Jerry Flynn’s BIO Retired Canadian Armed Forces Captain. Spent 22 of 26+ years’ service in Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Electronic Warfare (EW) and Radio Warfare (RW): 2 yrs as the Executive Officer and Operations Officer at ultra-sensitive radio station directly employing 200+ radio operators & technicians; 2 yrs in National Defense Headquarters in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare as the Staff Officer EW for Canada’s only Army EW Sqdn. Conducted EW operations at sea with RCN and on land with NATO army EW units. All living things are bio-electrical beings ECG Heart 2 Hz Body 7.83 Hz EEG Brain 1-30 Hz The Human Brain is Exquisitely Sensitive “the human EEG is sensitive to microwave radiation at an intensity as low as 10-15W/cm2 or (1 quadrillionth of a W/cm²), a value well below sensitivities currently realisable technologically!" U.S Embassy – Moscow (’53–’76) (6-8 Hours a Day, 5 Days Week) Was irradiated with M/W frequencies at intensities about 1,000 times lower than the US ‘safe’ Exposure Limit (which is similar to Health Canada’s) 2 ambassadors died of cancer; 3rd developed leukemia & died from it; At least 16 women developed breast cancer; Many other staff became ill. U.S. knew but did not tell embassy for about 15 years! and Kinds of Non-Ionizing Radiation 1. Thermal – that which heats the skin and organs of the body; and 2. Non-thermal – that which does not heat the skin or organs of the body. All of today’s wireless devices emit “lowlevel, pulsed, non-thermal microwave radiation” e.g.: Wi-Fi routers, cell phones, cell towers, cordless phones, tablets etc. Scientists Know That the microwave radiation emitted by any/all wireless devices is harmful to: 1) the human brain, 2) central nervous system, and 3) immune system but it is particularly harmful to pregnant women, embryos, infants, children, the sick and the elderly. 2003 Microwave Radiation There is NO SAFE “threshold” level. The only SAFE “exposure” level is ZERO, a position confirmed by epidemiological studies and endorsed by other world-class scientists. “Safety Code 6” The public is never told that Safety Code 6 does not apply to the general public but rather, “… the safety limits in this code apply to all individuals working at, or visiting, federally regulated sites ….” and These guidelines may also be adopted by the provinces, industry or other interested parties.” - Radiation “Regulatory Agencies” Health Canada (Dr. Michael Repacholi,1979) ICNIRP - International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection ( Dr. M. Repacholi, ‘92) WHO - World Health Organization (Dr. M. Repacholi, ‘06) ICES - International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety – omnipotent! FCC – Federal Communications Commission (all 5 Commissioners are appointed by U.S. President.) EPA – Environmental Protection Agency Public Exposure Guidelines 1800 MHz µW/m² Health Dept. Salzburg (indoor) (‘02) Health Dept. Salzburg (outdoors) (‘02) EU Wkg Grp recommendation (2001) Salzburg 1998 (sum GSM) Italy (single frequency) Russia, PRChina Italy (sum of frequencies) Belgium (ex Wallonia) ICNIRP (‘98), WHO, Canada (‘79) FCC/IEEE, USA (‘93) Canada (2015) 1 10 100 1,000 1,000 100,000 100,000 1,115,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 4,390,000 Their Corruption Threatens Mankind! 1. None will acknowledge that: non-thermal radiation is harmful to all life forms! ELF (power line 60 Hz) EMFs are harmful to all life forms! 2. All share similar, dangerously high radiation Exposure Limits 3. None of today’s wireless devices has been independently tested for ‘safety’ to people. 4. All but the WHO refuse to recognize “EHS”! Increase in Man-Made Microwave Radiation in Our Environment http// Illnesses Linked to EMR Many cancers, neurological conditions, ADD, sleep disorders, depression, Autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cognitive problems, cardiovascular irregularities, hormone disruption, immune system disorders, metabolism changes, stress, fertility impairment, increased blood brain barrier permeability, mineral disruption, DNA damage, etc. 2002 EPA Speaks Out! The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency wrote to the President of The EMR Network saying that: FCC’s, IEEE (ICES), ICNIRPs current exposure guidelines are thermally based (like Health Canada’s), and do not apply to chronic, non-thermal exposure situations.” BioInitiative Report - 2007 (14 scientists, researchers and medical experts from five countries) Urged all countries of the world to adopt a Radiation Exposure Limit of 0.1 µW/cm², which is 10,000 times lower than Safety Code 6! 