PPD Task Force March 2014 with spp 2

PPD Task Force
March 2014
Operating Standards Changes
› Cognitive Disability – changed to
Intellectual Disability
› Clarifies initial evaluation team and
reevaluation team
› Updates language: transition, visual
impairment, scholarship
› Adds requirement for initial
informed consent to access
insurance in provision of related
services, and eye exam.
› IEP can not serve as prior written
› Removed required re-eval for
preschool to kindergarten
› Clarifies DOS and DOR
requirements for JP and Autism
Memorandum to Whose IDEA is This?
› Memorandum to Amend
Whose IDEA IS This? Must now
be distributed when Whose
› http://education.ohio.gov/g
PWN/ Whose IDEA is it? Updates
› NEW version in MARCH 2014
› PWN New Chart and Q and A
› PWN should be a summary of the
meeting. Include items such as:
– Did the parents ask questions? What
were the answers?
– Did the team consider anything else
on the IEP?
– It should be an individualized summary
of what the conversation was at the
Procedures for IEP meeting
› Hold the IEP meeting
› Discuss proposed/refused changes to the IEP (FAPE)
› After the IEP but BEFORE the implementation of the new IEP – provide PWN
– Check the “Other” box
– Complete the 6 questions –
The discussion of what was proposed/refused/considered
What was agreed upon,
What was not agreed upon- but why the district chose what they did,
Parents input/concerns
It should not be a repeat of the entire IEP, instead, documentation of the discussion that took place on the
road to develop the IEP
– Question 2- “At the IEP meeting on __ the follow proposed action (or refused action) was agreed
upon by all members of the IEP team”
– Summarize All changes on one PWN
– The PWN must be individualized
– Can be sent home with copy of IEP (if parent didn’t attend)- but the IEP can not be implemented
until the parent receives the PWN –
Meeting date = the date the team met,
Effective start date = date IEP is actually implemented
End date= 1 year minus 1 day from the start date
Note: if the meeting date and start date are several days apart, the child must have a valid IEP at all times,
therefore the End date on the previous IEP must be the day before the start date on the new IEP
› Cross out the asterisked sentence about PWN on the IEP
More about PWN (PR-01)
PWN – initial evaluation
Do you need 2 PWN (one prior to conducting an
evaluation and one at the conclusion of an initial
evaluation)? NO
1. Initial referral by district for suspected disability with PR-05
2. Initial evaluation and parents refuse services
3. After the IEP prior to implementation (Proposed FAPE change)
PWN Disciplinary Change of Placement
 When a district seek to change the placement as a result of
disciplinary violation of student code of conduct.
 If it is NOT a manifestation of the disability – PWN is required after the
decision is made, but before the placement is changed
 If it is a manifestation of the disability – there is NO change of placement
and PWN is NOT needed.
ETR Timeline Chart
OEC is working on:
› Updating Parent surrogate training modules and moving
them from OCALI to ODE’s website.
› New training modules for ETR and IEP and will be closely
monitoring the training.
› Revising the Dispute resolution process
– Had a stakeholders meeting in December and the
recommendations include:
› Change to a 1 tier system (hearing officer and eliminating
appeal to state level review) so that districts can go directly to
› Standardize procedures for hearing process- which will be put
into officer training in August
› Standardize procedures for qualifications of hearing officers –
There will be a review of current hearing officers
Clermont County SPP
Rule Reviews
› Autism Scholarship Draft Rule-
– undergoing 5 yr. Rule Review
– Accepting Public Comment taken till Feb 7th
› Instructional Assistant Draft Rule
– State law requires adoption of a new rules for a one year IA
– Accepting public comments till Feb
› Both Websites are no longer active
› For more information on Autism Scholarship go to
› The website www.edresourcesohio.org is still up and
running. The only items it still contains, however, are the
databases of the complaint decisions, due process decisions,
and waiver approvals. If you simply go to the website there are
3 boxes to click in depending on what you want to look at.
Preschool Transportation Guidance
HQT – Wendy Stoica
› there will be significant changes to
qualifications for HQT for secondary “MH”
teachers next year.
› ODE consultants from Diverse Learners,
Curriculum and Assessment, OCALI and HQT
offices are developing policy and guidance
documents to address the new requirements.
› The HQT pages in the HQT Toolkit will be revised
and updated to address those who teach
grades 7-12 to be HQT in the content areas
they instruct.
› We must establish higher expectations to align
with the OACS-Extensions and that is why they
must become HQT in grade 7-12 content.
› We intend to utilize the extended content
standards online modules as the content
component and additional online modules to
address the pedagogy component to meet
› with a phase in/transition period beginning in
fall 2014. We expect the policy and guidance
to be finalized soon.
› "ODE is working internally to provide a no or low cost way for
teachers to meet this new requirement with a transition or
phase-in period for full implementation by 2016-17 school year.
Utilizing Ohio's Academic Content Standards-Extended new
online content modules as the foundation along with additional
online resources and professional learning communities or
study groups teachers can meet HQT clock hour requirements
for content and pedagogy in each content area of their
teaching assignment. We apologize for the delay in providing
more complete information to districts and impacted teachers
and ask for your patience as we expect to provide these and
guidelines for LEAs toward meeting this new requirement soon."
› Those teachers will still use Form D for now. The modules are
meant for those who teach students who take the alternative
assessments – so if others have been HQT using the 7-12 form
for their assignment as an intervention specialist, this change
doesn’t really apply to them and would not have to do the
modules. The modules are an option for those who this change
pertains to.
New OACS- Extended Modules
› English Language Arts and
Math are here!
