File - LSMS Ms. Benson GT

What’s it all about?
There are many GT definitions…
Government definitions
School definitions
Teacher definitions
Administrative definitions
Researchers’ definitions
Author’s definitions
Dictionary definitions
Student and Parent definitions
And they all differ in some way.
“Students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement
capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership
capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services and
activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully
develop those capabilities.”
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
[Title IX, Part A, Definition 22. (2002)]
“Gifted and talented children” mean those students who are
identified as possessing demonstrated or potential abilities that give
evidence of high performing capabilities in intellectual, creative,
specific academic or leadership areas, or ability in the performing or
visual arts and who require services or activities not ordinarily
provided by the school in order to fully develop such capabilities.”
(Idaho Code §33-2001).
“Gifted behavior occurs when there is
an interaction among three basic
clusters of human traits: aboveaverage general and/or specific
abilities, high levels of task
commitment (motivation), and high
levels of creativity. Gifted and talented
children are those who possess or are
capable of developing this composite
of traits and applying them to any
potentially valuable area of human
performance. …gifted behaviors can
be found "in certain people (not all
people), at certain times (not all the
time), and under certain circumstances
(not all circumstances)."
Joseph Renzulli and Sally Reis
The Schoolwide Enrichment Model
Above average abilities
• general abilities
• like processing information, integrating
experiences, and abstract thinking
• specific abilities
• like the capacity to acquire knowledge,
perform in an activity
Task commitment
• motivation turned into action
• endurance
• hard work
• self-confidence
• perceptiveness
• fascination with a subject
• fluency, flexibility, and originality of thought
• openness to experience,
• sensitivity to stimulations
• a willingness to take risks
The bell curve
demonstrates the IQ
scores and percentage of
students at each level.
Regular classrooms are geared toward the "Twos", children in the average range of
For "Ones", there are many programs offered to help them keep up with their age
The amount of work expected of these children is adjusted
They are given them extra time to complete assignments
The content is geared to their needs and interests
Their learning styles are targeted
Teachers work with parents and colleagues to learn strategies and methods to help the
child learn better and more efficiently (Winebrenner, 2001).
Are these changes in programming considered elitist? Are we giving them unfair
advantage over the other children in the class?
What is the Least Restrictive Environment?
Given that gifted children ("Threes") are as far from the average as the "Ones",
why does society resist offering them alternatives equal to those offered to
“Ones” "The level, pacing, amount, and type of learning activities that
benefit average learners are as inappropriate for [gifted students] as they are
for students who are working significantly below grade-level expectations"
(Winebrenner, 2001, p.3).
We already offer many special programs to students with special talents. It is
not unusual to see students in a school who dress differently, have exclusive
field trips, have special teachers and whose awards are displayed for all to
see as a matter of course in a school. These athletes are consistently
receiving special benefits due to an inborn talent that they possess
(Winebrenner, 2001). Why is it then, that society often resents providing
similar programs (which are probably less costly) for children who are
intellectually gifted?
Specific Academic—as evidenced by…
Intellectual—as evidenced by superior aptitude for…
Rapid insight into cause-effect relationships
Interpersonal intuition
Ability to motivate performances of others
Creativity—as evidenced by superior abilities in…
Understanding facts, concepts, generalizations and their relationships
Identifying patterns
Verbal and nonverbal reasoning
Spatial perceptions
Developing and evaluating ideas
Leadership—as evidenced by a variety of superior characteristics, including…
Superior ability in mastering skills and concepts in one or more curriculum areas
Fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration
Divergent thinking skills
Problem solving strategies
Visual/Performing Arts
Leadership—Visual and Performing Arts as evidenced by ..
A superior aptitude for demonstrating, typically through exhibition or performance, aesthetic,
critical, historical and production aspects of dance, music, theater or the visual arts
Most GT placements in middle school are based on
Academic Talent
At the middle school level students who qualify are identified by a combination of
the following:
 IQ SCORE – if available
 ISAT Percentile scores
Programs for the academically gifted in our middle schools consist of…
Placement in appropriate math level classroom—including Algebra I and Geometry
Placement in the Gifted and Talented Program rather than regular Social Studies (currently
at Lone Star, East, and South)
Placement in an Honors English Class (currently at West only)
Differentiation in the regular classroom by each individual teacher for each individual GT
It is the purpose of the Nampa Middle School GT program to…
Teach critical and creative thinking skills
Develop thinking skills in the areas of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation
Develop creativity
Use creative thinking to solve problems
Develop critical thinking
Broaden the scope of resources of information
◦ Develop new sources of information for research purposes
◦ Develop a wider range of knowledge
◦ Improve the ability to develop and implement individual research
Strengthen oral and written communication
◦ Develop communication skills in listening, speaking, and writing
◦ Develop vocabulary skills
Strengthen organizational skills
◦ Develop goal-setting, organization, and time management skills
Provide a place for like-minds to freely express and exchange
◦ Develop peer group relationships
◦ Develop team-building skills
How do you
see the GT
students in
Gifted Label
—Burden or Blessing?
The problem with the gifted label
isn’t the label itself, but rather
how people perceive it and use it.
When it’s attached to certain
nouns such as—athlete, musician,
writer, actor, etc., it’s usually
acceptable and considered a
compliment. But when it’s used
in reference to academic or
scholarly pursuits, it’s not
necessarily an asset. In fact many
students experience the label in
conjunction with such negative
nicknames as “geek,” “nerd,”
“dweeb,” “junior genius,” or
worse, none of which promote
feelings of acceptance or
YouTube video done by GT kids from Baltimore
Myth #
Gifted students come from white
middle- and upper-class families
They come from all cultural,
ethnic, and socioeconomic groups.
