Pupil Premium Briefing Autumn 2014 lite

Pupil Premium Briefing
Autumn Term 2014
Andy Brumby
Raising Aspirations &
Achievement consultant
Cornwall Learning
07968 992462
“Don’t teach me. Help me
to learn.”
What’s in store?
Pupil Premium Plus – Emma/Jane
Sir John Dunford’s challenge to school leaders
New PP update from Ofsted (July 2014)
Cornwall KS4 FSM outcomes causing concern
Teaching tenacity and resilience etc.
Sutton Trust Toolkit: Peer mentoring in the
Pupil Premium Plus guidance
• Emma Phillips CiCESS
• ephillips@cornwall.gov.uk
• Jane Stephens CiCESS
• jstephens@cornwall.gov.uk
What is the Pupil Premium?
• The Pupil Premium is additional funding to help
schools raise the achievement of disadvantaged
children and to close gaps between them and their
• It is primarily aimed at Reception to Year 11 pupils
who are from low-income families and are eligible
for Free School Meals (FSM). This category now
includes any child that has been registered for FSM in
the past six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’)
Pupil premium: the funding
• Additional per pupil funding for PP
– 2011-12 £488 per pupil
– 2012-13 £623 per pupil
– 2013-14 £900 per pupil (+ £53 for primary)
– 2014-15 £935 (secondary) £1300 (primary)
£1900 (Looked after and adopted chn)
• Total PP funding
– 2011-12 £625 million
– 2012-13 £1.25 billion
– 2013-14 £1.875 billion
– 2014-15 £2.5 billion
The big challenge for our
generation of school leaders:
using the pupil premium to
raise the achievement of
disadvantaged pupils
Ambition: In 17% of schools, FSM
attainment is above the national average for
ALL pupils
PP pupils
Other pupils
Are our disadvantaged pupils making at
least good progress?’
Rising to the challenge…
• If we can respond to the massive challenge to use
the pupil premium funding to close the gap, we
will have gone a long way to fulfil the purpose of
education for the young people who need it
most. We will have accepted the notion that no
young person, by virtue of their birth, should
necessarily achieve less than others. This is a
challenge to which every school leader must
Sir John Dunford
National Pupil Premium Champion
Rising to the challenge…
• Good school leaders are never defeatist and, in
my work as Pupil Premium Champion, I have met
no resistance to the notion that schools should
use this money to close the gap and be held to
account for the progress and attainment of
disadvantaged children and the size of the gap.
Indeed, school leaders recognise that few things
could be more important for schools than finding
the best ways of giving extra support to
disadvantaged young people.
Sir John Dunford
National Pupil Premium Champion
•Effective use of the
pupil premium is at
the core of the moral
purpose of school
Six things schools can do…
1. Prioritise closing the gap, ensuring that every
member of staff is fully signed up to the importance
of this.
2. Study the evidence of what works (EEF Toolkit) and
implement the strategies that are likely to be most
effective in the context of the school.
3. Train all the staff on the strategies to be adopted.
Success won’t come without this.
4. Collect and analyse data on the gap and target
strategies at the needs of individual PP children.
5. Raise aspirations by working with the parents as well
as young people.
6. Plan the curriculum so that disadvantaged young
people leave school with the knowledge and skills
they need.
Maximising the Impact of TAs
A conference for school leaders, SENCOs and
‘Schools must fundamentally rethink how they deploy and
prepare TAs if they are to get the best use from them in
helping pupils… The effectiveness of TAs cannot exceed the
quality of their deployment and preparation.’ DISS Report
Keynote speaker: Dr Anthony Russell, author of the DISS
Tues 21st October, 09.00 to 16.00, Headland Hotel
Cornwall Learning £175 or Non SLA £198
Book online using course code: GO21C
Three very good video clips
• https://global.oup.com/education/content/pri
Jean Gross
1 Basic facts about the PP
2 Using the PP – what works and what doesn’t
3 Leadership & management
The Pupil Premium:
How schools are spending the funding successfully
to maximise achievement
This really useful document can be downloaded from
the link below:
New PP update from Ofsted - July 2014
• This report provides an update on the progress
schools have made in using their pupil premium
funding to raise achievement for pupils eligible
for free school meals. It is based on evidence
from 151 inspections carried out between
January and December 2013, text review of 1,600
school inspection reports published between
September 2013 and March 2014, and national
performance data for 2013.
The Pupil Premium: an update – Ofsted July 2014
Effective spending
• The report finds that while it is too early to
point to any significant narrowing of the gap
nationally between more affluent and poorer
children in key tests and exams at 11 and 16,
school leaders are generally spending the
pupil premium more effectively than at any
time since the funding was introduced in
Focussing minds
• HM Chief Inspector, Sir Michael Wilshaw, said
that this improving picture could be credited
in part to Ofsted’s strong emphasis on the
issue, which was concentrating the minds of
headteachers and governors alike. Heads now
know that their schools will not receive a
positive judgement unless they can
demonstrate that they are focused on
improving outcomes for eligible pupils.