› 2 hrs. Each
› http://www.ohextendedsta
HQT Discussion
OCALI Course
We are very excited to be able to offer new graduate credit courses for completing the Autism Internet
Modules (AIM). As you are probably aware, we have partnered with Ashland University in Ohio to bundle
modules for graduate credit. The cost per credit hour is 225.00.
Registration is open for the spring courses. We are offering one, two and three credit options:
Courses begin April 6, 2014
- Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders (1 credit)
- Communication and Social Skills in ASD (1 credit)
- Creating Classroom Structure for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (1 credit)
- Evidence-Based Practices 1 (1 credit)
- Evidence-Based Practices 2 (1 credit)
- Evidence-Based Practices 2 (1 credit)
- Transition-Aged Youth and Adults with ASD (1 credit)
- Assessment, Characteristics and Evidence-Based Practices (2 credits)
- Evidence-Based Practices (3 credit)
There is a 2-step registration process for registration, one part is required on the AIM site, and the other is
required on the Ashland University site. We suggest you begin on the AIM site
Step 1: Follow the directions on the AIM site under the College and University Course Credit section of the
dashboard. Use the Help button if you need it, and email aim_course@ocali.org if you have questions.
Step 2: Complete the Ashland registration http://www.ashland.edu/founders/coursesearch/online?field_course_topic_value=All&field_course_sponsor_tid=156 and pay for your course on the
Ashland University site. A link is also provided within the AIM course description.
Within 24-48 hours after you have completed both steps and Ashland has added you to the course, you will
receive an email from AIM confirming your registration and letting you know when the course will be
available for you.
Again, contact aim_course@ocali.org if you have questions.
3rd GG
› It is recommended that RIMP be separate from the IEP
due to Federal/State Law
› Praxis: The 5203 Teaching Reading: Elementary
Education test will not require educators to take
additional coursework but simply pass the exam.
– Upon passing the exam, nothing additional will be added to
a license.
– This qualification will not be a reading endorsement, but will
satisfy the requirements of the law just the same.
– http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Early-Learning/ThirdGrade-Reading-Guarantee/Third-Grade-ReadingGuarantee-District-Resources/Teacher-Credentials
3rd GG- Alternative Std. Assessment
• A standardized assessment(s) for reading determined by the Ohio
Department of Education for the Third Grade Reading Guarantee.
• Allows a third grade student to take and demonstrate an
acceptable level of reading performance for promotion to the
fourth grade.
• A student may only be promoted to the fourth grade based on
their acceptable level of performance on the alternative
standardized assessment if they did not earn a 392 or higher on
the fall or spring third grade reading Ohio Achievement
Assessment (OAA).
3rd GG- Alternative Std. Assessment
› The alternative standardized assessments for reading
• Iowa Assessments Form F Level 9 (grade 3)
• Northwest Evaluation Association(NWEA)- Measurement of
Academic Progress(MAP)
• Terra Nova 3
• For more information, log on to:
Things that make you go “hmmmmmmm”
› Reading/Writing Diagnostics for students on AASCD
– Federal Law states that students must be assessed
inappropriate on/off track
– When talking about on/off track – compared to typical?
Compared to students with disabilities????
– Curious minds would like to discuss……
HOW are YOU handling this
Kevin Jamison
›CPS 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee
Decision Framework
› Available on the AASCD
› Note if you skip tasks you will
get an error that sections
were left blank, just click yes
and continue if purposefully
left blank
› http://oh.portal.airast.org/oh
PARCC Scribe Accommodation
› For students :
– with physical disability that limits
– whose handwriting is illegible,
– who can write but have a
documented disability in the area of
› Qualifications of Scribe:
– be trained, sign an agreement form,
for student who is deaf- be fluent in
sign, should be familiar with student
› Lots of information about how,
when, where…..
› http://www.parcconline.org/sites
PARCC Assistive Technology Guidelines
› 2 Categories:
– `1. Plug into computer (keyboards, switch
interfaces…)list available at
that work with TestNav8 platform. This list will be
continually updated. Any AT can be tested in
secured mode on the Infrastructure Trial site even those that don’t appear on the list.
– 2. Stand alone devices- that do not interact
directly with the TestNav (speech to text, AAC,
Word prediction, self contained word
processors…). All grammar checking, internet
access and stored file functionalities must be
disabled. All responses generated on stand
alone AT must be transcribed to the
computer/paper based test
– http://www.parcconline.org/sites/parcc/files/PA
PARCC ASSESSMENT and Assistive Technology
Different levels of
Some for all
Some for students
who have a personal
needs profile
 Importance of trying
technology to see if it
works prior to PARCC
School Finance Newsletter
› http://education.ohi
504 Updates
› Medical Diagnosis is not
› Apply to athletics and
extra curricular activities?
› Manifestation
Determination for
suspensions10+ days
› Failure to recognize
disability based bullying,
harassment, or
intimidation violates 504
› Action to be taken
CISAM Modules
› 1. AIM Introduction and Decision
› 2. Braille and Large Print
› 3. Audio and Digital Text
› 4. CISAM Services
› 5. PALM Initiative – purchase
accessible learning materials
(PSLM) initiative
› http://cisam.ossb.oh.gov/Professio
Walter Horn Awards
› Please nominate an Intervention Specialist
and/or a student with disabilities from your
› Please contact Sharon Rieke at 674-4234 or
Sharon.rieke@hcesc.org if you are planning to
nominate a teacher or student.
› Deadline is Friday, March 28th
4 County PPD/Curriculum Meeting
› Cancelled from April 9
› Will probably be rescheduled
› Stay tuned!
› Other District/ESC/Agency Announcements