TCSD Community Meeting Powerpoint

Tishomingo County School
District Community
Tishomingo County High School Auditorium
October 7, 2013
6:00 P.M
TCSD 2012- 2013
Academic Performance
 Welcome - Superintendent Ben McClung
 2012-2013 Assessment Performance
 District Rating = B
 “A” Schools = Belmont, Iuka Elementary, TCHS
 “B” Schools = Burnsville, Iuka Middle, Tishomingo
 All schools met growth and had excellent school-wide
student performance
House Bill 1530
 Students must be in attendance for 63% of his/her instructional
day to be counted present.
 If students leave school before their required 63%, he/she is
counted absent for the day.
 This affects MAEP funding that schools receive due to the
calculation of Average Daily Attendance (ADA) in the MAEP
funding formula.
 October and November are critical months in calculating ADA and
these two months directly affect how much our school district
receives from the state for funding resources/supplies that are
necessary for school operations.
 Please help us by making sure your students are at school for at
least 63% of their instructional day. Make sure students are at
school no later than 10:15 AM and try to schedule appointments
after 12:45 PM in the afternoon.
Senate Bill 2347
 Katie Crane – Federal Programs Director
 The Literacy Based Promotion Act (3rd Grade Gateway) states that 3rd
graders will take a reading test to determine reading proficiency.
 If a child does not meet the set cut score for this test, the child will not
be promoted to 4th grade.
 There will be Good Cause Exemptions from this requirement.
 Extensive screening is (and will continue to be done) in grades K-2 to
identify struggling readers and intervene with intensive reading
 This year’s 3rd graders will NOT be held accountable for this test, but
will possibly participate in a field test.
 The Bill states this year’s 2nd graders will be required to pass this test for
promotion next year as 3rd graders.
Federal Programs
 TCSD receives federal funds via the following title programs
in order to increase student achievement and provide
conducive learning environments.
I- Low Income
II- Professional Development
III- English Language Acquisition Program
VI- Rural and Low Income School Program
 Guidelines for Federal Programs
 Cannot be used to meet accreditation standards
 School percentages based on percentage of free/reduced
 Each title program possesses its own guidelines, eligibility
requirements, provisions on how the funds are to be spent,
and an application process to be submitted to the Mississippi
Department of Education for review on an annual basis.
Title I
 Title I funds are utilized to improve student instruction. The amount
of funds received is based on the percentage of students receiving
free/reduced lunch.
 The following schools in our district are Title I schools: Belmont,
Burnsville, Iuka Elementary, Iuka Middle, and Tishomingo.
 Budget Allocation for 2013-2014
 % of Teacher salaries
 % of 4 nurses
 % of Administration
PLATO software
 Starboards/Projectors
Supplies for Title schools
Parental involvement
Title II
 Title II funds are used primarily for Class Size Reduction
and Professional Development.
 Budget Allocation for 2013-2014
 $159,932
 Expenditures
 Salaries
 % of teacher salaries for class size reduction
 Professional Development
 Needs assessment survey to determine what teachers need
 Academic coaching/ CCSS Consultants
Title III
 Title III is based on students who qualify for ELL(English
Language Learners) services in TCSD.
 TCSD has qualified for Title III funds for the upcoming
school year. The application has not yet been
submitted; therefore, there is no budget allocation at
this time.
 Title III funds have guidelines and requirements as other
Title programs do. These are based on supporting ELL
students and the staff that work with them each day.
Title VI
 Title VI funds in TCSD are used to provide resource officers
for two schools, supplies for drug awareness/prevention, and
software geared for Drop-Out Prevention.
 Budget Allocation for 2013-2014
 $63,389
 Expenditures
 Red Ribbon Week Supplies
 Salaries
 % of salaries for Resource Officers
 Software
 Primarily focusing on Grade/Credit recovery
 SATP2 Remediation
 Drop-out Prevention
Dual Credit
 The Dual Credit program in TCSD allows Juniors and Seniors who meet
program criteria to take college courses at Northeast Mississippi
Community College while at school.
 These courses take the place of required high school courses needed for
graduation. For example, a qualifying Junior or Senior could take
English Composition I at NEMCC, and if passed, it will fulfill either the
English III or English IV high school requirement for graduation.
 The program has minimal costs, making it an excellent option for
students who plan on going to college.
 Packets for Spring Semester Registration will be ready for
Parent/Teacher Conference Day on October 21st from 3:30-7:00 at each
high school site. See your high school counselor for those packets.
Child Find
 Dr. Tina Joslin, Special Education Director
 The Child Find Program is a statewide effort to identify, locate, and
evaluate children through the age of 21 who may have a physical,
mental, communicative, and/or emotional disability.
 Early identification is critical.
 Information gathered from contacts with parents and other agencies will
be used to help determine present and future program needs as we
strive to provide a free, appropriate public education to all disabled
 You can help by referring any student from birth to 21 with any of the
discussed disabling conditions to our Special Education department at
the District Office.
 Individuals and/or agencies making referrals may remain anonymous if
Common Core
 Christie Holly, Curriculum/Testing Coordinator
 Points of Discussion
 What is Common Core and how did it come to be?
 How is Mississippi implementing Common Core, and what is
the timeline for the implementation process?
 How will Common Core affect my child’s learning?
 Are there resources that can help me as a parent
understand Common Core better and that can help me
assist my child’s learning at home?
