Transition: Where does it go on the IEP?

Transition and the Oklahoma IEP
Regional Transition Meeting
Video Conference
What components will we
IDEA Accountability Mandates
Indicator 13
Postsecondary Goal(s)
Transition Assessment
Annual Transition IEP Goal(s)
Short-Term Objectives or Benchmarks (when needed)
Coordinated Activities and Responsible Parties
Course of Study and Expected Graduation/Exit Date
Transfer of Rights
Summary of Performance (SOP)
IDEA Accountability
 Continuous
Monitoring Process- Compliance
with IDEA
 State
Performance Plan (SPP)
 Annual
Performance Report (APR)
State’s plan to meet the state’s
performance on 20 indicators (4
specific to transition)
 Indicator 1- Graduation Rates
 Indicator 2- Dropout Rates
 Indicator 13- Transition services and
 Indicator 14- Post-School Outcomes
Indicator 13- IEP Content
The percent of youth aged 16 and
above (14 in Oklahoma) with an IEP
that included coordinated,
measurable, annual IEP goals and
transition services that will reasonably
enable the young adult to meet the
postsecondary goals. [20 U.S.C. 1416
Indicator 13 Checklist
The National Secondary Transition
Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC)
developed a tool to assist teachers in
evaluating their IEPs for compliance
with Indicator 13 of the SPP.
What does the law say?
IDEA 2004
Beginning not later than the first IEP to be
in effect when the young adult turns 16
(14 in Oklahoma), and updated annually
thereafter, the IEP must include:
 Appropriate measurable postsecondary
goals based on age appropriate transition
assessments related to training/education,
employment, and where appropriate,
independent living skills.
What does the law say?
IDEA 2004 (cont.)
The transition services (including course
of study) needed to assist the young
adult in reaching those goals; and
Beginning not later than 1 year before the
young adult reaches the age of majority
under state law, a statement that the
young adult has been informed of their
rights under IDEA, if any, that will transfer
to the young adult on reaching the age of
Postsecondary Goals
Each young adult, aged 14 and above and on
an IEP, must have a postsecondary goal listed
on page 1 of the IEP, the goals page, and at
the top of the transition services plan page.
 This postsecondary goal must address
education and/or training, employment, and
independent living (optional and determined
as needed).
Sample Postsecondary Goals
Jamaal will work in his uncle’s printing business,
starting out as an apprentice.
Karen will attend Metro Tech in the radiology
program and work in the health care industry.
Sophia will work part-time in a retail entertainment
store, with assistance from a supported employment
Marcy will become a daycare employee and earn
continuing education credits through job-related
Jeremy will attend a CareerTech welding program
and obtain employment as an underwater welder.
Abrianna plans to enroll at OU.
Jay wants to make computer games.
Adrian wants to stay at home and mooch off his
Gabi wants to work at the mall.
Jack will visit the local CareerTech and decide what
he wants to do.
Eli plans on becoming a professional wrestler with
the WWE.
Sample Student
 I am 16 years old, and I have been in special
education since the fifth grade. My math skills
are very poor, but I do pretty well in reading. I
am very social and get along with most,
although I had difficulty in middle school with
the cliques. I am going to finish my sophomore
year this month and I am on track with all of my
credits. I love to travel and I want to be a flight
attendant. Then, I can travel the world.
Group Work
 Work
with a partner to develop a
measurable postsecondary goal for Ciara.
Keep in mind the options for assisting Ciara
while in high school so that she knows what
to do after leaving high school.
 Is
it outcome-oriented?
 Can it be counted?
 Will it occur after the young adult
leaves high school?
 Are goals for education/training AND
employment addressed?
Sample Postsecondary Goal
for Ciara
“Ciara will pursue a career as a flight
attendant for a major airline and gain
certification by attending a flight
attendant school.”
Annual Transition IEP Goals
What needs to be achieved this IEP year to help
the student move toward their postsecondary
What do they need to learn?
Use the IEP page “Transition Services PlanGoals and Activities Page”
Annual Transition IEP Goals
There must be an annual IEP goal addressing
each component of the postsecondary goaleducation/training,
independent living (as needed).
These annual goals should be measurable (i.e.,
quantified with numbers).
Sample Annual Goals
Gabriela will participate in career exploration and
identify at least three possible careers for her future.
Isaiah will develop a set of 5 essential soft skills as
defined by his transition assessment results.
Jeremy will maintain a passing grade of 80% in his
Welding I class. This is OK, but it should be more
geared toward what skills he will develop.
Jeremy will use his welding skills to properly
construct two metal castings with a passing grade of
90% in his Welding I class.
What about Ciara?
Consider what annual transition IEP goal(s) will
assist Ciara in working toward her postsecondary
What academic areas does Ciara need to improve
Are there technical skills Ciara has yet to obtain?
What soft skills or employment skills may Ciara
need to obtain for each of those areas?
Group Work
 In
your groups, draft at least one annual
transition goal to address one component
of Ciara’s postsecondary goal. Be sure it
is measurable.
 Does
your annual goal address a
postsecondary goal?
 Is
the goal measurable?
 Can
Ciara accomplish this in one year?
Sample Transition IEP Goals
for Ciara
“Ciara will demonstrate knowledge of
appropriate work ethic and behavior by
role playing and communicating, orally
and in writing, skills necessary 7 out of
10 times.”
 “Ciara will list at least 5 Internet
sources providing information on the
basic requirements and job description
of a flight attendant.”
Objectives and Benchmarks
If the young adult is taught to alternate
academic achievement standards, the IEP must
also include objectives or benchmarks for each
goal. There must be at least two objectives or
benchmarks for each goal.
