HANC Funding Webinar PPT - Association of American Indian

Healthy Active Native Communities
Funding Opportunity Webinar
Purpose of Webinar
 Learn a little about AAIP
 Provide overview of the HANC funding opportunity
 Review allowable strategies
 Go over dates and application requirements
 Answer any questions you might have
Association of American Indian Physicians
•Founded in 1971 by 14 AI/AN
• National Non-Profit
•Dedicated to providing support and
services to AI/AN communities
•Physician member organization with
over 400 members
•Organizational Goals
•1. Recruit AI/AN youth to purse career in medicine
and provide resources along the way
•2. Improve AI/AN health through Public Health
programs in
•Capacity Building Program
Overview of Funding Opportunity
 In 2012 AAIP was awarded a 5 year CDC OSTLTS
Cooperative Agreement – Capacity Building Assistance to sustain and improve the performance of tribal public
health systems
 In addition to the $ 5,000 Funding Opportunity
Data Into Action Training
Tribal Grant Writing Workshop
Tribal Public Health Accreditation
Native public health course for Schools of Medicine Curriculum
STD and Colorectal Cancer Screening Programs
 For more information contact John Stafford at
What is AAIP looking to fund?
 Innovative, culturally sensitive, effective approaches
to prevent obesity and improve nutrition and
physical activity
Three Tribal Health Departments
Applicants that propose CDC Winnable Battles
and/or Community Guide Preventive Services
recommended strategies
Adapt strategies for your community
Well thought out applications that are not too wordy
and follow guidelines
CDC Winnable Battles
 CDC Winnable Battles
 Public health priorities with large-scale impact on health and
with known, effective strategies to address them.
 Based on the magnitude of the health problems and our ability
to make significant progress in improving outcomes.
 In addition to Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity
Food Safety, HIV, Motor Vehicle Injuries, Teen pregnancy, health
care associated infections, and tobacco
Systems, policy, environment, and programmatic
Factors That Affect Health
& Education
Eat healthy, be active
Protective Interventions
Changing the Context
to make individuals’ default
decisions healthy
Socioeconomic Factors
Rx for diabetes, blood
pressure, cholesterol
Vaccines, brief intervention,
tobacco cessation, colonoscopy
Fluoridation, 0g trans
fat, smoke free laws
Poverty, education,
housing, inequality
Does the Environment Support
Individual Behavior Change Efforts?
CDC Strategies To Improve Nutrition
Strategy 1. Promote food policy councils as a way to improve the food
environment at state and local levels
Strategy 2. Improve access to retail stores that sell high-quality fruits and
vegetables or increase the availability of high-quality fruits and vegetables at
retail stores in underserved communities
Strategy 3. Start or expand farm-to-institution programs in schools, hospitals,
workplaces, and other institutions
Strategy 4. Start or expand farmers’ markets in all settings
Strategy 5. Start or expand community supported agriculture programs in all
Strategy 6. Ensure access to fruits and vegetables in workplace cafeterias and
other food service venues
Strategy 7. Ensure access to fruits and vegetables at workplace meetings and
Strategy 8. Support and promote community and home gardens
Strategy 9. Establish policies to incorporate fruit and vegetable activities into
schools as a way to increase consumption
Strategy 10. Include fruits and vegetables in emergency food programs
CDC Strategies to Increase F and V
 CDC Strategies to Increase Fruit and Vegetable
Definition, rationale, evidence of effectiveness, key considerations,
program examples, action steps, and resources
 Start or expand farm-to-institution programs
Kindergarten Initiative in Pennsylvania
This program uses education, snacks from local farms, parent
involvement, and community support to promote healthy eating.
Nutrition concepts are integrated into the regular kindergarten
classroom curriculum, and healthy fruit and vegetable snacks grown
by local farmers are provided to the students.
 Ensure access to healthy fruits and vegetables in
Healthy Picks
The Healthy Picks program at the Santa Rosa Medical Center in
California is one of several programs implemented by the Kaiser
Permanente Comprehensive Food Policy. The program provides
healthier food options in the medical center’s vending machines and
cafeteria. Healthy foods are labeled with Healthy Picks stickers.
Hospital officials used detailed nutritional standards to choose the
Healthy Picks food options, which include more vegetables. A team
of nutrition and dining service professionals working at Kaiser
Permanente implemented the program.
 Establish policies to incorporate fruit and vegetable
activities into schools as a way to increase consumption
Cooking with Kids
This program engages elementary school children in hands-on
learning that uses fresh, affordable foods from diverse cultures.
Students are encouraged to use all of their senses to explore many
varieties of foods, to have fun, and to exercise choice. The curriculum
is aligned with the New Mexico Department of Education’s academic
standards in math, science, social studies, language arts, and
wellness, as well as with the National Health Education Standards.
