Initiatives - Your Ideas Your Initiative

Save the
“Nesho Bonchev”
High school,
• Describing the major issues related to safety on the road and mobility in
Panagyurishte Municpality. Designing posters with the basic problems in the
town and involving non-governmental organizations.
• Risky and Responsible behavior - since a European project started in order to
improve the infrastructure of the town, all of us are familiar with the dangerous
situation in Panagyurishte. So every day the last 5 minutes we are reminded to
watch out passing around the craters and going back home. We take responsible
actions every school day. A volunteer duty patrol is pointed to control the risky
situation around the school. Watch the film!
• Road Safety - Let’s reduce accidents on the road and minimize risk factors!
Discussing the road problems with parents, taking part in a Flashmob, BYRC
demos and policemen’s lectures. Consequently, involving parents in the
activities. Movement is very difficult for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.
• Safety for All – Creating a Facebook page and presenting two presentations
“Green Transport” and
“If you want to be armed, you must be informed!”
• Team A – (8th grade)- We
worked in charge of Road
Safety, Responsible
Behavior, and developed a
TV Advert
• Team B – (9th, 10th grade) –
Risky Behaviour, Safety for
We encouraged different clubs, non-governmental organisations and institutions in
Panagyurishte Municipality to join our initiatives and present them together. We
aqcuainted with the resources and started working together on the following topics Responsible and Risky Behaviour; Road Safety ; Safety for All.
 365 + Acts of Kindness – Many events regarding to the Safety for All are
presented in that Facebook page, where people from all over the world are taking
part and exchange ideas.
 Interact Club – A Flashmob against crazy drivers on the road
 BYRP Bulgarian Youthful Red Cross – A Sketch
 The Youthful Parliament of Panagyurishte Municipality – Some representatives
took part in a discussion on hot topics with a policeman.
 The Stork’s Nest and local media – proposals, articles and reports about the
initiatives and friendly advice to young drivers
Bulgarian Youthful Red
A demonstration in the
school yard and giving
first aid on the road in
case of an accident.
Interact Club
A Flashmob against
crazy drivers on the
Follow our Facebook page to be familiar with all our initiatives
When we were in class, we discussed lots of topics about road
safety and sustainable mobility. The main things we talked
about were that we have to be careful when we are on the
road no matter whether we are travelling by car, bicycle or on
foot. We discussed how we have to cross the road, especially
when it is winter, it is slippery and the vehicles or pedestrians
are dangerous. To avoid accidents and try to make a
difference, we decided to create a film, an exhibition, special
events among citizens and 2 presentations.
To encourage people to save people’s lives.
A School Exhibition “STOP – Save the Child!”
A School Exhibition “Stop - Save the Child”
Having in mind all the traps through the town recently, broken hearts,
hands and legs, students prefer riding a bike to driving a car. They try to
avoid various dangerous situations. Older students made aware the
younger ones with the trafic signs, discussed different dangerous
situations and made sketches in front of them.
We joined the world initiative to show our support. We presented the
articles in the media and went out with burning candles in our hands.
Dear participants in the traffic,
On November 17, 2013 World Day for Memorising Road Victims asks us to remember and
honor the memory of the thousands of people, died with no time on the road because of car
accidents, to express our condolences to their relatives and remember the people who continue
to suffer.
Each month victims of road accidents in our country are more than 700 people, more than 54
of them lost their lives. People with viable options die and they are maimed because of their
own or foreign mistakes. Thousands of years of human life and health are destroyed.
Much of the misery on the road are preventable. Joint activities are necessary for developing a
new culture of safe participation in traffic and formation of public and personal intolerance
against violations of traffic rules that destroy lives and perspectives, bring a huge pain, moral
and material losses.
Today more than ever we need more tolerance, respect, foresight, shared responsibility to
reduce our mistakes that lead to these disasters on the road. Let us fight daily for life and
health to our relatives, to our employees by discouraging them from dangers in traffic. Let's be
a good example for safe participation in traffic as drivers, as pedestrians and passengers for
our children.
