Electronic Portfolio Specialist in Education Media

Electronic Portfolio
Specialist in Education
Media and Instructional Technology
University of West Georgia
Erica C. Boswell
Spring 2011
Table of Contents
Initial SWOT Analysis
Program Coursework
NETS and Conceptual Framework Form
Disposition Rubric
Field Experiences
Curriculum Vita
Final SWOT Analysis
Navigation: On each page, you will see tabs at the bottom that will enable you to navigate
the portfolio. In the coursework section, you can utilize your right arrow key to move from one
course to the next or you can return to Program Coursework Menu each time.
I teach 7th grade math at Winder-Barrow Middle School. In
addition to teaching, I also coach cross-country and serve as the
school-wide math chairperson. I serve on the WBMS School Council,
a team made up of my principal, another teacher, two parents, and two community
members. I have been teaching at WBMS for 7 years. I spent my first year at WinderBarrow in a math connections class and the next five in an eighth grade math and language
arts classroom. I am finishing my first year in a seventh grade math classroom. I look forward
to the opportunity to participate in leadership positions within my school and hope to, one
day, move into administration.
I have been married for four years to my husband, Chris, and we have a 20-month old son
Ian. We also have two dogs – Haley and Jackson.
I enjoy spending time with my great group of friends and family. I like to read, play games,
and watch sports – especially Georgia football. I enjoy experiencing new things – new
restaurants, new foods, new places.
Table of
Initial SWOT
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita
Final SWOT
The purpose of this electronic portfolio is to provide you with a
snapshot of my coursework through my five semesters at the
University of West Georgia while pursuing my EdS degree in
Media and Instructional Technology.
This portfolio is arranged by class to demonstrate my abilities as a
student and my growth as a learner. You will have the chance to
see one to two projects for each course.
Table of
Initial SWOT
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita
Final SWOT
Initial SWOT Analysis
Artifact: SWOT Analysis
Completed for MEDT 7463
Fall 2010
The SWOT Analysis was one of the most self-reflective and thought provoking analysis that I
have ever completed. Being required to investigate my own strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats, and create personal goals really forced me to think of ways that I can
use my strengths and learn from my weaknesses to become a better teacher and advocate of
technology. As the teacher, I am in a position of enhancing the education of my students
through technology in the classroom. They are submerged in technology throughout every
aspect of their lives. Why should school be any different?
It makes me wonder where else in life we might be better off completing an analysis of our
strengths and weaknesses. If teachers were required each year to document their strengths,
weaknesses, obstacles and threats to their teaching, and their own personal goals, would
provide them with the chance to learn and become better at their jobs? I think so.
Table of
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita
Final SWOT
Program Coursework
MEDT 8461 – Diffusion of Innovation
MEDT 7464 – Integrating Technology into the Classroom
MEDT 7461 – Instructional Design
CEPD 8102 – Lifespan Human Development
MEDT 7468 – Introduction to Multimedia
MEDT 8484 – Research Seminar 1
MEDT 8463 – Issues in Instructional Technology
MEDT 7467 – Web Design for Instruction
MEDT 8480 – Program Evaluation
Table of
Initial SWOT
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita
Final SWOT
MEDT 8461: Diffusions of Innovation
Stakeholder Interview
Within a school, there are stakeholders who are
affected by the decisions made by the various levels
of administration. For this project, I chose to conduct
my interview with my school media specialist, Mrs.
Marianne Green. She provided me with information
about her job and helped me to understand the
many different roles that she plays within the
building. Since stakeholders are the people who are
directly affected by the decisions made, it is
important than we have an understanding of the
ways that changes are managed within the school.
Through my interview with Mrs. Green, I have been
able to look at her job and how decisions affect the
media center in a different way.
Table of
Initial SWOT
Artifact: Diffusions
of Classworks
When a county is deciding how to improve student
achievement, they often look to purchase or utilize
new programs. However, when implementing a new
program, it is important to be aware of the
available resources when trying to make choices
regarding program options. Classworks is a
computer-based program that is used in Barrow
County Schools to improve student achievement. This
report outlined the way in which Classworks was
implemented in Winder-Barrow Middle School.
Within the report, I spoke with administration and
viewed the current literature regarding the way in
which Classworks was brought to Barrow County. As
technology leaders in our schools, we should be
willing to be involved in decisions regarding the
implementation of new technologies.
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita
Final SWOT
MEDT 7464: Integrating Technology
Comic Life Example
This project was one example of an innovative
technology learned during my initial semester in the
program. Comic Life was a program that we were
able to try out for free. In fact, I liked it so much that
I bought the program! We were to use Comic Life to
create a sample assessment tool. I utilized
photographs and clip art to create a Pythagorean
Theorem problem. A student could easily use this
type of project to show their knowledge, rather than
relying on a traditional pencil and paper test.
These types of alternative assessments could easily
be modified to fit any curriculum. Comic Life is only
one example of how teachers can easily incorporate
Web 2.0 applications into the classroom.
Table of
Initial SWOT
Artifact: Project Based
Learning Proposal
Through this project, I created a unit plan based on
a fourth grade social studies standard. I do not
teach fourth grade or social studies, so the creation
of this unit really required me to think outside of the
box in deciding the activities to complete.
Through the completion of this activity, I showed my
knowledge in various areas of education and
educational technology. I had to rely on my general
education training on the types of activities and
discussions needed to enhance the education of
students at any level. Additionally, I was able to call
upon my knowledge of technological programs and
utilize Microsoft Publisher and ComicLife as alternate
assessment opportunities for students.
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita
Final SWOT
MEDT 7461: Instructional Design
Artifact: “Square Up:” A
Student-Centered Activity
This project was created as an extension to a project
about the use of Classworks, a computer-based
remediation program. The aim of the project was to
allow students the opportunity to investigate square
roots and perfect squares using technology, such as
Microsoft Excel, to display their understanding.
Through the development of this project, I was able
to advocate for the use of even basic technologies
to enhance the learning of the students. As I
completed this project, I was amazed at how utilizing
a spreadsheet program (such as Excel) could help to
clarify the often confusing task of approximating
square roots.
Table of
Initial SWOT
Artifact: Classworks …
In the Works! Final Poster
The final component of the Classworks … In the
Works! project was to create a culminating poster
using Microsoft PowerPoint. This poster displays the
important information from each part of the project
– the case scenario, the professional development
workshop, and the student centered activity.
Additionally, curricular connections, lessons learned,
and recommended resources were displayed on this
poster. This project was created to make Classworks
a more accessible program for teachers.
The creation of this poster accurately shows my
knowledge in several areas – PowerPoint, research,
content standards. It is critical that, as EdS
candidates, we show that we are adept in multiple
areas of technology and teaching.
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita
Final SWOT
CEPD 8102: Lifespan Human Development
Artifact: Final Project
Conceptual Framework Descriptors: 6 and 7
For the final project in CEPD 8102, I was
to find real life examples of issues
covered in class. Throughout the semester,
we covered a variety of issues regarding
human development – from infancy to the
elderly and everywhere in between.
This project was extremely interesting to
complete. I utilized images from the
internet and a poem to highlight body
image issues. I also utilized photographs,
books, and media images. This project
allowed me to apply the information that I
had learned throughout the course to
things from my own experiences.
Table of
Initial SWOT
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita
Final SWOT
MEDT 7468: Introduction to Multimedia
Artifact: The Princess and Standard:
the Pea … an e-book
Artifact: WBMS Detention
Google Docs: A How-to
This project was an excellent way to apply the
various multimedia elements learned throughout
MEDT 7468. It was a lot of work, but it ended up
being quite rewarding. Having students complete or
experience a project like this would address many of
the ELA/Reading content standards and various
other technology standards in almost every grade
level. Additionally, students could easily be grouped
and draw on their individual talents, whether it be
the technology, the writing, or the drawing.
This year, we implemented Google Docs in many
areas – athletic grade reports, detention scheduling,
ELL documents, etc. When I presented the idea of
utilizing Google Docs for scheduling detention, my
administration was concerned with the comfort level
of some of the faculty members. As a training
resource, I created this presentation. From the layout
of the slides to the use of action buttons, the skills
learned during MEDT 7468 enabled me to
effectively create this “how-to” presentation.
In each classroom, there are students of varying
ability levels. From gifted students or special needs
students to those who struggle with the English
language, each of these groups could benefit from
taking part in the e-book experience.
I decided to walk the faculty members through each
stage of the process – setting up an account,
accessing the docs, etc – while enabling people to
skip the parts that they did not need.
Table of
Initial SWOT
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita
Final SWOT
MEDT 8484: Research Seminar I
Literature Review
TL-I b
This literature review was completed after
researching and mapping a variety of articles
seeking to answer the question, “Does the utilization
of technology in the classroom aid in the learning of
students?” This assignment allowed me the chance to
conduct research on a technological innovation in
education and report on this existing research. I
found that creating a “map” of the literature before
completing the review helped me to organize my
thinking and present the articles in a logical manner.
The completion of this assignment has given me the
chance to demonstrate the ways in which technology
can enhance and affect the educational environment
for students.
Table of
Initial SWOT
Reflective Essay
Frameworks: 2, 10
Throughout my BSEd and MEd, I have been mostly
asked to analyze and use the results of the research.
This class gave me the opportunity to learn more
about the actual research procedure. This class
served as a segue into Program Evaluation. While
the focus of the classes was different, the idea of
research and evaluating the research carried from
one class to the next.
The completion of this reflective essay allowed me to
hone in on the unique experiences and opportunities
afforded to me by this course. My career plans
involved a doctorate degree and a job in
administration. I know that the skills learned during
this course will help to pave the road to those goals.
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita
Final SWOT
MEDT 8463: Issues in Instructional Technology
Techtip: Google Docs
Google Docs is a resource with numerous capabilities
in an educational setting. Utilization of Google Docs
allows teachers the chance to share educational
documents with each other and monitor student
learning. One use of Google Docs in my school is for
monitoring ELL students through quarterly progress
reports. Rather than collecting a lot of paperwork
and hunt down reports, the ELL teacher is able to
electronically send one document. It is a time saver
and makes using multi-user documents efficient.
