Welcome to Roswell High School Band Mr. Mark Adams Director of Bands 2014-2015 Registration Packet Roswell High School Bands Welcome to a part of high school that not all students have the opportunity to experience. I am Jane Quinn, President of the Roswell High School Band Booster Association (RHSBBA). Your child’s participation in this distinguished organization will be an enjoyable and rewarding experience as will your involvement in the RHSBBA. Welcome Dear Parents and Students, Under the direction of Mr. Mark Adams, The Roswell High Band consistently exceeds a performance standard of excellence while providing each student with an opportunity for growth. It is our goal that your student feels positive of his or her participation and sees themselves as an integral contributor to the overall success of their band program. Every member is important and will make a difference to the entire band! Some of the information presented will touch on auditions for class placement, rehearsals, operational support, camps and competitions. It is common to have questions beyond these topics, and please consider me your resource for any details I can provide. The success of the Roswell High School Band depends on the loyalty, cooperation and dedication of each and every student and parent member. In turn, I and the entire RHSBBA pledge to support and guide your band student to exceed any expectations that our members, school and community hold. I look forward to meeting with you, and look forward to your participation in the 2014-2015 Roswell High Band. Sincerely, Jane Quinn RHSBBA President 2014 notplainjane11@gmail.com 2 Roswell High School Bands The Bands of Roswell High School page 4 • The Hornet Swarm Marching Band page 5 • Roswell High School Band Booster Association (RHSBBA) page 6 • RHSBBA Budget page 7 • Parent Operational Payment page 9 • Dues & Operational Payment Schedule page 10 • Parent Participation page 11 • Fundraising page 12 • Communications page 13 • Calendar Overview page 14 Table of Contents • 3 Roswell High School Bands The Concert Band meets as a year-long class. Membership consists of students not in symphonic band or wind ensemble. An audition is not required for this course. The focus is engagement of level II to IV concert band literature. Performances include 3 to 4 concerts during the school year. The Concert Band may be selected to participate in the GMEA Performance Evaluation Festival and possible spring trip festival. Individual achievement is emphasized through participation in All-State Band auditions, All-County Band and Orchestra Auditions, and Solo & Ensemble Performance Evaluation Festival. Symphonic The Symphonic Band meets as a year-long class. Membership is attained by audition only. The focus is engagement of level IV to V concert band literature. Performances include 3 to 4 concerts during the school year, participation in the GMEA Performance Evaluation Festival, and possible spring trip festival. Individual achievement is emphasized through participation in All-State Band auditions, All-County Band and Orchestra Auditions, and Solo & Ensemble Performance Evaluation Festival. Wind Ensemble The Wind Ensemble meets as a year-long class. Membership is attained by audition only. The focus is engagement of level V to VI concert band literature. Performances include 3 to 4 concerts during the school year, participation in the GMEA Performance Evaluation Festival and a possible spring trip festival. Individual achievement is emphasized through participation in All-State Band auditions, All-County Band and Orchestra auditions, and Solo & Ensemble Performance Evaluation Festival. The Bands of RHS Concert Band Percussion Ensemble The Percussion Ensemble meets on a year-long basis during the daily band classes. Two days per week, the percussion students are pulled out of band class o receive more focused and specialized percussion instruction. This allows the students to enhance their skills and perform percussion ensemble music as a class group. The Percussion Ensembles will performances include local and regional events. Students who are percussionists in concert band will be placed in their own percussion class. Roswell High School Marching Band The RHS Marching Band: An extracurricular activity that is open to any of the students who are in one of the daily RHS band classes: Wind Ensemble, Symphonic, or Concert Bands or are enrolled in orchestra or chorus and meet with the director of bands prior to the beginning of the season. The RHS Marching Band includes the Fall Color Guard. The Fall Color Guard The Fall Color Guard is an extracurricular activity that performs along with the RHS Hornet Marching Band at football games, parades, community events and competitions. Membership is open to all RHS students. The season runs from June through mid-November. Auditions for the Fall Color Guard are held in April for the coming marching season. 