Why Common Core?
Common Core
 Aligned with college and work expectations
 Focused and coherent
 Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order
 Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards
 Internationally benchmarked so that all students are prepared to succeed in
our global economy and society
 Based on evidence and research
 State led – coordinated by National Governors Association Center and Council
of Chief State School Officers (discussion began in 2006, drafted in 2009 in
conjunction with national teacher groups, state education officials, special
populations representatives, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders)
 Mississippi adopted CCSS (Common Core State Standards) in 2010
Common Core – Mississippi Timeline
 2013-14: CCSS full implementation
Use Accountability Labels from 2012-13 OR from 2013-14 (whichever is higher)
Field Testing will occur for new tests
Students will still test in SAPT2, MCT2, and MST2
Publish all data from new model
 2014-15: CCSS
New assessments in ELA/Math
Current assessments in Science/U.S. History
Use Accountability Labels from 2012-13 or 2013-14 (higher of two)
Publish all data
Standard setting will occur through PARCC consortium during Summer 2015
 2015-16: CCSS
New assessments in ELA/Math
Current assessments in Science/U.S. History
Apply new State and Federal (Combined) Accountability Model to determine labels
Common Core Shifts
 English-Language Arts
 K-5: Balancing Informational and Literary Texts
 6-12: Knowledge in the Disciplines (teaching literacy across all
 Staircase of Complexity: Each grade requires a “step” in
growth on the “staircase.” Texts become more difficult based
upon grade-level expectations. Scaffolding is paramount.
 Text-based Answers: Rich discussions about text and develop
habits for text-based arguments and in writing
 Writing from Sources: Evidence-based argumentative writing
instead of narrative prompts (still needed but not as much)
 Academic Vocabulary: Strategic focus on grade-level complex
texts’ vocabulary to build student capacity for comprehension
in increasing complexity
Common Core Shifts
 Mathematics
 Focus: Narrow and deepen the scope of how time is spent in
the classroom; must focus deeply on conceptual knowledge
 Coherence: Connect learning across grades and subjects; each
standard is an extension of previous learning, not a new event
 Fluency: Speed and accuracy with simple calculations; core
functions should be memorized and retained
 Deep understanding: Teaching more than “how to get the
answer”; apply core math concepts to new situations and can
write/speak about their understanding
 Application: Without prompting, students use math and the
appropriate concepts; real-world situations are used in math
as well as other subject areas
 Dual Intensity: Practicing and understanding are occurring
with intensity; drills are used and students make use of those
skills through extended application of math concepts
Common Core Shifts
 Mathematical Practices
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of
4. Model with mathematics
5. Use appropriate tools strategically
6. Attend to precision
7. Look for and make use of structure
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Common Core Transition for
Students, Teachers, and Parents
 Expectations:
 More focus on reading and writing using evidence and
analytical thinking to communicate
 More difficult grade-level texts and more intense focus on
 More project-based learning and modeling exercises
 More use of technology to access tools and for research
 More difficult tasks and struggles with grasping concepts on
the first try
 Shifts in complexity in math problems and tasks and real-life
problem solving
 Assessments will become more rigorous to align student tasks
 Possible drop in grades, much like what was experienced
when we transitioned to MCT2 Framework
Common Core State Standards
 The Standards are fewer but more rigorous.
 The Standards develop critical thinking skills across all
subjects (all subject areas focus on literacy within their
 The Standards are expectations of where students
should be by the end of their grade level.
 The Standards allow students to engage in the learning
process more deeply and apply learning in new ways.
Common Core State Standards
 The Standards are not a curriculum. The decisions on
how to teach to the standards and what resources to
use are determined at local levels.
 The Standards are not federally mandated. Mississippi
goes through curriculum revisions every 5-7 years, and
they voluntarily adopted the Standards in 2010-11.
 Science, History, and other subjects will not lose their
content. They will simply focus on literacy through
their content.
How You Can Help
- Literacy  Ask your child specific questions about what they read.
 Encourage children to read, then write and speak about,
nonfiction text such as newspapers, magazines, and
 Encourage children to research topics of interest and read
series that relate to a central topic.
 Have your child follow step by step instructions or a set of
directions in order to accomplish a task, such as building a
sandcastle or operating a game.
How You Can Help
- Mathematics  District Web Site – contains a new
Common Core Corner with links for parents and teachers
 Help children practice their addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division facts.
 Encourage children not to give up while solving problems, to build
stamina and develop their critical thinking skills. Don’t just give them
the answers - ask them to think of different ways they can solve
 Have children illustrate the math they were thinking in their head
and discuss it out loud.
 Have children apply their math knowledge to a real-world scenario
at home, such as doubling a recipe or calculating the area of a room.
Common Core Parent Resources
 District Web Site – contains
a new Common Core Corner with many links for parents
and teachers
 Talk to your student’s teachers. They can tell you about
how learning is changing and expectations for your
 Be an encourager. Teach students to persevere when
facing difficult tasks.
Thank You!
 Closing – Superintendent Ben McClung
 Dismissal
 We will have a brief question/answer session after dismissal
for those who would like to stay and ask questions of the
Central Office Staff present.
 If you cannot stay for the question/answer session, please use
the index cards from the back table to write your question.
Please provide an email or phone number, and we will try to
get back with you with answers. We will also compile
questions and answers and place them in our Common Core
Corner at our District website.