Attainment & progress
• Every inspection report now includes a
commentary on the attainment and progress
of pupils eligible for free school meals and an
evaluation of how this compares with other
children. Inspectors are also increasingly
recommending external reviews of a school’s
use of the pupil premium in under-performing
Overall effectiveness
• There is a strong association between a
school’s overall effectiveness and the impact
of the pupil premium. Of 151 schools
sampled, the attainment gap between free
school meal children and their peers was
closing in all 86 schools judged by Ofsted to be
good or outstanding for overall effectiveness.
In 12 of these schools, this gap had narrowed
to virtually nothing.
• In these good and outstanding schools, governing
bodies are taking strategic responsibility for
ensuring the pupil premium funding improves the
teaching and support for eligible pupils.
• However, today’s report shows that weak
leadership and governance remains an obstacle
to narrowing the attainment gap in a significant
minority of schools, particularly in those judged
inadequate for overall effectiveness.
Wide variations
• The report includes data that shows wide
variations across local authority areas in terms of
the achievement of poorer pupils in tests and
exams at Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4. For
example, many London boroughs have well above
average proportions of free school meal children
achieving five or more good GCSEs, while eligible
children are least likely to achieve this benchmark
in places like Barnsley, Portsmouth, South
Gloucestershire, North Lincolnshire and
See Annex A: pages 22 to 27 (Cornwall appears towards bottom of p. 25)
BBC news 22.09.14…
• http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-englandcornwall-29309337
• Ofsted highlights Cornwall free meal pupils
exam concern
• Cornwall is one of the worst-performing areas in
the country for GCSE achievement by pupils on
free school meals (FSM), Ofsted has revealed.
• 93rd out of 150 English LAs (and downward
% FSM pupils attaining five A* to C grades
including English & maths benchmark
Local authority Region
attaining GCSE
attaining GCSE
between 2012
and 2013
Kensington &
Tower Hamlets
South East
South West
West Midlands
East of England
Yorks and
Source: Department for Education. Local authorities on the left have the lowest
proportion of pupils eligible for FSM achieving five or more GCSEs A* to C including
English and mathematics. Grey lines represent London boroughs.
Unseen children
• Following the publication of Ofsted’s ‘Unseen
children’ report, many of the lowest attaining
schools local authorities for free school meal
eligible pupils have improved their
performance. Peterborough and West
Berkshire are two of the most improved,
increasing their attainment for this group by
10 and 9 percentage points respectively.
“Often it is
tenacity, not
talent, that
rules the day.”
Julia Cameron,
What's the point of school?
• http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26127515
• Report of an APPG Feb 2014
• “Along with history and maths, teaching character and
resilience should be an essential part of every school's
• “All too often the development of attributes associated
with character and resilience - that is, the development
of the pupil as a rounded individual - are neglected or,
at best, given second billing.”
• “The very language used is illustrative - they are 'soft'
skills developed through 'extra' - curricular activities.”
• “When things get hard I tell
myself not to give up. I believe
that tough times do not last but
tough people do. Winners do not
give up no matter what.”
• Roy Berger – 2 Time Guinness Push-Up World Record Holder
• “What am I capable of?”
• “If the self-defeating
attacks of my mind didn’t
exist, what could I
• “Even when those inner gremlins are
telling you it’s ‘too hard’, you’ve got to
believe there is always more within you.
Because there is. There is always one
more inch or ounce of effort. We all have
that part of us that wants to quit at
times, but we also have the choice
whether we listen to that idiot or not.”
• Chris Janzen – Mental Performance Coach and Founder of
Inner gremlins
• With your partner
• What are ‘inner gremlins’? Why are they so
• Discuss an occasion when you overcame your
‘inner gremlins’
• Discuss an occasion when ‘inner gremlins’ got
the better of you and how this happened
KIPP – Knowledge is Power Program
• The APPG report points to successful initiatives in
Singapore and the United States. The American
"Knowledge is Power Program' (KIPP) is cited as a
model of what is possible.
• Based partly on work by US psychologist Dr Martin
Seligman, linking self-discipline with achievement at
school, KIPP values character development as highly as
academic preparation. It has had remarkable success
with youngsters from some of America's most deprived
• Based on seven "highly predictive" strengths - zest,
self-control, gratitude, curiosity, optimism, grit and
social intelligence - the KIPP model is now being
adapted in some UK schools.
• http://www.kipp.org/our-approach/character
Teaching grit
• http://www.edutopia.org/research-made-relevantgrit-video
• Teaching Grit Cultivates Resilience and
Perseverance (Research Made Relevant Series)
• In rural New Hampshire, fifth-grade teacher Amy
Lyon has created a curriculum based on researcher
Angela Duckworth’s ideas about grit. Students set
and work toward their own long-term goals,
learning valuable lessons about dealing with
frustration and distractions along the way.
• May 20, 2014
Weekly reflection from an original #5minplan by @abbie_tucker adapted by @Ashley_Loynton and @chrishildrew
Teaching Resilience & Perseverance
• How do I teach resilience?
• How do I stop pupils giving up too easily?
