David Horseman Jr. BCHS: 55 certified teaching staff 40 will be participating in TPGES Resulting in : 55 Professional growth plans 55 Student growth goals 55 Self-reflections 80 partial observations 40 full observations 120 pre-observation meetings 120 post –observation meetings 40 summative evaluations 40 mid-year conferences (possibly 55 for SGG) Training 55 staff on peer observations Scheduling Student Voice Surveys for 40 staff Mandatory Professional Development Day prior to school starting to complete: Self-reflections Professional growth plans Begin to develop student growth goals Department goals Teacher Work Day in September to complete: Peer observation training (as a district) Peer observers determine dates for conferences and observations (January and February) Finalize any outstanding student growth goals Student voice survey: Block off computer labs for desired times Utilize technology classrooms Determine class period that offers the most access to technology classrooms Bourbon County Certified Evaluation Plan Structure 1 partial observation by administration (Sept./Oct.) 1 partial observation by administration (Nov./Dec.) 1 partial observation by peer observer (Jan./Feb.) 1 full observation by administration (Mar./Apr.) 80 partial observations 40 full observations 120 pre-observation meetings 120 post –observation meetings 40 summative evaluations 40 mid-year conferences (possibly 55 for SGG) Add 120 hours of prep for the post-conference meetings Approximately 400-440 hours of meetings, observation, and prep work Ideas for Efficiency: Use the post-observation meeting in Nov./Dec. to complete: Post conference of partial observation Mid-year review of PGP Mid-year review of SGG Use the post-observation meeting in April to complete: Post conference of full observation Student voice results Final review of SGG Final review of PGP Summative evaluation This may cut down 50-100 hours. That leaves approximately 360 hours of meetings, observation, and prep work Although this will be shared between 3 administrators, this is 9% of allotted time for administration (approximately 3 full weeks of work) Administration has met to determine the following: Which teachers each administrator will observe Dates for observations and conferences (this must be priority and should drive many calendar decisions) Communicate those dates to staff and set up a meeting reminder in their Outlook accounts Setting observations at the beginning of each observation window in case there are cancelations due to weather or emergencies Administrative team must work together to protect each member’s observation and conference times Prioritize your time: Remember that you only have from 8:30-3:30 to complete observations of staff Remember that you only have from 7:45am-4:00pm to complete most of the TPGES requirements with staff Have secretaries screen all calls and take only high priority calls Set as many meetings at the end of the day or before the day starts Delegation: Hire Great People Delegate tasks, follow-up, and monitor Clearly define the roles of your assistants and counselors. Train and manage them. Identify staff that are looking to be administrators. Offer them administrative duties that will help them prepare for interviews and future opportunities. When you are going to be occupied for a long period of time, make sure you have delegated all tasks prior to your obligation so that you can have many things completed while you are unavailable. David Horseman Jr. Email: david.horseman@bourbon.kyschools.us Phone: 859-987-2185