Support for Palliative Care Patients July 2013

Alison Kempthorne
Community Manager
St.Clare Hospice
A place for advice and information
Living with a life limiting illness raises all kinds of questions and issues.
Our team can help give advice and information on a wide range of topics such
as completing forms & providing benefit advice, to discussing medication and
complex symptom control issues.
Our 24 Hour Advice Line (01279) 773 773
is designed to support patients, their family and our Healthcare colleagues at
any time.
As a professional – never hesitate to call.
We offer a range of education opportunities, our website advertises these. If
you would like anything specific tailored for you/your team – please let us
St.Clare Community Specialist
Palliative Care Nurses
 Covering the whole of West Essex
 Referral for palliative patients team work in close
collaboration with local district nursing teams and
 Offer specialist symptom management advice and
 End of life care planning and support
 Discharge patients when needs are met.
Day Therapy
Day Therapy
 Therapeutic groups 12 week duration
 Subtle work to address the deeper issues of facing
Advanced care planning
Breathlessness group
Neuro Group
Access to complimentary therapies
Joint clinic with site specific specialities
All about you days and carer support groups
In-Patient Unit
Our Inpatient Unit has eight single bedrooms, all with en-suite
 Patients can access the outdoors – even on their bed
Reasons for admission :
 Symptom management
 Assessment
 End of Life Care
We provide short term care, our average length of stay is 10 days
All patients are Holistically assessed, and cared for by the whole Multi
professional team
Bereavement Support
It is often very comforting for a patient to know that their
family and friends will be cared for after they die.
Our Bereavement Service offers outstanding care to families and friends
of patients who have been cared for by the St Clare Team.
 We offer individual bereavement support, and also run a monthly
bereaved carers group, where peer support as well as professional input
is valuable.
 The next of kin & nominated others are sent a letter 8 weeks after the
death of their loved one, and offered the opportunity to access the
 Remembrance services are held at the Hospice, conducted by our
chaplain supported by the bereavement coordinator and social worker
Specialist Nurses in site Specific
 Breast Macmillan Nurse Specialists – Philippa Dooher-
Lead Nurse SMH Tel 01279-827301
Cancer services – Jill Herbert Lead Nurse Williams Day
Centre Tel 01279-827668
Colorectal Nurse Specialist – Margaret Ndeda PAH Tel
01279 827182
Clinical Trials Jo Kellaway PAH 01279-827166
Gynaecology Lisa Reid Macmillan Specialist PAH Tel
Specialist Nurses in site Specific
 Haematology CNS Lisa Purton – 01279-827473
 Lung Cancer CNS Tracey Horey & Sara Hymas PAH
01279-827622/01279 827519
 Marie Curie Discharge Liaison Nurse for West Essex
Sarah Murphy SMH & PAH 01279-825254
 Palliative Care Macmillan Nurses PAH Gill Robertson
& Julie Rodgers 01279-827846
 Prostate Nurse Specialist Nikki Scarlioli SMH
Macmillan Community Prostate Nurse 01992-902010
Specialist Nurses Contd.
 Upper GI Cate Simmons Tel. 01279-827505
 Urology Amanda Lewis SMH Tel. 07748 652935
Macmillan Cancer Support
Macmillan Cancer Support
• Offer comprehensive cancer information and
community support, an advice line, a website, an
advocacy and benefits advice and pathway
navigation service.
Provide support and information throughout the
cancer pathway from diagnosis through to end of
life, survivorship and living with cancer as a long
term condition.
We provide volunteers providing one to one
befriending and respite for carers in the
How to Contact Service
 Please contact Mary Hanbury, Manager by phoning
the advice line.
Advice line: 01279 698673 open 8.00am - 4.30pm, Monday
to Friday.
Drop in facility at office, advisable to phone first
& Williams Day Unit, incorporating chemotherapy unit
and oncology outpatients.
Fax:01279 698684
Other Services The Hummingbird
 Meeting place Bishop's Stortford
 Activities
Group meets every other Monday morning from 10:00 to 13:00.
We run a drop-in centre offering general support and
information. We provide complementary therapies including
Aromatherapy, Massage, Reflexology, Reiki and Acupressure.
 Telephone contacts
Adrian Roberts: 01277 658522 (Weekdays 6pm-8pm)
Mike Groves: 01279 871 539 (Weekdays 6pm-8pm)
 Email
 Address
1 Marlowe Close, Billericay, Essex, CM12 0YF
 Monday to Friday, open from 8:30am-2pm, for breakfast, coffee and lunch.
Lunch must be booked by 11 and is served between 12 and 1.30pm.
 Last Saturday every month – coffee morning
 Contact Julia Pointer 01799 522772
 Saffron Seniors 2nd and 4th Mondays 2-4pm alternate meetings there is a
speaker, alternate meetings bingo and chat
 Contact Marion Green 01799 527116
 Transport can be provided for a nominal fee if resident in Saffron Walden
 Over 60s club alternate Thursdays 2-4pm
 Contact Jean Barrett 01799 501021
 Jubilee Club alternate Thursdays from 14th January, 2.15-3.45pm
 Contact John Thomas 01799 516216
 Contact 01992 711188
 Tuesday Sunstreet Senior Citizen Club
 A social club from 1 – 4pm, a chance to have a chat and meet other
Day Centre
(for over 60s)
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
10 – 2pm Activities including bingo, musical afternoons occasionally
3-course home-cooked meal
Transport provided if in the Waltham Abbey area
 Speak to Rose
 Tea and a Talk
The Waltham Abbey Older People's Engagement
Network is a group that meets monthly for a tea and a
talk. As well as being an opportunity to socialise, recent
activities have included workshops on basic first aid in
the home, an art and craft class and a seated exercise
class. Tea and a Talk is a friendly group that welcomes
new members.
 For more information, call us on 01992 564363 or 01992
Clara Stewart Senior Citizens Club
St James’ Church
St James’ Avenue
Marden Ash
 Contact Mrs. Freda Rockett on 01277 364019
 The club is the 2nd and 4th Thursday every month from 2 – 4pm
and costs £1.
 Tea / coffee available and also transport from the Ongar area.
 Closed August and January.
Oakwood Hill Estate Senior Citizen Club
Estate Hall
Contact Mike Riley on 0208 508 5743
Activities on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday include bingo, darts, line-dancing, bowls and general
social events.
Wednesday tends to be the day-trip day, sometimes to the seaside.
Evenings there is darts, bowls and bingo too.
St Edmunds Senior Citizen Club
St Edmund Church Hall
Traps Hill
IG10 1TB
Contact Mrs Bridget Kinsella on 0208 508 2285
Future Strategic Aims of St.Clare
 To open the hospice to our community over a seven
day period
To increase our bereavement support to support more
children and groups
To expand our community specialist team
To widen our input in education, training and support
of our colleagues
To create a hospice at home service in collaboration
with community colleagues and a volunteer service
Thank you