To express our gratitude to doctors, police officers, firefighters, to all who fight for the life and
health to the victims.
Let us all with, more vision and purpose to join our forces to protect lives and health of people
in traffic. We believe that together we can save the lives of many people and we can do our
roads safer for all!
November 2013
Writing Competition – The Pros and Cons of Riding a Bike
Due to the fact that Panagyurishte Municipality won a European project, all the
streets are dug up to change the sewage system ( water pipes), they have lots of
traps and create dangerous behaviour to many experienced and non-experienced
drivers. The situation provoked initiating the following event amongst 9
and 10 graders. Pavel Garchev won the competition.
Enjoy the following essay!
Cycling is a new and comfortable way to travel оr for sport. There are more and more cycling
clubs and competitions. Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century and now they number
about one billion worldwide, twice as many as automobiles.
Riding a bike makes you healthier, аnd it saves you more money, because you don't need any
fuel. It's also good for the environment, because it doesn't pollute the air with harmful
emissions. Moreover, it's really good exercise if you don't have enough time for fitness.
However, there are some negative sides to bicycling. There's no guarantee the weather forecast
won't change, so you can't be sure that if it's sunny in the morning, аt the end of the day it'll be
the same. When you're riding a bike you can't wear what you want like skirts or heels, because
it's uncomfortable. Cycling through traffic is really dangerous and it causes lots of accidents
so be careful when you're on the road. Last, but not least, do not forget to put on your
helmet, kneepads and light reflectors.
To conclude, I'm not really a big fan of cycling, but it seems fun if you can’t use your car or
you don't want to pollute your city.
Have fun and stay safe.
Streets are children’s daily environment, in which they move,
interact and grow. In most “developed” cities, children are
increasingly disappearing from the urban scene. They are not
using public space and when they are, it is under the watchful
eye of adults, caretakers and authorities. While there are some
good reasons for this such as concerns over safety and security,
the cost to both the child and urban life is significant.
To encourage people (drivers, riders and pedestrians) to
behave sensibly on the road/ streets, we organised two
encouraging campaigns for citizens and spread leaflets –
Christmas on Wheels and Give a Heart, Give a Martenitsa!
Santa Claus came riding a bike, instead of by sledge. He came to Nesho Bonchev’s
students. His dwarfs-missioners handed out hundreds of stickers, encouraging
the drivers to drive slowly and safe people’s lives. The cars on the car parks next
to the Billa market, the Polyclinics, The Court and close to the schools were
decorated with these “Christmas gifts”. After handing out the stickers, we
enjoyed our Christmas holiday.
Let's make our mission reality and join the demonstration! Good luck!
Students contributed handmade brochures tied up with
martenitsi and showed their responsible behaviour and
initiated tolerance on the road. The brochure says that all
participants in the traffic must follow the rules and get
some advices.
On the 28 February (the day of contributing the brochures)A Prevention Day for Safety Roads, students passed
through the busy streets and the places with lots traffic
congestions to hand in the special ”martenitsi”. The aim of
the event was to prevent traffic accidents and take care for
all participants in the traffic.
The majority of fatal accidents amongst youths occur in the following scenarios: at weekend
nights, on a trip home after a social event, in an accident involving loss of control of the
vehicle. These are the reasons why we invited members of BYRC to present a First aid
demonstration, police officers to discuss the traffic issues and members of Interact for our
If you want to be armed, you must be informed!
Distributing the presentation about young drivers in 5 primary schools and 5 kindergartens
Playing games
A creative way to initiate responsible behaviour
among younger or older students
• We joined non-governmental organizations.
• Our mission “Save Yourself, Save the Others” is
transmitted in our community successfully and made
active our civil society.
• Our activities are common in the local media, local TV,
local websites and newspapers, Internet, Facebook page,
kindergartens and schools in our district.
• We will continue to disseminate our knowledge and
encourage people around us to save themselves and other
people’s lives.
• We developed a film and a TV advert