2008 International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) calls for GLOBAL application of the “PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE” Said more protection is needed for pregnancy, newborns, children, and elderly people. Said world’s Exposure Limits are “inadequate” as only thermal effects are considered. (Signed by 56 world-class scientists from 16 countries) 2010 U.S. President Barack Obama His Cancer Advisory Panel urges Precautionary Principle for EMF. It said children’s and adolescent’s risk from using wireless devices is the most pressing issue. The U.S. National Cancer Institute Did a study of people in industries that exposed their workers to microwaves. They found that in seven industries in the Eastern U.S. there has been a tenfold increase in brain tumors among employees who have worked there for twenty years. Military personnel have also become severely ill from prolonged exposure to EMR. Multinational Studies 2011 — Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe Resolution (47 countries, 820-million people) 2011 — The Seletun Statement 2010 — The Copenhagen Resolution 2010 — International Appeal of Würzburg 2009 — Porto Alegre Resolution 2009 — European Parliament EMF Resolution 2009 — Dutch Appeal 2009 — London Resolution 2008 — The Case for Precaution in the Use of Cell Phones 2008 — Medical Association holds firm warning against cell phone radiation 2008 — Advice from an International Expert Panel 2008 — The Venice Resolution 2008 — Benevento Resolution update 2011 – 7,000+ cancer deaths linked to Cell Tower Radiation Belo Horizonte, Brazil’s 10-year study (1996-2006) 80% of victims lived < 1/3 mile from a cell tower. People died from cancers of prostate, breasts, lungs, kidneys, liver. Studies in San Francisco and cities in Austria, Germany & Israel dating back to 1970 shared similar findings. - Cell Tower Radiation Statistics from Belo Horizonte 2011 Distance from nearest cell tower: 100 meters - 3,569 cancer deaths 200 meters - 1,408 cancer deaths 300 meters - 973 cancer deaths 400 yards - 482 cancer deaths 500 meters - 292 cancer deaths Beyond 1,000 meters - 147 cancer deaths %2F28%2Festudios-cientificos-revelan-que-las-antenas-detelefonia-causan-cancer June, 2011 European Parliaments (47 countries – 800 million People) The Council of Europe and the European Parliament recognizes for the first time biological effects of EMF on living plants, animals and human beings! The need now is to protect citizens from EMR, particularly "pregnant women, newborn babies & children! Only Safe Technologies Should Be Used In Schools The Austrian Medical Association The Russian National Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RNCNIRP) The AmerIcan Academy of Environmental Medicine International Society of Doctors for the Environment (ISDE) Irish Doctors Environmental Association (IDEA) Interdisciplinary Society for Environmental Medicine, Germany. See two-page list of truly world-class scientists globally who oppose the use of wireless technology, especially by children in schools. 2012 54 Health Experts From 20 Countries Caution About Wireless Devices Said children may particularly be at risk of developing EHS or diseases such as cancer from overexposure to radio frequency M/W emitted by wireless devices. Dec. 2012 American Academy of Pediatricians The academy (60,000 pediatricians) issued a public warning: Evidence clearly exists that EMR is harmful; don’t use Wi-Fi in schools! 2012 BioInitiative Report Epidemiological studies show that: 1. 1. Radio Frequency EMR should be classified a Human Carcinogen.” Existing WHO, FCC, IEEE, ICNIRP standards (like Health Canada’s) do not protect us. 2. RF safe ‘Exposure Limits’ should be reduced, in Canada’s case, by 3-6 million times! 3. Powerline frequency (60 Hz) magnetic fields should be classified a Cat. 1 “Known” Carcinogen! 