Quality Rating and Improvement System PPT

Embedding the Early Brain & Child
Development Framework into Quality
Rating and Improvement Systems
Meeting Name
Presenter Name
Overview of Quality Rating and
Improvement Systems (QRIS)
• Organized way for a state to assess, improve and
communicate the quality of early childhood
education (ECE) programs to families
• A QRIS defines standards for incremental levels of
quality across a range of categories and
establishes systems for rating, supporting and
improving the quality of ECE programs
• A voluntary, market-driven approach designed to
incentivize engagement in continuous quality
* 25+ states have a statewide QRIS
Objectives for QRIS
• Recognize the quality of early childhood
programs being offered
• Build and sustain high quality early
childhood programs
• Inform parents about the quality of early
childhood programs
A Comprehensive Approach to
ECE Quality Improvement
1) Standards defining progressive levels of quality
with ratings using simple symbols (e.g. stars)
2) Program and Practitioner Support (e.g.
professional development/ training)
3) Parent/Consumer Education
4) Financial Incentives (e.g. mini grants, tax
incentives, increased child care subsidies, reduced
licensing fees)
Why is QRIS an Important State
Policy Method for Advancing Early Brain and
Child Development (EBCD)?
• QRIS is a systems approach to early learning and
• QRIS can provide early childhood programs and
practitioners with, or link to, training and outside
resources, such as:
• Promotion of healthy child development
• Preventing the harmful impact of environmental
Key Elements of QRIS in (YOUR STATE)
• Name of QRIS in your state, and date of
implementation or planning status
• Relevant areas of standards
• Types of program support
• Types of financial incentives
Key Approaches for Embedding
EBCD in the QRIS
• Focus on social-emotional development
– Require training on SED and SED screening
– Screening requirements should include:
• Training on how to screen
• Support for providers and parents when screens
are positive
– Consider evaluating a subscore of Environmental
Rating Scale (ERS) components that focus on SED
– Provide mental health consultation as core
program support
QRIS Opportunities to Promote EBCD
• Focus on links to community resources,
communication across systems and
communication with, and referral to, medical
• Focus on parent education and support in the
early childhood setting
• Focus on promoting caregiver wellness
– Look for incentives and ways to prevent caregiver
More Opportunities for Embedding
EBCD in the QRIS
• Focus on standards and support that build
positive, stable relationships between
teachers and children
• Focus on helping children make friends
Examples from State QRIS:
Training/Professional Development
Arizona (Quality First)
Programs can obtain a higher star rating if they participate in
training on the state’s Early Learning Standards and InfantToddler Developmental Guidelines, that both include a focus
on social-emotional development.
Wisconsin (Youngstar)
To obtain optional QRIS points under the health and wellness
category: “at least 50% of lead teachers/director must
participate in Strengthening Families” training (researchbased skills training focused on helping providers promote
child social emotional development and prevent child
Examples from State QRIS:
Standards and Support for Screening
Maryland (Excels)
All programs must: “Conduct developmental screenings on all
children (0-5) within 45 days of enrollment and at scheduled
intervals as determined by MD State Dept of Ed.”
To reach Level 2, program staff must: “…observe children for
developmental progress using developmental checklists.”
Louisiana (Quality Start)
All centers are supported with training on SED screening.
To obtain 4 points and advance to a higher star rating, programs
must: “Complete screening for social-emotional development
(with an instrument from a recommended list) for all children (05) within 45 calendar days of enrollment and annually
Examples from State QRIS:
Family/Parent Engagement
Louisiana (Quality Start)
Programs receive 4 points toward a higher level if, after
conducting a complete screening for social-emotional
development for all children (0-5), if they: “Conference with
parents to review results and provide a list of community
Arkansas (Better Beginnings)
For Level 1 rating, a program must: “Share with families
information on child development and children’s health. “
States Provide Mental Health
Consultation as Core QRIS Program Support
Louisiana (Quality Start)
QRIS has a very intentional focus on mental health and SED. Each center
receives at least 12 visits (5-6 hours each) over a 6 month period from a
mental health consultant who is trained to:
• Promote the social and emotional health of children
• Support teachers’ promotion of healthy child development in the
classroom setting
– Work with teachers on strategies for working effectively with parents
– Refer children for treatment (e.g. early intervention) and/or design specific inclassroom interventions for young children exhibiting challenging behaviors
Arizona (Quality First)
State QRIS agency assigns each participating program a child care health
consultant and has mental health consultants available to assist with child
Social-Emotional Importance
Kindergarten teachers rate motivation and social
emotional skills as more important to school
success than being able to read upon entering
(National Institute of Early Education Research, 2008)
“While important, cognitive abilities are not as
powerful a package as cognitive skills and social
emotional skills—defined as attentiveness,
perseverance, impulse control and sociability.”
(James Heckmann, Economist & Nobel Laureate, 2011)
A World of Opportunity:
Where Can We Go?
• Assess current opportunities
• Can we add and/or improve standards?
• Can we provide and share resources/education to
inform QRIS about what technical assistance
mechanisms to embed?
• Can we define a common vision?
• Who needs to be part of the discussion?
What are We Building?
Successful Parenting of Next Generation
© 2011, Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
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• Contact Name
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• Chapter Web link