”. Marksmanship Orienteering Physical Training Military Customs and Courtesies Military History Citizenship Leadership Uniform Wear and Maintenance First Aid Survival Skills Astronomy Geography Weekly Schedule Monday - Academics Tuesday – Academics Wednesday – Uniform day & Inspection Thursday – Test for the week & drill Friday – Physical Training Mondays after school – Cadet Staff Meeting 2011-2012 Field Trips NAS Pensacola Florida Kennedy Space Center, FL Orienteering Parris Island, South Carolina Blue Angel’s Air Show BNSF Railroad Orientation And much more…….. 2010-2011 Field Trips NALO to Pensacola, Florida USANG Memphis Orienteering Washington, D.C. & Quantico WWW.HORNLAKEMCJROTC.ORG WEBSITE WWW.HORNLAKEMCJROTC.ORG WWW.HORNLAKEMCJROTC.ORG SCHOLARSHIPS I BOOSTER CLUB We NEED Parents! Provide support for fundraising Maintain a treasury Parent involvement is very important Consists of elected positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer Car Wash MARINE CORPS LEADERSHIP TROOP 619 HORN LAKE HIGH SCHOOL FORMED OCT 2009 ADVENTURE TRAINING USE OF FACILITIES AT ARKABUTLA , AND OZARK ARKANSAS VENTURING PROGRAM ORIENTEERING SHOOTING RANGES ARCHERY - PADDLING COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS DAILY CADET CONDUCT SCHOOL ACADEMICS Cadet Rank Insignia (Officer) Cadet Rank Insignia (Enlisted) Promotions are based on demonstrated leadership ability, academic, and disciplinary excellence. The minimum standards for any promotion is to have a current grade point average (GPA) of “2.0”, and to have passed the Youth Physical Fitness Test (YPFT) in the current grading period. . Cadet officers and staff noncommissioned officers that do not meet the minimum GPA of “2.5” will be placed in a probationary status for the following semester. The cadet will have one grading period to meet the standard for rank retention or be considered for reduction. Cadets failing to maintain a GPA of “2.0” may not hold a rank higher than Cadet Private. . REMEMBER, HIGHLY MOTIVATED, EXTREMELY DEDICATED CADETS CAN BE MERITORIOUSLY PROMOTED BY THE SENIOR INSTRUCTOR AT ANY TIME! UNIFORM DAY Cadets must always be careful to be on their best behavior when wearing their uniforms. Improper behavior by cadets is not tolerated at any time, and is severely dealt with if in uniform. QUESTIONS?. UNIFORM DAY