File - Equity and Excellence for ELLs

Equity and Excellence for English
Language Learners
A Balancing Act for Administrators
Amy Christianson, OELA Project Coordinator
John Kibler, OELA Professional Development Coordinator
Edgewood College
Equity and Excellence for English Language Learners (ELLs):
A Balancing Act for Administrators
A Three Day Professional Development Series
Objectives for Session One:
• Participants will understand the second language acquisition and learning processes, academic English development and their
relationship to academic achievement
• Participants will reflect on federal, state, local mandates in the education of English language learners (ELLs) and learn about
the parameters for school and district compliance
• Participants will examine their educational context and programmatic approaches for ELLs and strategize plans for
Objectives for Session Two:
• Participants will review the most current research regarding educating ELLs and its implications on programmatic design and
instructional practice
• Participants will strategize professional development goals for their staffs that examine the major myths and realities about
second language learning, as well as development goals for future planning
• Participants will consider ways to utilize their existing resources for optimal student benefit by examining programmatic and
instructional contexts with regards to scheduling, instruction, leadership and instructional approach
Objectives for Session Three:
• Participants will consider ELL student assessment, an overview of the WIDA English language proficiency standards and the
ACCESS for ELLs assessment tool
• Participants will examine teacher performance considerations for effectively educating ELLs and develop guidelines for
considering contextual and pedagogical skills
• Participants will have the opportunity to individually work with the consultants to ask additional questions, clarify information
and consider district and school-based decisions.
Twelve Key Practices
This book provides step-by-step guidance for any administrator committed
to ensuring that the ELLs in their classes, schools, and districts are
successful and can reach high core content and English language
development standards.
Implementing Effective Instruction for English Language Learners takes a
comprehensive, systemic, and strategic approach to educating all
students, particularly ELLs. The 12 Key Practices Framework is divided into
four parts:
Shared practices at the district, school, and classroom levels
Common classroom practices for ALL ELL educators
Core instructional practices of every program for ELLs
Organizing the key practices into effective program configurations
Administrators, teachers, and leadership teams can use the 12 Key
Practices Framework and checklists to plan, implement, monitor, evaluate,
and improve ELL education in their districts and schools.
ELL Service Delivery Articulation and Action
Plan (SDAAP)
Over the course of our three sessions,
participants will complete an ELL service
delivery articulation and action plan that
documents reflection on current practice and
considers future implementation,
configuration, and professional development
Equity and Excellence: Session Two
Overview of Session Two
ELL Research Jeopardy
Discussion of Research Article
ELL Service Delivery Articulation and Action Plan
• Resource Alignment Through Collaborative Practices
• Exit Slip – Gots/Wants
Key Practice 12: Structuring the Language
Education Program
Establish a District Language Education Committee
to Develop/Restructure Program
Determine Extent of Use of ELLs’ Primary Language
According to Student Populations
Identify how ESL, Literacy, & Academic Content
Instruction Will Be Implemented
Prepare Program Recommendations to Share with
Parents and Stakeholders
Monitor Program Annually to Evaluate ELLs’
Key Practice 2:
Educating ELLs Through Collaboration
ELL-Focused Professional Learning Community
District Language Education Committee
School Leadership Teams
Planning and Reflective Conversations
Connections of Home and School
Links to School and Community
What is your name?
Your position and district?
What have you been thinking about since our last
Let’s Play Jeopardy!
Test your ELL Research knowledge!
Article Discussion
Though it is clear that often the things we hear about second language
learning and the research we are told about does little more than
confuse us. It is also true that much more research needs to be done.
• Learning a second language is as difficult for
the child as the adult.
• Many children are just as self-conscious and
inhibited as adults.
• Literacy and other skills and knowledge transfer
across languages. That is, if you learn something in
one language, you either already know it in (i.e.
transfer it to) another language or can more easily
learn in another language.
For example, transfer of readings skills occurs across languages even that
don’t share a common alphabet.
