Annual Report Year 2 - Joseph Chandy Charitable Trust

Dr Joseph Chandy Charitable Trust
Annual Report
Year Two
July 2013 – June 2014
Company Registration No. 08103026
Registered Charity No: 1148656
About Us
Who we are and what we do
JCCT is a charitable trust, incorporated as a private limited
company by guarantee and registered with Company House and
the Charity Commission. JCCT provides management for Roseby
Road Wellbeing Centre and has representation from the local
authority, primary care, foundation trust and a number of local
JCCT is a vibrant multi-purpose community organisation, providing
a wide range of services and opportunities for local people of all
ages - from Kids Clubs, and support for young people with
disabilities, to work with older people, people with long-term
conditions, training, volunteering and health projects.
The organisation provides a resource for the local community of
East Durham in particular residents of Horden.
How we do it
At JCCT we believe that our strength lies in our diversity, meeting
the needs of local people and supporting their aspirations. We also
aim to promote understanding between all sections of the local
community, offering a setting for multicultural and intergenerational
About Us
Our Vision and aim
We have developed a vision of:
‘Putting People First’
This vision is at the heart of everything we do at Roseby Road
Wellbeing Centre.
We also have one core aim:
‘To improve the health and wellbeing of our local community’
We aim to combat the challenges arising from deprivation and
social exclusion in the local community through a range of high
quality social, healthy living, educational, and recreational
programmes. In all we do, we aim to break down barriers and
reduce isolation, enabling access to learning, training and
opportunities, empowering people to reach their goals.
We have a commitment to:
 Provide the highest standards of service and
continually improve performance
 Actively involve users in agreeing priorities and setting
 Achieve equality of opportunity and learn from diversity
 Make the best use of resources
 Develop staff to achieve their full potential
 Work in partnership with others to pursue common
Message from the Chair
There has been one main challenge for Roseby Road Community Centre during the last year and that is trying to
generate sufficient funding so that we remain open. This is a real test for us as economic affect many of the people
we work with. For many in our local community organisations like JCCT offer a lifeline, and we expect this to be even
more the case during the forthcoming year due to changes in the welfare system and the overall climate.
Despite all of this, we have worked hard to continue its services and achieve a healthy financial position. Our Annual
Report for 2013/14, recounts the work that has been done in the last year. As you read it you will see the impressively
wide range of services and projects that our organisation provides, services which meet the
needs of all ages within a highly diverse community. The achievements set out here are the result of an immense
amount of hard work, carried out every day by all of those who work for, or volunteer with, JCCT. It is an account of
their skills and successes in exceptionally trying circumstances. Without their dedication and commitment this simply
would not be possible.
We would like to thank the many and varied bodies and individuals that have provided our funding. We owe many
and sincere thanks to these funders and donors, large and small, and hope that they will continue to support our
much needed work.
Finally, I offer my thanks to my fellow Trustees and our volunteers who voluntarily give up their time and offer their
experience and expertise to help guide JCCT through these difficult times.
Fiona Maher, Chair of Trustees
Our Trustees During 2013/14 were:
Cllr Paul Stradling
Cllr June Clark
Gillian Moore
Celia Monaghan
Shirley Appleby
Angela Stobbart
David Rollins
Breathe Well/Breathe Easy
As part of our core strategic plan to develop a centre
of excellence for lung conditions and with the support
of Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield Clinical
Commissioning Group, we established a “Breathe
Well” support group open to anyone with COPD,
respiratory problems or a lung condition.
The sessions include a luncheon club, chair based
exercises, social learning activities and monthly guest
speakers. This service is available to anyone living in
East Durham and transport can be provided. It can be
accessed by filling in a self-referral form or being
referred by a health professional.
The service is going from strength to strength and
works in partnership with the British Lung Foundation
and Breathe Easy East Durham. It meets fortnightly
10.30am – 1.30pm. It has been very well received by
members of the community and feedback has been
very positive; so much so that we were asked to hold
the service on a weekly basis to cope with demand.
Future Plans
The second element to the service is to hold a local
respiratory clinic which is well underway and will take
place in the centre once refurbishment works are
complete. This will reduce the need for local people to
attend hospital for diagnosis of simple lung problems
and follow ups.
Other Services
Card Craft
One of our longest running services
is the card craft group, they meet
every Tuesday morning and have a
gossip whilst learning new card and
paper crafts and creating amazing
card pieces.
Bingo is one of the popular services we
provide at Roseby Road with a room full
for each session and new people joining
frequently it is a great group for people
to enjoy. Taking part each Wednesday
afternoon and Friday morning it is a
fantastic opportunity to socialise and
enjoy a good game of bingo.
Learning Opportunities
During the past year, we have held
first aid, food safety, volunteer
development, personal development
and digital photography classes
engaging a wide range of people.
Other Services
Kids Activities
Food Co-op
Following feedback from young people, we
have started a kid’s activity class on a
Thursday afternoon to promote healthy
eating, physical activity, social inclusion
and fun.
At Roseby Road we offer members
of the community access to fresh
fruit and veg. Every Monday, and
throughout the week, people can
pop along to the food co-op and
get fresh fruit and veg on a weekly
basis for only £2 per bag.
IT Course
Each Friday, we hold a regular weekly
basic computing class which supports
learners to use a computer and the
internet. Feedback has been very positive
with people learning how to shop on the
internet and use email and Skype to stay in
touch with families.
Fundraising & Events
These are a few of the fundraising events
we have held during the last year
Fun Day Live!
On 27th May we held a fun day in the
centre with a range of activities for
children and adults alike. We also had a
Sizzlin’ Summer Barbeque
Quiz Night
On 26th September we held a quiz night
for people in the area. This attracted a lot
of people and had a very positive
reception. There was also a raffle and
On 2nd August we had a barbeque outside
in the sun.
Roseby Road Wellbeing Centre
Roseby Road
County Durham
Phone: 0191 518 1160
Follow @RosebyRoad