Edmond North Cheer & Pom - Edmond North Pom

Edmond North
2013-2014 Try-Out Meeting
The purpose of the cheerleader and pom squads at Edmond
North High School is to promote school spirit, support various
organized activities, represent the school, and provide
positive leadership in all aspects of school life. These squads
will promote and encourage student body involvement and
will exemplify loyalty, cooperation, and positive attitudes.
Try-Out Applications are due by March 14th by 4:00pm to the
front office at Edmond North High School
(No Exceptions)
Varsity Pom Sponsor:
Kelleigh Knight
JV & Freshman Pom Sponsor:
Jill Loveless
Administrators: Jason Pittenger and
Teresa Wilkerson
Cheer Sponsor: Erikka Ault and
Carron Massengale
Squad Information
page 1 of District Contract
• Varsity Pom- 18 members
(sophomores- seniors)
• JV Pom- 10 members (sophomores -seniors)
• Freshman Pom- 12 members (freshmen)
Squad Information cont.
• Varsity Squad Members:
– Attend all home and away football, basketball, and
wrestling games/matches and tournaments.
• JV & Freshman Squad Members:
– Attend only home football, basketball, and wrestling
games/matches (any game/match in the Edmond
School District is considered a “home game”).
Clinic & Try-out Dates
• Clinic: Wednesday, April 3rd -Friday, April 5th
from 6- 7:30.
• Try-Outs: Saturday, April 6th at 2:00 PM
All Candidates must attend every session of the clinic, mock tryouts,
and tryouts. Those failing to attend all clinic days and mock tryouts
will not be permitted to try out. If a participant has another school
activity during clinic, a written request must be submitted to the
school coach and approved prior to the start of clinic. It is that
person’s responsibility to learn the material covered in clinic on
their own time.
Try-out Requirements
pages 1 and 2 of District Contract
1. In order to try out for a position on any cheer/pom squad, each person
wishing to try out must not be “ineligible,” as that term is defined and used
by the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association (hereafter
“OSSAA”) as of date of the actual tryout. Whether a potential squad
member is ineligible is determined exclusively on whether that student’s
name appears on the most recent ineligibility list officially prepared and
maintained at each school site that is available and in effect as of date of
the actual tryout. A person, who is on “probation,” as that term is defined
and used by the OSSAA as of date of the actual tryout, may still try out for
a squad. Whether a person is on probation is to be determined exclusively
on a review of the most recent academic ineligible/probation report
officially prepared and maintained at each school site that is available and
in effect as date of the actual tryout.
2. Students who tryout for cheer or pom must be currently enrolled at the
school, or feeder school, they are trying out for. Students moving into the
district or coming from home-school or private school or must prove
residency before tryouts. (i.e. OCS, Oakdale, St. Elizabeth students)
3. No member will be allowed to tryout who has previously quit a squad
during the past year.
Try-out Requirements con’t
pages 1 and 2 of District Contract
• 4. Each cheer squad member and a parent/guardian will
be required to sign a drug testing consent form. Several
athletes are randomly selected on a monthly basis for
drug testing. Refer to the EPS drug policy for detailed
• 5. Each squad member must have a complete physical
and letter of good health from the family doctor before
clinic begins. The high school medical release form must
also be signed and turned in. New participants will need
a physical for both the tryout clinic and another physical
after May 1st to cover the next school year.
• 6. A professional organization may be hired to
choreograph a tryout routine.
Try-out Requirements con’t
pages 1 and 2 of District Contract
• 7. Each school will independently plan its tryouts using NCA
certified instructors or university cheerleaders/pom members
as judges. Tryout clinic, mock tryouts and tryouts will be held at
each individual school. During clinic, a number will be drawn by
each girl and recorded. The girls will then pair by consecutive
numbers and tryout in numerical order.
• 8. All candidates must attend every session of the clinic, mock
tryouts, and tryouts. Those failing to attend all clinic days and
mock tryouts may not be permitted to try out. If a participant
has another school activity during clinic, a written request
must be submitted to the school coach and approved prior
to the start of clinic. It is that person’s responsibility to
learn the material covered in clinic on their own time.
