Power Point Version - McCullough Junior High


Welcome Highlanders

This Presentation

• Comprehensive


• Helpful

This Presentation

• From the perspective that you have never had a child in secondary school

Will answer almost any question you could have and I believe you will feel better when you depart

All information will be located at our website in the district Program of

Studies and the

McCullough supplement

Documents Available

Either Now or Soon on our Website

• District Program of Studies

McCullough Supplement

• District math flyer

Private P.E. links (April 16)

• Summer School flyer (May)

This presentation in:

– English



• Looking forward to a new year

New challenges for students in secondary education

• New responsibilities

New opportunities

Snapshot Of Our School

• Composed of young people literally from around the country and the globe

Wonderful students

• Supportive parents

Tremendous staff

All are expected to be successful

Snapshot of our school

T.E.A. Exemplary Campus

At McCullough

We do things for a reason

(We have kids here too!)

Kid-friendly and preparing for the future



• Discipline

• Testing

• Procedurally

• Academic


Paradigm Shift

Goal 1

Goal 1A: Safety

• Visitors sign-in and sign-out

Full-time officer for our campus

• Visibility of administrators and police

Building opens at 8:00 a.m.

• Monitored video surveillance system

Safety letters home

Goal 2: Preparing Students for High School

356 working days over two years to prepare students for high school once they enter our doors for the first time

• Students are in high school the day they walk in the door if they take

Algebra Pre-AP in seventh grade

Procedures are ageappropriate and have a reason

Personal Vision

Is that we will be the best secondary school in Texas

Success For Your Child

Many schools prepare students to qualify for admittance to a college or university

We are preparing students to be successful when they arrive at college and to have the tools to stay there

Important Dates to be


• Student Orientation Dates

Football Equipment Issue Day

• Semester Exams

First semester exam dates

– Hinges on district adoption of district calendar

Two drafts of the district calendar on website for your review and feedback at this time

Student Orientation

Final date will be announced this spring

Will publicize through Tartan Tribune

– Dependent on the C.I.S.D. School Calendar once adopted for 2013-2014

– Need volunteers to make it happen

Social event of the summer

– Attendance is not required, but is enormously beneficial

First Day of School

• Report to Alpha Homerooms until 10:00 a.m.

Obtain final schedules

• Car line longer first two days

Buses a little later due to third run and K

• Help everyone get where they need to go

A Typical Day

Students can enter building at 8:00 a.m.

Please do not drop your child off prior to

8:00 a.m.

Students wait in Commons

• Go to classes at 8:34 a.m.


School begins – 8:50 a.m.

A Typical Day

Lunch/3 rd Period

– 11:45 a.m.

Students encouraged to eat breakfast

• Which lunch you eat depends on the subject of the class you are in during third block on that day

Lunch time can be different on red or green days depending on your class

• Advisory – 1:55 p.m. – 2:19 p.m.

School Ends – 3:50 p.m.

• Pick-up



Meets each day (1:55 p.m. – 2:19 p.m.)

Distribute information


Moment of silence


Work on completing homework


STAAR remediation interventions

• SPARKS Homework Help

Make A Difference Anti-Bullying Campaign monthly activities

Red Ribbon Week

Generation Texas career activities

• Announcements

Free Academic Assistance

• Tutoring- Most days of the week with your academic teachers (most important)

Free Academic Assistance

• PAWS Homework Help-

Tuesdays and Thursdays

– 4:00 p.m. until 4:45 p.m.

Located in downstairs library

– McCullough teacher

TWHS Interact students

Free Academic Assistance



– Elite eighth grade students

Ms. Donna Meyer

Information to Help

A Guide to Success


• E-Mail – Easiest, quickest, preferred

Please give us a day or so as we are with students as opposed to in front of a computer

Teacher e-mail addresses are listed on the left green column of our website

• If you have a question about the classroom please email the teacher first


McCullough Webpage

– www.conroeisd.net

Links to teacher webpages

Important spring registration documents

Athletic schedules

– “Tartan Tribune” online

Constantly updated



– Most at 8:05 a.m.

– Try to do a good job of communicating and prevent the need for you to come in

– This is the time normally that the teacher is tutoring children

Important to have your child present

– Most center around a young person not turning in assignments


• Parent Newsletter “The

Tartan Tribune”

– Sent home through students

– Online 24 hours a day at our Parent Services Page


• System that calls your phone or emails you

I try to limit the phone calls to really important items

Expect numerous calls in the immediate days leading up to the start of school

Do not worry, the 6:30 p.m. phone calls will end for the most part once school begins

You can opt out at any time if you want by clicking at the link at the lower portion of the email


We will email when breaking news happens or information becomes available you need to know

Important to have the correct phone number and email address in our database system

Remind 101 Text Message Alert

System for Students

• A system that allows me to text students, or anyone who signs up, immediately in the case of:

School cancellation due to weather

STAAR testing reminders

– Any situation needing immediate and accurate contact

Never has been used but there if needed

– Information on how to sign up appears periodically in the Tartan Tribune has been used but there when needed


• Volunteer

Appreciate the help!

• Campus Enhancement


– Front Desk

Student Orientation



Copy Room

Daily Announcements Online

Common Assessments (Tests)

• Tests are high quality and developed over time to choose the most accurate/fair questions

Not the type of tests we took years ago with random questions, purple ink, and an odor that would make you nauseous

• Are now “Common Assessments” in the district developed in the summer to address the specific TEKS of STAAR

Sixty percent of grade for marking period

Common Assessments (Tests)

Exams, and exam questions, are now being utilized as common assessment exams among teachers in the district, school, and within departments

Tests are now developed in the summer to have questions which are asked at the rigor level wanted by the state for these tests and STAAR exams

Common Assessments (Tests)

Enormous time goes into the development of each question to ensure it addresses the TEKS and is at the level of questioning required

Exams are used not only among different teachers in same discipline but also other CISD junior highs

Common Assessments (Tests)

Exams are being utilized more extensively among all CISD campuses to supplement benchmark testing throughout the district and inserted into

Eduphoria program to optimize individual academic support

As the exams are utilized throughout the campus and district throughout the years, they do not go home

Common Assessments (Tests)

View at school with student and/or instructor

Stumble Sheets in class to learn from mistakes

– Students correct any errors, with the teacher, in class

Semester Exams

• Last four days of each semester

– Two options of calendars at our district website

One has the semester ending before the holidays and another after

– Feel free to go to district website and email your thoughts on the calendar options

Please do not plan vacations during this time so that students have every chance to do his/her best on the exams

• Prior week students will complete review packet and prepare in the classroom

Semester Exams

Modified schedule in exams

Grading percentages

Junior high finals – 10 percent

High school finals- 15 percent

Synthesize learning and practice taking major exams as they will in the future

Student Success Initiative


Students must pass Reading and Math

STAAR in eighth grade to advance to high school

Student Success Initiative (SSI)

As of now, students must pass 12 End of

Course Exams developed by the Texas

Education Agency in order to graduate from high school

Parent Access

Student Access

Free opportunity to view grades, attendance, discipline, STAAR, etc.

