SAC Training Powerpoint - Okaloosa County School District

School Advisory Council Training
Your OCSD SAC Contact:
Debbie Davis
Why We’re Here
To understand the roles and responsibilities
of School Advisory Council members
To be able to actively participate in the
School Improvement Process
To understand Florida’s Accountability
System including School Grades
To understand that SAC meetings are
subject to the Government in the Sunshine
Today’s Agenda
Roles and Responsibilities of SAC
Government in the Sunshine Law
School Improvement and School
Performance Plans
FL Accountability System, School
Grades and A+ Money
What is a SAC?
School Advisory Councils were established
by the legislature to expand the role that
parents, students, community members and
teachers have in making decisions about
their schools.
Councils are made up of parents, students,
teachers, educational support staff, the
principal and community members.
The SAC must be representative of the
ethnic, racial, and economic community
served by the school.
SAC Responsibilities
School Advisory Councils
SAC Duties and Responsibilities –
defined through statutes
assists in the preparation and evaluation of the School
decides how school improvement funds are spent
Performance Plan. (SPP)
decides jointly with school faculty how A+ recognition funds
are spent – except after Feb. 1 (*funding determined by DOE
and may fluctuate, depending on financial status)
assists the principal with the school budget
perform functions as prescribed by regulations of the school
Other Possible Duties of SAC
Adoption of school calendar
Input into District’s Legislative Program
Waivers for school improvement plans
Monitoring school safety
Assist in school climate survey
Liaison to the community
Involvement in special committees and
School improvement Teams – “SIT”
School Improvement Funds…
May be expended only on programs and
projects selected by SAC
Are not subject to override by principal or
district staff
May not be used for capital improvements
or projects lasting more than one year
(However, SAC may approve again in
subsequent year)
$0 per un-weighted FTE student *
School Recognition Funds
Expenditures are jointly decided by faculty
and SAC
Can be used for bonuses, materials,
equipment, temporary personnel, or any
Decision must be made by Feb. 1 or funds
are dispersed as bonuses to only classroom
teachers currently employed
$100 per FTE- provided for 2011-12
SAC Bylaws
School Advisory
SAC Meetings…
Florida Statues (ss. 1001.452) require each SAC shall adopt bylaws
establishing procedures for:
 At least 3-days’ advance notice in writing to all SAC members of any
matter that is scheduled be voted on
 Requiring a quorum of at least 51% to be present before a vote may be
taken by the school advisory council
 Scheduling meetings when parents, students, teachers, business persons,
and members of the community can attend.
 Replacing any member who has two unexcused consecutive absences
from a SAC meeting that is noticed as per bylaws.
 Recording minutes of meetings.
SAC Bylaws (required by law)
Name of Council
Purposes, Basic Policies, Governance
Duties & Obligations – address:
School Improvement Funds
A+ Funds
School annual budget: procedure for “assisting”
Member Composition
– Positions, duties, procedures for elections and term of office
– Procedures for appointing members, removing members,
replacing members
– Nomination Committee (optional)
– Duties, Meetings & Quorum of Executive Board
– Emergency decision procedures
SAC Bylaws, continued
– Advance Notice of Vote/Meetings
– Sunshine Laws
– Special or AD hoc Committees
– Quorum > 50%
Amendments or Revisions of Bylaws
Fiscal Year, Parliamentary Authority
Florida Sunshine Law
School Advisory Councils must abide by
the Government in the Sunshine Law
Sunshine Law
SAC meetings are public meetings and
subject to the Sunshine Law
– Reasonable Notice
– Open to public
– Held in public locations
– Minutes recorded and open for public
– Open voting---no secret ballots
SAC Membership
School Advisory Councils
SAC Members(Voting)
SAC members are elected from their peer groups;
teachers elect teachers, staff elects staff, parents elect parents and
students elect students.
SACs must consist of the principal and an appropriately
balanced number of teachers, staff, parents, community
members & students. “Technical center & high school
advisory councils shall include students and middle & junior
high school advisory councils may include students.”
SACs must represent the ethnic, racial and economic makeup
of the community served by the school. To achieve this,
members may be appointed. (MIS Form 1411)
In addition, the majority of SAC members (over 51%) must
not be employed by the school district. (Senate Bill 1908)
SAC Membership FAQ
Is the principal a voting member?
Can the assistant principal be a member?
An assistant principal can and probably should
attend meetings and give input, but may not be
a voting member of SAC
What is the allowable % difference between
student composition and SAC composition?
– DOE recommends a maximum of 10%.
– In case of an audit, documentation will be
required showing every effort was made to
achieve compliance.
A SAC Member’s Role
Attends meetings & training
Uses state & district goals as guiding principles
Assesses school data, surveys
Assists in the preparation & evaluation of the SPP
Determine & prioritize the needs of the school
Develop strategies for improvement
Decides how to measure results of the SPP
Assists in development and implementation of SPP
Assist in preparing the school’s annual budget
The SAC Chair/Co-chairs
Knowledgeable about SAC duties & responsibilities.