Try-out Requirements
pages 1 and 2 of District Contract
• 9. Clinic and tryouts are closed. Only coaches, judges, and
administrators may attend. Current senior cheer & pom members will
help run the clinic. Video cameras are not allowed. Mock tryouts are set
at the discretion of the administration.
• 10. Injured candidates may not submit videotape in lieu of an actual
tryout performance.
• 11. If a current cheer/pom squad member resigns or moves from the
district prior to August 1st, the participant with the next highest tryout
score may be placed on the squad solely at the discretion of the head
coach of the squad in session. This is the only
Try-Out Process
• Clinic & Tryout Location:
– Siberian Gym
• Clinic: 3 days long (closed to the public)
– Day 1: Learn tryout routine and chant
– Day 2: Master routine and chant and work on specific
skills (leaps, turns, etc.)
– Day 3: Mock Tryouts...each participant will go through
the tryout process in front of the other girls and
the seniors. Mock tryout skills and routine will be
done full out and ran just like tryouts.
Try-Out Process Cont.
• Clinic Continued:
– What to wear? Modest shorts or dance pants, tshirt, and athletic or dance shoes.
– Hair must be secured back and out of the face.
– No Jewelry and No Gum!
Physicals must be turned in prior to the start of
clinic for candidates to participate. If we do not
have your physical in our possession, the candidates
may only watch clinic and cannot participate.
Try-Out Process Cont.
• Tryouts: 1 day only (closed to public)
– What to wear? 2013 tryout shirt and shorts, white
socks, and white athletic shoes or black or tan dance
shoes (no paws).
– Hair should be secured back and out of the face. NO
– Check-In at 1:30 PM in the Siberian Gym.
Try-Out Process Cont.
• At check-in, a number will be drawn by each participant and recorded.
The participants will then pair by consecutive numbers (starting with
the number 1, i.e., 1 and 2, 3 and 4, etc.) just before trying out. The
girls will be paired into three groups; Group A is made of those
participants trying out for Freshman Pom, Group B will be made of
those participants trying out for JV Pom and Varsity Pom Participants.
If you are in Group A you will warm-up in front of the judges at 2:00
PM, Group B will warm-up in front of the judges immediately after
Group A is done trying out.
All participants must remain in the Pom facilities until everyone has
finished trying out.
No one can leave until Miss Knight or Miss Loveless tells you it’s okay to
Try-out process cont.
• Score sheet Breakdowns:
– Pom Score Sheet (pg. 16)
• Judging:
– Five certified judges will be scoring the participants. The
highest score and the lowest score of each participant will
be thrown out leaving only the three middle scores to be
totaled. In case of a tie, all five scores will be totaled with
none being thrown out.
Try-Out results will be posted by Saturday evening on the
day of try-outs on the Edmond North Pom Website
www.edmondnorthpom.weebly.com and on the Siberian
Gym outside doors.
Summer Camp
page 3 in District Contract
• August 5-7at the Bricktown Sheraton Hotel:
• 1. All members must attend summer camp with their team. The
purpose of camp is to create unity and to learn material for the
upcoming year.
• 2. The coach will determine the campsite and dates. Summer camp
dates will be announced at the mandatory parent meeting. Families
are expected to work around camp when planning summer activities.
• 3. A squad member can be removed from candidacy if he/she cannot
attend summer camp. Squads may not attend out of state camps.
• 4. If a squad attends a summer camp, squad members are expected to
pay their own camp registration fee, as well as their coach’s
registration fee.
• 5. Any practice or choreography dates scheduled after August 1 are
required for all members.
We will be conducting our own camp this year to better incorporate
choreography, skills, and technique unique to our squads’ needs.
Pom & Cheer Contract
• Anyone involved in our program needs to read, understand, and be
willing to follow all rules and regulations stated in both contracts.