Supplements planner

Places you on a school e-mail list to receive breaking news and routine email communication

View on computer, droid, iPhone, iPad, tablet, etc…

Parent Access

Student Access

Unparalleled and unprecedented communication and access to data

This program exists to supplement, not replace student accountability for grades and assignments

Student should have accountability

Sign up at www.conroeisd.net

Parent Access

This system will literally email you every time your child receives a grade in the gradebook if you select for it to do so

Dress Code


Worth the battle if you are a parent

Cannot battle everything

We have to and will enforce

The way a student dresses affects the way he/she feels about education and success

Dress Code

One of the first steps to caring in any area of life is to dress like you care

Always feel free to drop in with food at lunch to see what they are actually wearing four hours later after leaving your house

We are a junior high, not a nightclub

For the most part, a non-issue with our students

Transition to

Secondary School

• Kids transition quickly


• 3 free each quarter

7 minutes between classes (most around)

• Resets each nine weeks

First two weeks amnesty


• Email notification to your Parent Access

Account when processed

Normally email comes same day to your email address in our database

Being in class for the first five to ten minutes of instruction/review/plan for the day is critical to academic success

Plans for the day

– How it is to be done

What is on the exam

– When is the review


• Follow student handbook

Use good common sense

• Administrators, teachers, police, and counselors, are proactive and visible in building


• Expectation meeting with students through

LA classes first week of school

Classroom expectations are high so that all children can be successful

We do everything humanly possible to prevent a situation before it happens

Ongoing “Make A Difference”

Monthly Anti-Bullying Program

• Bullying- Let the child’s AP know

Make A Difference monthly program

Administrative meetings

– Ongoing intervention activities through Advisory

– Access to Facebook or PDAs with video ability

Full discipline information is available for you on your child 24 hours a day at Parent Access


How Parents

Make the Difference!

Talk to your student

Know where they are in the evenings and on weekends, who they are with, and why

When you have a question, go to the source and e-mail the teacher

How Parents

Make the Difference!

Check the P.T.O. Planner nightly and make sure all homework is complete

Hold students responsible for their actions (behaviorally and academically)

Give your child a chance to work out some problems on their own

Studies show students who self-advocate do better in high school and beyond

Easy Things to do to Help your Child be Successful at McCullough

Encourage students to eat breakfast

• Monitor the amount of sleep they really get

– Is the TV, gaming system, iPad, and/or computer in their bedroom?

– Recent dangers of children and energy drinks

• Lack of sleep

• Heart issues

Easy Things to do to Help your Child be Successful at McCullough

Is their cell phone in their room at night (charging??) when you go to bed?

Every day more research comes out clearly articulating the critical aspect of sleep for adolescent growth and success in school

The phone never sleeps in 2013

If the phone does not sleep, neither does the child

Easy Things to do to Help your Child be Successful at McCullough

Hold students accountable for a planner

Positives and Negatives

Encourage students to be involved in school organizations

Attend his/her activities at McCullough

Top 2 Indicators for

Student Success

Attendance at school

Involvement in a school activity

School Supplies

• Basic school supply list posted in The Tartan

Tribune this summer

P.T.O. will sell basic minimal set again online this year (optional)

Look for information coming soon

Questions I Really Get

What is the policy on cell phones and electronics?

Off 8:50 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.

Outside of these times, call away!

Please do not call and/or text your child in school

Questions I Really Get

Lost and Found

– Theft of above devices- What really happens

• Kids leave locker open and/or rigged

Phone on the floor or bench

Name on items is invaluable

• I have enough lost Vera Bradley lunch kits to start our own store

Questions I Really Get

Can I wear makeup?


Questions I Really Get

Can I wear flip-flops? Yes

Where are the bathrooms? At the ends of the hallways and in the cafeteria

Cell Phones

What You Need to Know from Our Perspective

Best and worst thing to happen to parents/guardians

Great for contacting and staying in touch with children

Negative is that smartphones give children access to texting and the entire internet when they are least ready for this responsibility

Cell Phones

What You Need to Know from Our Perspective

• Instagram is quickly replacing Facebook with your children

SnapChat is the new big thing coming online with American youth

You might want to research this and you might not like what you find

Sexting is an issue with teens across the nation

Equal opportunity offense

Cell Phones

What You Need to Know from Our Perspective

• Rarely, if ever, has there been any case on our campus of sexting happening

Do realize that when this happens outside of school and this is brought to our attention we are required to investigate and report to authorities

• Montgomery County D.A. may take the phones and prosecute

Usually no school consequences as this is not a school issue unless it was to occur here

Social Networking Sites

What You Need to Know from Our Perspective

• Social networking sites are the root of most of the issues we face

They are a great idea, in theory

A very large percentage of harassment issues we deal with originate here off campus

• Please think carefully before allowing your child to access and then be diligent in following whether they are showing you the social networking page they actually use

Elective Information Night

6:00 p.m until 7:05 p.m.

February 12 th

• McCullough Commons

• 6:00 p.m. until 7:05 p.m.

• Carpooling is recommended, and will help

• Convention-style setup in the cafeteria (Commons)

Students and parents can meet and speak to the elective teaching staff

Elective Information Night

6:00 p.m until 7:05 p.m.

• Special presentations this evening

Girls athletics 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium

Boys athletics 6:35 p.m. in the auditorium

Elective Information Night

6:00 p.m until 7:05 p.m.

• Counselors in the Commons LGI area

Optional assistance if needed in completing the

Elective Course Request Sheets

6:00 p.m.

• 6:35 p.m.

Elective Information Night

6:00 p.m until 7:05 p.m.

Very casual come and go

Students are welcome

Seventh grade elective teachers will be present to answer your questions

Be aware in advance there will be a lot of people here

Elective Information Night

6:00 p.m until 7:05 p.m.

Eighth grade elective teachers representing high school electives will be present

Some activities which are not elective classes such as Cheerleading, Color

Guard, and Highland Girls may have a booth with information

Registration Deadline – May 1

Final deadline to make any change, elective request or core level change, is

May 1st at 4:00 p.m.

• Teachers are hired with specific teaching certifications (NCLB Act) based on requests of parents on this date

No changes will be made after this time

Registration Deadline – May 1

Master schedule is constructed based on parent/guardian course requests on

Decisions earlier help us hire better staff for your child

The Registration Process

• We will contact you repeatedly in the spring via SchoolMessenger with information and reminders you need to know

Students receive tentative schedules at Student Orientation in August or on the first day of school if they cannot attend


Factors Which Affect an Individual

Student’s Schedule Formation

Staffing (based on enrollment)

Availability of Course

Student’s Core Course


Elective course requests by students


• Specialty Classes

– Athletics

– Fine Arts


Number of electives

– 11 unique choices in seventh grade

23 unique choices in eighth grade

– Will take 4 in 7 th grade

– Will take 5 in 8 th grade

High School Information

“Mr. McCord, why are we talking about high school?”

Looking ahead to high school…

What is the Advanced

Placement (AP)


What is the Advanced

Placement Program?

• College level courses taught in high school

27 nationwide courses in

19 subject areas (TWHS offers 26)

• Examinations scores can lead to college credit and which validate program success

• An opportunity for students to think, read, and write critically and analytically.

What AP Courses

Does TWHS Offer?

