Local Wellness policy

Local Wellness Policy-Updates
Presented by The New Jersey Department of Agriculture
October 2013
 Guide Local Education Agency’s(LEA) in local wellness
policy provisions
 Alert to the Passing of 2010 Healthy Hunger Free Kids
Act and how that changes the requirements for the LEAs
Implementation Timeline
 As of School year 2006-2007, all districts were required
to establish a local school wellness policy, The NJ Model
School nutrition policy was adopted by all NJ LEAs
 For school year 2013-2014, LEAs are encouraged to
continue reviewing and assessing their local wellness
policies and implementing the new requirements.
 LEAs will be held accountable for local school wellness
policy implementation, assessment, and public updates.
NJ Code
 Defines the NJ Nutrition
policy as an acceptable
wellness policy, BUT the
HHFKA of 2010 make
changes necessary
 The code must be
revised to remain
consistent the federal
 NJ wants to maintain the
positive aspects of the
current code while being
in compliance with the
federal standards
What’s new?
The requirements for the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act has
strengthen the local wellness policies under section 204 to
1. Elements of the local school wellness policy(LWP)
2. Stakeholder Involvement
3. Stakeholder participation
4. Local discretion
5. Public Notification
6. Measuring Implementation
7. Local Designation
Elements of Local wellness Policy
 Goals for nutrition
 Goals for Physical
 Goals for School based
activities to promote
student wellness
Stakeholder Involvement
 Public involvement permits, teachers of physical
education and school health professionals to participate
in the development of LWP.
 The Requirements of the HHFKA, are now required to
permit all stakeholders such as teachers, students,
parents, school boards, SFA representatives, community
members, and school health professionals to participate
in the implementation and periodic review and update of
Local Discretion
 LEAs can determine the specific policies appropriate for
the schools under their jurisdiction, provided that those
policies include all required elements specified in the Act
Stakeholder Participation
 LEAs are now required to permit all stakeholders named,
such as school administrators to participate in the
implementation and periodic review and update the LWP
Public Notification
 LEAs are required to inform and update the
public(including stakeholders) and school community
about content and implementation of the local wellness
Measuring Implementation
 LEAs are required to periodically measure and make
available to the public an assessment on the
implementation of the LWP, including the extent to which
school are in compliance with the LWP, the extent to
which the LWP compares to model LWP, and a
description of the progress made in attaining goals of
Local Designation
 LEAs are required to designate one or more LEA officials
or school officials to ensure that each school complies
with the LWP
Components of a Wellness Policy
 Nutrition education goals
 Physical activity goals
 Nutrition guidelines for all foods available on the school
 Other school-based activities to promote student
School Based Activities
 Healthful and meaningful
 Time to eat
 Rewards involving food
 Dinning environment
Nutrition Education Goals
o Possible enhancements:
o Students receive consistent nutrition
messages throughout the school
o Sign up schools for Team Nutrition
Healthy fruits
Physical Activity Goals
o NJ Department of Education’s Core Curriculum Standards meets
 Possible enhancements:
 Integrate physical activity into the academic curriculum.
 Provide opportunities for physical activity through after-school
Other School Based Activities That
Promote Student Wellness
 Allow adequate time for meal consumption.
 Provide a pleasant eating environment.
 Schedule recess before lunch whenever possible.
 Prohibit use of food as a reward or punishment.
 Encourage school staff to serve as role models.
Implement the policy
Requires good planning and management skills
Consistent oversight
Requires widespread buy-in by school staff and the local
Maintain, Measure and Evaluate
Establish a plan for measuring implementation of
wellness policy.
Designate one or more persons to ensure schools are
meeting the policy.
Evaluate effectiveness of the policy.
Evaluating the Policy
 Review policy goals periodically
 Assess what’s working and what’s not working
 Use evaluation tool
 Have designated team member sign and date
Monitoring Process
 A copy of the current Local School Wellness Policy
 Documentation demonstrating the Local School Wellness
Policy has been made available to the public
 Documentation of the district’s efforts to review and
update the Local School Wellness Policy, including an
indication of who is involved in the update and methods
the district uses to make stakeholders aware of their
ability to participate
 A copy of the district’s most recent assessment on the
implementation of the Local School Wellness Policy
 Documentation demonstrating the district’s most recent
assessment on the implementation of the Local School
Wellness Policy has been made available to the public
School Wellness Policy
Team nutrition web site:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
School Health Guidelines to promote Healthy Eating and
Physical Activity:
 Result: 9 Guidelines were developed around nutrition,
physical activity and Obesity prevention
 www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/npao/strategies.htm
 These guidelines can help creating goals for Nutrition
education and physical activity
Requirements for AR review
 A local wellness policy that is current with the 2010
HHFKA section 204 regulations
 Nutrition guidelines for all foods available on school
 A plan for measuring implementation
 Maintain documentation to support the compliance
 The Healthier US School Challenge
 Must submit the wellness policy and goals
 How often your wellness committee meeting
 School improvement plan
 Describe how the community is involved
Thank you