Fort Saskatchewan Boundary Review New K-9 School Elk Island Public Schools 2014-2015 What is a boundary review? ● A boundary review is a process by which the division reviews school boundaries to determine the best possible use of facilities and programming. ● This review has been identified as a priority by the Board of Trustees in preparation for the new K-9 school being built in Fort Saskatchewan. Purpose of the boundary review ● To create a school boundary for the new K-9 school opening in Fort Saskatchewan. ● To determine the best possible use of facilities and programming. ● To ensure facilities and resources are used efficiently for the maximum benefit of students. ● To create transportation efficiencies (number of buses, bus capacity, and ride times) where possible. Schools Potentially Impacted ● Fort Saskatchewan Elementary (K-6) ● James Mowat Elementary (K-6) ● Win Ferguson Elementary (K-6) ● Rudolph Hennig Junior High (7-9) Schools Not Impacted in the Boundary Review ● École Parc Élémentaire (K-6) ● Fort Saskatchewan Christian (K-9) ● Fort Saskatchewan High (10-12) ● Next Step Senior High – Fort Saskatchewan (10-12) ● Surrounding schools in Strathcona County or Lamont County Fort Saskatchewan Boundary Map – Current Elementary Schools (urban area) Fort Saskatchewan Boundary Map – Current Elementary Schools (rural area) Fort Saskatchewan Boundary Map – Current Junior High Schools (urban area) Fort Saskatchewan Boundary Map – Current Junior High Schools (rural area) Fort Saskatchewan Boundary Map – Current Senior High Schools Working Assumptions ● Recommendations that are brought to the Board will not increase the division’s operating costs. ● Board approved recommendations resulting from this project will be implemented once the new school opens – scheduled for September 2016. ● EIPS encourages families to enroll their children at their designated school as all schools in the division provide quality educational programming. ● Through the boundary exemption process, the division recognizes some individual student needs may be best addressed at a non-designated school. Working Assumptions (con’t) Any boundary changes will: ● Not cause schools to exceed their optimal enrolment limits (OEL) nor be impacted by significant declines in enrolment. ● Where possible, direct busing of students will be favoured. In Scope What will change: ● Attendance boundaries What might change: ● Busing routes ● School start and finish times ● Location of EIPS System Special Education Programs Out of Scope What will not change: ● Location of the EIPS French Immersion program (École Parc Élémentaire). ● Location of Alternative Christian and Next Step Outreach programs. ● No Fort Saskatchewan schools will be closed as a result of this boundary review. How are we going to do this important work? ● Sharing information and gathering feedback through school council meetings and an online survey (Phase 1 of public consultation). ● Presenting boundary map options at Open Houses to gather public feedback through a paper and online survey (Phase 2 of public consultation). ● Bringing forward a recommendation to the Board for their consideration. Who will be making the decisions? ● The Board of Trustees is responsible for making the final decision on the recommendations. ● The Board will be observing the consultation process and will be updated frequently. ● The Board will be using a sustainable decisionmaking model. Sustainable Decision-Making Model *Adapted from © International Association of Public Participation Project Timeline January-February 2015 ● Gathering input from school community members at school council meetings. ● Interested staff, parents, and community members provide input through an online survey. ● Gathering naming suggestions for the new school. February-March ● Reviewing the information collected at school council meetings and posting a summary on the division website. ● Redrawing boundary lines, reviewing transportation implications, and developing options. Project Timeline (con’t) March-April ● Open Houses: presenting best options and key information for public feedback and receiving feedback on the strengths and challenges of each option. ● Gathering community feedback on shortlisted school name suggestions. May ● Analysis of all information and feedback collected. ● Refining of boundary options as required. June 2015 ● Recommendation of new boundaries is presented to the Board of Trustees. Enrolment and Optimal Enrolment Limits of Potentially Affected EIPS Schools (2013/2014 Numbers) School Enrolment (14-15) Alberta Infrastructure Capacity (Feb 2014) Optimal Enrolment Limit (OEL) (15-16) Fort Saskatchewan Elementary (K-6) 401 400 380 James Mowat Elementary (K-6) 355 379 400 Win Ferguson Elementary (K-6) 471 416 380 Rudolph Hennig Junior High (7-9) 432 620 500 New School (K-9) Opening capacity of 500 So… we’re looking for your input Phase 1 of public consultation In Redrawing Boundary Lines Criteria to be considered: ● Keeping communities and sub-divisions together; ● Length of bus rides times, number of buses, and associated costs; ● Use major roads and highways as natural breaks, where possible; ● Physical proximity to school; ● Maintaining a feeder school framework, where possible. Your Input ● As we continue our work in redrawing Fort Saskatchewan boundary lines, what things would you like us not to lose sight of? ● Do we need to add/remove any criteria we will use to draft new boundary map options? ● Are there any other considerations? ● Naming suggestions for the new school. Next Steps EIPS will: ● Analyze feedback gathered during this first phase of the process – online survey. ● Shortlist new school name suggestions. ● Begin to redraw boundary lines and explore options. ● Circulate map options and naming suggestions for further feedback as part of the second phase of the consultation – open houses. ● Recommendations will go to the Board at the June 2015 public meeting. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!