The Western Harbour Better City, Better Life Malmö, Sweden City of Malmö ⿷✝ㄲ㗊 Photography/Design: Joakim Lloyd Raboff Text: Monika Månsson, Project Manager, Environment Department, City of Malmö Publisher: Raboff AB/LLC Printer/Binder: Dotgain AB Paper: Galerie Art Silk Typeface: Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used without the approval from the photographer and copyright holder. All photos © 2010 Raboff AB/LLC Photo information: 0046 (0)709-40 49 19 ISBN 978-91-633-6489-1 㑮♈⿷✝ㄲ㣩⡹㎸ ⒯㗊ᱨ㑁㔶⫆⢚よ⧝ Introduction ⮈ⰽ Better City, Better Life. This is the motto for the World Exhibition in Shanghai, Expo 2010, but it is also a description of the Western Harbour in Malmö. An attractive area of the city, a meeting place for everyone, a long-term sustainable city development, a good life. ⒯㗊ᱨ㑁㔶⫆⢚よ⧝ᮣ㸆㗁ㅰ㔋⦽㖺ⰻ⏓⹎⪹☨㽺㺞ᱨ The people of the City of Malmö are proud and pleased to have been invited to the Urban Best Practice Area during Expo 2010. Only a few cities in the whole world have been selected to demonstrate innovative, good examples of sustainable city development. Malmö is one of the chosen few invited to show Urban Sustainable Development in a Former Industrial City. ⿷✝ㄲ㗊ス⛶㵀ㅰ㖺ⰻ⏓⹎⪹㋜⭺⫉㬧☡⒯㗊㾎⭧ 㮜㗁⿷✝ㄲ㣩⡹㎸☨㨢㷹ᮣ㮥⢔㣮㯧㑉☨⒯㎸ᱨ㮥⢔㗄⧩ょ ⢔㑉☨Ⳮ⪹⒉㚱ᱨ㮥㺸⒌㋜☨Ⓘ㩦㩂⒯㗊➂㷝ᱨ㮥㺸⧝㔶 ⫆ᮣ 㖯⮏㎸⡮☡㽴⧚⧧⡽㨹ᮣ㐩㖺ⰻⱊ㱸㔕㗷⒯㗊⌧㫍㵗㮾㷝 㖸╚㨰☨Ⓘ㩦㩂⒯㗊➂㷝☨♈➖ᮣ⿷✝ㄲ㗁㔕㗷⌧㫍㵗 ☨⒯㗊㺐㮥ᱨ⫉㬧㷝㖸㮥⢔㍰⤀㮟⒯㗊☨Ⓘ㩦㩂⒯㗊➂ 㷝ᮣ Welcome to Western Harbour, both in Malmö and Shanghai. ⪎㱕㵀⿷✝ㄲ⧧㔋⦽⏸⤷㣩⡹㎸ᮣ 4 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 5 6 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 7 Foreword ㍰㬀 Not so long ago, in the 1990s, Malmö’s future seemed very bleak. The industries – once the backbone of industrial Malmö, Sweden’s third largest city – were closing down, the budget deficit was gigantic and the jobs disappeared. Malmö was a city in crisis. ⏥ⳕ㺐㍰ᱨ㮜ⳟ㗁㵀㖺⭣ㅰ■ᱨ⿷✝ㄲ☨㍰Ⳃⶄ㋲⹂ But this profound crisis also gave the city the opportunity to make radical changes and to try out completely different solutions. And so the first vision was created of a sustainable city development in Sweden, as a daring goal with the insight that long-term sustainable development was the right way to meet the future. Malmö’s transformation from industrial city to