IESA Division Meeting

• If you would like have a recommendation you would like
considered or discussed by the Board of Directors, there
are several avenues through which to communicate.
• Submitting a recommendation to the Advisory Committee.
• Submit agenda items to the IESA Administrator for the activity. These
are generally due to the administrator one week prior to the meeting
Baseball, Cross-Country, Wrestling- Steve Endsley (
Speech, Basketball, Bowling- Nicole Schaefbauer (
Golf, Volleyball, Track & Field- Julie Cochran (
Softball, Cheer, Chess, Music, Scholastic Bowl- John Venerable
• Submitting a recommendation to the IESA Administrative staff.
• Recommendations may be forwarded to the administrative staff for
addition to the Board of Directors agenda.
• Submitting a
to the Board of
• Recommendations
may be submitted
directly to your
Board Member
Scott Herrmann, Bannockburn
Joe Buresh, Annawan
Chris Collins, Glendale Heights Glenside
Tamela Daniels, Lockport Fairmont
Deb Derby, Streator Woodland
Tony Frost, Elmwood
Kenny Lee, Watseka Glenn Raymond
Tony Ingold, East Peoria Central
Jerry Birkey, Mt. Zion
Dana Isackson, Macomb
Chris Graham, St. Joseph
Danette Young, Paris Crestwood
Fred Lamkey, Riverton
Pat Drees, Teutopolis
Steve Stuart, Edwardsville Lincoln
By-Laws and Activity Rules
• By-laws and Activity rules apply throughout the regular
and post-season.
• Rules and bylaws may not be set aside by mutual agreement of
competing schools.
• IESA Activity and NFHS rules are not just applicable to the postseason, but apply to the regular season as well.
• For example: use of 4th grade students during the regular season,
individual player limitations, changing quarter/half-time length.
Use of High School Students
• HS students may be used as assistant coaches
• They may be assigned to assist with coaching in a member school
provided they are under the direct supervision of an individual who
is qualified to coach.
• They may never assume head coaching responsibilities.
• HS students may be used for demonstration purposes
• HS students may not be used in practices with or against
middle school athletes.
Open Gyms
• Schools may provide open gym opportunities
within the following guidelines:
• A variety of activities are available during the course of
the year.
• There is no coaching or instruction.
• Participation is voluntary and is not required directly or
indirectly for membership on a team.
• Participation is open to all students within your school.
• Other information
• Schools must publicize open gyms in a manner that insures all
students have a reasonable opportunity to be informed regarding
dates and times of open gyms. Schools may utilize public address
announcements, flyers, written announcements or newsletters to
notify students regarding open gyms.
• A school may conduct a sport specific open gym provided a variety
of recreational activities are available during the course of the year.
• A coed school may not conduct a gender specific open gym.
Website- Open Dates
• Open dates may be advertised on the IESA website.
• Log-in to the IESA Member Center using your school or AD
• Click on the “Information” link located above your Activity Tracker.
• Click on the “Open Dates” link located under the Competitions
• If you are looking for contest or tournament opportunities,
check the open dates area on the IESA website regularly.
• From the left-hand side on the homepage of the IESA website, click
on the “Open Dates” link.
• This link will take you to a page that lists open date opportunities in
all activities.
• School contact information may be found by using the Member
School search link also found on the left-hand side of the
Website- Officials Search Tool
• It is required that the officials hired for all contests be licensed
with the IHSA.
• You can check the license status of officials from the IESA
Member Center.
• You will need your School or AD password to access the Officials
Search link.
• Once you have accessed your school page, click on the Information
link located above your Activity Tracker.
• Click on the “Search for Officials” link located under the Other
Resources heading.
• Officials may be searched according to sport and the results may be
organized by name, city, or zip code.
• If you cannot find an official on the list, follow-up with the
• Notify the official they will not be able to work your contests until their
license for that sport is active.
Website- Committee Minutes
• From any of the IESA activity pages, information
regarding the Advisory Committee members, meeting
dates, minutes, and approved recommendations may be
• Once on the activity page, scroll toward the bottom of the page.
• At the conclusion of Committee meetings, the minutes will be
posted to the page.
• At the conclusion of Board meetings, Committee minutes will be
updated to reflect any action taken by the Board.
Non-School Teams
• As a reminder, IESA member schools may not permit
students to participate as school representatives in
interscholastic activities with high school or non-school
• IESA Member schools who are participating in the IESA State
Series in a given sport may not allow their teams to schedule
contests with or against these non-school groups.
• No team from a member school may compete against an “all-star”
Mixed Gender Teams
• Offering a mixed gender team
• Prior to a tryout, practice, or game participation, the principal of a
member school who will be offering a mixed gender team must
complete and submit the Gender Equity in Athletics Waiver Application
that is available through the ISBE’s IWAS system.
• After submitting the ISBE IWAS application, some type of
communication must be sent to the IESA Office notifying that the
application process has been started.
• Contracts for mixed gender teams
• When a contract has been signed to participate in a single-gender
sport and a school then offers a mixed gender team, the other school
must be notified prior to the contest of the mixed-gender team.
• In the sports of golf, cross-country, basketball, bowling, and
track and field when the school offers both a boys team and a
girls team, girls must participate on the girls team in that sport.
• Boys are not eligible to participate on a girls’ team.
Submitting Roster & Schedule Information
• All roster and schedule information must be submitted
online by the posted deadline for the activity.
• Administrators/AD’s may track the submission progress for each
activity through the Activity Tracker.
• Penalty: 1st Offense- Probation; 2nd Consecutive- Removed from
state series the following year or pay a financial penalty for
• Information fields for all competitors should be completed.
• All regular season and tournament contests must be
included on your schedule information.
• This includes conference, non-conference, and regular season
tournament contests.
• Do not include any of your school’s “B” contests on your submitted
schedule information.
Academic Eligibility
• Students must be doing passing work as determined by the local school
district in all subjects.
• The grade check must be conducted for students participating in all IESA
activities- athletic and non-athletic.
• How to administer
• Passing work must be checked weekly.
• The grade check should be reflective of the cumulative grades for a student
from the beginning of the grading period through the date of the check.
• Penalty
• For students: For those students who are not passing at the time of the grade
check, they are not eligible to participate in contests the week following the
week that was checked (Monday-Saturday).
• For teams: Use of an ineligible participant requires forfeiture of contest.
• Additional Information
• Extra credit may only be applied prior to the grade check. Once a grade is submitted,
no changes may be made to a student’s status.
• The first week of a grading period must be included in the grade check. The first week
of the grading period cannot be excluded or combined with a previous grading period.
• If a student is ineligible during a school holiday/vacation, the student would not regain
eligibility until the next successful grade check.
• Please make sure that coaches confirm receipt of the eligibility
• Miscommunication regarding the information is the most common
eligibility violation that is reported to the IESA Office.
3.062- Return to Play
• Any student who is not allowed to participate in
interscholastic activities as the result of a physician’s
directive may not return to play until they have received
written clearance from a physician.
• This would include injuries such as concussions, broken bones,
illness, etc.
Home School Eligibility
• Students who are receiving their education through home schooling
may be eligible at the PUBLIC school at which the student would
regularly attend, providing they are in full compliance with the
following requirements:
• Meeting all eligibility by-laws.
• The student’s work must be accepted by the school district in which the student
resides and be granted credit toward junior high graduation by that school
• The school district must establish a method to monitor the academic
performance of the home schooled student on the same basis as for students
in regular attendance.
• The school must certify that the student is meeting the minimum academic
eligibility standards for participation.
• Any amount of time that a student is home schooled would require
compliance with the by-law for participation in IESA activities.
• Schools must keep records to verify compliance with these
Team Eligibility
• Only schools which have an established school team
which has played at least three (3) interscholastic
contests prior to the online roster and record deadline in
that sport during the current season may participate in the
state series.
• Failure to participate in three contests prior to the deadline will
result in suspension from the state series for the current season.
• The contests may be against IESA and/or non-IESA school teams.
• This is a change from the previous year.
Board Elections
• Members of the IESA Board of Directors are elected to three
(3) year terms.
• Those eligible to serve on the Board of Directors must have a valid
administrative certificate and hold the position of superintendent,
assistant superintendent, principal, or assistant principal from a
member school in their respective division.
• The election process is conducted online and schools are
notified via email of the various steps.
• Nominations are secured in early November.
• Voting occurs in late November.
• The election schedule is as follows:
• 2014-15: Divisions A, E, L, M, N
• 2015-16: Divisions B, D, F, H, J
• 2016-17: Divisions C, G, I, K, O
• Please be active in the Board election process.
Emerging Activities
• The IESA Board of Directors reviews information
regarding interest in new activities yearly.
• This information is used to monitor the development of activities
and assist in determining when a new state series or state contest
should be considered.
• If your school has an interest in the addition of an activity, please
make sure that you participate in this process.
• You can register for an emerging activity or show interest
in a new state series or state contest through the IESA
Member Center. This process is completed by accessing
the Registration & Entry Center logins area.
Emerging Activities
• Emerging Activity Registration Form
• By registering for the activity:
• You are indicating that you currently have an emerging interscholastic
team that is participating in contests against other established school
teams- either IESA or non-IESA
• Your team may not participate in contests against club or non-school teams
• Members of your emerging team must meet IESA eligibility
• A school should register their emerging team yearly.
• Emerging Activity Interest Form:
• Completing the Interest Form indicates that your school is
interested in the activity but does not currently offer it as a school
• Schools may check one of the existing state series options or add
an activity to the list.
Recognition Awards
• One Team Award
• This award is intended to highlight and reward model citizenship.
• Any IESA member school team that participates within a state series,
state competition or contest is eligible to apply.
• Teams may perform their service within their school or out in their
• Speech and Music Coach Awards
• These awards recognize the dedicated service of Music and Speech
• Two categories of recognition are offered for both Music and Speech
• Scholar Attitude Award
• This award recognizes the academic success, activity participation,
and community involvement of the students in our member schools.
• Division Sportsmanship Awards
• These awards recognize the outstanding behavior of a member school
in each of the 15 IESA divisions.
• Schools are nominated and voted on by their peers.
• Unlike other sports golf is played without officials and
relies on the players and coaches to know rules and abide
by the rules.
• The IESA follows current USGA rules and regulations. Please
make sure that your participants are familiar with IESA and USGA
rules and procedures.
• Registration opens each Spring during the IESA renewal
• The initial entry deadline is early June 8, 2015.
• The advisory committee will meet October 15, 2014 to
discuss the growth of the activity.
• Recommendations will be presented at the January Board of
Directors Meeting.
• There is a possibility the current Rawlings baseball that is
used in the state tournament series, model RIESA, could
change for the 2015 season.
• At the request of Rawlings and due to the cost of the baseballs, the
IESA has been asked to look at some other models of Rawlings
baseballs that would then become the “official baseball”.
• A decision will be made by January, 2015.
• If there is a change made, the IESA will notify all baseball schools
of the new model.
• Speech is an important activity that reinforces life skills.
• It is a key part of the activities offered by the IESA. No other skill is
more important than that of learning to speak effectively in front of
• Please submit nominations for the Coach awards.
• Nomination materials are available online from the Speech page of
the IESA website and must be submitted by Dec. 1.
• Please review the host rotation information.
• This information may be found online from the Speech activity page
of the IESA website.
• Please make sure that your Speech students are included
in your grade check.
• Watches and Jewelry
• Reminder that watches and jewelry are will be allowed beginning
with the current 2014 season.
• Competitors will not be disqualified if watches or jewelry are worn
during a race.