Myth #
Gifted kids have it made and will succeed in life
no matter what. They don’t need any special
help in school or anywhere else. Gifted
students do not need help. If they are really
gifted, they can manage on their own.
Everyone needs encouragement and help—to make the most of their abilities
and succeed in life. Would you send a star athlete to train for the Olympics
without a coach? Gifted students need guidance from well-trained teachers who
challenge and support them in order to fully develop their abilities. Many gifted
students may be so far ahead of their same-age peers that they know more than
half of the grade-level curriculum before the school year begins. Their resulting
boredom and frustration can lead to low achievement, despondency, or
unhealthy work habits. The role of the teacher is crucial for spotting and
nurturing talents in school.
Myth #
If gifted students are grouped
together, they will become
snobbish and elitist.
Some will, some won’t. What’s especially harmful about this
myth is that some adults use it to rationalize decisions about
not allowing gifted students to work or study together or not
providing them with opportunities that meet their learning
Myth #
Gifted kids are equally mature in
all areas-academic, physical,
social, and emotional.
That would be convenient, but it’s not a reasonable
expectation. It is also not fair that just because someone is
advanced intellectually, he or she will lag behind in other
developmental areas.
Myth #
Gifted kids don’t know that they
are “different” unless someone
tells them.
Most gifted kids don’t need to be identified or labeled before
they know that they are not quite like their age peers.
Myth #
All gifted kids have
trouble adjusting to
school and forming
Some do, some don’t—just like
other kids.
Myth #
Gifted kids are
good at everything
they do.
Some gifted students are good at many things; others are
exceptionally able at only a few things. Some gifted students
are also learning disabled, which means that they might not
be very good at schoolwork. Some gifted students have dual
12-year-old Percy Jackson
isn't just the Medusa-fighting
son of Poseidon. He also
struggles with dyslexia and
Myth #
Gifted students are a
homogenous group, all high
Some GT students are underachievers. Underachievement describes a
discrepancy between a student’s performance and his/her actual
ability. The roots of this problem differ, based on each child’s
Myth #
Gifted students are a
homogenous group, all high
Gifted students may become bored or frustrated in an unchallenging
classroom situation causing them to lose interest, learn bad study
habits, or distrust the school environment.
Myth #
Gifted students are a
homogenous group, all high
Other students may mask their abilities to try to fit in socially with their
same-age peers.
Myth #
Gifted students are a
homogenous group, all high
Gifted students are often perfectionistic and idealistic. They may
equate achievement and grades with self-esteem and self-worth,
which sometimes leads to fear of failure and interferes with
Myth #
Gifted kids should love
school, get high grades, and
greet each new school day
with enthusiasm. That
student can’t be gifted; he’s
receiving poor grades.
Most schools are geared for average learners, not gifted
learners, which makes it hard for gifted students to get
excited about going. Some of the most talented students in
the U.S. actually choose to drop out of school altogether.
Myth #
Gifted students must
constantly be challenged
and kept busy or they’ll
get lazy.
They might get bored,
but they won’t
necessarily get lazy.
Myth #
Gifted students make everyone
else in the class smarter by
providing a role model or a
Like most of us, students are generally more comfortable around others who are
similar to themselves. Average students often feel uncomfortable taking on a
challenge in the presence of gifted students who already seem to “get it.” In reality,
average or below-average students do not look to the gifted students in the class
as role models. They are more likely to model their behavior on those who have
similar capabilities and are coping well in school. Seeing a student at a similar
performance level succeed motivates students because it adds to their own sense
of ability. Watching or relying on someone who is expected to succeed does little
to increase a struggling student’s sense of self-confidence. Similarly, gifted
students benefit from classroom interactions with peers at similar performance
Myth #
Teachers love to have gifted
students in their classrooms.
Some do, some don’t. Some teachers feel uncomfortable
with gifted students and get defensive when they suspect
their students know more than they do.
You may have access to challenging programs, classes,
and other educational opportunities that match your ability
level and interests.
People who don’t understand what being gifted means(and
doesn’t mean) may equate giftedness with perfection. As a
result, some people may have unreasonable expectations
of you, from your grades to your behavior.
Being gifted may open the door to scholarships, awards,
and competitions.
Labels are easy excuses for put-downs and insults. Being
“gifted” may make you a potential target.
Adults may assume that you're more responsible, which
can lead to increased freedom.
When someone asks you what “gifted” means, there really
is no “right” answer, which makes it hard to explain.
You are able to tackle and surmount many types of
problems and challenges, often with greater speed and
finesse than others.
Your classes and schoolwork are often too easy-and dull.
Much of your schoolwork may seem irrelevant
Some teachers appreciate (some even prefer) the
opportunity to work with smart students. In fact you make
their day.
Friends who really understand and accept you may be few
and far between.
Having a good mind can mean a more interesting life (
depending on the choices YOU make.)
You sometimes feel overwhelmed by the number of things
you can do. How can you make good choices? How can
you decide which direction and interest(s) to pursue in life?
You may feel “different” from other kids your age—and if
you view being different as a deficit, you may try to
suppress your true self
Because you are knowledgeable, sensitive, and smart, you
may be more aware of and concerned about world
problems than some of your peers
The system isn’t perfect and
people and systems make
mistakes. What matters most
is what you think of yourself
and your abilities. It’s up to
you to decide how and when
you will use your gifts. It’s up
to you to determine the
direction your present and
future will take. Begin gifted
doesn’t guarantee you
anything—like everyone else
you will have to work at who
your want to be and what you
want from life.