one of knowledge and ecology had begun. ☏㗁ᱨ㸆㺸㱘㦜㔪㴜☨㢕⫒㮜⢖㸆㾙⒯㗊⒡☻⡢⍐ᱨ⒊㗎㠞 One of the first areas in which this was conducted was the Bo01 housing exhibition in Western Harbour. In the course of only ten years Western Harbour has been transformed into a highly attractive and popular location in which residential areas and know-how companies live side by side. This transformation has taken place on the basis of a sustainable perspective concerning energy, transport, recycling, construction, city planning, stormwater management and green areas. ㋦㺲ⱌ㨾㸆㺸㽊㨻☨㗑㈾㎸㲚㺐㮥㗁㣩⡹㎸☨%R㽁➟ Ilmar Reepalu Mayor, City of Malmö 㺉㻛ᱨ㴊㚛Ⓢ㽶⳰▙ᱨ✚㎒⤀㾗⫒⪹㦫㖡⼗ᮣ⿷✝ㄲ⒱㢜㮥 㾙╌㲂㢕⫒㺲☨⒯㗊ᮣ 㐩⏥㟠☨ⰶⴈ➝≦☨㋷⫒ᮣ⏌㎒㯜╱㵀㑮♈㗑╴㨼⒱Ⓘ 㩦㩂⒯㗊➂㷝☨㴞Ⳃᱨ㸆▙☌☨ㅅ⍖⊪⧆⒌㋜㮾Ⓘ㩦㩂 ⒯㗊➂㷝☨㴜⮑ᱨ㮜㗁╚㵒⢚よ⧝㢦⹂☨㸡㐵☤⿁ᮣ⿷✝ㄲ ╹⤀㮟⒯㗊☡㺌㖰⧧㔶㜢⒯㗊☨㽊㨻㮻ⲿ㖶⼗ᮣ 㷝⹎ᮣ㵀ⱊⱊ㖨ㅰᱨ㣩⡹㎸㮻ⲿ㽊㨻⒱㢜㮥⢔⡽⛪゜㑉⏌ ㎒㗖⪎㱕☨☼♇ᱨ㵀ㅍ㽁㷐㎸⧧㽈㮟⭒㗯⤇㙶⌴⼦✚⳥ᮣ 㸆㺸㽊㨻☨➂㔶㗁⯼⻮㵀ㅢ㴚ᮢⰏ㟜㴱㗞ᮢ➯㣡⪰㗏ᮢ⯼ 㔤ᮢ⒯㗊⥂⪆ᮢ⌕⟇㲒㙦㴚⤅㱎⧧☼㦐⤴☨Ⓘ㩦㩂Ⱋ⛪ ☨⫑╇㺐㔋ᮣ 㸆ⳟ㗁㣄わⱅ㝢㜮⿷✝ㄲᱨ㑁Ⓘ 㩦㩂⒱㢜㦆㖯ᆐ☨㴓㯜 ,OPDU5HHSDOXᱨ ⿷✝ㄲ㗊㗊⒌ Photo: Malmö stad, © Atelje Brorson This is why we today talk about “Malmö, making sustainability reality” ➧⒋㋢⼅ᮣ⤀㮟☝⍁ᱨ㚴わ㵞ⲿ㗁㑮♈☾㑻▙⒯㗊⿷✝ㄲ☨ Photo: Mårten Svemark/City Malmö Lund 8 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 9 Sustainable Urban Development Ⓘ㩦㩂⒯㗊➂㷝 Every year the Western Harbour attracts large flocks of visitors. Many come for the exciting city planning by the sea; others make a pilgrimage to learn more about the ecological solutions. The Western Harbour, and primarily the Bo01 area (the areas that were built for the housing exhibition in 2001), are today world-leading examples of sustainable city development. 㣩⡹㎸ょㅰ⛞㣮㯧▙⼋㱶ᮣ㩛✂㑉㯜⊦⦽☨㨰㥺☨⒯㗊 The experts have been most impressed by the holistic solutions, the development of innovative and functional solutions for everything from renewable energy systems to more nesting boxes for birds. This holistic approach include: From industrial landscape to residential area ⥂⪆ㅃッ✚⹂ᱷ㋦㚳㑉㵘㍰⹂㐟ⲿᱨ㫓㥠⢚✂㱸⤴㔶㜢ⰶⴈ ➝≦☨㺌㖰ᮣ 㣩⡹㎸ᱨ㻙㮔㗁%R㎸ᱤ㸆㨗㎸㲚㯜ㅰ㽁➟㷝⹎✚ ⯼ᱥᱨ㗁☕㍰㖺ⰻ⼸㥸☨Ⓘ㩦㩂⒯㗊➂㷝☨➖⺋ᮣ㾎㑁㽈 ⭨㱉㦣㔪☨㗁㸟㝛㩂ⰶⴈ➝≦ᱨ㢜㑌⧨㖼㣡Ⱘ㺨⛊╚㨰 ⧧⤂ㅢ㩂☨ⰶⴈ➝≦ᱨ╹㴿㔶ㅢ㴚㥥㟧☡㔤㺥⢚✂ㅷ㦔 ☬☬ᮣ ╹⤀㮟Ⳃ⤷☡㣮㯧㑉☨㽁㷐㎸ City planning that attracts 㯧㑉㑩㖞☨⒯㗊⥂⪆ The energy solutions of the future – here, today 㢦⹂☨ㅢ㴚ⰶⴈ➝≦᮪᮪㸆ᱨ㦆㵀 An area for cycling and walking Green thinking all the way Green and blue in the city centre 㮥⢔㗄㲂㋱㽴㨾⒝⧧⏧㨾☨㎸㲚 㖶㺷⌏Ⓘ㓧ㅴ ⒯㗊㺲㨲☨☼⧧⹄㝢 10 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 11 12 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 13 The energy solutions of the future – here, today 㢦⹂☨ㅢ㴚ⰶⴈ➝≦᮪᮪㸆ᱨ㦆㵀 The Bo01 area is supplied with 100% locally produced energy from renewable resources and was Sweden’s first climateneutral area. %R㗁㱱☕☼╹㴿㔶⹂㴚㔶☨ㅢ㴚⤅♋ᱨ⏌㎒ The energy used is produced in or in the vicinity of the district. Sun, wind and water form the basis of the energy production together with energy from the area’s refuse disposal. 㚱㖳㱫☨ㅢ㴚㗁㵀㸆⢔㎸㲚⫊㋦⡛ⱐ㔶☨ᮣ㜡㬠ㅢᮢ⟇ㅢ 14 THE WESTERN HARBOUR 㗁㑮♈㗑⢔㔶㜢㺲㩂☨㎸㲚ᮣ ⧧㙦ㅢ㲓⡡㎸㲚☨➯㣡㋼㺥㮥㋲⤕⒱⼗ㅢ㴚㔶☨⫑╇ᮣ THE WESTERN HARBOUR 15 16 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 17 18 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 19 From industrial landscape to attractive residential area ╹⤀㮟Ⳃ⤷☡㣮㯧㑉☨㽁㷐㎸ The Western Harbour is an old industrial area. The entire Bo01 district – today a very attractive residential neighborhood – is, for example, built on land reclaimed from the sea by the dumping of quantities of excavated material. ➧⒋㣮㯧㑉☨㽁㷐㎸᮪᮪㗁⯼⻮㵀㎣☝㠎ⴄ☨⏮⼛㝤⦽✚ 㣩⡹㎸㗁ⳛ☨⤀㮟㎸ᮣ⺋㑥ᱨ㸟⢔%R㎸᮪᮪㦆㵀㗁㮥⢔ ⒱☨㟵☼㔋ᮣ 㯜╱ᱨ㵀㖶⯼㵒㽁➟㺐㍰ᱨ㱸⍄㮔⮂␓☼ギᱨ✚㎒㑥⥗㚴 It was therefore necessary to examine the ground and decontaminate it, if it is contaminated, before starting to build housing. 20 THE WESTERN HARBOUR ⌧㣍㐼ᱨ㵘㮔ⱌ㨾㦫⛠ᮣ THE WESTERN HARBOUR 21 An area for cycling and walking 㮥⢔㗄㲂㋱㽴㨾⒝⧧⏧㨾☨㎸㲚 You don’t need a car to live in the Western Harbour. Thanks to efficient public transportation, proximity to the railway, good bicycle tracks and several walking routes. 㱱㲂㱸⡽㨕☨⤇⤎Ⰿ㟜ᮢⶏⱐ㝰⿁ᮢ⼈⧝☨㽴㨾⒝☤㮾⭆㮥 The area also has its own car pool, for those who only occasionally need to use a car. ⡡㎸㲚㮜㱸㽴⭐☨⒝ⶲᱨ㽈㢜ㅍ㨗ⱊ㗁㈀✝㩖㮔㖳㱫㋽⒝☨ 22 THE WESTERN HARBOUR 㨗㑉㨾☤ᱨ㵀㣩⡹㎸㔶⫆ᱨㆀ⏥⍄㱝㱸㮥⼊㋽⒝ᮣ 㑉㖹⟞㣣ᮣ THE WESTERN HARBOUR 23 24 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 25 City planning that attracts 㯧㑉㑩㖞☨⒯㗊⥂⪆ City and sea in a beautiful combination. Narrow lanes that alternate with open horizons. Environmentally smart and attractive. The lessons from the first area, Bo01, are now being put to use in the continued expansion of the Western Harbour. ⒯㗊㲓⦽㬟㊱⼍☼ⰵ⧩㵀㮥㋲ᮣ㥱㷑☨㨏㦟㲓➥☨㗍㮚 Among the lessons learned are not only an exciting and varied residential area, but also energy-efficient houses, healthy construction materials and a special quality programme developed by, among others, the building commissioners and the City of Malmö. 