22 September 2014 Welcome to the DGII - Democracy Open Doors Day Snežana Samardžić-Marković, Director General www.coe.int/democracy DGII Open Doors Day DGII Open Doors Day 22 September 2014 Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Marja Ruotanen, Director Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Marja RUOTANEN, Director European Committee for Social Cohesion, Human Dignity and Equality (CDDECS) Equality and Human Dignity Department …………………. Anti-Discrimination and Social Cohesion Department María OCHOA-LLIDÓ Equality Liri KOPACI - DI MICHELE Michèle AKIP European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) Stephanos STAVROS Partial Agreement on the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) Giusi PAJARDI Gender Equality Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM)) Michèle AKIP Sport Stanislas FROSSARD Trafficking in Human Beings and Violence against Women Petya NESTOROVA European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML) Thorsten AFFLERBACH Sport Conventions Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) Violence against Women (GREVIO) Social Cohesion and Rights of people with disabilities Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) Children’s Rights Regína JENSDÓTTIR Children’s Rights Policies Coordination = Partial Agreement Sexual violence (Lanzarote Convention) DGII Open Doors Day 22 September 2014 Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings Petya Nestorova Executive Secretary of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings www.coe.int/trafficking trafficking@coe.int Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Trafficking in Human Beings Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Trafficking in Human Beings Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Trafficking in Human Beings Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Trafficking in Human Beings DGII Open Doors Day 22 September 2014 Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Preventing Violence against Women and Domestic Violence: the Istanbul Convention Johanna Nelles Head of Unit Violence against Women conventionviolence@coe.int www.coe.int/conventionviolence Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Violence against Women and Domestic Violence Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Violence against Women and Domestic Violence Who is covered by the Istanbul Convention ? age Women and girls race etc. migrant status social origin sexual orientation religion Other victims of domestic violence men children the elderly etc. Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Violence against Women and Domestic Violence What is set out in the Istanbul Convention ? PREVENTION PROTECTION Convention on violence against women and domestic violence PROSECUTION MONITORING INTEGRATED POLICIES 13 Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Violence against Women and Domestic Violence Monitoring ► independent group of experts (GREVIO) ► report-based procedure ► possibility of country visits ► country-specific and general recommendations ► reception of information from NGOs, national parliaments and bodies under other international instruments DGII Open Doors Day 22 September 2014 Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse Gioia Scappucci Secretary to the Lanzarote Committee Gioia.scappucci@coe.int Tel: + 33 (0)3 90 21 4432 www.coe.int/children, www.coe.int/lanzarote Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Protection of children against sexual violence Protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse WHAT WE KNOW About 1 in 5 children in Europe are victims of some form of sexual violence In 70% to 85% of cases, the abuser is somebody the child knows and trusts OUR RESPONSE Set common standards and objectives → L a n z a r o t e C o n v e n t i o n 32 States parties to date; open for accession by any country Raise awareness: One in Five Campaign (KIKO + The Underwear Rule) Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Protection of children against sexual violence THE LANZAROTE CONVENTION: a comprehensive human rights treaty P r e v e n t sexual violence (in all settings) P r o t e c t the rights of child victim (including by ensuring access to child friendly justice) P r o s e c u t e the perpetrators (including when crime is committed abroad) P r o m o t e national and international co-operation In achieving the above “4Ps”, the well-being & best interest of any child should be upheld without any discrimination & children’s views should be taken into account. Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Protection of children against sexual violence THE LANZAROTE COMMITTEE: a twofold role 1. MONITORING Thematic monitoring: 1st round on protection of children against sexual abuse in the circle of trust (2014-2017) All Parties participating in the monitoring round are assessed simultaneously (not on a country-by-country basis) Representatives of civil society contribute Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality Protection of children against sexual violence THE LANZAROTE COMMITTEE: a twofold role 2. INFORMATION SHARING Capacity building and exchange of good practices: - Study visits (Reykjavik, 2012 and INTERPOL HQ, 2015) - International Conferences (Rome, 2012 and Madrid, 2013) Adoption of General comments and opinions: - Opinion on “grooming” DGII Open Doors Day 22 September 2014 Directorate of Democratic Governance Claudia Luciani, Director Directorate of Democratic Governance Mission statement Democratic Institutions o Ensuring implementation of standards by Member States o Trying to bridge the gaps o Looking for innovative approaches Democratic Culture o Citizens as protagonist of our everyday environment o Diversity as a resource Directorate of Democratic Governance What we do Democratic Institutions o o o o o CDDG Centre of expertise for local government reform Elections INGO – civil society World Forum for Democracy Democratic Culture o o o o Culture, heritage, landscape, biodiversity Intercultural Cities Digital Platform Partial agreements (Eurimages, Cultural Routes, EUR-OPA, Centre Nord-Sud) Directorate of Democratic Governance Democratic Governance – Organisation chart Directorate of Democratic Governance Challenges Closer to Member States Implement recommendations of SG’s report Our partners o National and local authorities o EU, OSCE, UN, … o Civil society, media, business Digital Keys DGII Open Doors Day 22 September 2014 Directorate of Democratic Governance Civil Society Jutta Gützkow Head of Civil Society Division jutta.gutzkow@coe.int www.coe.int/ngo Directorate of Democratic Governance Civil Society Division Support to Civil Society WHAT do we want to achieve ? Democracy - Enabling environment for NGOs - Interaction between NGOs, government and parliament Directorate of Democratic Governance Civil Society Division Support to civil society WHY the Council of Europe ? The Council of Europe - has the standards - unites all stake holders + the beneficiary countries are members Directorate of Democratic Governance Civil Society Division Support to civil society HOW do we do it? Example: Immediate Measures Package for Ukraine - State Registration Service - Platform for dialogue, consultation and co-operation Example: Co-operation with the EU in the Eastern Partnership countries Directorate of Democratic Governance Civil Society Division Support to civil society CHALLENGES ahead Report of the Secretary General on the State of Democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Europe - Threats to political freedoms DGII Open Doors Day 22 September 2014 Directorate of Democratic Governance Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform Alina TATARENKO, Deputy Head Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform Tel: +33.3. 88 41 2847 Alina.Tatarenko@coe.int www.coe.int/local Directorate of Democratic Governance Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform Assisting central and local governments Assisting central authorities Assisting local governments Capacity building programmes Legal assistance programmes (decentralisation, governance) Innovative tools (13) Preparation of reforms Advice on legislation Leadership Public ethics Performance management Human resource management etc Directorate of Democratic Governance Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform Current Activities • • • • • • • • Ukraine Malta Spain Armenia Georgia Moldova Albania Other CoE member states • Peer reviews • New tools: C2C • Strategy Directorate of Democratic Governance Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform Challenges High demand Support multi-level governance reforms at central level States outside of Europe DGII - Journée portes ouvertes 22 septembre 2014 Direction de la Gouvernance Démocratique Assistance électorale et recensement M. François Friederich, Chef de division francois.friederich@coe.int http://www.coe.int/electoral-assistance Direction de la Gouvernance démocratique Assistance électorale et recensement « Rapport sur l’état de la Démocratie, des Droits de l’Homme et de l’Etat de Droit en Europe » • Assurer une administration électorale professionnelle • Garantir l’impartialité de l’administration publique et des médias • Réduire l’inégalité des sexes et le faible taux de participation des minorités • Des observateurs locaux de qualité Direction de la Gouvernance démocratique Assistance électorale et recensement Le Conseil de l’Europe et les élections • Normes • Observation • Assistance électorale Direction de la Gouvernance démocratique Assistance électorale et recensement Les Activités de la DGII RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITES Formations des acteurs électoraux Juges, médias, observateurs civiques, CEC … SENSIBILISATION Participation des femmes électrices et candidates Futurs électeurs et primo-votants Direction de la Gouvernance démocratique Assistance électorale et recensement Les défis à venir • Aller au-delà de l’assistance pré-électorale ? • Impliquer de nouveaux acteurs des processus électoraux ? DGII Open Doors Day – 22 September 2014 Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation Jean-Christophe Bas, Director Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation Youth & Education Where the Council of Europe’s Mission Starts Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation Preparing the emerging generation: • • • To become Responsible and Engaged European Citizens Who Advocates Human Rights Participate fully in today’s Diverse Democracies DGII Open Doors Day – 22 September 2014 Education for Democracy Villano Qiriazi, Head of Division http://www.coe.int/education Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation Education for Democracy Sharing common understanding • Public Responsibility Steering Body CDPPE • Access to Quality Education CoE Priorities: • Right to Education • Democratic Culture Policy Design Policy impleme ntation Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation Education for Democracy Cooperation areas & instruments • Citizenship education • Human rights education • History teaching • Languages • Quality education • Access/Recognition • Teacher development • European Cultural Convention • Lisbon Recognition Convention • EDC/HRE Charter • CM Recommendations Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation Education for Democracy Adressing emerging issues • Forms of corruption – Admission – Examinations – Private tutoring – Teachers misconduct – Diploma mills – Accreditation • ETINED – Open Pan-European Platform • Develop Instruments/tools • Share existing practices/resources • Take further global action Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation Education for Democracy Adapting policies to countries’ needs • Controversial issues • Social Media • Bullying • Open Educational resources • Piloting EDC/HRE Charter – – – – Ownership Direct Impact Networking Regional cooperation – Continuous learning DGII Open Doors Day – 22 September 2014 Youth Participation - Engagement Rui Gomes, Head of Division Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation Youth: Participation - Engagement Enter! • Addressing social Access to social exclusion, discrimination rights for all young and violence people • Innovating youth work and youth policy • Reaching young people locally • Combating apathy • Upholding social human rights Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation Youth: Participation - Engagement • Training youth workers • Local projects reaching 30.000 young people • Enhancing youth policy responses at national and local level • Promoting human-rights based youth policies • Congress • Open Society Foundations • Local authorities Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation Youth: Participation - Engagement Peace-building • Conflict transformation Intercultural • Empowering young people dialogue as change-makers • Responding to crisis and armed conflicts • Dialogue with neighbouring regions • Supporting vulnerable youth groups Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation Youth: Participation - Engagement • • • • Youth Peace Ambassadors Youth Peace Camp Intercultural and Dialogue Fora Supporting young people caught in conflict • Restoring confidence • Supporting young refugees, IDPs, asylum-seekers • Field offices; UNHCR, Regional actors 22 September 2014 Thank you ! Snežana Samardžić-Marković, Director General www.coe.int/democracy