Title I Orientation - Gwinnett County Public Schools

Title I Orientation
Federal Support
for World-Class
August 26, 2010, Berkmar HS, 6:30 p.m.
August 27, 2010, Meadowcreek HS, 9:00 a.m.
GCPS Vision
Title I Schoolwide Programs
support the
Gwinnett County Public Schools’ Vision
To become a system of world-class schools
where students acquire the knowledge and skills to
be successful as they continue their education
at the post secondary level and/or enter the work
We are so happy to have you here as a member of our
Title I Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). We will
have two meetings in addition to this one over this
school year.
January 19 & 20, 2011
April 20 & 21, 2011
During these meetings, we will share the
Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP), Title I
allocation and budget, and other Title I program and
fiscal issues for you input.
Title I Overview
Our goal is to provide you with information
about Gwinnett County Public School’s
(GCPS) Title I Program.
GCPS receives Title I funds from the federal
government to provide additional resources
to assist with the education of our children.
GCPS qualifies for these additional funds
because a large percentage of the students in
our Title I schools receive free or reduced
price meals.
Title I Overview
The Title I Program strives to ensure that every child is
able to learn and perform at levels that meet or exceed
the state academic standards.
The Title I federal funds help us achieve this goal.
The additional resources through these funds allow us
to provide additional staff and enhanced instructional
programs for all students.
The funds also support activities for our parents to be
involved in their children’s education.
Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan
High quality National, State, and Local
Grades K-5: GKIDS, CogAT, ITBS, CRCT,
Writing Assessments, ACCESS, GAA, and
Interim Assessments
Grades 6-8: CRCT, ITBS, CogAT, Gateway,
Writing Assessments, ACCESS, GAA, and
Interim Assessments
Grades 9-12: EOCT, Gateway, GHSGT, AP,
PSAT, SAT, and Interim Assessments
Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan
Additional Educational Assistance
• Extended Learning Time Programs: After and Before
School, Saturday School, and Summer School
• Instructional supplies and materials
• Transportation
• Technology for student engagement
• Educational programs for all disadvantaged students
including students living in Institutions for Neglected
Children, migrant students, homeless students, ELL
students, and students with disabilities
Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan
Professional Learning
• Use of technology
• Data analysis
• Scientifically research based Quality Plus
Instructional Strategies
• Differentiated Instruction
• Classroom Management
• Teacher collaboration
Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan
Academically At Risk Private School Students
• Tutoring
• Professional Learning for teachers of Title I
• Materials and Supplies
• Parent Involvement
Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan
Coordinate and integrate services provided
with federal funds with district and school
level educational services
Professional Learning
Data Administrators
Parent Instructional Support Coordinators
Academically at-risk students
Homeless, Migrant, and Neglected Children
Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan
Supplemental Instructional Program in Title I
Classroom and Intervention Teachers
Instructional Support Specialists
Instructional supplies and materials
Teacher Assistants
Professional Learning
Extended Learning Time Programs
Support for students who are low-achieving, ELL,
have disabilities, homeless, neglected, and migrant
• Social Worker
Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan
Services for Homeless Children
Social Workers
Afterschool programs
Summer school
Other needs required for a student to
participate in the GCPS educational
Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan
Parent Involvement
Be There Fairs
Parent Instructional Support Coordinators
Parent Centers
Parent workshops and activities
Literacy and Technology classes
Parent resources for check-out
Professional Learning on research-based strategies to build parent
Parent Leadership training
Stipends for guest speakers
Interpreters and Translators
Supplies and materials
Light refreshments
Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan
Needs Improvement Schools
• Technical Assistance to develop and monitor
• School Staff
• Academic programs
• Quality Plus Instructional strategies
• Extended Learning Time programs
• Professional Learning
• Parent Involvement
• Implementation of Public School Choice and
Supplemental Educational Services (SES)
Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan
Public School Choice and Supplemental
Educational Services (SES)
AYP Council
Technical assistance
AYP, School Choice, and SES letter
Communication with parents
Informational Meetings
Reimbursement for mileage
Van transportation
Public transportation vouchers
Provide SES tutoring services for eligible students
Develop Student Learning Plans (SLP) for SES
Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan
Highly Qualified (HQ) Teachers and
Parent Notification:
• Parent’s right to know
• Non-HQ teacher
• Non- HQ substitute in a classroom for more than
four consecutive weeks
Supervision of paraprofessionals by a HQ teacher
Confirmation that all Title I paid teachers are HQ
Title I Overview Continued
To continue receiving these funds,
there are guidelines we must follow to
comply with requirements mandated
by the U.S. Department of Education.
