AP at RHHS - York Region District School Board

Started in 1955, the College Board’s Advanced Placement
Program enables students to pursue College/University level
studies while in high school.
The College Board is a not-for-profit organization that also
offers SAT exams. While they are centered in the U.S., they
now have an International presence (see next slide)
Richmond Hill HS was one of the first schools in the YRDSB to
offer AP and has grown into one of Ontario’s leading AP
schools 12 courses offered and over 200 students
writing AP exams.
AP’s Global Presence (2013)
140 Countries
18,000+ Schools
2 million+ Students
Nearly 4 million Exams
34 University-Level Courses and Exams
Over 4,000 Participating
Universities and Colleges
Gr. 11 English
Gr. 12 English
Biology (Gr. 11 & 12)
Physics (Gr.11 & 12)
Chemistry (Gr. 11&12)
Calculus (Gr. 11 & 12)
Computer Science (Gr.11 & 12)
Gr. 12 Data Management
Gr. 12 Microeconomics
Gr. 12 Psychology
Gr. 12 World Issues
Gr. 12 French
English Language & Composition
English Literature “
Physics B
Calculus AB & BC
Computer Science A
Human Geography
*Requests to write AP exams not offered by our school
are dealt with on a case by case basis.
How Does a Student Take AP courses and Write AP Exams at RHHS?
AP courses are offered in Grades 11 & 12. The AP Program is an extension of the Gifted
program from Grades 9 & 10. Therefore, Gifted and Enriched students simply transition into
AP courses, provided they maintain high grades. AP courses are not only for Gifted
students, however. Any enrolled* RHHS student is eligible for AP courses (if space is
available) and can write AP Exams. See next question for more details.
Students then sign up for AP exams during the school year. AP exams are written in May
and are separate from the exams students write in January and June.
How Does a Student Apply for AP courses?
Students will require Subject-specific teacher and Guidance approval before being accepted
into an AP course. This occurs during the Course Selection process early in Semester 2.
Any student who is enrolled in our school can request to take an AP course provided they
have demonstrated an ability to perform in pre-requisite courses.
check with our Front Office or Guidance department to learn more
about our school’s admission requirements.
Do students have to take all AP courses available in the school?
No. Students are able to pick and choose the AP subjects they’d like to take;
in other words, they are never forced to take an AP course. For example, Joe
can take AP Chemistry, but not AP Biology.
Do students need to take an AP course in order to write an AP exam?
Yes. If our school offers the corresponding AP course, students must be
enrolled in it in order to write its AP exam. However, students can write other
AP exams that are available but that are not offered as courses at our school.
In this case, they will need to self-study, hire a tutor, etc.
Past RHHS students have requested to write additional AP exams such as US
History, Physics C and Statistics.
Do students need to write the AP exam once enrolled in the AP course?
Students are highly encouraged to write the AP exam if they are taking the AP
course. However, we are aware that from time to time students, parents and
teachers will feel that this is not the best choice for them.
How much do AP Exams cost?
Each AP Exam is $120, which covers the cost of the exam and fees for
proctors who are hired to supervise. This cost is reviewed on an annual basis.
When are AP Exams written and when are results received?
AP Exams are typically written in the first two weeks of May – a schedule is
distributed at the beginning of the school year. Students receive their results
in early July. Exams scores are now available on-line; a student needs to
simply create an account with AP.
How do universities receive AP Exam results?
Students are responsible for forwarding their AP Exam scores to universities
once you receive them. RHHS is not involved in this. Universities handle this
in their own way so it is up to students to understand the process for the
schools to which they are applying. Remember, a student does not have to
send results if unsatisfied with them.
Credit Standing or Advanced Placement in University:
Most major Canadian universities offer students credit standing for AP exams with scores of 4 or 5.
For example, Sara writes the AP Psychology exam, receives a 4 and sends her result to York U. who
then grants her a credit. This credit can then be used toward a first-year Psychology course or even
toward an elective.
The Admissions office of every university has their own guidelines for granting AP transfer credits.
As with sending scores, it is a student’s responsibility to educate themselves of these policies.
Experience & Increased Confidence:
Students who take AP courses and write AP Exams have already demonstrated an ability to handle
university level academic material before stepping into a university classroom.
University Success:
Year after year, data proves that AP students achieve a higher level of University success than nonAP students.
One AP
Two+ AP
Students who take AP
courses and exams
are much more likely
than their peers to
complete a Bachelor’s
Degree in four years or
Source: Camara, Wayne. (2013).
College Persistence, Graduation, and
Remediation. College Board Research
Notes (RN-19). New York, NY: College
AP in Canada – Effective 2013
17,000+ students
More than 27,000 AP exams in Canada
Almost 600 Canadian high schools with AP exams
More than 325,000 Canadian students have
written AP exams since 1989
100+ Canadian Universities received 17,000+ AP
exams in 2013
More than 300 Canadian Schools use Pre-AP
Programs (similar to RHHS’ Gifted program)
AP Exams Grade Scale Ranges from 5 to 1
Extremely well qualified
Well qualified
Possibly qualified
No recommendation
More than 200 AP exams were written by RHHS students last year.
49% achieved a 5 score and 80% received 4 or better!
AP CANADA - Student Awards
The AP Program offers several AP Scholar Awards to recognize high school
students who have demonstrated college-level achievement through AP Exams.
AP Scholar: Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or
more AP Exams
AP Scholar with Honour: Granted to students who receive an average score of at
least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or
higher on four or more of these exams
AP Scholar with Distinction: Granted to students who receive an average score of
at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or
higher on five or more of these exams
National AP Scholar: Granted to students in Canada who receive an average
score of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 4
or higher on five or more of these exams
44 RHHS students received an AP Award for exams written in 2013,
including a very impressive 10 National Scholars – one of the best
results for any high school in Canada!
Advanced Placement (AP)
International Baccalaureate
Minimal Upfront Cost
($120 / exam)
- High annual cost (to both
parents and schools)
Learning Expectations
complement Ontario curriculum
- Expectations separate from
Ontario curriculum
Freedom: students can select
courses and exams to write
and submit to Universities
- Highly prescriptive
(regarding course options;
university submissions)
Advanced standing in University
- Restrictive advanced standing
Acknowledged by almost 4000
universities around the world
- Acknowledged by approx.
700 universities
- 1.97 million students writing
3.46 million exams
- 120,000 students writing
250,000 exams