5th International Symposium on Temporal Design ELEMENTS OF TEMPORAL DESIGN APPROACH IN SOUNDSCAPE BASEDPLANNING OF URBAN QUIET AREAS SERGIO LUZZI, ROSSELLA NATALE, VIE EN.RO.SE. INGEGNERIA S.R.L., FLORENCE, ITALY 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT Global comfort can be defined as a particular condition of well-being in a space (indoor or open space), according to the sensorial perceptions determined by several factors as temperature, humidity, acoustics and brightness. THERMOHYGROMETER COMFORT ACOUSTIC COMFORT po tem o te m po tem tempo tempo po m e t tem po o temp tempo o p tem o po te m tempo tempo tempo po o tem p m p o te te m p p tem tem po tempo tem po o t em p o t em po o t em p po tempo subjective variables - PMV - PDD tempo tempo tem p tem GLOBAL COMFORT tempo o temp tempo tem po tempo tempo o p po po po tem tem objective variables - temperature - hygrometer level o mpo tempo tem o te po p tem tem po o mp po tem subjective variables - psycho-acoustic - soundscape approach tem po tem po p tem te tempo tempo tem objective variables - Sound pression level - Sources characteristics - Propagation conditions tempo tem po tem VISUAL COMFORT objective variables - Lighting level subjective variables - subjective valutation 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design DESIGNING ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT Environmental conditions that contribute to comfort can be planned. LAYOUT AND MATERIALS MULTISENSORIAL CONCEPTION USERS 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design CAUSAL WEB DESIGN Network of cause-effect relationships. 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design BURDEN OF DISEASE 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design TEMPORAL DESIGN AND SOUDNSCAPE APPROACH In the specific context of acoustic comfort, the Temporal Design aims to create an environment on a human scale, dominated by the laws of harmony, using a mathematical model based on processing signals received by both the left and the right ear through operations of auto-correlation and crosscorrelation. S = [S2 + S3]Left + [S1 + S4]Right THESE PARAMETERS SHOWS THEIR EVIDENCE IN THE PROPOSED STUDY 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design TEMPORAL DESIGN AND SOUDNSCAPE APPROACH On the other hand, the soundscape approach also allows designers to consider human perception as a contribution. These two theories can be well integrated in the requalification of a indoor or confined outdoor place such as urban quiet areas. SITE DESCRIPTION (natural and artificial elements) SOUND (SPL)MEASUREME NTS DETECTION OF FUNCTIONAL SUB AREAS ACOUSTIC ANALYSIS PARTICIPATIVE SOUNDWALKS DESIGN PSYCHO-ACOUSTIC ANALYSIS (natural and artificial sounds) The common feature between the Temporal Design and the Soundscape Approach is precisely the concept of "wellness" contextualized within the different phases of architectural design and urban planning. 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design EU LIFE+ HUSH PROJECT The project moves from the evidence that harmonization of noise action planning methods is needed not only in Italy but also in all the European countries where a former Legislation about noise planning was present at the moment of END Directive adoption. H armonization of U rban noise reduction S trategies for Coordinating Beneficiary: Comune di Firenze H omogeneous action plans THE GENERAL OBJECTIVE: harmonizing the national noise management standards with European Directive 49/2002 to obtain homogeneous noise Action Plans, contributing to the more general need of transposing, implementing and enforcing a common or harmonized environmental legislation among EU countries. Associated Beneficiaries: Vie En.Ro.Se. Ingegneria, Firenze Università di Firenze, DMTI – Dipartimento di Meccanica e Tecnologie Industriali ARPAT (Environmental Protection Agency of Tuscany Region) ISPRA (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence The collection of subjective data has been directly used by designers, without reducing the level of originality and creativity of the children, taking care of selecting the most appropriate materials and solutions and taking into account the regulatory constraints for school buildings. The project for the garden of the school combines noise mitigation goals with the needs emerged in subjective survey. Pleasant soundscape and games 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design INTERNATIONAL NOISE AWARENESS DAY 2010, 2011,… 2011,… 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence Attrezzature All the aspect such as air, sounds, green, security, and cleanliness are considered important! Aria pulita Pulizia Sicurezzza Vegetazione