4. No wireless technology should be used in schools! Feb. 2013 American Academy of Environmental Medicine stated that government and industry are wrong: newest studies show harmful effects of non-thermal radiation include: genetic damage, reproductive defects, cancer, neurological degeneration and nervous system dysfunction, immune system dysfunction, etc. July 9, 2014 Globally 52 World-Class Scientists Condemn Safety Code 6 and call on Health Canada to intervene to help avoid an emerging health crisis! July 9, 2014 22 Canadian Doctors Condemn Safety Code 6 and call for Health Canada to protect Canadians from Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure! 2014 Open Letter to Pres. Obama Out of her concern for children’s brains and bodies, Dr. Devra Davis, PhD, Nobel-coLaureate wrote Pres. Obama urging him to endorse fiber-optic cable in favor of Wi-Fi in schools and communities as countries such as Korea, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic have done. Stop this insane experiment! http;// l Corporate Insurance (Architects & Engineers) Exclusions Health-related claims attributed to: Electromagnetic fields directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or contributed to by electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism, radio waves or noise Feb. 2015 Insurance Companies Speak Out School districts / boards / medical health officers now know Lloyd’s of London will not provide liability coverage for injuries, “directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or contributed to by EMFs, EMR, radio waves or noise.” This applies to Wi-Fi and all wireless devices in schools. Jan. 29, 2015 France Passes New National Law! In part, it establishes France’s own National Radiofrequency Agency! (no longer follows ICNIRP or WHO) Bans WI-FI from nursery schools! In Elementary Schools, WiFi routers must be OFF when not in use! Cell Phone ads must recommend phones be held away from the head! Government is to prepare report on EHS! See complete report: campaign=Oct+2014+Newsletter&utm_medium=email 2013 Future Generations Will be the Real Victims DNA damage caused by microwave radiation is irreparable. It is passed on from mother to daughter, generation after generation … for ever! Barrie Trower aD9UGpJRBPMwvE_bzb3Z CONCLUSION Scientific evidence leaves no doubt that EMR poses the biggest single threat to humans, flora and fauna in mankind’s entire history! Our most precious commodity is our children. Municipal governments and school boards must assert themselves in order to protect our children (the students), teachers and faculty. YOU STAND UP and SPEAK OUT! But this will not happen unless ElectroHypersensitivity “EHS” First reported by Germany in 1932, symptoms: headaches, dizziness, disrupted sleep, insomnia, fatigue, nausea, heart palpitations, memory loss, tinnitus, skin rashes, muscle and joint pain, leg and foot pain, tingling, irritability, numbness, nosebleeds, depression, anxiety, etc. WHO’s own Director General was world’s 1st celebrity to admit she is “EHS” c 2002 - Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, MD, MPH (Harvard U), former two-time Prime Minister of Norway before she became DG of the WHO (1998 to 2003), shocked everyone when she volunteered that she is “electrosensitive.” She no longer uses wireless technology. 50% of Global Population Expected to be EHS! Scientists say 3-10% of global population is now EHS but expect that 50% could be by 2017! Canada & USA still won’t recognize it! Dr. Olie Johansson. Dept. of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden "Electrohypersensitivity: State-of-the-art of a functional impairment“ 1933 Russian Research Began systematic study of electromagnetic bio-effects on all life forms: plants, animals and people. Found harmful effects from even the weakest radiation intensities - depended greatly on frequency used and cumulative effect Cellular Radiation Is This Our Next Titanic? Pp 77 The Body Electric, pp 289, Dr. Robert Becker, Md 1956 – US Dept. of Defense (DOD) Directed U.S. Army, Navy & Air Force to investigate the biological (non-thermal) effects of exposure to radio frequency radiation. In 1957 they reported many implications: serious damage to the eye, evidence it can cause cancer, damage to major organs and disruption of important biological processes! Pulsed radiation appears to be more harmful than non-pulsed radiation. Radiofrequency/microwave radiation biological effects and safety standards: A review. 1961 U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower Warned the American public to be on guard against the emergence of a U.S. Military-Industrial Complex. Said: Only the people can protect democracy! 1963 U.S. President John F. Kennedy “The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight.” In a speech made to Columbia University on Nov. 