• English Language

• English Literature

Computer Science A

• Spanish Language

• Calculus AB, BC

• US History

• Chemistry

Government and Politics

• Macroeconomics

• Human Geography

• Chinese

• Japanese


• Environmental Science

• German Language

French Language

• Music Theory

• Statistics

• Art History

• European History

Studio Art

• Physics C, E, M

• World History

• Psychology

• Art Drawing

Art 2D

• Art 3D

Why AP?

• Challenges students

Consistent teaching strategies

Prepares them for college

Why AP?

• Provides opportunities for our young people to compete post high school

• Opportunities to earn college credit in high school (up to 45 hours)

Saves parents $$$$

So How Well Do TWHS

Students Perform on the AP


Fact:: In 2011, TWHS administered 2058 tests to 933 students

Fact: TWHS mean score was 3.60

The mean state score was 2.48

The mean national score was 2.84

So How Well Do TWHS

Students Perform on the AP


Fact: 82.4% of the students passed with a 3 or higher

Fact: 57% of the students passed with a 4 or higher

Fact: TWHS consistently ranks in the top schools in the

world in the number of tests given

Who Should Take PreAP or AP Courses?

The most successful AP students are willing to work hard. More than ability, whether the student

(not just the parent) is willing to invest the time and energy to be successful is most important.

The earlier the preparation, the easier the transition.

Grades in Secondary Schools

• Everyone wants A’s

Grades in Pre-AP courses of a B or high C may very well indicate tremendous learning and hard work by the student

Grades in Secondary Schools

In secondary school it takes effort to make an A.

It also takes effort to fail.

Adventure into Academics

Core Subject Information

State Required Courses – 7 th grade

• Language Arts


• Science

Texas History

• Physical Education

Can Substitute

• Athletics

• Cheer

Highland Girls

• Private P.E.

Electives – 4 choices


• Science

• Pre-AP Science

– Strongly encourage any student be enrolled in pre-algebra Pre-AP

Math Skills

– Science Fair Project

– Time

– Independent

Independent Study Science

Fair Project

• Runs November through February

All students in Pre-AP Science will complete the Independent Study Science Fair Project

This is a research based endeavor

Independent Study

Science Fair Project- Approximate Hours

• One of the best things we do

Protocols- 4 hours

– Introduction- 5 hours

– Materials and Methods- 3 hours

Experimenting- 10 hours

Final Paper- 10 hours

Board- 6 hours

– Hours are just averages- can be more or less

– Have checkpoints along the way

Fair is over a weekend in February at Lone Star

Convention Center

Pre-AP Science

Need to make sure you understand the real rigor and expectations of the independent study science fair project

prior to making the year-long commitment to Pre-AP science

Texas History

• Texas History

Pre-AP Texas


Strong reading comprehension and writing skills are a plus

Language Arts

• Language Arts

Pre-AP Language Arts

– Need to be selfmotivated reader and writer

– Grade differential

– Everything starts with reading

Class Placement of Your Child in LA,

Social Studies, and Science in C.I.S.D.

Incoming seventh graders will automatically roll by default to the next

appropriate grade level sequence

– 6 th grade regular history to 7 th regular

Texas History

6 th GT Language Arts to 7 th Pre-AP

Language Arts


Class Placement of Your Child in LA,

Social Studies, and Science in C.I.S.D.

Sixth grade students identified as GT will be automatically rolled initially to

Pre-AP in the area of their GT identification for language arts, social studies, or science

Indicated on form your child has brought home

– You can move your child from Pre-AP to level classes by indicating your choice on the document

Class Placement of Your Child in LA,

Social Studies, and Science in C.I.S.D.

• Ultimately, you can place your regular education child in any level of class you want in LA, Social Studies, or Science

– Encourage you to closely read the C.I.S.D.

Program of Studies and the McCullough supplement in order to fully understand the rigor and expectations of Pre-AP courses

– Recommend considering taking no more than two

Pre-AP courses

Need to understand in advance that an A in secondary Texas education is not the same as an A in elementary education

Core Placement

Sheet Sent Home

On this sheet you choose your child’s level you want for LA, SS, and Science.

In order to properly choose classes for seventh grade students, it is extremely helpful to know where you would like for your child to finish his/her senior year. This applies most directly to the math progression.

Math Placement History

The advanced math placement procedures have been in place and articulated for several years

Children have been tested to be placed into advanced math since they were in fourth grade

Where Will I Finish in Math?

To make good choices for placement in seventh grade, it is critical to know where you as a parent, as well as your child, want to finish his/her senior year

Applies most directly to math due to its linear nature

Where Will I Finish in Math?

Unlike the other disciplines, hard work alone in math may

not always ensure success

Involves math knowledge and mental math maturity

State Math Courses for

Seventh Grade

Seventh grade math

• Pre-Algebra Pre-AP (one year ahead)

High School Algebra Pre-AP (high school course, two years ahead)

District Math Progression

Majority of Students

• 6 th GradeLevel Math

7th Grade – 7th Math

• 8th Grade - Pre-Algebra

9th Grade - Algebra

• 10th Grade - Geometry

11th Grade - Algebra II

• 12th Grade – Pre-Calculus

Student could still take

Calculus if he/she doubled up somewhere along the way

District Math Sequence

(Advanced 1 year) Some Students

• 6 th GradeAdvanced Math

7th Grade – Pre-Algebra Pre-AP

• 8th Grade – Algebra Pre-AP (High School)

9th Grade - Geometry

• 10th Grade - Algebra II

11th Grade - Pre-Calculus

• 12th Grade – Calculus

District Math Sequence

(Advanced 2 years)

Very Few Students

7th Grade – Algebra Pre-AP (High School)

• 8th Grade – Geometry Pre-AP (High School)

• 9th Grade - Algebra II

• 10th Grade – Pre-AP Pre-Calculus/AP Statistics I

• 11th Grade – Pre-AP Pre-Calculus

12th Grade – Calculus AB/BC

District Math Assignments for

Incoming Seventh Graders

Students will be initially rolled to the next appropriate level of class in the progression of their math development based on the real data

See Course Description Guide for exact progression

Upcoming District

Placement Exams

• Placement Exam for entrance into Pre-

Algebra Pre-AP

– Taken February 1-11 at home intermediate campus

Algebra Readiness Exam

Taken February 14 th through February 25th at home intermediate campus

– Taken by 6 th grade advanced math students if they make an 80 or higher on the District Placement

Exam for entrance into Pre-Algebra Pre-AP

Evaluates current mastery of eighth grade math concepts

District Math Placement

Testing Details

District Math Placement Exams will occur in February at the home intermediate campus

The tests are designed to be given in

February and are given only at that time

There is no continual retesting

District Math Placement

Testing Details

Students in Level Sixth Grade Level Math

Sixth grade students currently in regular

on level (majority of students) math will take the C.I.S.D. Placement Exam for entrance in Pre-Algebra Pre-AP during the February 1-11 window if they have an

80 average for the current year in sixth grade level math.