Quiete The most preferred area is the quietest one! area 1 area 2 area 3 area 4 coprire radici degli alberi piccolo zoo acqua che scorre musica barriera antirumore barriera verdesiepi gazebo con attività dedicate panchine anfiteatro fontana sostituzione pavimentazione aiuole con fiori alberi da frutto campo polivalente giochi 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence Some interventions considered appropriate by users for the requalification of the area totale genitori insegnati alunni 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence At the end, this project involved: - the building of a non intrusive barrier, for reducing noise in a visually pleasant way, well integrated with the space and, above all, enjoyed by the children during playtime; - the provision of games with educational purposes; -a wooden mobile amphitheatre to give lesson in the garden. The location of different functions is closely related to the noise climate sub-areas of the garden. LEGEND Acoustic Barrier - Leq=55 dB(A Game area Open theatre - Leq=45 dB(A) Area for younger children Area dedicated to nature 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence Selection of materials – integration of the barrier with games 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence Placement of OPEN THEATRE Study about orientation and selction of the best acoustic area 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design LEGENDA HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence Selection of colours for the flooring 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: area BrozziBrozzi-Quaracchi in Florence The area of Brozzi-Quaracchi includes the historical quarters of Brozzi and Quaracchi, in the north-west of Florence. The area is delimited by two major roads: Via Pratese and Via Pistoiese Road. This is an area with high density of population and presence of a community deeply rooted in its territory. Noise annoyance to the population, is mainly caused by the flow of vehicles crossing the area between the two main roads using local streets rather than the road system outside the quarter. 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: area BrozziBrozzi-Quaracchi in Florence 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: area BrozziBrozzi-Quaracchi in Florence 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: area BrozziBrozzi-Quaracchi in Florence Zona 30 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: area BrozziBrozzi-Quaracchi in Florence In this urban area five green areas are present but, due to their condition, not properly used, or used without satisfaction, by citizens. 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: area BrozziBrozzi-Quaracchi in Florence Frequentation of the green areas meno di un'ora da 1 a 2 ore Più di 2 ore area 1 area 2 area 3 area 4 area 5 Preference levels of the green areas area 1 area 2 area 3 area 4 area 5 0 Per nulla 1 Poco 2 3 4 5 Molto 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: area BrozziBrozzi-Quaracchi in Florence Green Acoustic Barrier – area verde n.1 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design HUSH PROJECT: area BrozziBrozzi-Quaracchi in Florence Multisensorial Path 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design Flowers and Tunes a multisensorial thematic path SHAPE – COLOUR – SMELL - SOUND Inspired by lyrics from Fabrizio De André, a famous Italian songwriter that used to mention flowers, trees and elements of landscape in his songs and ballades La guerra di Piero: “Dormi sepolto in un campo di grano tulipano “ ...ma come tutte le più belle cose non è la rosa non è il tulipano...” (BARLEYCORN, TULIPS) vivesti solo un giorno come le rose...” rose (ROSES) La canzone di Marinella: La canzone dell’amore perduto: “Ricordi sbocciavan le viole con le nostre parole...” (VIOLETS) Un medico: “Da bambino volevo guarire i ciliegi quando rossi di frutti li credevo feriti...” (CHERRIES) 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design CONCLUSIONS Participative design of urban areas can be a method for the acoustic requalification of urban territory. Global comfort should be one of the objectives of urban design Introduction in some green areas, of pleasant sounds, like music, composed soundscapes as a mix of natural and artificial sounds, can make these areas more interesting and attractive for example creating a path among flowers and music. In some different choice of urban design the principles of Temporal Design can be applied as far as possible. 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design Time is life... (Y.Ando) Y.Ando) ...we ...we haven’ haven’t time, we are time! (A.Mayer) A.Mayer) Thanks for your attention