Indian Railways Hkkjrh; jsysa • Serving over 6000 villages 6000 ls vf/kd xkaoksa dh lsok • Route length over 64,000 KMs 64000 ekxZ fdeh- yEck • 64,000 Passenger coaches 64000 iSlsUtj dkstst • 2.4 Lakh Freight Cars, 2-4 yk[k s dkj • Over 9,000 Locomotives both Diesel and Electric. • 9000 ls vf/kd Mhty ,oa fo|qr nksuksa batu •Staff strength of 13.1 Lakh. • 13-1 yk[k deZpkjh la[;k • Run 12,670 Passenger carrying trains daily • izfrfnu 12670 • Connecting over 7,000 stations • 7000 Ls'kuksa dks tksM+rh gS • Every day Indian Railways carry over 23 Millions Passengers and 3 million tones of Freight Traffic. • izfrfnu Hkkjrh; jsysa 23 fefy;u ;k=h o 3 fefy;u u eky <ksrh gSA • It is the backbone of supply chain of the Defence establishment and play a very vital • Indian Railway is the poor men’s transport. Passenger services are highly subsidized. • Hkkjrh; jsyos xjhcksa dk ifjogu gS] ;k=h lsok,a fuf'pr :i ls /ku :i esa lgk;d gSA • Loss on passenger services has been on increase from 10 paisa per KM in the year 2000 – 2001 to 23 paisa in 2012 – 2013. o"kZ 2000&2001 esa 10 iSls ls o"kZ 2012&2013 esa 23 iSls Indian Railway is running Hkkjrh; jsy }kjk lapkfyr xkfM+;ka • 63% passenger trains • 63 izfr'kr ;k=h xkfM+;ka • 37% goods trains. • 37 izfr'kr eky xkfM+;ka • Total income in the year 2012-13 = Rs. 1.24 Lakh crores • o"kZ 2012&2013 esa dqy vk; :1-24 • Passenger traffic was 25%. • 25 izfr'kr ;k=h ;krk;kr • operating ratio was 90.2%. • ifjpkyu 90-2 izfr'kr vuqikr • The operating ratio would have been 85% had Indian Railways was not required to deposit a sum of Rs. 5000 Cr. towards New Pension Scheme (NPS) during the same period. • ;fn Hkkjrh; jsyksa us ubZ isa'ku ;kstuk ds fy;s 5000 djksM+ :i;s • Pension was 14% of total expenditure for the year 2003 – 2004, increased to 17% in the year 2012 – 2013. This is with the addition of 5% on NPS. • o"kZ 2003&2004 esa isa'ku dqy [kpsZ dh 14 izfr'kr Fkh tks c<+dj o"kZ 2012&2013 esa 17 izfr'kr c<+hA ;g ubZ isa'ku ;kstuk ij 5 izfr'kr vfrfjDr Central Govt. has forgone a revenue amounting to more than Rs. 5 Lakh Crores annually on account of exemption being granted on Corporate Income Tax, Excise duty and Customs duty. dkWjiksjs bude sDl] ,DlkbZt M;wh rFkk dLe M;wh ij Nw nsus ds dkj.k dsUnzh; ljdkj us 5 yk[k djksM+ ls vf/kd dh jsosU;w izfro"kZ R;kx Exemption of ( Crores) Year Income Tax Excise duty Customs duty Total 2011 – 12 61,765 195,590 236,852 494,207 2012 – 13 68,008 206,188 253,967 528,163 • (Para 3.13 & 3.14 page 62 of Economic Survey 2013 – 2014) o"k Z vk ,Dl dL :i;s ;d kbZ e djks j t M;w M+k M;w h sa h esa dh Nw (2013&2014 ds bdksuksfed 201 61 1955 losZ ds isjk 3-13 2368 ,oa 4942 3- suffice to meet the finance of the Central Govt. towards development of the net work of Indian Railways. Hkkjrh; jsyksa ds usodZ ds fodkl ds laca/k es bl jde dk dqN Hkkx dsUnz ljdkj dh vFkZ O;oLFkk ds fy;s iz;kZIr gksxkA demanded that the General Exchequer should re-imburse Rs. 15,000 Crores annually towards Social burden that the Indian Railway is called upon to undertake. ,vkbZvkj,Q us fnukad 28 ekpZ 2012 dks laln ds lkeus fo'kky izn'kZu ds