Establishes an agenda
Prepares for meeting; notifies members of meeting
& training opportunities
Facilitates the meetings (co-chair or vice chair fills
Keep to task, maintains order, involves members
 Repeat all motions before vote
 Involves members & establishes subcommittees
Signs School Performance Plan
The Principal
Responsible for school administration
Assesses school data, surveys
Facilitates SAC recommendations in development &
implementation of SPP
• “Shall provide leadership in the development or revision and
implementation of a school improvement plan” ss.1001.42
• Ensure that all school reports are accurate and timely, and must
provide the necessary training opportunities for staff to
accurately report attendance, FTE program participation, student
performance, teacher appraisal, and school safety and discipline
Ensures proper SAC elections & appointments
Keeps SAC informed of activities & policies of the school
Encourages participation & problem solving & teamwork
Part of the SAC team
The SAC Secretary
Determination of a quorum for meetings
Accurate recording of SAC business
Maintains up-to-date records of minutes
Keeps records of attendance
Duties at the meeting:
 Reading or providing minutes
 Taking accurate minutes
The SAC Secretary…continued
Tasks after the meeting:
Writing the minutes promptly
Noting status of previous minutes
Dispatching correspondence
Dispatching the minutes for agenda prep
Notification of elections or appointments
Sending copy of all minutes and agendas
to district contact
Other SAC Officers, optional
SAC Treasurer
 Keeps track of School Improvement Funds
SAC Corresponding Secretary
 Letters and other correspondence
 Time-keeper, Robert’s Rules of Order
...determined by your SAC’s needs
SAC Minutes
Required by FL Sunshine Law +
Should be brief yet accurate
Public record
SAC Minutes Include:
Kind of meeting, name of council, date, time, and
Attendance, determination of quorum and any
member replacement
Call to order, name of presiding officer and recorder
Agenda and previous minutes
Motions and votes (include election info)
Any correspondence (attach)
Hour of adjournment and next meeting date, time,
“Submitted by,” sign and type name, position.
SAC Documents of Record
List of meetings for the year
Membership Roster
MIS 1411
Copies are kept on file at the school and at the District Office
signed bylaws
signed MIS 1411due by Nov. 1
Membership Rosterdue by Nov. 1
List of meetings
 Minutes
via e-mail to:
via courier to:
Debbie Davis
Debbie Davis
Membership Roster
Be sure to list
School Name
List as Parent, Community, Teacher, Staff,
Student, or Principal AND IF APPLICABLE,
indicate SAC office OR non-voting status.
MIS 1411
>50% Non
School District
Report only your
voting members
Use the most
demographic data
and maintain a
record of pull-date
Principal and SAC
Chair must sign
and date
Before submitting
documents …
Include year and
school name
Verify numbers of
peer group with
membership roster
Percents of each
ethnic category must
agree as closely as
possible to
percentages and
each column should
total 100%
Sign and date
Ethnicity of School and
Student Population
Community Population
School Advisory Council
District Requirements
Each School Advisory Council must
consist of:
At least 17 members
an odd number of members
Agendas and Minutes
Please submit to the District in a
timely manner
List school name in the heading
List school name in subject line on all
School Performance Plan
School Performance Plan
The School Performance Plan combines
the main components of:
 A+ Plan – District
 School Improvement Plan – State
 AdvancEd - Regional
School Performance Plan
AKA—School Improvement Plan
Made up of goals and objectives
established for the school and
determined by needs of the school
Purpose: To increase student
Includes: strategies, safety, discipline,
health and fitness, resources (human
and material), and measured goals
Role of the School
 Develop a School Performance Plan under the principal’s
leadership with objectives in reading, mathematics,
writing and science.
 Allocate school resources based on these objectives.
 Closely monitor the effectiveness of the plan during the
year using internal assessments to determine student
 Adjust strategies, if needed, in order to reach objectives.
Role of the District
 Provide Schools with a timeline and training on the
School Performance Plan process.
 Quality Assurance will develop district-wide staff
development and technology plans based on common
themes that emerge from School Performance Plans.
 Deputy superintendents will work with principals
throughout the year to monitor the effectiveness of
school plans.
