1 •My Life My Way! Toolkit comprises of: •Tool kit 1 •All about me This enables the child to draw and express ‘their family’, their favourite things’ and support wanted. This is more suitable for younger children •Toolkit 2 •What I want my worker to do for me An A4 sheet that the child/young person can use to outline key behaviours/tasks expected from the worker •Toolkit 3 •What about me? Exploring life at home, school, with friends and favourite things •Toolkit 4 •Three houses This activity sheet is a technique that helps the child/young person think about and discuss risks (sad house), strengths (happy house) and areas to be improved/changed (house of wishes) 2 •My Journey continued......... •Toolkit 5 •3 Islands / boats Helps gain insight into a child’s life without having to rely on questions and answer interviews. •Toolkit 6 •More about me This is an opportunity to reflect and gain insight on those wishes that the child/young person has previously identified using emotive expressions, stickers , and sharing what further needs to happen. •Toolkit 7 •My Journey Like toolkit 6 this allows the worker to gain from the child/young person what changes and improvements have been made since the last visit, what difference it has made and what else the worker needs to do or speak to for further help •Toolkit 8 •Where can I go for support This can be added to every pack to remind the child/young person of who else they can talk to or where they can go for support 3 Good Practice Guidance for Managers and Staff: Gaining the views and wishes of children and young people to improve their quality of life My life, My Way is a comprehensive toolkit that can be used with children and young people to gain an insight into their views, wishes and feelings and hopes for the future. It can be used in a multitude of situations with young people: • • • • • • • • Where urgent action has to be taken to protect them; Those subject to further assessment and child protection enquires; Those who become the subject of multi agency child protection plans; Any plan that sets out the help that will be provided to them and their families; To help children and young people stay safe; Statutory visits Edge of Care services Early Help and Prevention It has been designed with Northamptonshire Children in Care Forum and the Northamptonshire County Council’s Children’s Rights Service. Toolkit 1 All About Me! A Picture of Me: Date:.......................................... My Name is: ...................................................... I like to be called: ..................................................... My date of birth is: ...................................................... My Worker is: ...................................................... 5 Toolkit 1 Circles of support: People Who are Important to Me: Toolkit 1 This is a Picture of my Favourite Things This is a photo of something that makes me happy 7 Toolkit 1 How I Feel? Already understand Relaxed Happy Listened to Scared Included Shy Worried Confused Angry Stressed Not bothered Guilty Invisible Supported Toolkit 2 What I would like my Worker to do for me! Agreeing Expectations between the Worker and the Child: Child:...................................................................................................................................... Worker:................................................................................................................................ Date:....................................................................................................................................... What I would like my Worker to do for me: Use a sticker when its done! ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... 9 Toolkit 3 All About Me? Date:................................................................... My Name is: .................................................................................................. I like to be called: ......................................................................................................................... My date of birth is: ................................................................................... My Worker is: ...................................................... 10 Toolkit 3 At Home... A good day is A bad day is When I’m worried... When I’m worried I like to speak to 11 Toolkit 3 My Routine When I get up During the day At night time 12 Toolkit 3 What about me at School! I like it when: I don't like it when: My Friends... These are my friends... I like to... Watch TV Visit friends and family Go swimming Play on the computer Play sports Dance Go to the park Fishing 13 Toolkit 3 People who are important to me: 1/........................................ 2/........................................ 3/........................................ 4/........................................ 5/........................................ Toolkit 3 What are your Hopes? What are you good at? What do you like doing best? How do you like to communicate? Toolkit 3 These are the Key things I want you to focus on: 16 Toolkit 4 My Happy House: My Sad House: Use words and pictures: Toolkit 4 House of wishes: Use words and pictures: Toolkit 4 What would I like my worker to do for me? What I would like my Worker to do for me: Use a sticker when its done! ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... 19 Toolkit 5 Your Worker will explain this exercise: 20 Toolkit 5 Your Worker will explain this exercise: 21 Toolkit 6 More about me A Picture of Me: Date:.......................................... My Name is: ...................................................... My Worker is: ...................................................... 22 Toolkit 6 Wishes: What has happened since our last visit? No change My Wishes have started My Wish happens sometimes My Wish happens all the time How does it make you feel? Use words and pictures: Toolkit 6 What do you want me to do next? Who do you want me to speak to? What I would like my Worker to do for me: Use a sticker when its done! ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... 24 Toolkit 7 My Journey Date:................................................................... My Name is: .................................................................................................. I like to be called: ......................................................................................................................... My Worker is: ...................................................... 25 Toolkit 7 What has happened since our last visit? What needs to change? What's making you happy and sad? Who does the worker need to speak to? Where can I go for support? Toolkit 8 Who else can I talk to? Telephone: Website: My Workers name is .............................................................................................. I can ring them on....................................................... Good Practice Guidance for Managers and Staff: final thoughts: Views and wishes will need to be analysed and inform the initial/core assessment, child protection plan and social worker report presented to conferences and future reviews. The pack of information available for the worker and the child/family is adaptable and more tools can be added. It is not prescriptive that every tool is used all the time, the worker can use their discretion on what is appropriate and relevant for the child/young person to use at particular points on the Childs journey. For example, a Social Worker may want to use this, with other agencies, as part of the core groups and strategy discussions. The main purpose of the tools are; • To help staff build up positive relationships with the child; • To gain a sense of understanding about the child's feelings, want changes they want to take place and generally what its like being that child/young person; • To reflect with the child/young persons progress that has been made, what changes and improvements have happened and what else still needs to happen; • To help the child/young person to understand the journey and contribute to key processes that affect their lives. Based on a tool designed by Staffordshire County Council Children's Rights Service Northamptonshire County Council Children’s Rights Service Northamptonshire County Council County Hall Northampton NN1 1ED 01604 368051 www.northamptonshire.gov.uk 29