nkSjku iz/kkuea=h dks ,d Kkiu izLrqr fd;k ftlesa ekax dh xbZ fd lk/kkj.k and Transfer” (BOLT) concept in the year 1996 – 1997. The response of those two sources towards finance the Railways were as follows only:jsyksa ds bUkLDpj esa of ds fy;s ljdkj us ^^vkWu ;ksj osxu (OVN) o"kZ 1994&1995 esa** rFkk ^^fcY vkWijs yht+ ,oa kalQj** (BOLT) dlsI o"kZ 1996&1997 esa tSls fofHkUu vkfFkZd Year 1994 – 95 1995 – 96 1996 – 97 1997 – 98 (RE) 1998 – 99 (RE) Own Your Wagon Amount (Cr.) % 34 133 285 155 104 1% 2% 3% 2% 1% BOLT Amount (Cr.) % ----144 308 161 ----2% 4% 2% (Page 7 & 8 of the Status Paper on Indian Railways, May 1998) o"kZ vksu izf cksY izfr'k ;ksj r'k r osxu r jkf' jkf'k k djksM djks +ksa M+ks es a es 1994 34 1 & & (Hkkjrh; jsyksa ij Lsl Poultry amount of 0.3% of the total project costs. ljdkj us ^^ifCyd izkbZos ikZujf'ki** (ihihih) ekWMy xzg.k djus dk fu'pr fd;k ysfdu ;kstuk dh iwjh Management Ethos of Indian Railways” headed by Mr. Prakash Tandon in the year 1994. Hkkjrh; jsy us o"kZ 1994 esa feLj izdk'k .Mu dh v/;{krk esa ^^w LMh vkWjxsukbZts'kuy LDpj ,.M Railways” headed by Mr. Rakesh Mohon and the committee had submitted its report on 28th July, 2001. feLj jkds'k eksgu dh v/;{krk esa nwljh desh ^^,DliZ xzqi vkWu bf.M;u jsyost** ds uke ls devotion to the organization of the Indian Railway Personnel at all levels. This value must not be lost and must be capitalized in the change process ……. The Expert Group therefore recommends wide spread consultation process at all levels including labour”. jkds'k eksgu desh us fjiksZ esa dgk fd %& Hkkjrh; jsy deZpkfj;ksa dh laxBu ds izfr lHkh Lrj ij LokehHkDrrk ,oa fu"Bk ds fy;s ge izHkkfor gq, gSaA blds ewY; dks [kks;k u tk; rFkk bldk iwath ds :i esa mi;ksx institution of the scale, complexity and achievement of Indian Railway can not be based on compelling evidence that suggests a way forward without bringing turmoil to the life line of the nation”. desh us vkxs dgk gS & ^^Hkkjrh; jsy ds ikl miyfC/k;ksa dk ,d cM+k bfrgkl gS rFkk og ,d izHkko'kkyh laLFkk gSA ;g ,d vuwBk laLFkku gS ftldh gYds esa fdlh vU; ns'k ds laLFkkuksa ls rqyuk ugha dh tk ldrhA Hkkjrh; jsy laLFkku ds Lrj] tfyrk ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dks cnyus dh dksbZ Hkh flQkfj'k dk Prakash Tandon had also participated. vkh,Q vkSj ,QbZ,l ds lg;ksx ls ,vkbZvkj,Q us izdk'k .Mu lfefr ij lsehukjksa dk vk;kstu f'keyk] eqEcbZ esa o"kZ 1994 esa fd;k ftlesa jsyos cksMZ ds lnL;ksa ,oa during the year 2000 – 2001 on the Report of Rakesh Mohon Committee. jkds'k eksgu desh dh flQkfj'kksa ij o"kZ 2000&2001 esa iwjs ns'k esa ^^jsy cpkvks&ns'k cpkvks** ds uke ls leku then Minister for Railways and the full Committee of Rakesh Mohon attended. jkds'k eksgu desh dh dfFkr fjiksZ ij fnukad 15 ,oa 16 flrEcj 2001 dks cM+ksnjk LkQ sfuax dkWyst esa lsehukj dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k Fkk ftlesa lEiw.kZ jsyos cksMZ lnL; Jh fufr'k dqekj rRdkyhu of the country who are the main beneficiaries of Railway transport. lsehukjksa esa lq{e fopkj foe'kZ ds ckn ,vkbZvkj,Q us lHkh dks fo'okl fnyk;k fd orZeku jsyos ds <+kWps dks ns'k ds xjhc O;fDr;ksa