ELLs seem to progress from beginning to intermediate levels
more rapidly (in roughly two to three years) than they do
from intermediate to full proficiency. In other words,
students beginning to learn the language can make what
appears to be fairly rapid progress, but then slow down
once they reach intermediate proficiency. Even students in
all-English instruction do not typically begin to show higher
intermediate levels of English proficiency for at least four
Teaching students to read in their first
language promotes higher levels of
reading achievement in English;
teaching reading simultaneously (at
different times during the day)
compared with teaching them to read
in their second language only, boosts
their reading achievement in English.
What we know about good instruction and
curriculum generally holds true for ELLs but with
certain caveats. Instructional modifications
based on proficiency level are essential. For
example, the National Reading Panel identified eight
types of reading comprehension strategy instruction that
increased scores 34 percentile points on average for
English-speaking students over those not exposed to
these. The same instruction, with no modification for
their proficiency level, was so weak that it wasn’t clear
that there was any effect at all on ELLs. The conclusion
being that “high quality reading instruction alone” was
“insufficient to support equal academic success” unless
the instruction is modified for language proficiency.
• The amount of exposure to English does not
predict language acquisition.
• Primary language support, when possible, does
not inhibit second language learning, but
enhances it. First language preservation pays
off academically.
• Use of a comprehensive framework for
instructional modification is most effective.
• Proficiency in academic English – the kind of
language used in textbooks and classrooms but
no necessarily in social situations, is the key to
content-area learning.
• Inclusion of first-language instruction, when
possible, can have long-term academic benefits
• Professional development for meeting the needs
of ELLs is on-going and life-long.
Utilizing Resources Effectively to Support ELL
Student Achievement
• Equity for ELLs: Guiding Beliefs and Principles
• Organizational Map and Service Delivery
Articulation & Action Plan (SDAAP)
• Resource Alignment Through Collaborative
Equity Through Instructional Practices
• Guiding Principles and Beliefs
• Considerations for Instructing English
Language Learners
Guiding Principles and Beliefs
• Shared Responsibility for English Language Learners is
Evident in the Actions of School Personnel
• Resources are Aligned to Promote Effective and
Collaborative Instructional Practices
• Shared Decision Making, Problem Solving, and
Differentiated Lesson Planning are Evident Among
Instructional Planning Teams
• Program Models & Configurations are Flexible and can be
Adjusted based on Students’ Language & Learning Needs
• Standards-Based Instruction for Language Development
& Content Learning is Integrated
Considerations for English Language Learners
• Instructional Practices follow State Laws/Title III Part A
• Teachers and Resource Staff Supporting ELLs are
Assigned on Instructional Teams
• ELLs are Clustered into Classrooms Supported by
ESL/Bilingual Certified Staff (or have Classroom Teacher
with ESL/Bilingual Certification)
• Hiring Practices Reflect an Emphasis to Employ Staff
with ESL/Bilingual Certification
• All Professional Development Reflects Best Practices for
Educating ELLs
• Parent and Family Outreach Supports Linguistic and
Cultural Needs
Questions to Consider:
• Which guiding beliefs and principles are currently
supported in your school or district?
• What guiding beliefs and principles should be
shared and discussed in your educational setting to
support instruction for English language learners?
Organizational Map and Service Delivery
Articulation & Action Plan (SDAAP)
• Developing an Organizational Map to Utilize
School Resources Effectively
• Service Delivery Articulation and Action Plan
• Examining Program Models and Configurations
for Instructing English Language Learners
Using a School Organizational Map for
ELL Service Delivery Articulation & Action (SDAAP):
What Is It?