㵀㸆㨗㫓☡☨ⲿ㬕㺲ᱨⓥ⼗ⶄ☡㮥⢔⼺㑉㨹➼ᮢ✂㽫✂⏳☨ 26 THE WESTERN HARBOUR Ⰿ㝜⢚♠ᮣ⪏⌏㺩ㅢᱨ⏌㎒⡙㱸㣮㯧⻲ᮣ╹㗑⢔㎸㲚%R☧ ☡☨ⲿ㬕㦆㵀⌧㱎㱫☡㣩⡹㎸Ⓘ㩦☨⸷㷩ᮣ 㽁㷐㎸㺐㠖ᱨ⪑㱸㖳㱫Ⱞㅢ㽁㷐ᮢ⯵ⶅ☨⯼㻠⏮⼛ᱨ㮾⭆㱱 ⯼㻠⳨⒌⧧⿷✝ㄲ㗊㺨⛊☨㝎⍜㺬⼋⭜⪆☬☬ᮣ THE WESTERN HARBOUR 27 28 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 29 Green thinking all the way 㖶㺷⌏Ⓘ㓧ㅴ Minimise. Re-use. Recycle as much as possible. This is the basic principle behind environmental thinking in the Western Harbour. The area has, amongst other things, refuse disposal units in the apartments’ kitchens, central biodigestive tanks, waste sorting buildings and a refuse suction system from certain properties’ recycling buildings. ⲳㅢ⮋㔕㖳㱫ᮣ㺺⡒㖳㱫ᮣⲳㅢ⪰㗏⺉㱫ᮣ㸆㗁㣩⡹㎸ Green and blue in the city centre ⒯㗊㺲㨲☨☼⧧⹄㝢 A rich and varied greenery characterizes parks, residential areas, streets and squares. Nature, both flora and fauna, has its own given place even in built-up areas of the city. ⟁⡙✂㬥☨㓧㺔㣡㢜⤇㴖ᮢ㽁㷐㎸ᮢⰪ☤⧧⤿⒉㵜㝣㓧 However, many of the aesthetically pleasing solutions, such as green roofs, open freshwater channels and bird boxes, also have a practical environmental purpose: absorb the rainwater, cleanse the water before it flows into the sea, increase the biological diversity. 30 THE WESTERN HARBOUR ☨⪏⌏ㅴ⌟⨍☨⫑〉㴓㵘ᮣⓥ⼗㋦㚳⛍㣩ᱨ⡡㎸㲚⪑㱸⤇ 㴈ⓠ➟☨➯㣡㋼㺥☉㴐ᮢ㺲㨲㔶㣡㦫⪇⤺ᱨ➯㣡➶⯼㻠㣡 ⧧ㄹ㨗㣡㮟☨⪰㗏⺉㱫⯼㻠㣡☨➯㣡ⓑ㣮㥥㟧ᮣ ⏴ᮣ㽴㐹ⰻ☨⛑㣡⧧㺔㣡ᱨ⭊㖳㵀⒯㗊⯼⒱㎸⛞㱸㽴⭐☨㝎 ⛊☼♇ᮣ 㐹✚ᱨ㩛✂よ⤷☨ⰶⴈ➝≦ᱨ⺋㑥㓧㣏⛇ᮢ➥☨㽴⹂㙦 ㎾⧧ㅷ㦔ᱨ㮜㱸㖯㱫☨⪏⌏㱫㟲ᱶ㣮㗏㲒㙦ᮢ㵀㙦⽃㑩▙⦽ 㺐㍰⯿㋦㎥ⰴᮢ㵜⭩㔶㣡✂㬥㩂ᮣ THE WESTERN HARBOUR 31 32 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 33 34 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 35 36 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 37 38 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 39 40 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 41 42 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 43 44 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 45 46 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 47 48 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 49 50 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 51 52 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 