dh HkykbZ ds fy;s tks fnYyh] eqEcbZ] dksydkrk ,oa pSUubZ dks tksM+us okyk jkLrk Lo.kZ prqHkqZt @ ghjk prqHkqtZ iwjs usodZ dk dsoy 16 izfr'kr gS Mumbai and Ludhiana to Kolkata. ljdkj us nks lefiZr s dksfjMkslZ tSls bZL ,oa osL yqf/k;kuk ls eqEcbZ rd ,oa yqf/k;kuk ls construct of routs for Bullet trains. vc ljdkj us lefiZr s dksfjMkslZ ds fy;s lh/kk fons'kh fofuos'k ds izos'k ds fy;s vkSj cqys carried through the Golden / Diamond Quadrilateral. eky <qykbZ Hkkjrh; jsyksa dh jksth jksh gSA orZeku esa 50 izfr'kr ls vf/kd eky lead to the Railway a sick industry. ;fn lefiZr s dksfjMkslZ dks ,QMhvkbZ ds lqiqnZ fd;k tkrk gS rks jsyos ds ikl dsoy ;k=h lsok,a gh jg tkrh gS tgka lkekftd mkjnkf;Ro fu;fer outside agencies, who will engage Contract Labour. ,QMhvkbZ }kjk fofHkUu foHkkxksa@dk;ks Za dks ckgjh ,tsfUl;ksa dks lqiqnZ djsxk tks regular Railway employees. fu;fer jsydeZpkfj;ks a esa Hkkjh dkSrh ds vykok ;g Jfedksa ds family members. Unemployment engulfed, children had to be withdrawn from schools, health care suffered. o"kZ 1997 esa nf{k.k iwoZ ,f'k;k ds vkfFkZd lad dk izeq[k dkj.k fons'kh iwath ij fuHkZjrk FkhA ftlds dkj.k izHkkfor ns'kksa ds Jfed ,oa muds ifjokj ds lnL; f'kdkj gq;sA csjkstxkjh iwjh rjg ls countries including USA had to face serious economic cries. ;|fi ljdkj us o"kZ 1991 esa ns'k dh vFkZ O;oLFkk dks [kqyk j[kus dk fu'p; fd;k Fkk ijUrq l'kDr sM ;wfu;uksa ds vkUnksyuksa ds dkj.k vius dks 2008 dh fo'o O;kih vkfFkZd fo?ku@eUnh ls cpk fy;k Fkk tcfd ;w,l, exploited by the foreign investors. blfy;s jsyos dks cckZn gksus ls cpkus ds fy;s lefiZr s dksfjMkslZ esa lh/ks fons'kh iwath fuos'k dks jksdk tk;s rFkk INVESTMENT IN RAILWAYS THROUGH FDI. Notification issued on 27th August, 2014 izkbZoskbZts'ku ds fy;s ,uMh, ljdkj }kjk iznf'kZr mudh ikWfylh ,QMhvkbZ ds tfj, jsyos esa buosLesa Hkkjr ljdkj fefuLh vkWQ dkWelZ ,.M bUMLh fMikZesa vkWQ baMLh;y ikWfylh ,.M izeks'ku (,Qlh&A lsD'ku) izsl uks ua- 8 (2014 flfjt) fo"k; %& jsy bUkLDpj Hkkjr ljdkj us foKfIr la- ,lvks 2113(bZ) fn22-08-2014 }kjk jsy bakLDpj esa futh fofu;ksx dh uhfr ij iqufoZpkj fd;k vkSj vuqlwph ds en la- 8 esa vkjf{kr ifCyd lsDj ds m|ksxksa dh lwph foKfIr la- ,lvks 477(bZ) fn25-07-1991 esa la'kks/ku fd;kA rnkuqlkj jsyos fuEufyf[krksa dk fuekZ.k] vkWijs'ku ,oa j[kj[kko 1- ihihih ds }kjk miuxjh; dksfjMksj ;kstuk 2- gkbZ LihM xkM+h ;kstuk 3- lefiZr s ykbZUl 4su ls lfgr jksfyax LkWQ ,oa baftuksa] lokjh fMCck fuekZ.k vkSj j[k j[kko dh lqfo/kk,saA 5- jsyos fo|qrhdj.k 6- flXufyax O;oLFkk 7- s feZuy 8- ;k=h feZuYl 9bUkLDpj bu bUMLh;y ikdZ isZfuax w ykbZu@lkbZfMax bUDywfMax isjkxzkQ 6-2-16 ds u;k isjkxzkQ fuEu tksM+k x;k %& - lsDj@,Dhfoh l- uhps ,d izdkj ls bDoh ,U h@,QM h : hvkbZ dsfiy 100 % 6- jsyos bUkLDpj 216 fuEufyf[krksa fuekZ.k] vkWijs'ku dk ,oa vks ksesf ALL INDIA PROTEST DAY 12-17 JANUARY 2015 ekaxsa 1- (i) lkrosa osru vk;ksx dh fjiksZ tuojh 2014 ls ykxw djksA izfr ikap o"kZ esa osru dk iqu% fu/kkZj.k djksA (III) 100 egaxkbZ Hkks dks 1 tuojh 2014 ls osru esa lkefgr djksA (II) ekaxsa 6-cksulHkqxrkudh lhfyax fyfe gkvksA 7-jsy dkexkjksa dks iwjh jsy lsok ds nkSjku de ls de ikap inksUufr iznku djksA