Wake County Academically Gifted Program - LockhartAIG

Wake County
Public School System
Academically Intellectually Gifted
Lockhart ES and Carver ES
Gloria Lee, AIG Teacher
Wake County Public School System
Vision for local AIG Program:
The Academically Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Program
provides an appropriately challenging education for
students who perform, or show potential for performing
at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when
compared to others of their age, experience, or
environment. Services for AIG students include
differentiated curriculum and instruction that extends and
enriches the Common Core and Essential Standards.
The Academically Intellectually Gifted
Program seeks to:
 Foster high achievement and high growth
 Support needs and interests of gifted students
 Inspire the love of learning
 Nurture highly able learners
WCPSS AIG Updates 2012-2013
 AIG Plan 2010-2013
 Year 3 Revision year
 Based on NC AIG Program Standards
 Reported to NC Department Public Instruction
 Approved by local Board of Education, August 2010
 AIG student population ~27,000
 17.88% of total WCPSS student population
AIG Service Delivery
 Students identified as AIG receive differentiated
services at all Wake County schools.
 Each school develops their AIG Plan outlining service
 Schools choose from a variety of service options.
AIG School Based Committee
for Gifted Education
 provides a team framework for evaluating data and
recommending the most appropriate service for individual
students who demonstrate a need for differentiation within the
WCPSS Academically Intellectually Gifted Program.
 includes administrator, AIG teacher, and staff members
representative of core content areas and/or grade levels at
each school.
 makes recommendations regarding: AIG identification,
AIG services, and AIG annual review.
AIG Program Service Options
K-3: Consultation/Collaboration for Early Identified students
Grade 3: 3rd Grade Explorers
Grades 4-5: Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction
 Resource class for strong and very strong students
 Team teaching
 Consultation/Collaboration
 School-based enrichment
 AIG Basics
 Elective classes
Grades 6-8: Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction
 Small group enrichment
 Team teaching
 Consultation/Collaboration
 School-based enrichment
 AIG Basics
 Elective classes
Grades 9-12
 Advanced course selection
Identification Process may begin from:
 Screening of all WCPSS 3rd grade students
 Parent nominations, grade 4-8
 Teacher nominations, grade 4-8
 Student nominations
Nomination Windows
 Nominations are accepted at any time.
 Nominations are reviewed each semester by the
SBCGE before the semester testing dates.
 The SBCGE determines if nominated students will be
referred for evaluation based on current data.
 Testing dates are scheduled:
 First Semester: in week 6 of the 1st quarter
 Second Semester: in week 4 of the 3rd quarter
 Nominations received after the testing deadline will be
considered during the next semester.
AIG Referral
 Referred students are administered the Cognitive Abilities
Test and the Iowa Assessments.
 Data is complied on an Individual Student Profile (ISP).
Formal Indicators (Norm referenced assessments)
-Current aptitude scores
-Current achievement scores
-Current scores are scores within one calendar year of each other and
obtained after 2nd grade.
Informal Indicators
-Learning behaviors
-Classroom performance
 SBCGE reviews the complete student profile to make a
Formal Indicators -Norm Referenced Assessments
 Aptitude test scores
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
Individual tests administered as necessary
 Achievement test scores
Iowa Assessments (IA)
Individual tests administered as necessary
 AIG identification criteria is >92% in both
aptitude and achievement
Informal Indicators
 Learning Behaviors
Parent and teacher checklists
 Student Performance
Parent and teacher checklists
Current academic grades in ELA and Math
Current portfolio work samples in ELA and Math
 Student Interest
Parent and teacher checklists
 Student motivation
Parent and teacher checklists
SBCGE Decision
 Not Recommended for AIG Differentiation
 Recommended for AIG Differentiation in Language
Arts and/or Mathematics
Moderate service level
Strong service level
Very Strong service level
 SBCGE reviews service levels annually.
 Service level changes are based on demonstrated
student classroom performance.
Student Service Information
 Moderate Service level: differentiation in the
regular education classroom
 Strong or Very Strong Service level: differentiation
in the regular education classroom and with the
AIG teacher for students in 4th and 5th grades
Differentiated Education Plan
Differentiated Course Plan
Differentiated Education Plan (DEP)
Differentiated Course Plan (DCP)
 Describes the AIG Program services
 Indicates level of need in identified area/s
 Reflects appropriate service delivery options
 Outlines AIG Progress Report for Grades 4 and 5
 Documents the results of the annual review process
Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction
Practices for gifted learners may include:
 Cluster grouping
 Flexible grouping
 Curriculum compacting
 Differentiated instructional units/centers
 Increased complexity and challenge
 Tiered activities and assignments
 Varied texts and materials
 Projects and investigations
 Technology applications
Stakeholders for AIG Student Success
AIG Teacher
Classroom Teachers
School Counselors and
other professional staff
Central Services AIG
Additional Information is Available From:
 AIG Teacher/email glee@wcpss.net
 School websites and newsletters
 WCPSS website
 AIG Brochure (provided to all 3rd grade families with Explorers information)
 AIG Parent Guide
 AIG Program Plan 2010-2013
 PAGE, Partners for Advancement of Gifted Education