32 Days to Stress Free Discipline

By Judith Bonner, MAED
Discipline is not only
 Biblical discipline stops wrong or poor
choices whether you are there or not!
 It also starts right choices. Do you have a
plan for responsibility training?
Proverbs 29:15 says “The rod and reproof give
wisdom, but a child left to himself brings
shame to his mother.”
The Hebrew word for reproof includes:
 Correction
 Refutation
 Proof (even in defense)
 Argument, and
 Reasoning.
(definitions from Strong’s Exhaustive
 Discipline is consistent
Who am I?
 graduated from UC Berkeley with a BA in
English and Social Studies
 MA is in adult education from U of Phoenix
 taught 19 years, mostly in secondary school,
 raised two gifted sons,
 English Department Chair, 3 years,
 wife of Rev. Mike Bonner, Yard D (special
needs) Pastor at Donovan State Prison.
Stress-free Discipline
is a
Love Tool Kit
What We Need to Know
1. Sources of stress
2. Stress management
3. Realistic goals &
4. Discipline &
teaching skills
5. A “cheap” flexible
system with built in
How can we practice
Stress-free Discipline?
What We Need to Be
1. Spiritually &
2. Proactive
3. Determined
4. Educated
5. Interdependent
6. Self-disciplined
The Right Discipline Causes Poor Behavior
to Disappear & Right Choices to Begin.
1. The right system rewards good
behavior consistently.
2. It gives time-saving consequences for
both good and poor behavior.
3. Small disturbances are consistently
caught so children are discouraged
from risking larger ones.
•Stress Free Discipline stops wrong
choices and builds teamwork with
proven techniques.
•Basics of this system have been well
researched with all types of students
and used in classrooms nationwide.
Stress Free Discipline has flexible
maturity-appropriate expectations
measured with points.
2. Quality control is built into the points.
3. Points become time spent in educational
activities with parents.
Stress-free Discipline Provides
Systematic Growth of Adult Skills…
1. As you work this system, your
child learns adult skills.
2. Hourly, daily, or weekly rewards
build maturity step by step.
3. Children can be disciplined
singly, in pairs or teams.
Stress-free Discipline
Factors in Growth, Fun and
Accountability for Everyone.
1. A Parent’s expectations list (on a few tasks of your
choice) and Points Chart educates your child in adult
skills, roles, and responsibilities.
2. Call it delegating: your child helps you on your own
self improvement.
3. Your authority remains intact.
Stress-free Discipline is
More than Doing Chores
It is:
 Biblical habits such as speaking the truth in love,
 Leadership,
 Win-win negotiation,
 Impulse control,
 Grace,
 Berean Teamwork training,
 Adult thinking skills.
God’s The Owner,
You’re the Coach,
They’re the Team
 There’s only one game: one chance to pass the baton
 Ignorance is never bliss: you must have a plan even if
you change it on the field
 Lifelong love for you and for Christ is the prize
 Go for the Gold
Benefits to Parents include these:
 Children mature, accepting adult roles step-by-step
 They practice being responsible, choosing what’s right as
well as stopping wrong behavior
Consistent consequences cause them to stop pushing
boundaries at home & school
Children have a disciplined but satisfying home life.
Children master their own impulses, and a Christcentered lifestyle
Children have double rewards for following rules at
school while building high-level thinking skills
Their stress levels are lowered while building a higher,
realistic self-esteem
The family team enjoys lifelong love and learning
Benefits to Schools include:
 Students who have internalized mature concepts
of responsibility and consequences
 Students who have a disciplined but satisfying
home life
 Student mastery of impulse control, higher self-
esteem and a Christ-centered attitude
 At-home rewards and reinforcement for right and
wrong school choices
 Reduced time, money and effort on
dysfunctional student behavior
Service Activities
 I’m available for workshops, interactive
presentations and coursework. (Call 619-5757980 or email to judithdbonner@gmail.com).
 With your help I train your team to do
meetup.com course follow-up and outreach.
 Participants receive monthly newsletters.