This is to see if they qualify to move to

Pre-Algebra Pre-AP

District Math Placement

Testing Details

Students Currently in Level Sixth Grade Level Math

• If a student in level sixth grade math takes the

Placement Exam for entrance in to Pre-Algebra

Pre-AP and qualifies to skip seventh grade math parents can still ask to have their child take seventh math

Many make this request so that their child does not miss key math concepts and skip seventh math

• An 80 or higher is required on the test to accelerate and bypass seventh math and thus enter into Pre-Algebra Pre-AP

District Math Placement

Testing Details

Students Currently in Sixth Grade Level Math

Students are not allowed to bypass and skip two years of math instruction

For example, students cannot go from level sixth grade math to high school

Algebra in seventh grade

District Math Placement

Testing Details for Students Currently in

Advanced Sixth Grade Math

Remember, students in the GT/Advanced math in sixth grade are in seventh math now and are going to Pre-Algebra Pre-

AP, the next course in sequence

District Math Placement

Testing Details for Students Currently in GT/Advanced

Sixth Grade Math

All students who are currently enrolled in the GT/Advanced Sixth Grade Math class will take the C.I.S.D. Placement Exam for entrance into Pre-Algebra Pre-AP

They are taking the C.I.S.D. Placement

Exam for entrance into Pre-Algebra Pre-

AP only to see if they qualify with the needed skills to then later take the

Algebra Readiness Exam

District Math Placement

Testing Details for Students Currently in GT/Advanced

Sixth Grade Math

This window is February 14th through

February 25 th for qualifying students in advanced math to take the Algebra

Readiness Test

80 percent is required for passing on this accelerated exam

District Math Placement

Testing Details

Both placement tests are designed to be administered in February based on TEKS covered during that time

Intermediate campuses will attempt to makeup test any student who misses on the day of testing at his/her campus in


District Math Placement

Testing Details

There is no later testing or additional retake of the tests which were designed for February administration

Important for students to do his/her best

80 is the percentage required for passing on the C.I.S.D. Placement Exam for entrance into Pre-Algebra Pre-AP and the Algebra Readiness Test .

District Math Assignments for

Incoming Seventh Graders

• CISD students in regular sixth grade math will be initially enrolled in regular on level seventh grade math which is the next appropriate course in the math sequence.

Majority of our students

• Will receive the appropriate next level of math instruction in proper sequence necessary, as we all received, for the student to be successful in all following math courses at

McCullough, the high school, and beyond

Looking at Math Placement a

Different Way

District Math

Placement Standards for Incoming

Seventh Graders

For a student to move from Sixth Grade Math to

Pre-Algebra Pre-AP, students must meet all of the following criteria:

* 80 average in 6 th grade Math

* Minimum score of 80% on the C.I.S.D.

Placement Exam for entrance into

Pre-Algebra Pre-AP

District Math

Placement Standards for Incoming

Seventh Graders

For a student to move from sixth grade

Advanced Math to Algebra 1 (HS), students must meet all of the following criteria:

* 80 average in sixth grade Gifted and

Talented/Advanced Math

* Minimum of 80% on the C.I.S.D.

Placement Exam for entrance into Pre-

Algebra Pre-AP

* Minimum score of 80% on the C.I.S.D.

Algebra Readiness Exam

What if My Child Qualifies for

High School Algebra Pre-AP?

• If your child qualifies for High School Algebra

Pre-AP we will contact you via phone and/or email before placing them into this math class which is operating two years ahead of grade level

Student would be bypassing TEKS and math instruction presented in Pre-Algebra

You will need to opt your child “in” to the advanced class once they qualify

• Otherwise, student will remain in Pre-Algebra


District Math Assignments for

Incoming Seventh Graders

A C.I.S.D. sixth grade Gifted and

Talented/Advanced math student who successfully passes the C.I.S.D.

Placement for Pre-Algebra Pre-AP but does not pass the Algebra Readiness

Test will be placed in Pre-Algebra Pre-


District Math Assignments for

Incoming Seventh Graders

Students currently in Advanced sixth grade math are completing much of the state seventh grade math instruction and the State of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for this level at this current time in sixth grade


What if I want my child in regular sixth grade math to bypass seventh grade math course and go from sixth grade regular math to Pre-Algebra Pre-AP in seventh grade in CISD and he/she did not demonstrate success on the placement examinations?

Option I

Enroll and successfully complete with a grade of 85 or higher the C.I.S.D. spring class offering of Seventh

Grade Math for first time takers

Details will be available soon

Starts in April and runs through July

Class is the full course

Hybrid online and classroom instruction

Must meet summer school for acceleration attendance requirements

The class is dependent on enough students signing up for the course to make

Far and away the best option if you did not qualify and this is what you want them to do

Option II

• Enroll to take the Texas Tech Credit by Exam

No seat time, just a one time test

• Must notify your child’s counselor in advance you wish for your child to take this test for acceleration so that we can order the exam

• Information is available at the district website

Students need to obtain a score of 90 or better on both parts A and B since the Texas Tech exam is being taken for acceleration

There is a deadline

Advantages and Disadvantages of taking

Pre-Algebra Pre-AP or High School

Algebra Pre-AP in Seventh Grade

• May allow more flexibility in choice of level of science class in high school

Much more rigorous

Advantages and Disadvantages of taking

Pre-AP Pre-Algebra or Pre-AP Algebra in

Seventh Grade

First few weeks of Pre-Algebra Pre-AP are review of seventh grade math

Around November the accelerated course takes off with rigorous state expectations

It is not the same math course we took in junior high

Advantages and Disadvantages of taking

Pre-Algebra Pre-AP or Algebra Pre-AP in

Seventh Grade

• Students are generally not successful in subsequent math courses if they skip a major core building block component of math knowledge by missing the seventh grade math course

We all likely took seventh grade math at some point

This missing information, in the form of the missing course, usually manifests itself in eighth grade in High School Algebra around

November 1 st , and beyond

Advantages and Disadvantages of taking

Pre-AP Pre-Algebra or

Pre-AP Algebra in Seventh Grade

• In short, missing the seventh grade math course and the State of Texas Essential

Knowledge and Skills it covers can be like credit card debt

It may take awhile for the debt to accrue and the pain to hit, but sooner or later, it may occur if you miss the course

• U.I.L. Eligibility is subject to all courses, including advanced math classes

How Does My Child’s Math Placement affect the STAAR Exam for which he/she is responsible?

• 7 th Graders in pre-algebra pre-AP are responsible for taking the 8 th grade math

STAAR examination

• 7 th graders in high school algebra are responsible for the STAAR high school end of course exams (EOCs) for that high school subject area

The state-required high school algebra EOC exam by may count for 15 percent of the students total grade

High School Math Notes

• Students are required to take four years of math and science in high school

For math, four high school courses can include high school math courses taken in junior high school

• At least three math courses must be taken on the high school campus beginning with

Algebra 1

Considerations for

High School G.P.A.

• If accelerating by taking high school courses in junior high, your grade point average in high school will be based on more difficult classes at TWHS

Considerations for

High School G.P.A.

