HQ Lic Status Process session 5

6th Annual
Focus Users’ Conference
HQ Licensure Status
Presented by:
Bethany Heslam
HQ Licensure Status
• Reasons for the Process
• Course Catalog
• User Setup
• Report Logic
• HQ/LIC Status Report
• System Preferences
• Scheduled Job
Reason for HQ/Lic St
• Eliminate the manual need by the school
data entry to update HQ and Lic status
from lists provided by HR
• Eliminate the need to produce
spreadsheets to HR to cross-reference
• Ensure accurate data is present at all times
and is transmitted to DOE
Logic – What Fields are
Missing Data elements necessary for determining in and
out field as well as HQ status was missing from Focus.
Fields were added to the course catalog and the users
Logic - User Field Setup
The user logging field and the importance of each field
Certification, type of certificate, scope of certification and valid
date range are all needed to compute appropriate values for
Lic St and HQ
Logic - User Field Setup
ELL endorsement field
Teachers may have certification that contains ELL endorsement
or the teacher may have a separate ELL endorsement based on
hours of in-service.
Logic - User Field Setup
User Logging Fields Considered
User_field_id 20120005
certName = 'LOG_FIELD1’
certLevel = 'LOG_FIELD2’
certType = 'LOG_FIELD3’
certHQ = 'LOG_FIELD6’
certScope = 'LOG_FIELD7’
Logic - Master Schedule
Section Fields
Master Schedule Fields Considered
course_periods.custom_28 Lic St
course_periods.custom_5 HQ
Logic - Course Catalog Setup
• District must have a current course catalog
• Set ESE type, ELL and Reading columns as applicable
Logic - Course Catalog Setup
Course Catalog Fields
Logic – Scope of Project
Do the check for expired certifications
Get the required certifications for the course section
Recursively update all the co-teachers for this section
From the course catalog get the graduation subject, certification category, low and high
grades, ELL, ESE, READING values
Check for the reading endorsement
Look for values of 1(Y) for ELL and Reading and if there is a value selected for ESE
If reading is 1(Y) then check the grade level set in the course catalog
If reading is 1(Y) check the teacher for reading endorsement/1046 or 1013 in certification
Logic – Scope of Project
Check for the gifted endorsement
If Gifted is 1(Y) then check the user endorsements or scope
Check the teacher for [E] endorsement/1062 in certification or scope has local board
Check for teacher's ELL certification
If ELL is 1(Y) then check the user endorsements or certification
Check the teacher certification 1016 or ELL endorsement
Endorsement code needed is based on subject area being taught
For ELL/ESOL classes, certification goes by the catalog requirements like any other class.
There is additional work we need to do involving FEFPs of students in the ELL class.
We need to see whether the teacher has the ELL Endorsement or ELL Hours
based on
the subject of the class.
Logic – Scope of Project
If this is an ELL class we also need the scope of the ELL Certification UNLESS we're going by
ELL endorsement field
Loop through the certs and compare them to the course section's requirements
Once we find one that is acceptable we stop – only one is needed
Go through all the required certs and see if there is a match
Check specifically for 999, 914 or ANY - For these requirements, a teacher just needs to
have ANY certification in order to be in field and potentially HQ
Check Therapy Classes
OCC – 900
PHY – 902
SPC – 901
LAN – 901
Logic – Scope of Project
Teacher has no certs so we want to say that s/he is Out of Field and obviously NOT highly
If scope is V, they are virtual teachers and go in field
If HQ field on Certification logging field is blank (doesn't exist), don't use it
Logic – Scope of Project
This field contains additional information about the certificate the teacher holds that
might affect the certification status.
Valid Values:
A: Adjunct teaching Certificate (Certification Status I would have to change to A)
G: Grandfathered for NCLB
H: HOUSSE for NCLB (Certification Status I would have to change to H)
E: Exam for NCLB (Certification Status I would have to change to S)
S: Substitute teacher with Regular teaching certificate
P: Pending Certification
O: Out of field Board approved
M: Certificated instructional staff member teaching in a field that was the teacher’s minor
field of study, as per s. 1012.42, F.S. Does not apply in Escambia.
N: Non-certificated instructional staff member possessing expert skill in or knowledge of a
particular Subject or talent appointed by the school board under Rule 6A-1.0502, FAC.
Does not apply in Escambia.
In and Out of Field Report
• To view a summary of teachers, schedules and Lic/HQ status
select the Teachers On/Out of Field report from the Florida
Reports menu
In and Out of Field Report
Report Options Include:
• Viewing co-teachers
• Displaying out of field records only
• Shows data for all schools
• The report can also be filtered on any available column
System Preferences
• Convert course catalog certifications to
newer certification types
Scheduled Job
• If the Users’ file is imported nightly, certification information
may change. Focus allows the district to schedule a job to
update the Lic and HQ status nightly after the new users’ file
is loaded
Scheduled Job
• Click Create Job to set the job parameters.
• Be sure the time is set to run after the new users’ file is
Bethany Heslam
Director of Implementation, Focus School Software
ph: (727) 388-6010 fax: (727) 213-6999
Thank You
Please be sure to complete the comment card for this session and
enjoy the rest of the Users’ Conference!