Powerpoint - Fitnessgram

Custom Import Process
School Year
Legislation requires grades K-12 to report
fitness scores to the GA DOE.
GA DOE selected FITNESSGRAM as the fitness
FITNESSGRAM 9 is a web-based application
that will capture the fitness scores.
FG 9 is a statewide program and is hosted by
The Cooper Institute, creators of FITNESSGRAM.
Teachers/classes/students must be imported
into FG 9 before PE teachers can enter
students’ fitness scores.
URL— https://georgia.fgontheweb.com
The FG 9 program is accessible anywhere you
have an Internet connection
Remember this is a public web site. Please
keep that in mind when importing your
teacher/class/student information.
Also, safeguard your login—user name and
password. Do not give out your login to
There are web browser requirements for FG 9.
Please make sure your school or home computer
meets these requirements so that you can import
teachers/classes/students into FG 9.
 Internet Explorer 7-9
 Firefox 3
 Fitnessgram 9 does not support Safari or Google Chrome
Remember, you can access FG 9 anywhere there
is an Internet connection. We recommend that
you have a secure, stable, and fast connection.
This training document is only for the
process of importing
teachers/classes/students into the FG 9 app.
The import process should only be done by
district IT staff.
The import file used in this process should
address all schools within a district.
If the import file is requested from a state
vendor, use the file name:
◦ Fitnessgram 9 Extract 2014
In FG 9 you will import information to create the
necessary data relationships of teacher, class,
and student. These data relationships must be
established before you can use any features in
the program, such as creating Fitnessgram test
events and entering scores.
You will first need to download your Fitnessgram
9 file from your vendor (Infinite Campus, Power
School, etc). Your vendor will provide you with
instructions for downloading the file.
◦ File name to request: Fitnessgram 9 Extract 2014
Login information is defined as a User Name and a
Password. You will need both to access FG 9.
To obtain IT login for the import process:
◦ Your user name and password may have already
been sent to the GA DOE. If so, you have your
user name and password or your PE district
supervisor may have this information.
 Forgotten your user name and password?
Contact: tmcguire@doe.k12.ga.us or
◦ If you have not submitted this information to the
GA DOE, please do so: tmcguire@doe.k12.ga.us
or MTenoschok@doe.k12.ga.us
At the FG 9 login
screen, do the
1. Select your
2. Select your
3. Select your
4. Enter your User
Name and
5. Click the Log In
Now button
The light green area will display
messages from the DOE.
This is the main
screen of FG 9.
1. Your name
should be at
top left with
your school
level. Most of
you will have
‘District Admin’
as your
security level.
2. Click on the
Utilities icon at
Click on the Custom
Import button.
All imports are
Scheduled by
default. You
cannot select to
run your import in
Real Time.
This places your
import file in a
queue and it will
be processed in
the order it is
Email notifications will be sent when the import is completed.
Select the type of
import you would
like to create.
Since your vendor
has created an
automated extract
for you with the
fields already in
the default order,
you will select the
import option for
Custom Student,
Teacher, Class
data all together.
Select the Match option
of ID number.
This import makes it
possible to import
45 fields of student,
teacher, and class
related data: Note:
The order is already
set with the vendor
extract file; there is
no need to have to
reorder or remove
fields for your file.
(The order has already been set in your vendor file. No need to make selections
or remove anything here. Skip to next step.)
Click the Browse
button to navigate
to the filepath
where your vendor
Fitnessgram 9
extract file is
Issue of duplicate IDs is
covered in the next slide.
 Click the Allow duplicate IDs checkbox if you have students that will be
imported into more than one class.
 If your student’s are only in one class in your import file you may want to leave
this unchecked so the import process will find duplicates and report the errors
to you.
 If you are updating information for students that are already in the database
from previous years or transferred, please check the box as they already exist.
 IT staff may want to check to see if the possibility of students being in more
than one physical education class exists for the import file in order to choose
Click the Upload button to begin the import.
The import file is submitted here and scheduled for importing.
It is added to the queue to be processed in order of submission.
Once your file is processed you will see your rosters and can
verify your import was successful.
After submitting your import file, you can come back to the Import Log to
see the status of the import and if there were any errors reported from the
import process.
Status Explanation
Submitted – The import file was received and is in line for processing as
soon as possible.
Shows Percentage – Is currently processing and the percentage will
increase until completed.
Finished – Has completed and you can view your rosters or error log file.
Once you have imported your file, please check the
program to see if everything is as expected for
◦ Click on the My Classes icon
◦ Select a teacher
◦ View the classes listed for that teacher
◦ View the student rosters for that class
If teachers/classes/students are not as expected:
Please review your import file.
Contact Human Kinetics tech support if import was
successful or not successful. Please indicate district
name in your email: support@hkusa.com
Fitnessgram application is now open for
We are asking that districts complete their
first import before end of September.
Teachers should test students and save all
scores to be entered when district info is
Please use this PPT or the FAQ document to see if your
question is answered before contacting Human
Kinetics or the GA DOE.
GA URL: https://georgia.fgontheweb.com
FG 9 import process-- HK technical support:
 support@hkusa.com
 800-747-4457, option 2
GA project questions at the DOE:
Therese McGuire tmcguire@doe.k12.ga.us
Mike Tenoschok: mtenoschok@doe.k12.ga.us
Fitnessgram content questions:
 Kathy Read at Human Kinetics: kathyr@hkusa.com