• The flip side is taking accelerated math courses in junior high will also allow you to have more opportunities in your schedule to take rigorous classes in high school which are weighted higher for G.P.A. (consider reviewing the district G.P.A. information for high school in the C.I.S.D. Program of Studies available at our website

Pre-AP Class Considerations

No guarantee it will be easy

No guarantee your child will make an A or B

Not a guarantee they will pass

• Class the parent/guardian has chosen on the deadline will be the course the student is in for the year

Qualifying Students for Pre-AP

• Can choose to opt out of some or all before

May 1st deadline at 4:00 p.m.

May want to pick and choose among strengths and interest

Normal recommendation is a maximum of two Pre-AP courses

– Email your child’s counselor to be taken out of a core Pre-AP class your for which your child may have qualified


Just because someone qualifies for a million dollar home does not always make it a great idea to purchase the house

Qualifying for four Pre-AP core classes does not necessarily make it the best of idea to take them all

Student Success in Pre-AP

• Need to be a doer , and a thinker

• Just as in real-life

Just as in the job place

Considerations When Choosing Level of

LA, Social Studies, and Science class

• Where do you want them to be at the finish line (12 th grade)

Homework Considerations

• Time varies widely among students to complete assignments

Think about your workplace and how much range occurs for your coworkers to complete the same task

• Effectiveness of your child’s study strategies

Where the student completes homework matters most

– Kitchen


– Away from electronics

Homework Considerations

Any type of media or technology distraction makes a difference in delaying the time for successful student homework completion

– TV

– iPad


Consider projects included in each class

We try to limit the number of projects and 8:45 p.m. emergency trips to the craft store you must make ( I have been there and done that also )

Homework Considerations

• How much time is it going to take for your child to complete work outside of school for him/her to achieve the grade you want them to achieve in the course

Consider activities outside of school


– Gymnastics


– Equestrian





State expectations are very different from when we were in junior high

The nation and world job competition is very different from when we were young


• Much more extensive preparation required by the

Texas Education Agency for students to be successful on the new STAAR exams required to be passed by students in order to advance to ninth grade

In your downtime it would be worthwhile to visit the T.E.A. website to see the example STAAR questions

You may be shocked

Repetitions lead to understanding


• Relevant

A limited amount of homework can be finished in Advisory


• There is homework in our regular classes, albeit considerably less than Pre-AP classes

Will increase greatly in high school and college

Homework Scenarios

Scenarios we see

Student who gets it done

– Students who struggle to physically get the assignment from home to the classroom but did actually do the work at some point

Student who obsesses and needs to know when to say when and go to bed

Major Homework Point for

Junior High and Beyond

Our society evaluates students, and us, on what we

demonstrate that we know

Just like your job place

That is why schools still give grades and we are evaluated in the workplace

– Turning and completing work has to be a top priority for students in junior high and into regular life, even if it is not perfect

• As a sidenote to this, the student will do well gradewise and actually learn the material if he/she does it and turns it in

Organizational Skills

• Assisting your son/daughter in developing organizational skills would be one of the best gifts you could ever give them

Better gift than an X Box

360, iPhone, or Dr. Dre

Beats headphones



– Check nightly

– Designed to help

Organizational Skills

Leading cause of parent conferences

If students do not turn in their work, it is difficult to help them

Reward system at home is a positive


• Provided by the


Idea originated from site-based by parents for parents


• Parents view each night

Teaches critical organizational skills


Ad Purchase?

High School Course


Once you enter into these classes you are on an established track

As a high school class, they are much more challenging

• It is not necessary to get your student on the fast track to get all the courses in the four years at TWHS

High School Course

Considerations in Junior High

• Grades achieved do not figure in high school class rank or


Junior High Course


• All general ed classes, Level and

Pre-AP, are college preparatory

Most students taking

Pre-AP courses just take two at the most


• Please make your decisions based on what is right for your child, not your friend’s child from

Bunco or down the street


• The ultimate choice on which core course you wish your child to be in lies with you, as long as it is made before the final deadline on May 1st


• I would not advise letting grades from intermediate school be the only determining factor in my decision

Physical Education Requirements

• The State of Texas requires all students take P.E. for one year (2 semesters) in seventh grade

Physical education is not considered one of a seventh grade student’s four elective choices as this course is a requirement

Physical Education Requirements

Athletics may substitute for P.E.

– Athletics substitutions include:

Girls or Boys Basketball

• Girls Volleyball

Girls or Boys Cross Country

• Girls/Boys Football

• Cheerleading

Highland Girls Drill Team


A Taste of Adventure

Very Important Documents

Coming Home

Course Request Sheets for Elective and

Core Classes

Coming home through students at intermediate campuses

Extras are at Intermediate


Please read the asterisks, bullets, etc.

Writing in pencil is a good plan

Elective Request Sheet

• Please try to make the sheet as accurate as possible

Elective Request Sheet

• Have until the May 1st deadline to change

Accuracy early would really help us out

Recruiting teachers

Job fairs


Elective Course Request Sheet

Student needs to request four electives in seventh grade

Two electives in the fall

Two potentially different electives in the spring

All available seventh grade options as electives are listed on the Elective Course

Request Sheet

Elective Course Request Sheet

Two semester courses occupy two blanks

Fine Arts classes (Band, Choir, or

Orchestra) should be listed first if taken and should not be listed as an alternate selection as they are a serious commitment which last all year

Elective Course Request Sheet

• Need to choose a P.E class (two semesters required in seventh grade)

– Choose initially on Elective Course Request Sheet either P.E., Football, or Cross Country

– Other athletic endeavors which have tryouts would replace the P.E. selection should the student make the squad

• Classes will change from initial August schedule for most students if they are moved into an Athletics class

Elective Course Request Sheet

Private P.E.

– Private P.E. will be an option around mid-April when the district publishes the 2013-2014 list of approved Private P.E facilities

Students who want to take Private P.E. can indicate their choice on the sheet

They will not be in Private P.E. until they have successfully completed and turned in all required forms with signatures prior to the May 1 st deadline.

– Private P.E Application forms for students will then, in mid-April, be online at our district website

We will link to the Private P.E. list of facilities and the application form at the front page of our website

The Elective Course

Registration Process

Our administration and counselors will sit down individually at the intermediate campuses with each incoming seventh grade student to discuss his/her elective requests

The Elective Course

Registration Process

We will review the

Elective Request Sheet with the child for accuracy

• Answer any questions the student may have

The Elective Course

Registration Process

• The request will be entered into our computer system with the student at each intermediate campus

McCullough Informational

Meetings with Students


– Deretchin

Coulson Tough

– Wilkerson

– All dates are tentative

January 25

January 29

January 30

January 31

The Elective Course Registration

Entry Process with Students



– Coulson Tough


– All dates tentative

February 19

February 21

February 22

February 26

We will be on these campuses on the dates listed above to meet with students. If a student is absent, we will enter his/her requests based on sheets turned in to his/her intermediate teacher.

Information Coming Home

Later in the spring

• Please check the Course

Request sheet very closely to confirm these are the elective and core courses

(LA, Math, and Social

Studies) you want to request for your child next year

• This sheet will also indicate

core courses which your child has been initially placed in based on testing

Elective Choices (7



• Art I

• Band (counts as 2 choices)

Exploring Career


Career Portals: Computer


Career Portals: Human


Career Portals: Technology

• Choir (counts as 2 choices)

Orchestra (counts as 2 choices)

• Teen Leadership

• Theater Arts

• Exploring Languages

High School Elective Choices

Available in Eighth Grade for CISD

High School Health

High School Communications

High School Spanish I (taught over two semesters in eighth grade)

High School Spanish II for Native

Speakers (must qualify)

Plus all the electives listed on the previous slide

Private P.E.

