FITNESSGRAM 9 Teacher Training for Georgia

2013-2014 School Year
Legislation requires grades 1-12 to report
fitness scores to the GA DOE.
GA DOE selected FITNESSGRAM as the fitness
FITNESSGRAM 9 is a web-based application
that will capture the fitness scores.
FG 9 is a statewide program and is hosted by
The Cooper Institute, creators of FITNESSGRAM.
Teachers/classes/students must be imported
into FG 9 before PE teachers can enter
students’ fitness scores.
Reporting to Parents
Data Entry
(Fitnessgram 9.0)
Practice and become
No reporting to parents
Body Composition: Ht and
familiar with assessments Optional report on body
Measure height and weight composition – LEA decision
Annually assess all
Annually assess all students Report all individual results All Fitness Assessments
in PE classes, electives as
to parents using
well as personal fitness.
(All PE classes begin with
the number 36.0000)
Report all individual results
to parents using
All Fitness Assessments
All students in a PE class taught by a certified
teacher participates in fitness assessment.
If a student is not scheduled in a PE class,
they are not required to participate.
Students participate in the assessment one
time per school year.
Physical education classes begin with the
number 36 (see previous slide). Any
36.0000 class that is taught by a certified
physical education teacher shall participate in
the FITNESSGRAM assessment.
Grades: 1-3: Students practice and become familiar with
all assessment components. The teacher measures and
records height and weight and enters the information
into the GA FG 9.
Grades 4-12: All students in physical education classes
taught by a certified physical education teacher should
participate in all fitness assessment components. All
scores are entered into the GA FG 9. The FITNESSGRAM
parent report is to be given to parents/guardians with
individual results for their child. These are confidential
documents and only a parent/guardian is to have access
to their child’s information.
You will be able to access the FG 9 program
anywhere you have an Internet connection
Remember that this is a public web site.
Please keep that in mind as you enter in
student information.
Also, safeguard your login—user name and
password. Do not give out your login to
There are web browser requirements for all users
of Fitnessgram 9. Please make sure your school
or home computer meets these requirements so
that you can work effectively in FG 9.
 Internet Explorer 7 - 9
 Firefox 3
 Fitnessgram 9 does not support Safari or Google Chrome
Remember, you can access FG 9 anywhere there
is an Internet connection. We recommend that
you have a secure, stable, and fast connection.
All GA teachers will need a user name and
password. This information will be provided
by your IT staff or PE district supervisor.
Login information is defined as a User Name
and a Password. You will need both to access
FG 9.
What if my login does not work?
If your login does not work correctly, then we
recommend you try it again making sure you have
selected the correct state, district, and school and that
caps lock is not on. If it still does not work, then you will
need to contact your IT staff or PE district supervisor.
First point-of-contact: All teachers should
contact their district PE supervisor with
◦ Refer to this PPT or the FAQ document to see if your
question is answered before contacting anyone.
District PE supervisors, in turn, should
contact HK tech support with their questions.
◦ 800-747-4457, option 2
If you are at school and cannot get to the FG 9
site, but you can get to another web site (e.g.,
CNN), please contact HK tech support.
If you are at school and cannot get to FG 9 site nor
any other web site, then this is a connectivity issue
for your IT staff to resolve. Please contact your IT
If you are at home or another venue outside
school and you cannot get to FG 9 site, but you
can get to another web site, please contact HK
tech support.
If you are at home and you cannot get to FG 9 site
nor any other web site, then you need to contact
your Internet provider.
Will I have to manually enter all my students in
FG 9?
No. Your IT staff will be responsible for
establishing and maintaining all data
relationships of teachers/classes/students for all
schools in the district. You will not be allowed to
add, edit, or delete students or classes.
If you notice that all of your classes and/or all of
your students are incorrect or missing, please
contact your IT staff or PE supervisor.
All teachers will be responsible for creating the
FG test event, entering scores, and generating
relevant reports.
At the FG 9 login
screen, do the
1. Select your
2. Select your
3. Select your
4. Enter your User
Name and
5. Click the Log In
Now button
The light green area will display
messages from the DOE.
This is the main
screen of FG 9.
1. Your name
should be at
top left with
your school
and security
level. Most of
you will have
‘Teacher’ as
your security
2. Click on the
My Classes
icon at top left.
Your name will be
listed here.
In My Classes, you
should see all your
classes and student
rosters. You will not
be able to
add/edit/delete class
names or students.
Your IT staff will
maintain this
Contact your IT staff or
PE district supervisor if
you do not see your
classes or student
1. Click on the
icon on the
2. Make sure you
select the right
class at top of
3. Click the
Create button
(in green).
4. A form will
Follow the THREE steps on the
Step 1: Use the naming convention if
indicated by your PE supervisor.
Enter a date for the test event.
Fall semester: December 1, 2013
Spring Semester: March 1, 2014
Step 2: Select your test items. The
GA DOE has mandated the test
items: PACER or Mile Run,
pushup, curlup, sit and reach,
BMI. Use scroll bar on right to
see entire form.
