Loudoun County 4-H Volunteer Leader`s Training

Fauquier County 4-H
Volunteer Leader’s Training
Your Toolbox for a Successful 4-H Club
4-H is a community of
young people across
America who are
learning leadership,
citizenship and life skills.
4-H Delivery Modes
 Types:
Community Clubs
Project Clubs
Cloverbud Clubs
After School Clubs
Special Interest
School Enrichment Programs
Characteristics of
Successful 4-H Clubs
 5 + members
 2 + leaders
Parent Involvement
 Enroll parents when you enroll members
 Have parents complete the Parent
Interest form
 When deciding on how to involve
parents, find out what talents, interests
and skills they have
 It is important to be specific about what
you ask parents to do
Membership Recruitment /
 Each club should be representative of the area
or community in which it is organized
 Club should have plan for recruiting new
 Each club should have at least one
promotional activity during the fall (National 4H Week)
 Involve new members: orientation, new
member packets, eventually can assign
Monthly Meetings
 Minimum of one meeting/month at least 9
months out of the year
 Clubs do better if they meet at regular times
each month
 Regular meetings should be planned in
 Each meeting generally consists of: opening,
business, program, and recreation/team
 Parents are strongly encouraged to attend all
The 4-H Project
4-H Projects
 Project work is the major source of subject
matter learning
 Every member should complete at least one
project throughout the year
 How is a project conducted?
 In a project group or by conducting a selfdetermined project
 With a project book
 Each member should give a presentation to
exhibit work
4-H Project
How is a project completed?
 Beginning
 Set goals and plan for the project selected
 Build on last year’s project
 During
 Conduct project and participate in project activities
 A project is completed after 6 hours of learning
 At Project End
 Summarize project and determine results
4-H Curriculum
 What’s available?
 VT materials are available at Extension
online http://www.4-
 National 4-H materials are available from
 Other State Extension Programs offer many
free resources online (ex. Ohio, Minnesota,
4-H Records
 Each member should keep a record of 4-H work
 Teaches fundamental record keeping skills
 Teaches how to set goals and analyze what they
have learned in 4-H
 Record of accomplishments, and document
successes in 4-H and other experiences (this
record will help 4-Hers apply for the All Star Award,
the highest award in 4-H, when they become
 Provide an opportunity for recognition
Elected and Trained
Vice President
And More
Song Leader
Outreach Advisor
Fundraising Chair
Recreation Leader
Community Service Director
Sergeant at Arms
Constitution and bylaws
 Constitution – foundation of the club
 Bylaws – procedures of the club, easily
 These documents should be created with
youth input and should be approved by
all club members
Club goals
 May relate to the focus of the club
 General club goals
 Member Goals
 Support club goals
 Ensure that members are learning
leadership, citizenship, and life-skills
Annual Program Plan
 Members surveyed
Suggestion box
Idea Tapestry
Committee Brainstorming
 Newly elected officers and club leaders plan
the year’s program
 Special program planning committee
representative of the club
 Program should be presented for club approval
 Evaluation
Service Learning
 Community Service + Learning
 Leadership and citizenship opportunities
 Connect with the larger community Spread awareness of 4-H
Participation in
Competitive Events
 Judging motivates better work
 Kids connect with the larger 4-H
Show and Sale
Horse Show
Contest Day
4-H Events – beyond the
 Livestock Judging
 Block and Bridle
 Stockmen’s
 State Fair
 Cattle Working
 Horse Judging
 Southern Regionals
 Horse Bowl
 State Horse Show
Other Project Areas
 Poultry Judging
 State Dog Show
Leadership Focused
 Virginia 4-H Congress
 National 4-H Congress
 Citizenship Washington
 Host weekend by
Collegiate 4-H club
 District Contest Day
 Exchange Programs
Recognition and Awards
 Can inspire and be an incentive to
greater accomplishments
 Individual Progress Towards Goals
 Results from Peer Competition
 Achievement Banquet
 Club Recognition Night
Awards – Fauquier County
 Outstanding 4-H Member Award
 Portfolio Awards
 Top County Awards
 Achievement
 Leadership
 Citizenship
I Dare You
Pinky Horsemanship
Senior Honor Award
Sam Gouldthorpe Sr. Award
4-H Alumni Award
Friend of 4-H Award
4-H All Stars
 What is All Stars?
 Honor/Service organization
 Highest honor in VA 4-H
 Purpose
 To contribute to positive youth development through
service to the 4-H program
 Nominees must:
 Have completed 3 years of work as a 4-H member
 Be at least 15 as of Jan. 1 of current year
 Be an active 4-H member and no more than 19
years of age
4-H State Cabinet
 Who?
 18 district level
Ambassadors (3 per
Extension district)
 Four state officers
 One past president
 Mentors
 Adult Advisors
 What?
 Represent 4-H across
 Plan and implement State
4-H Congress
 District meetings
 Contact legislators
 Qualifications?
 One full year as 4-H
 Documented formal
leadership training
 Appropriate attitudes and
 Pre-service orientation
 When?
 Apply and run for cabinet
at State 4-H Congress in
the summer
Club Management
Club Bank Accounts
 All 4-H clubs handling money should do so through a
4-H Agency Account
 The treasurer uses the 4-H Treasurer’s Record Book
to keep a ledger of revenue and expenditures
 Club leaders and treasurers should plan an annual
budget for the club
 If a club disbands any funds return to the local 4-H
Sales Tax Exemption
 Materials purchased for use by 4-H clubs
are exempt
 Materials purchased for resale by 4-H
clubs are exempt
 EIN = 54-6001805
Virginia Tech Insurance
Coverage for Volunteers
 Enrolled volunteers working on behalf of
VCE are covered by the University
liability policy.
 If volunteers are charged with an illegal
act, they will be excluded from this
Risk Management
 Purpose: To provide safe and caring
environment for youth and adults; Protect
salaried and volunteer staff
 Avoid – discontinue a risky component
 Transfer – insurance
 Reduce – rules / code of conduct
 Retain – if risk is minimal
Risk Management
 Above Suspicion Policy
 Volunteers shall be screened prior to being
selected to serve in a volunteer role
 There must be 2 volunteers or more when
left in the presence of 4-H youth
 Follow instructions on Risk Management
Cards in case of emergency
 Report all other minor incidents to the 4H Agent in a timely manner
Using the 4-H Name and
 If you are a member or volunteer you are
permitted to use the 4-H Name and Emblem
once your program is chartered with the Official
4-H charter
 Use the whole emblem
 Keep it upright
 Color: should never be screened, shaded or
 Shape: should never be distorted
Examples of Use of
Kids Club
Forms for Members and
Health History
Code of Conduct
Volunteer enrollment
Standards of Behavior
4-H Club Charters
4-H Charters
 What are 4-H Charters?
 Certifies a group as an official VA 4-H entity
that meets minimum standards
 Provides the following privileges:
 Authorization to use 4-H name and emblem
 Authorization to raise, allocate and disburse
funds in support of local 4-H programs, projects
and groups.
4-H Club Charters
 What Groups are required to have a
 All 4-H clubs
 All Adult Volunteer Based groups
4-H Club Charters
 What are the requirements for 4-H Club
 Membership of at least 5 4-H members
 At least 2 enrolled and trained volunteer leaders
 Enrollment, Health History, Code of Conduct forms
on file for all members and leaders
 Elected and trained youth officers
 An adopted club constitution and bylaws
 A written club annual program plan
4-H Club Charters
 How does a group receive a charter?
 Complete the 4-H Club Charter Application
 Submit the application to the Extension
Office and we submit to the State 4-H Office
4-H Club Charters
 How Long is a Charter Valid?
 4-H Charters are valid until the end of 4-H year
 Ways a Club Might Lose it’s Charter
 Failure to meet initial or renewal charter
 Changes in 4-H club’s name
 Disbanding or separation of the club
 Failure to follow VCE policies
 Extension Agent revokes Charter
4-H Club Charter Renewals
 Continue to fulfill the minimum requirements for
a club charter
 Submit a 4-H Club and Organization Civil
Rights Compliance Form
 Submit a 4-H Club Annual Audit Report
 Submit a 4-H Property Inventory Report
Volunteer’s Responsibilities
to Extension Agent
 Collect enrollment information and turn into Extension
 Turn in regular 4-H club reports
 Keep agent informed of club activities
 Keep members and parents informed of information
sent by the Extension Agent
 Inform Extension Agent of your training needs
 Attend leader training meetings
 Submit requests for information and resource materials
well in advance of program being conducted
 Support county, district, and state events
 Insure club resources are appropriately managed
Extension Agent’s
Responsibilities to
 Provide job descriptions and explain respective
 Provide orientation training to new 4-H
 Keep volunteers informed of 4-H programs,
events, and activities
 Identify training needed by volunteers
 Plan, coordinate, and provide training sessions
to meet the needs of the local 4-H program
 Identify educational resources for volunteers
Volunteers Make It Happen!
 4-H functions because of the efforts of
 Thank you for your support!
Questions and