• Option for students engaged in 15 or more hours of individual Olympic-type athletic instruction outside of the school day

– Team sports, such as baseball, are not a part of

Private P.E. for the Texas Education Agency

Most do golf, swimming, tennis, and equestrian

– Replaces regular physical education on the schedule

– Leave at 2:50 p.m. on both red and green days

Private P.E.

The facility you wish for your child to attend must be an approved facility for


If your facility is not on the list, I encourage you to contact the facility and have them to properly apply in a timely fashion before the district deadlines

– The facilities can apply with C.I.S.D. between

April 1 and April 15

– The facility must apply for membership

Private P.E.

All completed and signed Private P.E. paperwork is due to the McCullough front office by Wednesday, May 1 st , at 4:00 p.m.

Applications and all needed paperwork will be online at the district and

McCullough website on April 16 th

Applications must be original copies

Private P.E.

Please make sure as a parent/guardian you are certain you can pick your child up every day at 2:50 p.m. and have a firm transportation plan for the entire year prior to requesting Private P.E. for your child

Private P.E.

Approved students can change a facility only at semester

Private P.E. is a commitment for both the fall and spring semesters

– Schedules are created over the entire year

Make sure you will like your facility and instructor for the long haul prior to submitting the application

Private P.E.

• Students who are not picked up daily at the designated time (2:50 p.m.) will be removed and placed into a physical education class

Students will be in a fourth period class on campus from 2:26 p.m. until 2:50 p.m.

• The Texas Education Agency allows us to dismiss approved Private P.E. students one hour early each day (2:50 p.m)

Private P.E.

• Does not work with sports which have an athletic period such as cross country, volleyball, basketball, drill team, cheerleading, and football

Texas students are not allowed by law to have two athletic or physical education classes in their schedules

Students in Private P.E. can participate in school sports which are a club activity such as golf, tennis, track, and soccer which do not meet as an athletic class during the school day

Private P.E.

• If choosing this option, parents/guardians

must be flexible on the pickup schedule as it will change periodically due to pep rallies,

STAAR testing, semester exams, etc.

Every three weeks the facility submits a grade and attendance report directly to the

Counseling Center

• Grade forms are available in the Counseling

Center and at our website

Private P.E.

A seventh grade student in Private P.E. will still receive two elective choices (one class per semester)

The aspiring Private P.E. student should still make all of his/her elective requests on the Course Request Sheet

Level 2 Private P.E.

Level 2 Private P.E. is for students who attend five hours or more weekly of physical education activity at an

approved facility

These students do not leave early each day and would not be in regular physical education

Level 2 Private P.E.

They receive two additional classroom courses above and beyond

For participation in this program, the student must be in band, choir, or orchestra so that space is available for the extra classes to be accommodated in the student schedule in lieu of them being in the physical education classroom

Number of Elective Requests for Seventh Graders

All seventh grade students will take four electives

Number of Elective Requests for Seventh Graders

Band, Choir, or Orchestra, each take up two elective slots (class lasts entire year)

Two blanks on elective course request sheet

Fine Arts

Number of Elective Requests for Seventh Graders

Example A: Student takes Choir (2 choices), Careers, and Exploring

Technology = 4 classes

Number of Elective Requests for Seventh Graders

Example B:

Student takes

Choir (2 choices) and Band (2 choices) = 4 classes

Yes, you can take two fine arts classes

Number of Elective Requests for Seventh Graders

Example C: Student takes Athletics

(does not count since it replaces

P.E.), Exploring Technology,

Careers, Exploring Computer

Applications, and Exploring

Languages = 4 classes

Number of Elective Requests for Seventh Graders

Example D:

Student takes

Athletics (replaces

P.E.), Band (2 classes), Teen

Leadership, and




Number of Elective Requests for Seventh Graders

Example E: Student takes Athletics ,

Band (2 choices), and Orchestra (2 choices)

Elective Requests

• Please note that during the spring you will receive information on elective choices for your child

Please note that these sheets will indicate your child’s request, not an assignment to that class

• Eighth grade student requests will be filled first

Elective Requests

• Students will include regular and alternate requests

It is possible a student may receive an elective in seventh grade he/she did not request to complete his/her schedule

• By the time a student completes eighth grade at

McCullough, it is highly likely your student will have been enrolled in any particular elective class he/she would like to take

The Schedule

(No fine arts or athletics)

Period Red Day Green Day

1 st

Math Science

2 nd

Language Arts Math/Writing

3 rd


PE Elective

Advisory Advisory

4 th

Elective History

P.E. is included in schedule, not counting as an elective choice since a full year is

required in seventh grade.

The Schedule

(Athletic Schedule)


1 st

2 nd

3 rd


4 th

Red Day Green Day





Language Arts Math/Writing

Advisory Advisory

Elective Elective

Athletics simply replaces required P.E.

The Schedule

(Band, Choir, or Orchestra)

Period Red Day Green Day

1 st

4 th


2 nd

PE History

3 rd


Language Arts Writing/Math

Advisory Advisory




Please note Fine Arts electives last all year, and thus count as two selections each.

The Schedule

(Student taking Choir and Orch)

Period Red Day Green Day

1 st

Math Orchestra

2 nd

PE History

3 rd

Language Arts Writing/Math

Advisory Advisory Advisory

4 th

Choir Science

Many students take more than one fine arts course and they are encouraged to do so.

The Schedule

(Student in Athletics and Band)


1 st

2 nd

3 rd


4 th

Red Day Green Day





Language Arts Math/Writing

Advisory Advisory

Elective Band

Many students have this schedule. There are very few conflicts, and we work hard to resolve them when they do occur. If a student is unsure about which activity to participate in during high school, I encourage doing both.

Fine Arts and Athletics

• Can be involved in both

Many are involved in a fine art and athletics

Many are involved in two fine arts

Encourage you to do more than one

Very few, if any conflicts

Fine Arts and Athletics

• Fall under the C.I.S.D. secondary code of conduct

Expectations are greater of the students as they represent the organization

– Be wise about allowing your child to use Facebook or PDAs but especially if they represent an organization

• Understand in advance that classroom teachers will visit with sponsors/coaches regarding encouragement, concerns, and ways to help the child

Fine Arts and Athletics

• Learn invaluable life lessons which are difficult to teach anywhere else

Not about the sport

About the:

• Teamwork


• Friends

• Stories you embellish twenty years later

Signing up for Band, Choir, or


• Unlike other electives, if you sign up for a muscial fine art elective you are automatically enrolled

• Tryouts are held for placement which then determines your exact class period

– Schedule would be built around this time block

Placements announced on schedule in August

Occupies two slots on request sheet as it runs all year

Signing up for Band, Choir, or


• Encouraged to do multiple musical fine arts if you are interested

Step up in commitment from intermediate campus

Prepares students for participation in these activities at TWHS

Concert IV

Concert III

• Concert II

Concert I

• Symphonic

Wind Ensemble

Commitment for the year


Percussion Class

• Year long class on percussion skills

Course is for advanced percussionists who will have Percussion Class only the first semester and band the second semester

Percussion Class

• Prerequisite- Students must have played and participated school percussion at their intermediate campus

Class is exploding (figuratively)- kids like to bang on things and get school credit for it!