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination! &address=104x2003685 1968 U.S. President Lyndon Johnson Promised Americans he would: keep them safe in their homes and at work; protect them against hazardous radiation from TV sets and other electronic equipment. This became law when he signed the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act. on Oct. 18, 1968. New York Times, January 18, 1968 Public Law 90-602, Oct 18, 1971 U.S. President Richard Nixon His EMR Advisory Council warned: “power levels in and around American cities, airports and homes may already be biologically significant. The entire population may well be at risk. The consequences of undervaluing or misjudging the biological effects of long-term, low-level exposure could become a critical problem for the public health, especially if genetic effects are involved.” The Zapping of America, Paul Brodeur (1977) pp. 228 1971 – Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI) The U.S. military had by 1971 compiled 2300 reports on the biological responses to radio and microwave frequency (RF/MW) radiation - - which paid particular attention to the effects on man of non-ionizing radiation at these frequencies. 1975 The U.S. D.I.A. Defense Intelligence Agency Warned its own personnel of the risks from low level EMR including: microwave sickness (flu-like symptoms, depression, suicidal tendencies) to cancers and leukemia – Microwaves: Their Deadly Risk … and the Cover-up 1977 Microwave radiation can blind you, alter your behaviour, cause genetic damage, even kill you. The risks have been hidden from you by the Pentagon, the State Department, and the electronics industry. With this book, the microwave cover-up is ended. “The Zapping of America” Paul Brodeur (1977) 1986 EPA Environmental Protection Agency Proposed that pulsed, non-thermal RF/microwave radiation be designated as a Class C (possible) carcinogen – but was slapped down! Microwave News, May/June 1990. icrowave09.htm 1993 The U.S. F.D.A. Food and Drug Administration FDA biologists concluded that the available data “strongly suggest” that microwaves can “accelerate the development of cancer.” 1994 Microwave Weapons Microwave Research Department of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research states, "Microwave energy in the range 1 to 5 GHz, a militarily important range, penetrates all organ systems of the body and thus puts all organ systems at risk.“ Yet these are the very frequencies used in today’s devices, including baby monitors! Effects on the central nervous system are considered very important. Orvotron, The Bimonthly Newsletter, March/April 1994 The Perfect Military Weapon Microwave Radiation One can’t see, smell, taste, touch or feel non-thermal radiation, yet it is everywhere! These weapons can kill and/or turn people into zombies. 1995 U.S. President Bill Clinton issued a formal Memorandum stating that Transmitter Masts should not be sited on schools or near residential areas. 1999 U.S. Consumer Affairs Commission said: 'Current thermal guidelines associated with EMR are irrelevant. Cancer and Alzheimer’s are associated with non-thermal EMR effects.‘ 1999 U.S. Telecom Industry’s own six year (‘93-’99) $28.5 USD study proved: Cell phones are dangerous! U.S. microwave Exposure Limits are dangerously high! (Canada’s too) Cell damage & tumors can easily be induced in the lab at about 1/3 of the U.S.’ Exposure guidelines! (Canada too) 2004 Cell Phones Linked to Cancer! Swisscom: Global Patent Would remove “Beacon Signal” -- there is clear evidence it damages hereditary material and DNA and can lead to cancer! Swisscom also admitted this harm occurs at non-thermal radiation levels far below that which heats tissue! IEEE/ICES I.E.E.E. have influenced world standards since the 1960s, through its internal committee - ICES: International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety whose members are: U.S. Army US Air Force Motorola Nokia Siemens Alcatel-Lucent Bell 2006 - Recommended raising Exposure Limits! ICES’ Sub Committee-4 (Determines Safety Levels for 3 kHz – 300 GHz) Noteworthy Members Include Dr. Art Thansandote, Health Canada Co-Chairman! Dr. James McNamee, Health Canada Dr. Pascale Bellier, Health Canada Dr. Josette Gallant, Industry Canada Dr. William Bailey, Exponent Inc. USA Dr. Linda Erdreich, Exponent Inc. USA Dr. Yakov Shokolnikov, Exponent Inc. USA ICES (SCC-39) Annual Report: 2011 – 2012 References (1 of 2) Dr. Annie Sasco, MD MPH MS Dr PH Dr. David Carpenter, MD Dr. Devra Davis, PhD. Nobel Co-Laureate Dr. Erica Mallory Blythe, PhD. Dr. Magda Havas, PhD Just Google her name – many videos Google: Full Signal – the Hidden cost of cell phones Google: Paul Hellyer, former Minister of National Defense References (2 of 2) Google: “Resonance – Beings of Frequency” Google: “Dr. Andrew Michrowski” Google: “Microwave Warfare - Barrie Trower” Google: Olle Johansson, PhD, Karolinska Institute Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, PhD