AYP Status
As part of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
legislation, schools are expected to meet goals
related to student achievement and attendance.
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
Second Indicator which is Attendance rate
for Elementary Schools and Middle Schools
and Graduation Rate for High Schools.
Title I Budget - 410
Fund 410 Allocation = $ 27,215,903
Title I School Allocations = $14,043,260
• 47 Schoolwide Programs
• $308 per student on Free or Reduced price meals
Administrative Costs = $1,307,447
(Title I Office staff, professional learning, materials, and supplies)
Parent Involvement (47 PISCs) = $3,600,000
Public School Choice = $430,000
Supplemental Educational Services (SES) = $449,678
Social Workers, professional learning, mileage, and phone services = $331,400
Indirect Costs = $1,200,000
Data Administrators (47 AP-TIs) = $4,900,000
Private School At Risk Students PPA = $32,000
Private School Equitable portion = $32,000
Institutions for Neglected Children = $67,670
Homeless Students = $50,000
Additional PI ( Pre-K, Parent Leadership Training, Be There) = $50,000
Balance = $704,448
Title I Plan and Budget
All 47 of our Title I schools are Schoolwide
Programs. Each Title I school has a Schoolwide
Plan which supports the Local School Plan for
Improvement (LSPI) to address student needs
to ensure their academic success.
In addition to state and local funds, each school
receives Title I funds which help accomplish
the goals that are outlined in the Schoolwide
Title I Parent Center
Each Title I school has a very active Parent
Center which is staffed with a full time Parent
Instructional Support Coordinator (PISC) who
is a certified teacher.
In addition, each school has a Parent Center
which provides educational resources and
workshops to support all parents in meeting
the instructional needs of their children.
Title I Parent Involvement Policy
and Parent Handbook
Each school has a The Title I Parent Involvement
Policy and Action Plan which describe the school’s
plan for involving you and other parents in your
child’s education.
The Title I Parent Handbook which is sent home to
each family includes detailed information about
Parent’s Rights and the Title I program from the
district, state, and federal level.
Notice of Parent Activities
Parents receive invitations and
reminders for all parent activities.
These invitations and advertisements
are provided in a variety of ways such
as the schools’ websites, newsletters,
flyers, calling systems, and marquis,
Title I School/Parent Compact
Each school provides a Title I School/Parent
Compact. The Compact is an agreement between
the school, parent, and student to support each
child to meet grade level expectations.
Research shows that when parents know what
their children are doing in school and help
support them at home, children will be more
Parent Information Resource Center
Parent Information Resource Center (PIRC) –
The purpose of the PIRC Program is to assist
schools and school districts in strengthening
partnerships with families and implementing
successful and effective parental involvement
policies, programs, and activities that increase
student academic achievement.
Metro Atlanta Region:
Communities in Schools of Georgia
600 West Peachtree Street, Suite 1200
Atlanta, GA 30308
Julie Hollis, Director
(800) 838-5784
Please make sure that you sign–in on the parent
sheet and complete the parent input form.
Thank you so much for coming! We really
appreciate the opportunity to share the GCPS
Title I Plan with you and to have your input.
Together we can attain success for all of our
students. As the achievement standard for NCLB
continues to rise, we will work together to ensure
that our students meet the even higher goals that
have been set this year.