• May practice before or after school

Big step up from the opportunity and responsibility aspects from elementary band programs

• Sectionals


• Honor Band



Football games

– McCullough

High School events


• Pep Rallies

Spring contests

• Currently 422 students

For more information on band contact

• Ms. Meyer-Patterson

• sbmeyer@conroeisd.net

For more information on band contact

Ms. Liebst

• pliebst@conroeisd.net

For more information on band contact

Ms. Maher

• amaher@conroeisd.net


• Over a 200 students are in band and a combination of:

– Athletics

– Choir

– Theatre

– Drill Team



All students can participate in orchestra

Five orchestras including Beginner,

Philharmonic, Symphony, Concert, and Chamber


• Concert and

Chamber orchestras have before and/or after school practices

• Need to purchase tuxedo shirts

• Commitment for the year

For more information on

Orchestra contact

• Michelle Reinhardt

– mreinhardt@conroeisd.net


Most, but not all, practices are during the school day

Some specialized activities such as region choir and preparation for solo contests occur before or after school


All students can participate in choir

Performs 4-5 concerts a year

Good musical fine art to double with another Fine Art or Athletics as choir has far less outside of the regular school day requirements


• Purchase of a uniform is required

Girls have Treble,

Concert, Advanced

Girls, Acappella, and

Chamber Choirs

Boys have the Boys


• Mixed Choir

– Composed of Boys and

Mixed Choirs


• Students can audition for Solo and Ensemble

Contests, Region

Choir, and the spring Pop Concert

Commitment for the year

For more information on choir contact

Connie Horton

• chorton@conroeisd.net

Fine Arts Commitment

• Band, choir, and orchestra commitments in junior high far exceed the expectations of elementary school organizations in these areas

Make sure everyone is aware of what is expected for the year in band, choir, or orchestra before signing up on May 1 st

The commitment made for these organizations is firm for the entire 2013-2014 school year

– Websites gives give a good indication of expectations

A student who request these courses for 2013-2014 will have his/her schedule built around this course

– Final class assignment announced at Student Orientation in



• Meets during the school day

Replaces P.E. credit

• Practice does also occur after school

Not an elective class (do not sign up on sheet)


• Purchase of clothing

Tryout process

• Need to be completely committed to the

McCullough team if you plan to tryout


• This programs entails a large commitment of time outside of school during the spring of this year, summer, and the regular school year

Video located at a booth during Elective

Information night will give you an idea of what athletic skills are involved in cheerleading.

Cheerleader Spring

Tryout Information

Tentative Dates

February 4- Tryout Info Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. in the Bock Auditorium (packets will be available for pick up at the meeting only)

February 19 - Packets due to

McCullough office by 4:00 p.m.

March 5 - Tryout Clinic begins 4:30 p.m.-

6:30 p.m.

Cheerleader Spring

Tryout Information

March 8- Tryouts approximately @

4:30 p.m.

March 9 - Results posted

March 19 - New member info meeting @

6:00 p.m. in the Commons LGI

March 21st- Fitting at 5:30 p.m. in the

Commons LGI

All dates and times are subject to change.

Cheerleader Responsibilities

Summer Camp

Spring Practice after tryouts

After school practices during the year

Student Orientation


Cheerleader Responsibilities

Commitment to the team and your teammates



Pep Rallies


Open Houses

Others as needed

For more information on cheerleading contact

• Shelly Newitt

• snewitt@conroeisd.net

For more information on cheerleading contact

• Lindsay Nichols

– lnichols@conroeisd.net

Color Guard

Preparation for TWHS Color Guard and

Winter Guard

Most practices are inside

Occasionally practices are outside

• Tryouts- try to keep everyone

Everyone is generally starting from the same place- the beginning


Color Guard

Limited practices through the end of football season

Ramp up practices beginning in December for performance season in January

• Performance season is from January until


May perform live toward the end of basketball season

Color Guard

• Sponsor Kellie Martin kmmartin@conroeisd.net

Highland Girls

– Requires significant time before and after school

Practice times are subject to change

Contests are on weekends

Meets as a class during the school day and practices also outside of the regular day

Do not sign up for on elective request sheet

Receive P.E. credit

Highland Girls

– Runs all year

Practice times do vary

– Serious dance troop

Preparation for TWHS Highsteppers

– Discipline

Need to be able to take direction and enjoy being part of a team

Highland Girls

• Highland Girl Spring Tryout Information tentative dates:

3/19 - Tryout information meeting

3/28- Tryout packets due

4/1Tryout clinic begins

4/13 - Team tryouts

4/14 - Results posted

All dates and times are subject to change.

Highland Girl

Commitments Include

• Practice


• Parades

Football Games

• Playoff Games

Basketball Games

• Pep Rallies


For more information on

Highland Girls contact

• Ms. Talley

• ctalley@conroeisd.net


Schoolwork Responsibilities

• All fine arts students, athletes, and any other student involved in a school organization is responsible for schoolwork, homework, and tests the day after an event

State Eligibility for Participation in Fine Arts,

Athletics, and Organizations

• No classes are exempt in junior high from

U.I.L. Eligibility

• Pre-AP and high school courses all

count for eligibility to participate

Consider this when choosing your child’s schedule



Grade Athletics

• Birth Certificate

Commitment for the year

Replaces P.E.

Elective Night Presentations On Athletics in the Bock Auditorium February 12th

• Girls’ Presentation

6:00 p.m.

• Boys’ Presentation

6:35 p.m.

Please give us an opportunity to have the girls’ parents/guardians exit before boys’ parents enter

Competitive interschool UIL

State of Texas competition

• Play to win

Has been very successful



• Has to be dated after

April 15, 2013 or later to be good for next year

Please note that doctors do not have many slots open in the summer for physicals

What Sports Can I Play

Fall Sports

Girls Cross Country

– Boys Cross Country

Boys/Girls Football

– Volleyball

• Winter Sports

Girls Basketball

Boys Basketball

• Early spring

– Boys Club Track

Girls Club Track

• Late spring

– Club Soccer

Club Tennis

Club Golf

One season of sports ends before the next groups of seasons begins

What Sports Can I Play

Fall Sports

Girls Cross Country

– Boys Cross Country

Boys/Girls Football

– Volleyball

• Winter Sports

Girls Basketball

Boys Basketball

• Early spring

– Boys Club Track

Girls Club Track

• Late spring

– Club Soccer

Club Tennis

Club Golf

For example:

Many athletes who play basketball also play volleyball, cross country, or football

Cross Country

• Season is in the fall

Student remains in cross country throughout the year

Most meets (6) are on Friday evening

Cross Country

• P.E. Substitute

Sign up for class on elective request sheet

Cross Country

Serious running and commitment is required

Cross Country

Runs in the Houston heat and humidity from the second day of school

Summer preparation is critical

Cross Country

• Athletes normally run 15-30 miles a week with the class

These athletes may run more outside of the school day on their own

Cross Country


• Four district championships this year

300 plus students

Cross Country

If your student is not positive he/she wants to make the year long commitment to this endeavor, have him/her sign up for regular physical education and he/she can run before or after school with the team

The student would need to make an arrangement with the cross country coaches and run before or after school with the team

– This student could later choose to run cross country in eighth grade if he/she wanted

Cross Country

It is critical that the student, and not just mom/dad/guardian, wants to take on this endeavor

Coach Collins

Girls Cross Country

Contact at kcollins@conroeisd.net

Coach Cantu

Boys Cross Country

Contact at ecantu@conroeisd.net

Cross Country Class

• Will remain in the cross country class once the competitive season is over

• Year-long commitment

• Replaces P.E. credit

Cross Country

• Required that students participate and dress out on a daily basis

• Would not join just because your friend is in the class

• Be sure this is what your child wants to do before you make this selection which is a commitment for the school year

Cross Country Frequently

Asked Questions Answered

To be in the classroom portion of Cross

Country, a student needs to be able to run one mile in less than 10 minutes

– Meets start races approximately every 20 minutes due to a limited amount of daylight

Cross Country Frequently

Asked Questions Answered

For perspective, the winning boys time is generally around 11 minutes for two miles and the girls slightly under 12 minutes for two miles

Students optimally need to train rigorously in the summer and become acclimatized to the heat and humidity

prior to school beginning


• Tryouts are the first week of school

If students make the team, their schedule

will change


• Meets as an athletics class during the school day

Must attend all three days of tryouts


• After volleyball is over, athletes will remain in the volleyball class where they will continue to work on skills, condition, and lift weights

• Students wishing to play volleyball should initially sign up for physical education

Girls and Boys Offseason


• Will replace physical education and students will be in athletics throughout the school year if they make the offseason class

Girls and Boys Offseason


Tryouts are during the school day for the offseason basketball class.

A student who does not make the offseason basketball class will be in a physical education class which occurs at the same time.

Girls and Boys Offseason


Students will tryout for the basketball

“team” in November at the conclusion of the volleyball/football seasons.

Students can tryout for the basketball team whether they made the basketball offseason class or not.

Girls and Boys Basketball Teams

Commitment for the year

• Student will go through offseason at the conclusion of basketball competition season

Boys and Girls Football

Equipment handed out in August

If a student cannot attend on this date, he/she will receive equipment the first week of school

Boys and Girls Football

• Hard Work

577 athletes this year

• Houston hot and humid

Over a quarter of campus population plays football


Boys and Girls Football

Boy/Girl needs to

want to play, not just the parent/guardian

Sign up for yearlong commitment on elective request sheet

Replaces P.E.

Boys and Girls Football

• Doors open for athletes at 6:30 a.m. in the morning

Athletes must be dressed and on the field at 7:00 a.m.

Practice starts the

second day of school

Boys and Girls Football

• Once games have begun, students

normally do not come in early on

Mondays (day of most games) and

Tuesdays (morning after most games)

Boys and Girls Football

A lot of work, especially the first two weeks of school

• Becomes much easier for everyone once the games begin and athletes come in early only three days a week

Need to remind your child of this once practices begin in


Child and parent need to understand this in advance

Fall Athletic Class

Morning Car Line Drop Off (6:30-7:00)

• Please understand in advance that there will be days in the fall when drop off is occurring

simultaneously for volleyball, football, and

Highland Girls.

On these days traffic will be much heavier.

• Please be patient, stay in the car line, pull up as far as possible, do not ask your student to walk across traffic, and refrain from using your phone in the lot during this time.

Club Sports

Fun opportunities we provide

Do not replace physical education credit

These activities supplement other organizations of which your child may be involved

Club Sports

Students who chose to be in Private P.E. can participate in these sports

• Please do not plan your child’s entire year around these club sports as they have brief seasons

Boys and Girls Club Track

• Begins in January

Club sport

• Everyone makes the team

Tryouts occur within the team each week for the opportunity to participate in the meets


– Boys- morning

Girls- afternoon

Boys and Girls Club Track

No tryouts

• Try to take as many to meets as we can

We are limited by rules on how many athletes we can take to each meet

Student does not need to be in athletics class to participate in track and field

• Practice does not occur during an athletics class

Boys and Girls Club Golf

• Spring sport


• No formal team practice

For more information contact Coach Lilley at jlilley@conroeisd.net

Boys and Girls Club Tennis

Spring sport

• Tryouts

• Meets before and after school

• Play home matches at

McCullough and Creekwood


• For more information contact

Coach Wildman at rwildman@conroeisd.net

Boys and Girls Club Soccer

• Club sport after track

Most soccer players participate in track and field

Complete information is available at our website

Coach Redmon-Boys

Coach Brown - Girls

General Questions

Regarding Athletics

• Please contact Lance


– Girls’ and Boys Athletic


– cskinner@conroeisd.net

People to Help if You Have


The following slides contain pictures of:


– Administrators

Department Heads

These individuals will be located in the

Cafeteria (Commons) on your way out if you have questions

P.TO. Gear

P.T.O. gear will also be available in the

Commons (Cafeteria) on the way out



Car decals


Jerry Horan

• Assistant

Principal 2013-

2014 Seventh

Grade A-K

Located in A100

• Administrative


• Textbooks

Wes Henson

• Assistant Principal

2013-2014 Seventh

Grade L-Z

Located in A100


Steve Skidmore

• Assistant Principal

2013-2014 Eighth

Grade A-K

Located in A101


Shannon York

• Assistant Principal 2013-

2014 Eighth Grade L-Z

Located in A101



Marti Meerscheidt

• 2013-2014 Seventh Grade

Grade A-K

• mmeerscheidt@conroeisd.net

Steve Jessen

• 2013-2014 Seventh Grade L-Z

• sjessen@conroeisd.net

Lindsay Hollomon

• 2013-2014 Eighth Grade A-K

• lhollomon@conroeisd.net

Jana Shriver

• 2012-2013 Eighth

Grade L-Z

• jshriver@conroeisd.net

Tanya Gorka

• Math Department Head

• tgorka@conroeisd.net

Please see at the conclusion of our presentation if you have questions regarding math

Jeff Murrin

Language Arts

Department Head

• jmurrin@conroeisd.net

Please see at the conclusion of our presentation if you have questions regarding language arts

April Phillips

• Social Studies

Department Head

• apphillips@conroeisd.net

• Please see at the conclusion of our presentation if you have questions regarding social studies

Charles Roberts

• Special Education Department Head

• chroberts@conroeisd.net

• Please see at the conclusion of our presentation if you have questions regarding special education

Lynne Archer

• Special Education Department Head

• larcher@conroeisd.net

• Please see at the conclusion of our presentation if you have questions regarding special education

Janene Fowler

Science Department Head

• jfowler@conroeisd.net

Please see at the conclusion of our presentation if you have questions regarding science

Will have some example science fair boards


• Department Heads

Questions about

Math, LA, Texas

History, Science


– Program questions

• Administrators


Rev 1/22/13