• We hold all members of our program to high standards and strive for
them to be the best person they can be. We hope to help our members
learn to have strong character, to make good choices, to be good leaders,
and good role models to all.
• It is the responsibility of all participants interested in trying out for
Edmond North Cheer, and their parent/guardian, to read both contracts
thoroughly on their own time and be familiar with the rules and
regulations that govern Edmond North Pom!!!
The next several slides are items from the contract that are key points
we want to make sure both participant and parent/guardian
understand prior to trying out. (Some items have been previously
mentioned so will not be repeated)
Squad Member Expectations
All squad members are to remember that Edmond North
Pom and Cheer positions are leadership roles with high
visibility. You will be looked upon to set the appropriate
example for the rest of the student body. Your actions at
school and away from school reflect on the rest of the
squad and the school. You will need to remember the role
and the challenge you have accepted as a member of the
squad not to put yourself, your squad, your teachers, your
coach, or the administrators in a position of having to
discipline you for unbecoming actions.
**Make note of pages 7 & 8 in the contract regarding squad
conduct and appearance expectation/requirements.**
Squad Member Expectations
1. To promote school spirit and unity, support, and encourage
student body involvement at sporting events and various school
2. To provide half time entertainment at sporting events.
3. To increase self-esteem in its members.
4. To set an example for the rest of the student body by
exemplifying loyalty, cooperation and positive attitudes.
5. To represent Edmond North by acting as positive role models
and demonstrating good leadership qualities at all times.
Parent Expectations
Parents need to understand the following prior to your child trying out for
Edmond North Cheer:
Financial obligations.
Time commitment involved in pom.
The risk of injury involved in pom.
Parents and participants need to trust and support the decisions and
appreciate the time made by the sponsors, coaches, and administrators to
always do what’s best for the team.
Please keep in mind that sponsors have other responsibilities and
commitments outside of pom and it is asked that parents and participants
respect their personal and professional time. Any questions or problems
concerning the squad should be directed to the sponsors during school hours.
There is a proper chain of command, starting with the sponsor, assistant
principal, principal, and finally school board. In fairness to all parties
involved, please follow the chain of command.
Game Trade Forms
• Varsity Squad Members:
– For all split-squad events, no game misses will be
accepted. Squad members must obtain a cover for their
position if they need to miss in order to ensure a
minimum number of squad members at the event. The
member must fill out a game trade form and give it to
their sponsor 24 hours prior to the event.
• JV & Freshman Squad Members:
– Game Trade forms do not apply to Freshman & JV
If a game trade is not made prior to the event it may result in loss of points,
demerits, and/or benching for a period of time to be set by the coach.
Practice Miss Forms
• Edmond Public Schools attendance policy will be followed during class.
In order to leave class, you must be checked out through the front
office. Not doing so will result in a 0 for practice that day and/or
demerits if the sponsor was not given 24 hours notice (practice miss
• If a squad member needs to miss practice for any reason (doctor’s
appointment, all-star practice, dance practice, vacation, etc.) a
practice miss form must be filled out and given to their sponsor
prior to missing the practice.
– Practices are considered as school practices (during your school
hour), camp practices, etc.
– Please refer to Appendix B for demerit values
Even if a student is excused from school, a practice miss form to miss
practice must be given to the sponsor prior to the miss to be excused
form the practice.
Conduct and Appearance
page 4 of District Contract
• 1. Acceptable school conduct as defined by the policies of the school
district must be demonstrated at all school activities (including summer
camp and away games). Use or possession of drugs, and drinking
alcoholic beverages is not tolerated and a school policy violation
that results in a suspension from school for drugs and / or alcohol
will result in suspension from the squad for the remainder of the
year. If a squad member is suspended from school for any other
reasons, he/she will be benched for a period of time determined by
the coach. Numerous infractions or infractions of a serious nature
could ultimately result in suspension from the squad as determined
by the coach and site administrator as a result of the demerit
system utilized by each site.
• 2. Inappropriate behavior and language will result in benching and/or
suspension from the squad as determined by the coach on a case by
case basis.