• Organizing and Maximizing Time/Space/Resources
in the School Building to Support Students’
Academic Achievement
10,000 ft. view
Accounting for context and conditions
Considering all available resources
Thinking outside the box
Organizational Map Key Elements:
• Organizational Map:
A structure to utilize
time, space, and
resources in the school
building to support
English language
learners’ academic
• Establishing shared guiding
beliefs and principles as a
• Placement of ELLs based on
language & learning needs
• Collaborative teaching
structures using best
practices for ELLs
• Flexibility with instructional
placements based on needs
of ELLs
Service Delivery Key Elements:
• Program Model
• Service Delivery:
- ESL, Bilingual, Dual Language
Instruction provided to
English language
• Program Configuration
- Sheltered classes, Pull-out,
learners based on
Push-in, Resource Rooms
individual language
• Clustering
and learning needs
- Grade level, language
background, language
• Range of Services
- Frequency and duration of
academic support
Service Delivery Program Models and Configurations
Program Models
English as a Second
Language (ESL)
ESL academic content class
ESL newcomer class
ESL/bilingual resource class
Sheltered (selfcontained) classes
Pull-out programs
Resource rooms
Instruction in general education classroom with
ESL/bilingual support
Push-in programs
Bilingual instruction (transitional or developmental)
Instruction in
general education
classroom taught
by bilingual
Dual language immersion
ELL Service Program Models
• Instruction in General Education Classrooms with
ESL/Bilingual Support
• ESL Academic Content Classes
• ESL Newcomer Classes
• Bilingual Instruction
• Dual-Language Immersion
Organizational Map and Service Delivery: Key Steps to
Implementation for Educating English Language Learners
1.) School leader creates a visual map of classroom configurations
with student placements based on projected numbers of English
language learners and conversations with teachers
2.) A leadership team that includes ESL and bilingual teachers is
assembled and ELL student profiles are created
3.) Decision-making occurs based on allocations and ELL student
4.) Grade level teachers and ESL and bilingual education teachers
work collaboratively to schedule students into classes
5.) Organizational map and service plan is disseminated to all staff
and revisited periodically to ensure classroom environments are
optimal for English language learners
Questions to Consider:
• What elements of the organizational map and/or
service delivery process is currently in place in your
school or district?
• Which structures or processes might be helpful in
your educational setting to support English
language learners?
Potential Uses of the SDAAP
Plan of Service (DPI) – Service Delivery Articulation
District/School Improvement Planning
Strategic Framework Alignment
Presentations to Administration/Staff/BOE
Grade Level / Team Level Planning
Transition Planning
Articulation of Short & Long Term Goals/Planning
for ELLs
Resource Alignment Through Collaborative
• Considerations for Collaboration:
- Philosophy, Beliefs, Attitudes
- Procedures
- Instruction
- Assessment
Considerations for
Educational Collaboration
• Philosophy/Beliefs/Attitudes:
 Views on inclusive practices (ie. students in general
education classrooms)
 Comfort level with working with a diverse student
 Knowledge about educational approaches to instructional
design (scheduling and instruction for students needing
specialized services – ie. English Language Learners, Special
Education, Talented and Gifted, At-Risk)
 Beliefs on educational approaches to learning
(constructivist, multiple intelligences, etc.)
Considerations for
Educational Collaboration
• Procedural Considerations
 Scheduling common planning and teaching times
(with teaching partners and grade level
instructional teams)
 Teaching roles and responsibilities (including:
development of integrated units using standardsbased curriculum, preparing instructional
materials, differentiating based on language
proficiency levels and learning needs of students)
Considerations for
Educational Collaboration
• Instructional Considerations
 Curriculum focus – with scope and sequence of
 Instructional delivery (lead teaching, support
teaching, co-teaching, etc.)
 Pacing
 Additional supports for students with specialized
Considerations for
Educational Collaboration
• Assessment Considerations
 Formative, Benchmark, and Summative
Assessments (with accommodations provided as
needed for students with specialized services)
 Progress monitoring of students’ learning
 Determining level of effectiveness in co-teaching
Questions to Consider:
• What structures for collaborative practices does
your school or district have in place to support
English language learners?
• Which considerations for collaboration would be
helpful to incorporate in your educational setting?
Exit Slip
Gots and Wants
See You Next Month!
Thank You for Your Participation!
Amy Christianson
John Kibler