• Coaches have the responsibility to make sure their athletes are
properly uniformed in accordance with NFHS rules.
• New quarter limitations
• Students are limited to a maximum of 8 quarters per day in regular
season play.
• Students are limited to a maximum of 132 quarters for the season,
exclusive of the state series.
• For those hosting state series contests, the official scorer and
timer must be 18 years or older.
• The start times for Sectional contests has been changed to
6:30 p.m.
• Review the new changes to the NFHS playing rules
• Changes were made to the player equipment guidelines. Make sure
that you review this information with your players.
• Illegal contact against a ball handler/dribbler was further defined.
• During a free throw, players occupying a marked lane space may enter
the lane on the free thrower’s release.
• The 2015 IESA Cheer Championships will take place
Saturday, January 24 at the Peoria Civic Center.
• School squads may schedule a practice warm-up session on
Friday night, January 23, between 6:00-8:30 p.m.
• Registration for practice slots will be on a first come first serve
basis beginning November 1.
• New Information
• Four additional medals will be provided to each division.
• An additional 30 minutes will be given in between sessions to allow
coaches time to check their music with the DJ.
• Those participating in the morning session are free to check their music from
7:00am to 7:45am, and immediately following the 7:45am coaches meeting.
• There will be a 30 minute time limit to pick up results packets
immediately following the conclusion of the award ceremony.
• Those who fail to pick up their results packets will have them mailed to
their school.
*New Information/Rule Changes
• The IESA Chess State Tournament will now be conducted
with a 6th, 7th and 8th grade division.
• This was done to help manage the size of the tournament, while
keeping the current format, as the total number of entries continue
to grow.
• Schools will still be allowed to enter up to seven participants in
each of the three divisions (21 total).
• Sixth graders are eligible to participant within any of the three
divisions, while seventh graders can participate in the 7th and 8th
grade divisions.
• The rules and penalties with regard to cell phone’s in the
playing area have changed.
• Please make sure that your coach reviews this information prior to
the State Tournament.
Chess (cont.)
• Several other playing rules were changed and coaches should
review the IESA Chess Rules prior to competition.
General Information
• The IESA Chess State Tournament for 2015 will again be at the
ISU Bone Student Center located on the campus of Illinois
State University.
• Dates of the tournament for this year are Feb. 27-28.
• The entry fee for students is $15.00 per student.
• Each student, regardless of record, will participate in all 7 rounds of
competition conducted over the course of two days.
• Each school will be required to provide chess boards,
Staunton design chess sets, and digital chess time delay
clocks that comply with the rules published by IESA for more
than half of the individuals they have participating in the
• New Set Limitations
• Students are limited to a maximum of six (6) sets per day in regular season contests.
• Students are limited to a maximum of 110 sets in any one season, exclusive of the IESA
tournament series.
• Team Limits
• No team shall participate in more than 22 matches in regular season
• No more than four (4) matches in one day of tournament play.
• Libero position to be added in 2015-16 school year
• Uniform warm-ups to be removed after the 2-minute shared warm-up time even if
names and numbers are visible on the warm-ups.
• If both teams are present before the timed warm-up they are restricted to their
side of the playing court. This includes the shared warm-up time.
• Sportsmanship
• Licensed officials must be hired at all levels of 7th and 8th grade matches.
• All regular season matches should be played 2 out of 3 sets to 25. Only regular season
tournaments may alter the 2 out of 3 format.
• When entering season match information online, teams should update the information as close
to the deadline as possible so that the most accurate information is available when seeding.
New Information
• The music contest admission fees for S&E and Org. contests have increased by
one dollar.
• Admission for adults is $3.00 and K-8/senior citizens is $2.00.
• Beginning in the 2015-16 school year, the entry deadline and final entry deadline
for Solo & Ensemble will each move up one week. (Monday of Week 31,
Wednesday of Week 33)
• Rudiments have been added to the percussion bonus scale:
Music Director Nominations
• The Fine Arts Nomination form for Music is now available on the IESA website.