Conduct and Appearance cont.
• 3. Members must maintain good appearance at all times. The following
are required of squad members: a. AT SCHOOL: Members are to abide
by school dress code. On uniform days only the coach specified
uniform pieces are to be worn. NO EXCEPTIONS. See attached
Cheer/Pom coach specified uniform (Appendix A).
• b. AT GAMES: Members wearing anything other than the required
uniform will be subject to benching at the game or subsequent
games as determined by the coach. Hair is to be secured back at
all games and performances. Absolutely no jewelry is permitted.
• 4. Hazing will not be tolerated at any time, including summer camp.
This will be handled according to school policy and the police will be
called. In addition to or in lieu of any action taken by the police or the
school district, appropriate disciplinary action as it relates to
cheer/pom activities will also be taken by the coach.
page 2 in District Contract
• 1. Squad members are expected to stay eligible throughout the year and must
comply with the most current rules on eligibility as published by the OSSAA
except as otherwise modified by the school district. Becoming ineligible will
result in that squad member being benched for all cheer/pom activities
during the week of ineligibility. The week of ineligibility is that period of time
defined by the OSSAA on ineligibility. A determination of who is ineligible is
based exclusively on the most recent eligibility list maintained and prepared
by each school site in accordance with the deadlines and time frames imposed
by the OSSAA under its guidelines and rules to determine a player or
participant eligibility. If a cheer/pom member is ineligible for 4 consecutive
weeks, he/she will be dismissed from the squad.
• 2. Cheer & Pom is considered an elective class during the school day. Each
squad member will receive an academic grade and a physical education credit
for completing a semester. Grades will be determined by participation in
practices and games/events.
Attendance Policy
page 2 of District Policy
• 1. Edmond Public Schools attendance policy will be followed
during class.
• 2. Squad members are required to complete the entire season for
which they are chosen.
• 3. Each member is expected to cover all games and tournaments
for which their squad is responsible.
• 4. Some practices or games may be scheduled over school
holidays and weekends.
• 5. If an athletic event is cancelled or postponed, the cheer & pom
members are to attend the rescheduled event.
Page 3 in District Contract
• 1. Practices are considered the “class” period the participant has cheer or
pom and any additional practices the coach deems necessary outside of the
school day throughout the year. The squad may have additional
evening/weekend practices as necessary to prepare for camp, pep assemblies,
performances, etc.
• 2. Cheer/Pom members are required to attend, to be on time for, and to stay
the entire length of the designated practice time unless excused by the school
coach. Practices will not be planned around those who have jobs, outside
activities, or appointments (i.e., gymnastics, dance, competitive team
activities, doctor appointments). Members will be expected to schedule
around cheer/pom. School cheer/pom takes priority.
Practices con’t
Page 3 in District Contract
• 3. All squad members will adhere to the
Edmond Public Schools dress code and the
OSSAA guidelines during practice and at
school. National Federation Rule: No jewelry is
to be worn and hair is to be secured back.
Cheer/Pom shoes and the coach-designated
uniform must be worn at all times. Any
infraction of these rules set out in this
paragraph will result in benching for a period
of time to be set by the coach.
Game Miss Forms
• Varsity Squad Members:
– Each squad member will receive 2 game misses, one for
each semester. A game miss form must be signed and
turned in 24 hours prior to the event. The coach will
accept a max of 3 game misses per squad for a single
event. This will be granted strictly on a first come, first
serve basis.
• JV & Freshman Squad Members:
– Each squad member will receive 2 game misses for the year.
A game miss form must be signed and turned in 24 hours
prior to the event. The coach will accept a max of 2 game
misses per squad for a single event. This will be granted
strictly on a first come, first serve basis.
Missing a game or event without being excused or without using a game
miss will result in loss of points, demerits, and/or being benched.
Game/Event Misses
page 3 in District Contract
• 1. If a squad member is sick on the day of the event,
a parent needs to notify the coach as soon as
possible so the absence can be excused. In order
for an absence to count as excused, the coach
must be notified of the illness prior to the event.
