Chicago & New York
Omaha, Ogden, Birmingham,
St. Louis, & Boston
Cash reimbursement for
Type C lunch
83 rd Congress authorized use of
Commodity Credit
Corporation funds
Incorporated into the
Reimbursed schools of HS grade & under for milk served over and above the amounts they normally use
The SMP was made a part of the Child
Nutrition Act
84th Congress extended the program 2 more years & included child-care centers, settlement houses, nursery schools, & summer camps.
Provides milk to children in schools, child care institutions and eligible camps that do not participate in other Federal child nutrition meal service programs. The program reimburses schools and institutions for the milk they serve.
Does not participate in a meal service program under HHFKA
Half-day pre-kindergarten or split session kindergarten programs with no access to meal service
Must operate as a non profit program with tax exempt status – 501(c)(3)
Does not participate in a meal service program under HHFKA
Option 1 - Operate a pricing program with free milk
Option 2 - Operate a pricing program without free milk
Option 3 - Operate a nonpricing program
When local school officials offer free milk under the program to low‐income children, any child from a family that meets income guidelines for free meals is eligible. Each child’s family must apply annually for free milk eligibility.
Option 3 - Operate a nonpricing program
Pricing – means there is a separate charge for milk, so that the purchase of milk is optional . This shall include any such program in which maximum use is made of Program reimbursement payments in lowering or reducing to “zero” wherever possible the price per half pint which children would normally pay for milk per 7CFR§215.2(t).
NonPricing - means program which does not sell milk to children.
This shall include any such program in which children are normally provided milk, along with food and other services, in a school or childcare institution financed by a tuition, boarding, camping or other fee, or by private donations or endowments per 7CFR§215.2(p).
Option 1 - Operate a pricing program with free milk
Under this option, sponsors are reimbursed at the paid rate of
$.1925* cents for half pints of milk served to children who pay for their milk. Sponsors are reimbursed for the actual weighted cost of the milk served to children eligible to receive free milk.
*2012 reimbursement rate
Option 2 - Operate a pricing program without free milk
Under this option, sponsors receive only the paid rate of $. 1925* cents for half pints of milk served to children who pay for their milk. There is no free reimbursement rate .
* 2012 reimbursement rate
Option 3 Operate a nonpricing program
Under this option, sponsors are reimbursed at the paid rate of
$.1925* cents for half pints of milk served free to all enrolled children. Under this option the district absorbs any additional cost beyond the current reimbursement rate.
*2012 reimbursement rate
Reimbursement rate for the 2012-13 school year is .1925 per ½ pint.
Dairy/vendor charges the school .30 cents per ½ pint*
School adds .05 handling fee for administrative/supply costs.
Price = 20 cents per ½ pint after rounding up to the nearest nickel.
Purchase price
School handling fee
.30 (per ½ pint)
Program cost .35
Less reimbursement - .1925
Price Charged
*If more than one price is paid cost is weighted
When submitting your annual renewal application online select
SMP for those schools that will be participating in the SMP.
Contact CDE OSN by email
An online application will be provided
All sponsors must apply annually
SMP sponsors will receive an approval letter by email
Milk must be tracked on a Milk Participation Record form or equivalent.
Milk must be tracked on a Daily Milk Inventory form or equivalent.
At this time, the HHFKA in the SMP, only the milk fat restriction
(fat-free and low-fat milk requirement) applies.
The limit on flavored milk and the milk variety requirement do not apply to the SMP.
All milk should contain vitamins A and D at levels specified by the Food and Drug Administration.
A minimum of 8 ounces of fluid milk must be served.
Follow federal procurement guidelines for purchasing milk and milk supplies
Follow food safety guidelines
Operate the Program as a non-profit milk service
Comply with Civil Rights
Organizations must comply with federal procurement standards
CFR 215.14a; ensuring free and open competition
Contracts exceeding $150,000.00 require formal bid
Price quotes and bids must be documented
Keep records (invoices and/or receipts) of all milk purchases
Follow state and county health regulations
All sponsors must store milk at 40 ° or below
Schools must have a food safety program based on Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles.
Any school or non-profit child care institution that qualifies shall receive the SMP upon their request.
A non-profit milk service is intended to encourage the consumption of milk with all income from the Program used solely for the operation and improvement of the SMP.
Sponsors must ensure that:
There is no physical segregation of or any discrimination against any child because of race, sex, color, national origin, age, or handicap in the course of milk service.
Schools utilizing the “free milk” option, must not overtly identify children receiving free milk benefits.
When different types of milk are served to children, (a) a uniform price for each type of milk served shall be charged to all non-needy children in the school or child-care institution who purchase milk, and (b) needy children shall be given the opportunity to select any type of milk offered.
“And Justice For All Posters” are displayed in the sponsor’s office and where milk is served.
Non discrimination statement including complaint filing information must appear on all materials related to the SMP.
Payments are made to program sponsors for the number of half -pints of milk served each month to eligible children
There is no limit to the number of half -pints each eligible child can receive
Claims are submitted online at the CDE OSN website under online claims and services located at: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdenutritran/nutrionlineclaimsandservices.htm
Claims must be submitted within 60 calendar days of claim month
If providing milk in glasses, use a 10 ounce glass
Submit your application on time!
Keep all records organized and available for review
Submit your claim for reimbursement on time!
The legal size “And Justice for All” poster is 11 X 17 & can be obtained from CDE OSN
Keep all records for a minimum of 3 years plus the current fiscal year
All SMP sponsors will be reviewed a minimum of every 5 years*
The review form used is available on the CDE OSN webpage under Programs/Special Milk Program located at: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdenutritran/nutrimilk.htm
*School milk sponsors should be reviewed during their scheduled
Administrative Review.
Jennifer Otey, Senior Consultant
Colorado Department of Education
Office of School Nutrition
1580 Logan Street, Denver CO 80203
Phone: 303-866-450