Please take the time to nominate your music director for one of the two awards.
• Congratulations to Madeline Wood, United JHS and Renee Kiah, Southeastern JHS.
State Performance Auditions
• Now is the time to submit your national anthem and pep band performer
applications for the 2014-15 IESA state tournaments.
• Schools interested in either should send the application form (available on the
Music Page of the IESA website) plus a CD recording to IESA Music
Administrator John Venerable.
• Recordings and applications are due for both by January 19, 2015.
• (National Anthem singers for Girls Basketball have a deadline of November 11, 2014)
• The ability for schools to make a substitution in state
competition has now been added.
• Schools may enter up to four bowlers and one alternate.
• For each day of the tournament, schools may make one
substitution by replacing a roster position with their alternate.
• To be eligible for substitution, an alternate must be designated on
the roster prior to warm-up.
• Once a school has replaced a roster position, no further
substitutions may be made that day and the replaced bowler is no
longer eligible for individual awards.
• The state time schedule was altered slightly in the
afternoon. Please have your coach review this
Scholastic Bowl
New Information/Rule Changes
• Any scholastic bowl team that withdraws from the state
series after the seeding process has concluded will result
in the regional bracket being updated to reflect any
potential changes to the seeds of the remaining schools.
• This process guarantees that each school participating in the
regional has the opportunity to compete in at least two matches
during the regional tournament.
• Following a withdrawal within a three-team regional, the two
remaining teams will take part in a best of three competition to
determine the regional champion.
• Rule 5-1-1c2 - The first individual to press the response
button within the 10 second time limit is eligible to answer
if recognized by a moderator.
Scholastic Bowl (cont.)
General Information
• The 14-15 IESA Scholastic Bowl State Tournament will
take place on Friday, May 8 at the Peoria Civic Center.
• Entry deadline October 6.
• The Scholastic Bowl Workshop will take place on Friday,
October 24 at the Double Tree Hotel in Bloomington.
• Workshop fee is $50.00.
• New coaches are encouraged to attend.
• Registration forms are available on the Scholastic Bowl page of the
IESA website.
• Registration forms are due Tuesday, October 21.
Track and Field
• All watches and jewelry will be allowed for the upcoming
2015 season.
• Pole Vault padding must meet the ASTM Specification
Standards this season. This includes the box collar
• The NFHS has a FREE Pole Vault Course online. A great tool for
coaches and students participating in the pole vault.
• During the IESA State Series, Waterfall and Super Alley
starts are not permitted in the 800 and 1600.
• All sectional host should conduct each race in the two-lane alley
format used at the state tournament.
• Qualifying standards are available on the IESA website.
Track and Field
• Reminder: Seed Meetings are mandatory. Please make sure you
have a representative from your school at the seed meeting.
• Times submitted for seeding purposes in all individual track events at the
Sectional Seeing Meeting shall be times actually achieved at metric distances
during the current outdoor Track and Field Season. Coaches may not submit
combined individual times as a relay time. Practice times are not permitted as
acceptable times.
• Individual Limitations and Penalty: All athletes are limited to 4 events and this
limitation must be followed for all interscholastic meets- regular season,
conference, and state series. "Exhibition“ events must be counted in the event
total for the athlete.
• All track and field coaches must meet the Coaching Education requirement.
This includes pole vault coaches, volunteer coaches, throws coaches etc.
• A coach meeting these requirements should be in attendance at the state meet with
the athlete.
• Situations not subject to protest: 1) Any judgment decision pertaining to
violation or alleged violations of the rules. 2) A decision made by the finish
judges or timers that does not involve misapplication of a rule, or the terms and
conditions of competition. (3)Whether a start is fair and legal.
• Thank you for attending the IESA Division Meeting.
• Please make sure that you complete the required
information to receive credit for your attendance at the
meeting today.
• If you are representing more than one school, please make sure
that you list all of the schools that you are representing.
• Please contact our office for any assistance this year.
• Good luck this year!