SPP Components
School Vision and Mission Statement
School Profile
Supporting Data
School Focus (math, reading, writing,
science) and Objectives
Target Groups
Professional Development
Customer Relations
School Performance Plan
Must be designed to meet state educational
priorities (s. 1000.03(5)) and student proficiency
on SSS (s. 1003.41)
Must address student achievement goals and
strategies based on state and district proficiency
Must include accurate, data-based analysis of
student achievement and other school
performance data (s.1001.42(18)(a))
SPP Requirements
Some Schools
All secondary schools (grades 6-12) must include a
redesign component based on the ten guiding principles
(s. 1003.413(2)(a-j))
All schools that establish an on-site dropout prevention
and academic intervention program must reflect such
program in their plan
(s. 1003.53(2)(b))
High schools must include strategies to improve student
readiness for postsecondary level based on annual
analysis of postsecondary feedback report data
SPP Requirements
All schools with a grade of “C” or below
or schools required to have a plan
under federal law must have a plan
pursuant to s. 1001.42(18)(a) to include:
– Professional development that supports enhanced
and differentiated instructional strategies to
improve teaching and learning
– Alternative instructional delivery methods to
support remediation, acceleration, and enrichment
SPP Requirements
– Continuous use of disaggregated student
achievement data to determine effectiveness of
instructional strategies
– Ongoing informal and formal assessments to
monitor individual student progress toward mastery
of SSS and to redesign instruction if needed
Title I elementary schools must include
strategies which promote transition to
School Focus
Each school must address reading,
mathematics, writing, and science.
The SPP allows for variance reflecting each
individual school’s areas of strength and
Schools should build upon strengths and put
strategies in place that improve upon
School Objectives
Example: _____ % of eligible students will achieve
adequate yearly progress in reading as measured by
the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test given in
April, 2012.
Target Group(s)
Identify each group of students that
will be impacted by strategies.
Example: Students performing at Level 1 in reading on
the most recent Florida Comprehensive Assessment
Supporting Data
Provide a 3-year summary of data that
supports the need to focus on a particular
target group or data that indicates a
school-wide area of weakness
REMEMBER: Education programs are
based on student performance data.
Prioritize Strategies
Identify which target group that a
particular strategy addresses.
Example: Level 1 reading students will be provided
appropriate instructional-level reading materials.
Each training activity must lead to a
measurable teacher outcome.
Principals are responsible for monitoring
the implementation of strategies learned
through training activities.
Example: Teachers will complete in-service training
on selecting appropriate instructional-level materials
for students and provide evidence of the selection
and implementation of the materials.
Customer Relations
Identify actions being taken by the school
to educate parents and students within a
target group of the objectives, strategies,
and anticipated outcomes for students
within that group.
Example: Schools will communicate with parents of
Level I reading students to discuss strategies in place
designed to assist their student.
Provide the cost of implementing each
strategy as well as the source of funds
Identify the use of all S.A.I. and Title I
Example: Include the cost of appropriate instructionallevel materials and staff development.
School Performance Plan
Florida School Improvement Plan
Which Template Should Schools Use?
Since all Okaloosa Schools earned school
grades of A or B, all schools may use
the district on-line School Performance
Plan Template
New Florida SIP Template
Available online at
Some sections
of this model
are duplicates
of the SPP
Some sections
of this model
are completely
Under the new
system, schools
using the new
SIP template
will report SAC
within their SIP.
School Performance Plan
The guiding document for a school's
major initiatives for school performance
Written by a committee of
parents, faculty members,
administrators and community members
Approved by the School Advisory
Council (SAC).
School Accountability
FCAT 2.0
Single statewide system of
accountability used to determine
adequate yearly progress, achievement
of annual learning targets.
The FCAT measures student progress in mastering grade
level benchmarks which are aligned to the Sunshine
State Standards in specific subject areas.
A major component in the school grade
Adequate Yearly Progress
Florida has been granted a flexibility waiver
from the US DOE to eliminate the NCLB
requirements for School Accountability and
will now move to a single accountability model:
State Accountability System
Measurement targets performance and
participation of all students, with an
emphasis on lowest performing 25%.
Performance Expectations
“Compensatory” Model
Schools are awarded points for students who
score high and/or make annual learning gains.
Process – Constantly
Continuous growth in level of proficiency and scope
of accountability (student, subject area)
•Components currently in place:
•50% based on State Assessment
•50% based on graduation rates,
AP/IB/AICE/Industrial Certifications,
ACT/ACT/CPT results, graduation rates of at-risk
School Grade Formula:
Elementary Schools
School Grade Formula:
Middle Schools
School Grade Formula:
High Schools
School Grade Formula:
Combination Schools (K-12, 6-12)
Accountability Process
Each element of the assessment
system informs parents, educators and
the community about different facets
of a school’s performance
No element, on its own, can provide a
complete picture
“The responsibility for improvement of a
stable system rests totally on the
management. It is reached (i.e.,
improvement) by removal, one by one,
of special causes of trouble.”
(W.E. Demings, 1986)
Excellent Resource
Bureau of School Improvement
Florida State Law (ss.286.011)
FL Dept of Education-
FL Dept of Education SAC webpage
School Improvement Plan
FL Assoc of SAC-
Contact your District SAC Administrator:
Debbie Davis