Teachers should consider all of the young
adult’s needs and steps necessary to achieve the
goal when writing objectives and benchmarks.
Coordinated Activities
How will the student learn what they need to in
order to reach their annual goals?
The coordinated set of activities will assist the
young adult in accomplishing the annual transition
IEP goals.
These activities could be provided by the special
education teacher, general education teacher,
parent, etc.
What community experiences or services could
they access through coordinated activities?
More on Coordinated Activities
For example, if a young adult was working toward becoming a
welder, some coordinated activities provided by the technology
center might include learning job readiness skills (e.g., building
a résumé, practicing interviewing skills), competing in
competitions using his welding skills, job shadowing, and
participating in on-the-job training.
Additional activities may include learning and practicing
vocabulary specific to welding and developing math skills
needed for the occupation.
A good example could be the student taking the online practice
test for the written portion of the OK driving test. (driving test practice quiz)
More Coordinated Activities
For example, if a child was working toward becoming
a licensed driver, some coordinated activities
provided by the school might include studying the
manual during class, taking practice tests online,
making and studying flash cards of road signs, and
being quizzed by the teacher.
Parents can provide time to teach the child important
parts of the car, car maintenance, and practice
driving in parking lots.
An additional activity may include participating in
driver’s education (sometimes provided by the
school and sometimes paid for by parents if that is
what all students do).
More Coordinated Activities
Susan will participate in the computer club with
support from a peer. (Peer)
Susan’s dad will provide transportation from
Computer Club. (Dad)
Mr. Jones (SPED) will work with Susan, the
computer club sponsor, and the OT to develop
an adapted workspace. (Mr. Jones)
Ms. Smith (VR) and Mr. Tate (school counselor)
will work with Susan to identify and analyze local
colleges, their programs, and services. (VR
Ciara’s Coordinated Activities
 Consider
how Ciara can learn or
improve upon these skills and who will
provide the services (i.e., coordinated
 Coordinated activities are listed with
each annual goal they are intended to
support. This is done on page 2 of the
Group Work
 In
your groups, draft a list of
coordinated activities to assist Ciara in
accomplishing her annual transition IEP
 Be sure to list who will be responsible
for providing, paying for, or overseeing
each activity.
 Do
you have at least two coordinated
activities for each goal?
 Are a variety of IEP team members and
other providers involved?
Sample Coordinated Activities
for Ciara
For a young adult who wants to be a flight attendant,
consider the following activities and providers.
• Job shadow at local airport/airline or travel agency.
• Research available jobs.
• Participate in on-the-job training.
• Learn about federal aviation regulations.
• Learn lingo, vocabulary, and acronyms.
• Learn job readiness skills (CareerTech).
• Build resume.
• Practice interviewing skills.
• Complete job applications.
Course of Study
 The
course of study must include the
specific course name and not the
general core area (e.g., Algebra I as
opposed to Math).
 Courses should be specific to each young
adult and demonstrate progression
through the completion of their
secondary education.
Course of Study
Course titles and transcripting play a
significant role in a young adult’s future.
• College-bound young adults
• Curriculum
Access Resource GuideModified (CARG-M) and CARGAlternate (CARG-A)
• College entrance requirements
• Eligibility for Oklahoma Higher Learning
Access Program (OHLAP)
Ciara’s Course of Study
 In
what courses should Ciara enroll to
reach her annual IEP goal(s) and
postsecondary goal(s)?
Group Work
Work in your group to develop a course
of study for Ciara.
The course of study should show a
progression through the years and enable
Ciara to reach her postsecondary goal(s).
Use specific course titles.
 Does
your course of study show a
progression through the years and enable
Ciara to reach her postsecondary goal(s).
 Does the course of study align with each
annual goal?
Sample Course of Study
English 2
Oklahoma History
Home Economics
English 3
Algebra II
English 4
Business Forms
Sign Language 2
Communications Drama
Transfer of Rights
Young adults and parents must be informed
about the age of majority and transfer of
rights by the time the young adult reaches
17 years of age.
 In the case of a young adult reaching the
age of majority, the notification of meeting
will be addressed to the young adult and a
copy will be provided to the parent(s).
Transfer of Rights
LEAs should inform parent(s) of their
option to seek legal advice if they plan on
continuing to make decisions for their child
upon the child reaching the age of majority.
 Young adults need to be prepared for the
responsibility they will gain.
 Oklahoma Disability Law Center:
OKC 1-800-880-7755
Tulsa 1-800-226-5883
Summary of Performance (SOP)
•The Summary of Performance is Form 15 in
•The SOP can be used as a planning tool
throughout a young adult’s educational
•It must be provided prior to exit due to
graduation and reaching maximum age of
Summary of Performance
•Review the sample letter.
•Utilize the instructions.
•Involve the young adult in the process.
What should be considered?
Consider who will receive the SOP.
 Test results and interpretations
 Accommodations and modifications
 Present levels
 Goals
 Documentation of disability and
How can I do all of this and teach the
subjects for which I am responsible?
Incorporate activities into class
 Engage other service providers.
 Work closely with your Vocational
Rehabilitation Counselors.
 Begin a transition elective class.
 Open a transition center.
Transition Contact Information
Anita Eccard, Coordinator
(405) 521-4865
Janet Felton, Coordinator
(405) 522-1578
Monica McFarlin, State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG)
Project Coordinator
(405) 521-4869
Candi Robinson, SPDG Technical Assistance Coordinator
(405) 522-4365