An evaluation of the program showed that the majority of children
have shown a greater interest in eating healthy foods, including fruits
and vegetables, at home.
CDC Strategies to Increase Physical Activity
CDC Guide to Increase Physical Activity
 http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/downloads/pa_2011_web.pdf
 Point of decision prompts to encourage use of stairs
 CDC’s StairWELL to Better Health Program
 Motivational signs were placed where people have the choice between
stair and elevator use. Intervention messages were tested in focus groups
to ensure that they were motivating to the audience. In addition to using
point-of-decision prompts, CDC also enhanced the stairwell by adding
carpet and rubber treading to each step to maximize safety. The walls
were painted bright colors (each floor is a different color), and framed
artwork that features nutritious foods, picturesque scenery, and people
being active was added to each floor. The intervention also included a
contest to choose employee artwork to be hung in the stairwell. In
addition, music is provided through a digital satellite system that rotates
a variety of musical genres, including classical, country, jazz, Latin,
oldies, popular contemporary, and urban
 Enhanced school based physical education
CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Child Health)
 CATCH is a popular, evidence-based school health program. It
includes activities that can be done in and out of the
classroom, as well as home and after-school activities and a
family component. CATCH is designed to promote physical
activity and healthy food choices in children.
 The YMCA of Greater Rochester integrated the philosophy of
the CATCH program into the YMCA’s after-school child care
program. Child care staff received training from a certified
CATCH program director at the beginning of the school year,
as well as booster training throughout the year.
Community Guide to Preventive Services
 The Guide to Community Preventive Services is a free
resource to help you choose programs and policies to
improve health and prevent disease in your community
 Based on a scientific systematic review process and
answers questions critical to almost everyone interested
in community health and well-being such as:
What interventions have and have not worked?
In which populations and settings has the intervention worked or not
What might the intervention cost? What should I expect for my
Does the intervention lead to any other benefits or harms?
What interventions need more research before we know if they work
or not?
Community Guide Preventive Services
Recommended Strategies
Community Guide to Preventive Services
 Link to recommended obesity prevention strategies
 http://www.thecommunityguide.org/obesity/communitysetti
 Behavioral interventions that aim to reduce recreational (i.e.,
neither school-related nor work-related) sedentary screen
time teach behavioral self-management skills to initiate or
maintain behavior change.
 Worksite wellness - Policy and environmental approaches aim
to make healthy choices easier and target the entire workforce
by changing physical or organizational structures. Examples
of this include: Improving access to healthy foods (e.g.
changing cafeteria options, vending machine
content)Providing more opportunities to be physically active
(e.g. providing on-site facilities for exercise)
Why Should We Adapt these Strategies?
The recommended strategies have been tried and tested
to be effective in addressing obesity, physical inactivity,
and poor nutrition.
They draw on peer-reviewed literature and practice-based programs
utilizing these strategies will increase the likelihood of your
program’s success.
 There are lots of strategies to choose from, so you have
the opportunity to determine which strategy will best
work in your community.
Since the majority of these strategies are not designed to be
culturally specific for American Indian communities, you will be able
to tailor the strategy to meet your community’s needs.
Important Dates
 All mini-grants applications must be received by
December 15, 2014 5:00 p.m. CST.
Grant recipients will be notified by January 12, 2015.
Funds will be distributed by January 19, 2015.
Project period is January 19, 2015 to June 15, 2015.
Mid-Project report (template provided by AAIP) is due
April 15, 2014.
End of Project Success Story and Photos due June 30,
Awarded programs will receive an all expense paid trip,
for one (1), to present at the AAIP Annual Meeting and
Health Conference (first week of August 2015, site TBD)
Application Requirements
 Contacts for two people at THD
 Brief description of THD
 Target Population
 Winnable Battle or Community Guide strategy
 Adapting Strategy to be Culturally Appropriate
 Description of Project
 Partners
 Outcomes/Evaluation
 Budget
Success Story - Optional
 A goal of the AAIP Healthy, Active Native
Communities project is to increase the literature and
disseminate examples of how American Indian
communities are battling obesity.
 How your community is currently addressing obesity
and improving nutrition and physical activity.
 Success stories will be featured on the AAIP Healthy
Active Native Communities On-Line Resource Guide,
A web-based warehouse of information, resources, tools, and
the great health programs and efforts in Indian Country.
Not included in page limit
Scoring Criteria – Total Eligible Points=40
 Eligibility Requirements and Formatting Guidelines
(5 points)
Project Feasibility (5 points)
Impact (10 points)
Policy, System, and/or Environmental Change (10
Project Development (10 points)
Time for Q and A
Submit application to Echo Duerksen at
John Stafford
Noelle Kleszynski