4 Roswell High School Bands Name: The Hornet Swarm Marching Band Competitions: 3 competitions, 1 exhibition, and 2 parades per year all on Saturdays. Mandatory for all Marching Band members. Marching Band Pre-Camp: Held at RHS July 21st – July 25th 2014. Location TBA. These rehearsals focus on orientation, marching fundamentals, indoor music rehearsals, team building and uniform fitting. Mandatory for all Marching Band members. RHS Marching Band and Color Guard Camp: July 27th – July 31st at Reinhardt University in Waleska, GA. Mandatory for All RHS Marching Band and Color Guard members. This off-campus 5-day sleep-away camp is where the students will concentrate on learning the season's marching show. Since the students will be staying at the camp, the rehearsals will run from early morning to late night. No organized transportation to Reinhardt, please make own arrangements RHS Marching Band Camp payment: $345.00/student due by uniform fitting on June 1st. Payment in full must be received before marching band camp. Marching Band Information Time Commitment: July through mid-November. (Longer if football team goes to playoffs.) The Hornet Swarm performs at ALL RHS varsity football games, community parades and events, and marching band competitions. After School Rehearsals: Mondays from 4:00-5:15 Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:15 PM until 6:30 PM. Fridays- football game day, after school rehearsal in the RHS Football Stadium that starts at 4:00 PM. More details about the RHS Marching Band 2014-2015 will be sent to you via email and/or your child though school. 5 Roswell High School Bands *** All Band Parents & Students are automatically members of the RHSBBA *** RHSBBA The RHS Band Boosters Association (RHSBBA) is a non-profit volunteer parent organization that serves the RHS staff and students by providing the financial and volunteer support needed to maintain a high achieving organization to enhance & enrich the student’s educational and performance experience. 6 Roswell High School Bands What is the Operational Budget? • The absolute bare essentials; no frills; minimum expenses to operate a successful/competitive bands program beyond basic district provisions. • Developed using a bottoms-up approach, zero-dollar base, assessing specific program needs. • Two-Thirds of our expenses are incurred August – November. • Cash flow is closely managed with payments made on schedule. RHSBBA Budget RHSBBA Operational Budget and Enrichment Budget The Operational Budget is funded by YOUR RHSBBA memberships (your cost and fundraising) RHSBBA 2014-2015 Operating Budget Category Clinician Expense Equipment Miscellaneous Music Performance Fees Reserves Support Services Transportation, Travel, Camp Uniforms Grand Total Total Expense 33,960 8,700 2,248 9,100 765 6,948 7,225 40,745 4,200 113,890 7 Roswell High School Bands • Provides band program enhancement items considered “not essential” but important to greatly enrich and grow the program beyond normal operations. • The Enrichment budget is funded by a percentage of the (your) fundraising, RHS Band Sponsors, and business contributions. RHSBBA Budget What is the Enrichment Budget? 8 Roswell High School Bands $150.00 which includes: • Tux/dress rental • Dry-cleaning The Operational cost for Marching Band (additional from In-School bands) • Operational Cost $300.00 which includes Marching Band Uniform rental Additional Costs for uniform and props: (are subject to change) • Marching Band Camp $345.00 due in June • Marching band shoes $40.00 (one time purchase unless size change) • Marching band white gloves • Marching band “Show” T-shirt (additional one) • New props for 2014 Show $30.00 • Marching Band Total for 1st Year is about $825.00 Most parents and students are able to pay for Operational Cost and RHS Band trips through fundraising. CHARMS Office Assistance is IMPORTANT! Parent Operational Payment The Operational cost for In-School Bands The RHSBBA keeps ALL of your account information on the CHARMS Office Assistance www.charmsoffice.com . This is different from the RHS Band website. What is CHARMS? • It is Cloud-based financial/office system which keeps the RHSBBA’s • Finances • Calendar of events • Forms • Documents • You will be sent a login with instructions in May. • You MUST Register and fill out the information on the CHARMS website! • Questions? Sonia Morgan at mccurleymorgan@gmail.com 9 Roswell High School Bands $ 345 $ 300 Additional Costs for uniforms & props pay at time of purchase Band Class $ 150 $150 due 2/1/2015 **Spring Trip (rate subject to change) $3,000 Payment schedule provided separately $345 due 6/1/2014 $200 due 7/1/2014 $100 due 11/1/2014 *First 60 families to pay Marching Band dues in full receive a 2014 RHS home Football Games Parking Pass. **All Marching Band, Camp, and Class dues must be paid, in full, before Spring Trip departure. No exceptions. PAYMENT METHODS Cash or Checks Make Checks payable to “RHSBBA” unless otherwise instructed Deposit in green safe located at the entrance of the band room or mail to the address shown below. • Note student name and payment purpose in the memo section of the check and/or on the deposit envelope. • On-line payments via PayPal Convenience fee applies. See www.roswellband.com • CHARMS Student Credit Transfer Email Sonia Morgan @ mccurleymorgan@gmail.com Important – Cash deposit discrepancies