53 54 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 55 56 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 57 58 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 59 60 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 61 62 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 63 64 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 65 66 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 67 68 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 69 70 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 71 72 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 73 Meeting-point Western Harbour Ⳮ⪹♇㣩⡹㎸ A nice stroll along the sea with the dog or meeting friends by the skateboard park? Maybe here to enjoy the summer with a dip in the sea? Or you may be planning a romantic dinner at a restaurant in the sunset? The Western Harbour has become a magnet for every Malmö resident and attracts visitors from both more compact-living programme areas and the well-off districts with their large, fine houses. 㮥╴㲓⤓㬄㽥⦽⍋よザ☨〈⏧⫊㵀⪄⊓⤇㴖㲓㈷㱹⪹ギᱻ⫊ But it’s also an area of the city just like any other. People live here and carry out their day-to-day lives here. There are day-care centres, grocery stores and a school currently under construction. The University established itself here at an early stage which has been important for the social and financial development of the area. Many people travel to the Western Harbour to work – there are more jobs here today than there were in the hey-day of shipbuilding. 74 THE WESTERN HARBOUR 㩛㮾㵀㸆㝮㑩⦽㺲㦝㗖㥴㑓ᱻ⫊㸃ᱨㆀ㗁⟑㸡㵀⭜⪆㵀 ⪞⫀㖫☡⏷㝲㦝㗖㮥⛻⹙〈☨㠡⏷ᱻ⛶㲂ょ⢔⿷✝ㄲ⳥ス ⹂㙭ᱨ㣩⡹㎸㑥㟠㮥⢔☨⳰▙╫⒉ᱨ⏌㎒㣮㯧⼗⹂㽴ⲽ⮈㔶 ⫆⭜⪆㎸⧧㱸㊱⼍▙➟㽳☨㨏ⶅ㎸☨㱶ᮣ ☏㗁ᱨ㚴㮜㗁㮥⢔⭎⨏㲓㋦㚳㑌⧨㎸㲚⧛㣐✠㺤☨⒯㎸ᮣ㑉 わ㽁㵀㸆⏌㎒㵀㸆ⱌ㨾㑓⒋☨㔶⫆ᮣ㸆㱸㑓⭺⩼㺲 㨲ᮢ㴹⫍♎⧧ㅅ㍰㸡㵀⯼㔤☨㮥㚱㫓㨑ᮣ 㸆⯼⻮☨▙㫓╌㲂㵍㋜Ⱛ⛰ᱨ⛶⡡㎸㲚☨㔣⪹⧧ⲿ⭙➂ 㷝㱸㺺㮔☨㯌㯏ᮣ㩛✂㑉⹂☡㣩⡹㎸⤀㾗᮪᮪㣩⡹㎸㦆㵀☨ ⤀㾗⫒⪹⌴㵒╒㐩㖜㖫㋜⢚✂ᮣ THE WESTERN HARBOUR 75 76 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 77 78 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 79 80 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 81 82 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 83 84 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 85 86 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 87 88 