• How can I get my pupils to take a risk and have a
Tues 4th November, 09.00 to 12.30, Carew House, Bodmin
Wed 5th November, 09.00 to 12.30, Hub Club, Carn Brea, Pool
Cornwall learning SLA £65.00 or Non SLA £88.00
Book online and use course code PP2/PP3
The Sutton Trust Teaching and Learning
• The Toolkit is an accessible, independent
summary of educational research.
• Practice focused: aims to
help schools make
informed decisions and
narrow the gap.
• Based on metaanalyses conducted
by Durham
A new idea?
• The idea of peer tutoring is not a new one; it was first
formally introduced into education in the latter half of
the 18th century. Today, peer tutoring is regaining
popularity and is spreading rapidly in many parts of the
• Many peer tutoring projects focus on reading, but peer
tutoring has been used in a wide range of other
subjects, including mathematics, spelling, writing,
languages and science.
• Good peer tutoring projects ensure that the tutors gain
as much, if not more, than the tutees. To be able to
tutor a subject, the pupils have to get to understand it
well. As a result, tutoring helps the tutors learn faster,
EEF Toolkit
Peer tutoring – what is it?
• A range of approaches in which learners work
in pairs or small groups to provide each other
with explicit teaching support. In cross-age
tutoring an older learner takes the tutoring
role and is paired with a younger tutee or
• The common characteristic is that learners
take on responsibility for aspects of teaching
and for evaluating their success.
How effective is it?
• The evidence of impact is relatively high
(typically equating to about a GCSE grade).
The benefits are apparent for both tutor and
tutee (particularly in cross-age tutoring),
though the approach should be used to
supplement or enhance normal teaching,
rather than to replace it. There is some
evidence that children from disadvantaged
backgrounds and low attaining pupils make
the biggest gains.
Who stands to gain most?
• Though both pupils involved gain, cross-age
tutoring appears to offer slightly greater
benefit for tutor than tutee. A study of crossage peer tutoring showed that the lowest
attaining pairs actually made most progress,
and a two-year gap seems to support both
tutee and tutor learning.
How should it be organised?
• One way of matching pupils across classes is
to match the highest attaining pupil in the
older class with the highest attaining child in
the younger class through to the lowest
attaining pupil in the older class being
matched with the lowest attaining pupil in the
younger class (making adjustments if
necessary). This enables the teacher to focus
support on lower attaining pairs.
How secure is the evidence?
The evidence is consistent and positive
especially for mathematics and reading
and at both primary and secondary school
What are the costs?
The direct costs of running peer tutoring in schools are
low, as few additional materials required (£10-20 per
pupil). Professional development and additional support
for staff is recommended, particularly in the early stages
of setting up a programme. Estimates are about £3,000£4,000 per class or £200 per pupil indicating low overall
Questions to consider
• Are the activities sufficiently challenging for the tutee to
benefit from the tutor’s support?
• Will the tutor be able to teach without support from a
• Training for staff and tutors are essential ingredients for
success. How will you organise sufficient time to train both
staff and tutors?
• How will you organise peer-tutoring to ensure that it
enhances classroom learning but does not replace it?
• How will you build time into your plan to allow tutors to
review the success and challenges of their role? This is
important to develop their own skills and learning.
• How will you organise peer tutoring into 4-10 week
intensive blocks? This will provide maximum impact for
both tutors and tutees.
What is shared maths?
• A structured form of cross-age peer
• Older children tutor for younger tutees
– 2 year age gap
• Used with normal curriculum to support
maths learning
Organising Shared Maths
Year 3 & Year 5 (Y4 & Y6 by 2nd year)
30 minute Shared Maths lessons
16 week block each year
Year 3 teacher sets the questions from
normal curriculum work
• Questions are at the appropriate level for
each tutee
Maths Knowledge
• Can improves both tutor & tutee maths
– Teach for 8 months, get between 11-15
months of gains compared to ‘normal’ maths
– Particularly good for underachieving tutors
Builds confidence
• Confidence in maths increases
– Significant increases in ‘self-concept’
– Self-concept is related to higher maths
Where can I find out more?
• http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.u
• http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storyCode=
• http://www.readingrockets.org/article/usingpeer-tutoring-facilitate-access
• http://www.sharedmaths.org/
Peer tutoring examples online
• St. George’s School for girls
• http://www.stgeorges.edin.sch.uk/news/2010/11/15/p3xpeer-tutoring-p1
• St. Peter’s, Exeter
• http://www.st-petersexeter.devon.sch.uk/our-school/studentleadership/academic-peer-tutors/
What’s in store?
Pupil Premium Plus – Emma/Jane
Sir John Dunford’s challenge to school leaders
New PP update from Ofsted (July 2014)
Cornwall KS4 FSM outcomes causing concern
Teaching tenacity and resilience etc.
Sutton Trust Toolkit: Peer mentoring
Something to inspire us…
• http://www.teamhoyt.com/
“I will not give in to
the pain during training
or the race – I get
through it somehow
with determination and
staying focused.”
Dick Hoyt
Let’s raise the aspirations and achievement
of disadvantaged pupils in Cornwall