Note that the trunk lift
test item is not mandated
by the GA DOE.
Step 3: Make your selections here
regarding printing body comp
information or printing the
student/parent reports in
Spanish instead of English for
this class.
Click the Save button when
Reporting Dates
(Date of Test Events as Entered in FITNESSGRAM *)
Fall Semester(Quarter 1 and 2)
Dates of Test Event(Dates entered in Fitnessgram)
Spring Semester (Quarter 3 and 4)
Dates of Test Event (Dates entered in Fitnessgram)
September 1, 2013 -Quarter 1
December 1, 2013- Quarter 2 and Semester 1
February 1, 2014 - Quarter 3
March 1, 2014 - Quarter 4 and Semester 2
Pre Test (Optional)
Pre Test (Optional)
August 15, 2013 - Pre Test (Optional) - Date of
January 15, 2014 - Pre Test (Optional) - Date of Test
Test Event
April 30, 2014 - All fitness testing to be completed
Data entry must be completed three weeks prior to the local school system’s last day for students.
June 1st the Fitnessgram program will close for the 2013-2014 school year.
*SAMPLE entering date of test event (This is how it looks in Fitnessgram)
Enter name of test event
Enter date of test event
1. Once you have
created the test
event, click on
the FG icon
2. Select the
checkbox of the
test event you
just created.
3. Click on the
Scores button to
enter student
Using your TAB or
ARROW keys on
your keyboard, you
can enter scores
across the grid for
a student or down
to enter scores for
a specific test item.
Because Internet
connectivity can
always be an
issue, remember,
to use the SAVE
button and save
The following codes are available:
 10 - Absent -absent on all test dates and all make-up session
 11 - Student is not enrolled in this PE class*
 12 - Medical excuse
 13 - Student in multiple PE classes – assessed in different PE
 14 - Other
Please Note:
 The only time a student should be allowed non- participation in an
assessment and the corresponding score be left blank is when the non
participation aligns to local school system practice, policy and/or
procedure as it relates to participation in physical education class and
physical activity. (Example: A local system requires a note from a physician
for a student to be exempted from strenuous activities. The same should
be in place before permitting a student to miss a portion of the FG
 All safety practices and procedures should be included when considering
student participation.
The FG 9 app for entering scores into FG 9 is
now available:
◦ iPad/iPhone = Apple store
◦ Android smartphone = Android market
Cost is $4.99
App is only for entering scores
◦ You must first create all Fitnessgram test events for
your classes.
◦ App is only for entering scores; it is not the FG 9
Click on the Reports
icon on the left.
1. Details and Stats
offer a variety of
reports for students,
parents, and
teachers. Samples
are provided.
2. Data Overviews
contains the new
data aggregated
reports. Samples
are also provided.
Teachers are required to send home
a parent report for grades 4 - 12.
Click on the Details and
Stats button.
Details and Stats
1. These reports
provide information
regarding individual
2. Report Wizard
guides you through
the process.
3. Begin by selecting
the scope of your
Details and Stats
1. Select desired
teacher or teachers
from the list.
2. If logged in as
teacher will only see
your name.
Details and Stats
1. Select desired
report from list of
over 20 reports.
2. You may click on
any of the links to
see a sample to a
Details and Stats
1. Indicate if report
should print in
2. Indicate what type
of paper you will be
3. If emailing these
reports, you should
select blank paper.
Details and Stats
1. Enter date range to
be included in the
2. To print two test
dates on the report,
date range must
include both test
Details and Stats
1. Indicate your
printing option.
2. Press the Generate
Report button.
Click on the Data
Overviews button.
Data Overview
1. These reports
provide information
about groups of
2. You may look at
data in many ways:
 By class, school,
 By grade or range
of grades
 By test component
3. There is an
Achievement of
Standards report.
4. An administrator
can report
percentage of
students tested.
Data Overview
1. You will be guided
through this process
by a Report Wizard.
2. Samples of the
reports are provided
in the software.
Remember, before you contact anyone with
questions, be sure to review this power point
or GA FAQ document first.
◦ Located here:
If you still have questions, please contact your
IT staff or PE district supervisor. They, in turn,
contact HK technical support with any
Review the PPT slide if you have questions
regarding Internet connectivity.
 Fall Semester:
◦ FG scores entered by Dec 5, 2013
◦ Parent reports sent home by Dec 31, 2013
 Spring Semester:
◦ FG scores entered by April 30, 2014
◦ Parent reports sent home by June 15, 2014
Please use this PPT or the FAQ document to see if your
question is answered before contacting Human
Kinetics or the GA DOE.
FG 9 functionality-HK technical support:
 800-747-4457, option 2
GA project questions at the DOE:
Therese McGuire
Mike Tenoschok:
Fitnessgram content questions:
 Kathy Read at Human Kinetics: