Using the Student-Directed Transition Planning Lessons to Build the StudentDirected Summary of Performance Jim Martin, Ph.D. University of Oklahoma Zarrow Center 405-325-8951 Email: Web: Agenda Purpose of Special Education Student-Directed Summary of Performance to Frame Transition Assessment and IEP Transition Page Construction Building the SD-SOP using the StudentDirected Transition Planning Lessons Seven Transition Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Students become involved in IEP Planning Process Students complete a three-part transition assessment process. Students write present level of academic achievement and functional performance Students develop course of study Students develop postschool linkages Students work on attaining IEP and personal goals Students build their Summary of Performance Student Participation In Transition Discussions Spirit behind IDEA encourages students to become actively involved in discussions IEP transition discussions. We need to teach students how to become involved in these discussions. Need to provide opportunities for students to become involved in these discussions. Percent of Intervals Discussed Transition Students 10% Support Staff 20% Special Ed 50% Family 8% Admin 8% General Ed 4% Martin, J. E., Van Dycke, J. L., Greene, B. A., Gardner, J. E., Christensen, W. R., Woods, L. L., & Lovett, D. L. (2006). Direct observation of teacher-directed IEP meetings: Establishing the need for student IEP meeting instruction. Exceptional Children, 72, 187-200. IDEA 2004 Requires the Summary of Performance Schools will provide students a summary of academic achievement and functional performance – includes recommendation on how to assist the child in meeting postsecondary goals Must be done when students exit school. SOP Teacher-Directed SOP – Designed for educators and agency – Prepared by educators for use by students • Nationally created SOP • Student-Directed SOP – Designed for students, family, and agency – Prepared by students for use by students and family – OSDE Form 15 (Go to, then special education services, OSDE Forms, then to Form 15) The Sections of the SD-SOP As Adopted by Oklahoma My Summary of Performance My Postschool Goals for One Year After High School My Perceptions of My Disability The School’s Perspective on My Disability School Produced Summary of My Academic and Functional Performance Summary of Performance Section 1 – Students describe their postsecondary goals to attain within one year of leaving high school, and the school’s recommendations to achieve each goal, and suggested accommodations and supports to assist in achieving the goals. Summary of Performance Section 2 – Students describe their disabilities, how their disability affects their performance, and useful high school supports and accommodations. Summary of Performance Section 3 (Area of Functioning) – Completed in the junior year of high school. – School staff describe how the young adults’ disabilities affect their performance and useful accommodations and supports. Summary of Performance Section 4 – School staff will complete and review annually with the IEP team to determine goals, and if additional assessments will be needed to facilitate attainment of transition goals. SD-SOP Examples Albuquerque Public School Irving I.S.D. (near Dallas, TX) What is YOUR school doing? Teaching Students To Develop Their Own SD-SOP Student-Directed Transition Planning Lessons and Materials Student-Directed Transition Planning Purpose: To increase student involvement in transition planning discussions U.S. Department of Education grant to develop lessons and research their effectiveness Infuse best practices for reaching the largest number of students including those who are culturally and linguistically diverse Self-Determination Concepts Further Education Strengths Pat and his teacher combined information from the three sections into a summary statement. Pat again looked for similarities, and shortened some phrases. He wrote his strengths into a summary statement. Student Input Family Input Pat is creative, and I work on and plan prepares lessons my Sunday school well ahead Summary lessons each of time so night after that he is doing my My family, teachers successful homeAnd I agree that I teaching work. The Will start out at our at Sunday kids like Community college. school. my lessons. I’m learning what accommodations work best for me. Teacher Input Pat works very hard to do well in math. Pat is taking a more active role In his IEP, and is learning what accommodations work best for him. We’ll arrange a visit to the community college. How Will This Work at Your School? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Who needs to be involved to develop and implement a transition education process? What needs to occur for students to have opportunities to engage in the process? What needs to happen to allow time for educators to facilitate the process? What needs to happen for families to be involved in the process? When will these happen in your school? The Purpose of SPED . . . a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet students’ unique needs and to prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living. SDTP Research • Phase 1 – Does SD-TP increase student knowledge? – Does SD-TP increase student and family selfefficacy in the transition planning process? • Phase 2 – Does combining the SD-TP and the Self-Directed IEP increase student and family participation in transition planning discussions at IEP meetings compared to either intervention alone? Phase 1 Study - Method Setting & Participants • 3 secondary schools • 35 students • 5 teachers Random assignment into control & intervention groups True/False & Multiple Choice Pre and Post-Tests Student and Family Pre and Post Self-Efficacy Measures Disabilities - Phase 1 Study 25 20 15 10 5 0 E BD LD MR M ultiple O HI T BI V is ion Student Ethnicity - Phase 1 Study 62% 23% 9% 3% 3% C auc as ian A meric an I ndian A fric an A meric an H is panic /Latino M ultic ultural Phase 1 Study - Results ANCOVA was conducted to evaluate if there was a knowledge gain as a result of the lessons. The scores on the Pre-Test were significantly related to the scores on the Post-Test, F(1, 32) = 18.36, p < .01. There was a significant difference between intervention and control groups on the Post-Test after controlling for the effect of the Pre-Test, F(1, 32) = 4.58, p =.04. Effect Size Partial Eta Squared = .125 ( approaching large effect using .01= small, .06 = medium, .10 to .14 = large) Pre/Post Test Mean Scores Me a n Score While the difference in the scores on the pre-test was not statistically significant, this gap may indicate a difference in the groups despite the random assignment. 44 42 40 38 36 Condit ion 34 There was a noticeable statistically significant effect on the Post-Test, with a corresponding moderate to large effect size. In terv en tio n 32 Co n tro l 1 Pre- Tes t 2 Po s t- Tes t Student Self-Efficacy • Post-test comparison shows significant increase for students in the intervention group with moderate effect size • Significant increases for students in the intervention group on 7 of 10 self-efficacy statements • Student Intervention group mean scores increased on all statements • Mean scores for students in the Control group stayed about the same pre to post Intervention Group Self-Efficacy Results St at ement P air Mean SD t df Sig. (1 tailed) 1. At my next IEP meet ing I knowI can t alk about my disability. P re P ost 2.00 2.26 .745 .562 -2.041 18 .028* 2. I knowt he employment, further educat ion, andadult living goals t hat I will t alk about at my next IEP meet ing. P re P ost 1.79 2.11 .713 .737 -1.242 18 .115 3. I knowt he meaning of IEP t ransit ion P re words like Summary of P erformance, P ost P lan of St udy, and P resent Level of Educat ional P erf ormance. 1.26 1.89 .733 .809 -3.314 18 .002** 4. I knowI can t ell my IEP t eam about t he jobI want after graduat ion. P re P ost 1.79 2.32 .855 .582 -2.379 18 .014* 5. I knowI can t ell my IEP t eam about get t ing more educat ion when I graduat e fromhigh school. P re P ost 1.74 2.26 .733 .562 -2.970 18 Total Self-Efficacy .004** 6. I knowI can t ell my IEP t eam about where and how I want t o live aft er graduat ion. P re P ost 1.68 2.16 1.003 -2.141 18 .765 .023* 7. I knowI can t ell my IEP t eam about t he courseof study t hat will help me reach my transit iongoals. P re P ost 1.79 2.05 .855 .780 -1.157 18 .131 8. I knowI can t ell my IEP t eam about t he adult support s and se rvices I might need aft er graduating from high school. P re P ost 1.35 2.41 .806 .496 -5.840 16 .000** 9. I knowwhat my family t hinksI should do aft erI graduate from high school. P re P ost 2.06 1.94 .966 .827 10. I knowhow t o use the Summary of P erformance t o help me discuss t ransit ion issues at m y next IEP meet ing. P re P ost 1.24 1.88 .664 .857 * p < .05 ** p < .01 .489 16 -2.524 16 .316 .012* Group Pair Mean SD Intervention Pre Post Pre Post 16.79 20.63 17.69 17.63 4.379 5.559 5.225 3.739 Control t df -3.157 18 Sig. (2 tailed) .005** Effect Size d .63 .070 15 .945 Phase 2-Research Question • Will participation in both the Student-Directed Transition Planning (SDTP) lessons and the Self-Directed IEP lessons help students, families, and the IEP team learn how to actively participate in the transition planning process, compared to those who participate in either the Self-Directed IEP or the SDTP lessons alone? Collaborative Effort References Field, S., Martin, J., Miller, R., Ward, M., & Wehmeyer, M. (1998). Selfdetermination for persons with disabilities: A position statement of the division on career development and transition. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 21(2), 113-128. Martin, J. E., van Dycke, J. L., Christensen, W. R., Greene, B. A., Gardner, J. E., & Lovett, D. L. (2006). Increasing student participation in IEP meetings: Establishing the Self-Directed IEP as an evidenced-based practice. Exceptional Children, 72, 299-316. Martin, J. E., & Marshall, L. H. (1995). ChoiceMaker: A comprehensive selfdetermination transition program. Intervention in School and Clinic, 30(3), 147-156. Martin, J. E., Marshall, L. H., Maxson, L., & Jerman, P. (1997). Self-Directed IEP. Longmont, CO: Sopris West. Martin, J. E., Van Dycke, J., D’Ottavio, M., & Nickerson, K. (2007). The student-directed summary of performance: Increasing student and family involvement in the transition planning process. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 30(1), 13-26. Van Dycke, J. L. (2005). Determining the impact of Self-Directed IEP instruction on secondary IEP documents. Unpublished Dissertation. For More Information Contact: Jim Martin University of Oklahoma Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment Carpenter Hall Room 111 Norman, OK 73019 Phone: 405-325-8951 E-mail: Web: