Boundary Review PPT - Win Ferguson Elementary

Fort Saskatchewan
Boundary Review
New K-9 School
Elk Island Public Schools
What is a boundary review?
● A boundary review is a process by which the
division reviews school boundaries to determine
the best possible use of facilities and
● This review has been identified as a priority by the
Board of Trustees in preparation for the new
K-9 school being built in Fort Saskatchewan.
Purpose of the boundary review
● To create a school boundary for the new K-9
school opening in Fort Saskatchewan.
● To determine the best possible use of facilities and
● To ensure facilities and resources are used
efficiently for the maximum benefit of students.
● To create transportation efficiencies (number of
buses, bus capacity, and ride times) where
Schools Potentially Impacted
● Fort Saskatchewan Elementary (K-6)
● James Mowat Elementary (K-6)
● Win Ferguson Elementary (K-6)
● Rudolph Hennig Junior High (7-9)
Schools Not Impacted in the Boundary Review
● École Parc Élémentaire (K-6)
● Fort Saskatchewan Christian (K-9)
● Fort Saskatchewan High (10-12)
● Next Step Senior High – Fort Saskatchewan
● Surrounding schools in Strathcona County or
Lamont County
Fort Saskatchewan Boundary Map – Current
Elementary Schools (urban area)
Fort Saskatchewan Boundary Map – Current
Elementary Schools (rural area)
Fort Saskatchewan Boundary Map – Current
Junior High Schools (urban area)
Fort Saskatchewan Boundary Map – Current
Junior High Schools (rural area)
Fort Saskatchewan Boundary Map – Current
Senior High Schools
Working Assumptions
Recommendations that are brought to the Board will
not increase the division’s operating costs.
Board approved recommendations resulting from this
project will be implemented once the new school opens
– scheduled for September 2016.
EIPS encourages families to enroll their children at their
designated school as all schools in the division provide
quality educational programming.
Through the boundary exemption process, the division
recognizes some individual student needs may be best
addressed at a non-designated school.
Working Assumptions (con’t)
Any boundary changes will:
● Not cause schools to exceed their optimal
enrolment limits (OEL) nor be impacted by
significant declines in enrolment.
● Where possible, direct busing of students will be
In Scope
What will change:
● Attendance boundaries
What might change:
● Busing routes
● School start and finish times
● Location of EIPS System Special Education
Out of Scope
What will not change:
● Location of the EIPS French Immersion program
(École Parc Élémentaire).
● Location of Alternative Christian and Next Step
Outreach programs.
● No Fort Saskatchewan schools will be closed as a
result of this boundary review.
How are we going to do this important work?
● Sharing information and gathering feedback
through school council meetings and an online
survey (Phase 1 of public consultation).
● Presenting boundary map options at Open Houses
to gather public feedback through a paper and
online survey (Phase 2 of public consultation).
● Bringing forward a recommendation to the Board
for their consideration.
Who will be making the decisions?
● The Board of Trustees is responsible for making
the final decision on the recommendations.
● The Board will be observing the consultation
process and will be updated frequently.
● The Board will be using a sustainable decisionmaking model.
Sustainable Decision-Making Model
*Adapted from © International Association of Public Participation
Project Timeline
January-February 2015
● Gathering input from school community members at
school council meetings.
● Interested staff, parents, and community members provide
input through an online survey.
● Gathering naming suggestions for the new school.
● Reviewing the information collected at school council
meetings and posting a summary on the division website.
● Redrawing boundary lines, reviewing transportation
implications, and developing options.
Project Timeline (con’t)
● Open Houses: presenting best options and key
information for public feedback and receiving feedback on
the strengths and challenges of each option.
● Gathering community feedback on shortlisted school
name suggestions.
● Analysis of all information and feedback collected.
● Refining of boundary options as required.
June 2015
● Recommendation of new boundaries is presented to the
Board of Trustees.
Enrolment and Optimal Enrolment Limits of Potentially
Affected EIPS Schools (2013/2014 Numbers)
(Feb 2014)
Enrolment Limit
(OEL) (15-16)
Fort Saskatchewan
Elementary (K-6)
James Mowat Elementary
Win Ferguson Elementary
Rudolph Hennig Junior High
New School (K-9)
capacity of 500
we’re looking for your input
Phase 1 of public consultation
In Redrawing Boundary Lines
Criteria to be considered:
Keeping communities and sub-divisions together;
Length of bus rides times, number of buses, and
associated costs;
Use major roads and highways as natural breaks,
where possible;
Physical proximity to school;
Maintaining a feeder school framework, where
Your Input
● As we continue our work in redrawing Fort
Saskatchewan boundary lines, what things would
you like us not to lose sight of?
● Do we need to add/remove any criteria we will use
to draft new boundary map options?
● Are there any other considerations?
● Naming suggestions for the new school.
Next Steps
EIPS will:
Analyze feedback gathered during this first phase of
the process – online survey.
Shortlist new school name suggestions.
Begin to redraw boundary lines and explore options.
Circulate map options and naming suggestions for
further feedback as part of the second phase of the
consultation – open houses.
Recommendations will go to the Board at the June
2015 public meeting.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you!