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 89 We do it together 㣄わ㮥㋲ㇰ⻲ The Western Harbour’s successful development could never have got off the ground without collaboration. It started with Bo01 when the City of Malmö collaborated with a number of different players from the world of academia, private companies, organisations and others. This is an extremely successful example of what is known today as PPP, Public Private Partnership. 㣩⡹㎸☨⒱⤂➂㑥⥗ゃ㱸㨛㾗ⴊ⏥ㅢ㖶ᮣ⒱⤂㖶㲂 Development continues in the Western Harbour and cooperation is still a key concept. Many of the companies and organisations that were active already during the Bo01 era will also be coming along to Shanghai to tell the story of their contribution: E.ON – the energy company that designed and invested in the energy solutions, VA SYD and SYSAV that worked on water and recycling solutions, MKB Fastighets AB that built some of the spectacular houses. 90 THE WESTERN HARBOUR %Rᱨ☕⿷✝ㄲ㗊㲓㩛✂⏥㟠☨㨾⛑㸃᮪᮪㫓㗯㖺ⰻᮢ㙵 㱒⤇㙶ᮢ㾉㺑⧧㋦㚳⫒⤕㨛㾗ᮣ㸆㗁㮥⢔㦆㵀⌧⒮㢜⤇㙵 ⧩㾗⤴㥥ᱤ333ᱨ3XEOLF3ULYDWH3DUWQHUVKLSᱥ⭁㢜⒱⤂☨ ⺋㽳ᮣ 㣩⡹㎸⯿⭢㩦➂ᱨ✚㎒⧩㾗㑒㗁㮥⢔㺺㮔☨⡣ㅴᮣ㩛✂ 㮻ⲿ⫆㴤㵀%R㖫■☨⤇㙶⧧㾉㺑㮜⯿㚞㟠⹂☡㔋⦽ᱨ ⹂Ⰶ㗰㚳わ☨⤍㦇☨⤦㖼ᱶ(ᱪ21᮪᮪㔤⭜⏌㟪㽪ㅢ㴚ⰶ ⴈ➝≦☨ㅢ㴚⤇㙶ᮢ╹㖼㙦⧧⪰㗏⺉㱫㢼㝘☨9$6<'⧧ 6<6$9⤇㙶ᮢ⯼㔤㩛✂㽓⤷㽁㷐☨0.%)DVWLJKHWV$%⤇ 㙶ᮣ THE WESTERN HARBOUR 91 92 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 93 94 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 95 The future 㢦⹂ The transformation of the Western Harbour continues, area by area. Here’s some of what’s going on: 㣩⡹㎸☨㽊㨻⯿㮥⢔㎸㲚Ⱗ㮥⢔㎸㲚☼Ⓘ㩦㥲㐣ᮣ㸆⼜ • The area of Flagghusen, now ready for occupation, was prepared through the process of a dialogue with the building commissioners which led to a common sustainability agreement (the “ByggaBo” dialogue). • The “Fullriggaren” area is the next area for expansion. The sustainability profile here is high. ⓞ㮥㨗㸡㵀ⱌ㨾☨㖼㎩ᱶ 㦆㵀⤅⳥㽁☨)ODJJKXVHQ㎸㗁㟜⥙㲓⯼㔤㢡㴗⪹☨ ⛶⪈⥙⒴⥂⪆☨ᱨ㸆⢔⛶⪈╿⒱⼗㮥⢔㋗⭆☨Ⓘ㩦㩂㨛㯓 ᱤ᮰%\JJD%R᮱⛶⪈ᱥᮣ ᅃXOOULJJDUHQ㎸㗁⸷㷩☨㥲㮥⢔㎸㲚ᮣ᮱㸆☨Ⓘ㩦 㩂㈨㺥⡽ 㮥㚱㫓㨑⭊⯿⤀ᱨ㚴㗁⿷✝ㄲ☨㗑⢔╹⯼㻠⏮⼛⧧ㅢ㴚 㨕⿔☡Ⱐ㲥⧧㔶㜢㖭㣡☨Ⓘ㩦㩂㫓㨑ᮣ • A school is approaching completion – Malmö’s first sustainable school, from construction materials and energy efficiency to education and ecological food. 96 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 97 98 THE WESTERN HARBOUR THE WESTERN HARBOUR 99 100 THE WESTERN HARBOUR