Google Docs are, at their core, a collaborative
document. No matter the use, the beauty of Google
Docs is their offering an opportunity for teachers to
collaborate with ease.
Table of
Initial SWOT
Artifact: Google Docs: A
Communication Innovation
TL-V b
This essay was written as an opportunity to inform
others about the benefits to Google Docs. In creating
this essay, I relied on both my own knowledge and
the information contained within the Google website
regarding their document applications. This type of
evaluative report serves to inform others about
different technologies available.
As teachers, we have a responsibility to share
resources and ideas with each other. As a leader in
my school, it is important to educate other teachers
on the options available in the realm of technology.
Google Docs has been such an important part of my
EdS education, and I am eager to share it with
anyone who will listen.
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita
Final SWOT
MEDT 7467: Web Design for Instruction
Geometry Webpage
Word Problem Webquest
As a culminating project, we were to create a
curriculum specific webpage. As a teacher new to
the 7th grade curriculum this year, I chose to focus on
how I could create a webpage that would benefit in
the instruction of similarity and congruence. This
webpage is learning-center, and it is designed to
allow for differentiation in the classroom. The
activities are leveled, and students are required to
select two activities from each of three levels. This
takes into account the differing abilities of all of the
students in the classroom.
Students often struggle with word problems and
figuring out how to work their way through all of the
words to figure out what math they are supposed to
do. Teachers try to help them by providing them with
key words, etc, but until the student starts to make
meaning of the words, the student will continue to
struggle. This webquest was created to provide
students with a unique way of exploring different
types of word problems. The teacher is offered a
rubric in order to evaluate the students and their
It is important that teachers are aware that students
excel in different areas, and we should strive to
allow students an opportunity to use their strengths.
The understanding of word problems is a skill critical
to success in algebra. The utilization of this webquest
provides the teacher with an opportunity to be
proactive in the education of his or her students.
Table of
Initial SWOT
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita
Final SWOT
MEDT 8480: Program Evaluation
Evaluation Plan
During this course, we were to create a plan for the
evaluation project that we hoped to complete. This
plan was then submitted to both the instructor and
the client. An evaluation plan is the first step in the
evaluation of any program. Any time that the system
is spending a substantial amount of time and/or
money on a program, it is important to evaluate it
and ensure that the actual results are the same as
the intended results.
The evaluation of a program is a perfect example
of how members of a faculty can ensure that the
programs are operating successfully. Additionally,
through the survey and focus group interview, I was
able to provide my client with advice on how to
improve various components next year.
Table of
Initial SWOT
Evaluation Report
This year, my county chose to adopt an initiative with
the aim of focusing the classroom around three
components: feedback, differentiation, and
assessment. For my program evaluation, I chose to
focus on the feedback and assessment components
of the initiative. Through this evaluation, I was able
to survey 80% of the faculty members in my building
and gather their responses about various aspects of
feedback and assessment. I then compiled this
information into a report for my client, the principal
of my school. With the waning nature of educational
resources, it is important that schools are wisely using
funding. I was able to provide my administrator with
an evaluative tool for making decisions regarding
professional development for the next school year
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita
Final SWOT
NETS and Conceptual Framework Form, Disposition Rubric,
Field Experiences Form, and Curriculum Vita
NETS and Conceptual Framework Form
Updated: Spring 2011
This document contains artifacts documenting the way in which I have fulfilled the NETS standards and COE
framework as outlined by the College of Education and the Department of Media and Instructional Technology.
Disposition Rubric
Updated: Spring 2011
At the midpoint, we were asked to evaluate our dispositions on a number of items. At that point, I rated myself as
either proficient or exemplary in all areas. In reevaluating myself at the end of my coursework, I find that I rated
myself as exemplary in all fields. The coursework outlined in the EdS program has helped to propel my thinking
and the ways in which I view the role of technology in education.
Field Experiences Form
Updated: Spring 2011
At first, I thought that it would be difficult to find five real-life examples of how I used the skills obtained during
the program in the classroom. However, the more that I thought, the more examples that I was able to document.
This chart shows the field experience example and how it relates to a course taken at UWG
Curriculum Vita
Table of Contents
Updated: Spring 2011
Initial SWOT Analysis
Final SWOT
Final SWOT Analysis
Final SWOT Analysis
Completed: Spring 2011
Since only one semester has passed since I wrote my initial SWOT analysis, I did not expect
there to be many changes within the paper. It seemed as though this reflection would be
similar to the initial SWOT, only in different words. I was wrong. I was able to reflect on all of
my courses at UWG and how they have formed my views of education, technology, and
myself. I realized that I came into the EdS program with a skewed view of what instructional
technology was all about. It’s not all about PowerPoint, ComicLife, or any other program. It’s
about reevaluating the way that we see education and how we use technology. Putting the
notes on a PowerPoint for students to copy isn’t really revolutionizing the field of education.
We need to be using these programs to enhance student learning and helping to create
We, as EdS candidates, should be helping to create changes within our schools, systems, and
communities. Without advocates for technology, what hope do our students have?
Table of
Initial SWOT
NETS Framework, Disposition,
Field Experiences, and Vita