• 2. Missing a game or event will NOT be an excused
absence unless 24 hour notice is given (please
refer to #3 for what is considered excused).
Being on a squad requires extreme flexibility
and commitment.
Game/Event Misses con’t
page 3 in District Contract
• 3. Each participant will receive 2 free passes for the year
(*1 per semester*) to be used for doctor’s appointment
or vacation (not illness). This pass may be used to miss a
game or event. Parents must complete, sign and give to
the coach prior to the event a written note excusing the
cheerleader/pom. A maximum of three free passes per
team will be accepted by the coach for a single event.
This will be granted on a first-come-first-serve basis.
• 4. Missing a game or event without being excused or
without having used a free pass will result in that
member being benched for the next full game.
• 5. Even if the student is excused from school, a note to
miss an activity must be given
Traveling & Away Games
Page 3 in District Contract and Page 8 ENHS Pom Packet
• 1. For all out-of-town games, squad members must ride
the designated and approved bus and must stay for the
entire game. If a squad member has an excused reason to
be late, he/she may ride with an approved adult to the
game. Squad members may be released to their parents
ONLY after the parent has signed the proper release form
held by the coach. Squad members are NEVER permitted
to ride with students or minors.
• 2. If school transportation is not provided for events
outside the district, the squad will not attend.
• 3. Busses may be provided to summer camp.
Pages 10 & 11 in Pom Packet
• Merit/Demerit requirements are developed by all
school coaches and school administration. All squads
merit/demerits will be handled according to the
information sheet provided within the contract. These
will be explained to each squad member and to each
parent or parent representative at the first cheer/pom
meeting. Merits/Demerits may be issued by any coach
or administrator to any squad member.
Estimated Cost to Participate
Pages 14 & 15 in ENHS Pom Packet
Each Pom member will be responsible for ALL costs associated
with being a member of the Pom squads at Edmond North.
Being a member of Pom can get pricey, so we want everyone
to be fully aware of all expenses that are associated with
Pom. We never want the cost to affect if a participant decides
not to tryout, but we do want you aware of the cost involved.
If you need financial help, the parent groups may offset cost
by organizing and participating in fundraisers if the squad
deems it necessary. Only those members who participate in
the fundraisers will benefit from the profit. If further
financial assistance is needed, please speak to a coach or
administrator to see what other options are available.
Required Dates After Try-outs
Please refer to page 13 for required
dates for all participants who make
the 2013-2014 Pom Squad. These
will also posted on our website
Important Upcoming Events, Dates, and Times
(Appendix D)- Page 17
2012-2013Try-out Application
all colored sheets
• Try-Out Application
– Fill out all information
• T-Shirt , Shorts and CD Order & Money
• Parent/Guardian & Participant Application Signatures
– Please read all small print!!!
• Student/Parent Permission to Participate
• Consent to Medical Care
Try-Out Application (all colored sheets in the cheer/pom
contract) & t-shirt/shorts money are due by 4:00pm on Friday,
March 16th to the front office of Edmond North High School (No
Extra Practices
• Many studios throughout Edmond may
be available for extra practice. Please feel
free to contact them.
• Kim Massey Studio has offered an “open
floor” from 7:30-8:30 each evening of
Clinic Week.
– It is $5 per girl, per night.
These practices are NOT mandatory and do NOT affect tryout scores in
anyway!!! They are only for those candidates who want additional
practice time leading up to tryouts!!!
• Must have Physical & Medical Release form on file
prior to the first day of clinic in order to participate.
• Your tryout application (all colored sheets from the
contract) must be turned in by 4:00 P.M. on Friday,
March 14th to Edmond North’s Front Office!!!
• Make sure to sign the sign-in sheet for this meeting
tonight (both parent/guardian & participant need to sign)
• Thank you for coming and we are so excited for the
2013-2014 Pom tryouts!
Please check our website for the most current information
regarding Edmond North Pom at