are not the responsibility of the RHSBBA. Losses are at the risk of the student/parent. Check or Card payments preferred. Dues & Operational Payment Schedule Marching Band Band Camp (includes pre-camp) *Marching Band Roswell High School Band Boosters Association “RHSBBA” 885 Woodstock Road, STE 430-144 Roswell, GA 30075 10 Roswell High School Bands To continue our quality band program, it takes all families working together and volunteering their time and talents. Volunteer Opportunities for In-School Bands and Marching Band Events Chaperones: Volunteers are needed to chaperone all marching band football games and competitions. Duties include assisting at these events based on the needs of the director and/or chairperson. The chair is responsible for scheduling chaperones, acting as lead chaperone for all events, and for purchasing snacks as needed. Home Football Game Visitor Concessions: Sign-up to work shifts at the RHS football games. You can also sign up to make some treats to sell. Sign-up will be sent out via email. All RHS Band Uniforms: Help with the fitting of student up-keep and the overall appearance of the RHS Marching Band and RHS In-School Band uniforms. Band Banquet: Volunteers are needed to assist the Banquet Chairs with planning the annual end of year Band Banquet in May. Committee will work on planning, decorating, selling tickets, entertainment and the evening events. Parent Participation/Volunteer How can YOU help? 11 Roswell High School Bands Verizon Wireless Amphitheater (April-October) The RHSBBA operates adult beverage concession stands, condiment stations, and the volunteer check in/out station during events at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Students may work the condiment stations and volunteer check in/out. Concession stand volunteers must be 21 or older. Volunteers earn student credit based on the position worked and on beverage sales. Volunteers have an opportunity to earn $30-$50 per night worked, on average. Join The Band Fundraiser Letter (September) Students address form letters provided by the RHSBBA to mail to designated friends, family, and businesses asking for donations. 80% of the donated proceeds are applied to the student’s account as credit. Chick-fil-A Calendar Sale (October) Sell CFA calendars containing monthly CFA product discounts. 80% of profit is applied to student's account as credit. Florida Citrus Fruit Sale (October) Sell cases of citrus fruit delivered directly from select Florida groves. Profits vary. 80% of the profit is applied to student's account as credit. Fundraisers designed to benefit the band program directly include Parent Participation/Fundraising The RHSBBA provides several fundraising opportunities to our band membership to supplement their finances when/where needed to help members complete all band related expenses. We do not have fundraising goals in general. Fundraisers are provided specifically for members to use when and if they please, based on their personal situation and preferences. Fundraisers are subject to change. Contact Ellie McGraw with questions at ellie.mcgraw@gmail.com. Football Visitor Concession Stand (August-October) Volunteers work visitor concessions during RHS home football games. 100% of profits are applied to the RHS Band Enrichment Fund. Publix Shopping Cards Publix donates a percentage of sales to the RHS Band Program. Pick up your Publix shopping card from a RHSBBA Board member today! Amazon.com Shop Amazon.com via the link found on the RHS Band website and earn credit for the RHS Band program. 12 Roswell High School Bands • • • • • • • RHS Band Web site for all news, events & information. www.roswellband.com Email news items to news@roswellband.com RHS Band electronic communications Facebook & Twitter CHARMS Calendar Band Director class announcements/handouts Emergency / Last minute event change: Text messaging and Facebook Photo / Video Sharing Web site • • • Access “Videos / Photos” tab at http://www.roswellband.com Photo and video contributions can be uploaded Use your photos/video for the yearend band DVD yearbook Communications Five (5) primary sources of communications (outbound) 13 Roswell High School Bands • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Uniform Fitting Tuesday May 27th 10:00 to 2:00 pm Wednesday May 28th 4:00 TO 8:00 Pool Party Saturday July 19th RAP Band Pre-Camp (July 21-25) Band Camp (July 27-July 31) Alpharetta Old Soldier’s Parade (Aug 2) Evening Marching Practice (8/4, 8/5 and 8/7) Marching Band Practice (Aug-Nov; Mon 4-5pm, Tue & Thur 4:15-6:30pm Marching Band Friday Football Field Exhibitions (Aug-Dec) Marching Band Field Competitions, Saturdays: Dates to be determined Roswell Youth Day Parade (Oct 11) RHS Bands Winter Concert (Dec) Winter Guard & Indoor Drumline Practice & Competitions (December-March) Band Pre-Performance Evaluation Concert (Feb) District V Band Performance Evaluation (Mar) All State Honor Band and Orchestra (Mar) Spring Trip to Hawaii (Spring 2015) Percussion Ensemble Concert (April) Bands Spring Concert and Senior Solo Recital (May) Band Awards Banquet (May) Graduation (May) Calendar of events Overview • 14