Emerging Negotiation Models in Today`s Economic Climate

Emerging Negotiation Models in
Today’s Economic Climate
Allen Albus, Lake Forest School District 67 & 115
Barry Bolek, Township High School District 113
Jennifer Hermes, Lake Forest School District 67 & 115
Audrey Liddle, Zion-Benton Twp High School District 126
Importance of Emerging Models
In-Depth Case Studies
Emerging Ideas
Obstacles to Emerging Ideas
Case Study
Township High School District 113
Deerfield and Highland Park High Schools
Barry A. Bolek
Assistant Superintendent for Finance
email: bbolek@dist113.org
Township High School District 113
 District Demographics
 Negotiation Solution
 Impact of New Schedule
 Existing Employees
 New Employees
 Additional Changes in Contract
Township High School District 113
• 20 step schedule
• Top salary of $ 130,000
• 60 teachers in the “pipeline” to retire over the
next 5 years
Township High School District 113
Fundamental Issue
Tier 1 Employees
 Retire age of 55
 13 years at top salary
Tier II Employees
Retirement Age of 67
27 years at top salary
System unable to sustain cost of current salary structure
Township High School District 113
• PMA developed a “toggle” schedule that
could show savings with a second schedule
• Half steps for NEW hires = significant savings
• Half Steps – Decreased step increment from
average of 2.6% to 1.2%
Township High School District 113
Additional Changes in Contract
• Tied retirement incentives to years in the
District and not TRS
• To be eligible for incentives, one MUST retire
at the “First Non-Penalty” year
• Percentage of family medical increase for
Case Study
Zion-Benton Township High School District 126
Audrey Liddle
Business Manager
email: Liddlea@zbths.org
Zion Benton Twp High School
District 126
•District Background
•Last Best & Final Offer
•Final Resolution – New Contract Format
ZBTHS – District 126
Salary Schedule
Longevity Schedule
Pension Contribution
Health Insurance Plan
• Delayed Start of
– Strategic Planning with
Board of Education
• Initial Board Goals
• Documentation to
• SB7 – Impact
– Mediation
ZBTHS – District 126
• Board of Education Top
Three Major Issues
– Supervision Time Used
for RTI Interventions
– Salary Schedule
– Benefit Premium Sharing
• Basics of Board’s Last
Best & Final Offer Given
to Union on October 31,
– Supervision
– Salary
– Benefit
ZBTHS – District 126
• Strike Information /
Timeline Under New
SB7 Regulations
• Community
Involvement in Strike
• Union Major Concern
• Board Major Concern
• New Solution
General Concept
Issues to Resolve
Final Agreement
New Issues After
• Future Benefits of New
Emerging Ideas
Deerfield Public Schools District 109
Greg Himebaugh
Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
email: ghimebaugh@dps109.org
Deerfield Public Schools 109
 FY 12 – Non-compounding 1 Time payment of
 FY 13 & 14- Soft Freeze (Step of 3.75 – 4.0%)
 FY 15 – Base of 1-2%, Plus Step
(depending on other variables)
Emerging Ideas
Addison Elementary School District 4
Marcy Boyan
Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
email: mboyan@asd4.org
Addison Elementary School District 4
 FY 11 – Hard Freeze
 FY 12 - .25% of CPI, (1/4 of 1.5%)no Step, no Lane
 FY 13 - .25% of CPI, (1/4 of 3%)no Step, no Lane
Emerging Ideas
Adlai Stevenson High School District 125
Mark Michelini
Assistant Superintendent for Business
email: mmichelini@d125.org
Adlai Stevenson High School 125
 FY 12 – Total increase equal to CPI (1.5%)used in
their calculation
• Achieved by decreasing the starting base salary to
preserve step
Emerging Ideas
Wheaton Community Unit School District 200
Bill Farley
Assistant Superintendent of Business Operations
email: william.farley@cusd200.org
Wheaton Community Unit 200
– FY 11 – Hard Freeze
– FY 12 – 1% on Base, no Step
Obstacles to Emerging Ideas
• Current Financial Condition of the District
• Union Leadership
• District Team
• 5-6 years ago variation in settlements much smaller
• What will influence settlements going forward?
Interest Earnings
New Construction
State Funding
Pension Obligations
• Takeaway
– Ideas that you can apply to your district
Emerging Negotiation Models in
Today’s Economic Climate
Allen Albus aalbus@lfschools.net
Barry Bolek bbolek@dist113.org
Jennifer Hermes jhermes@lfschools.net
Audrey Liddle liddlea@zbths.org